Avvertimento della Commissione ai paesi terzi: le misure per combattere la pesca illegale non sono sufficienti
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Data documento: 15-11-2012
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Commission warns third countries over insufficient action to fight illegal fishing
Avvertimento della Commissione ai paesi terzi: le misure per combattere la pesca illegale non sono sufficienti
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The European Commission has stepped up its action to fight illegal fishing worldwide by warning eight third countries that they risk being identified as countries it considers non-cooperative in the fight against illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing.
La Commissione europea ha rafforzato la sua azione per combattere la pesca illegale a livello mondiale comunicando a otto paesi terzi che essi rischiano di essere considerati come paesi non cooperativi nella lotta contro la pesca illegale, non dichiarata e non regolamentata (INN).
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The countries in question are Belize, Cambodia, Fiji, Guinea, Panama, Sri Lanka, Togo and Vanuatu.
I paesi in questione sono il Belize, la Cambogia, le Figi, la Guinea, Panama, lo Sri Lanka, il Togo e Vanuatu.
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Today's decision is the first of its kind and it highlights that these countries are not doing enough to fight illegal fishing.
La decisione odierna, la prima nel suo genere, evidenzia il fatto che questi paesi non stanno facendo abbastanza per combattere la pesca illegale.
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It identifies concrete shortcomings, such as lack of dialogue or lack of actions to address deficiencies in monitoring, controlling and surveillance of fisheries, and suggests corrective actions to resolve them.
Essa individua problemi concreti quali l’assenza di dialogo o di azioni volte ad affrontare le carenze nel monitoraggio, controllo e sorveglianza delle attività di pesca, e propone azioni correttive per porvi rimedio.
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The decision will not, at this stage, entail any measures affecting trade.
La decisione non inciderà in questa prima fase su alcuna misura relativa al commercio.
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The eight countries have been notified and given a reasonable time to respond and take measures to rectify the situation.
Gli otto paesi hanno ricevuto l’avviso ed è stato loro concesso un periodo di tempo ragionevole per reagire e prendere provvedimenti per rimediare alla situazione.
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The Commission has also proposed an action plan for each country.
La Commissione ha inoltre proposto un piano d’azione per ciascun paese.
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Should the situation not improve, the EU could take further steps, which could entail trade measures such as a ban on selling fisheries products to the EU.
Se la situazione non dovesse migliorare, l’UE potrebbe intraprendere altre azioni, incluse misure commerciali quali il divieto di vendita dei prodotti della pesca all’Unione europea.
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European Commissioner Maria Damanaki, in charge of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, said:
Maria Damanaki, Commissaria europea responsabile per gli Affari marittimi e la pesca, ha dichiarato:
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"This is not a black list, but a yellow card.
“Non si tratta di una lista nera, ma di un cartellino giallo.
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We want these countries as partners to combat illegal fishing.
Desideriamo che questi paesi siano nostri partner nella lotta contro la pesca illegale.
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We want them to improve their legal and control systems as required by international rules.
Vogliamo che migliorino i loro sistemi legali e di controllo in linea con le norme internazionali.
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But we also want to signal to the world that the EU will not tolerate IUU fishing - a criminal activity which undermines the livelihood of fishing communities and depletes fish stocks.
Ma vogliamo anche dare al mondo un chiaro segnale che l’UE non tollererà oltre la pesca INN, un’attività criminale che pregiudica la sopravvivenza delle comunità di pescatori e impoverisce gli stock ittici.
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It must be eradicated by all means."
Essa va eliminata con ogni mezzo.”
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The fight against illegal fishing is part of the EU drive to ensure the sustainable use of the sea and its resources.
La lotta contro la pesca illegale rientra nel quadro più vasto della volontà manifestata dall’UE di garantire lo sfruttamento sostenibile del mare e delle sue risorse.
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As the world's biggest fish importer the EU aims to close its markets to illegally caught fish.
Come principale paese importatore del mondo l’UE si propone di chiudere i suoi mercati ai prodotti della pesca catturati illegalmente.
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The Commission considers that the eight countries identified do not so far fulfil their duties as flag, coastal, port or market states in line with international law, such as the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea or United Nations Fish Stocks Agreement.
La Commissione ritiene che gli otto paesi individuati non abbiano fino ad ora rispettato i doveri ad essi incombenti nella loro veste di Stati di bandiera, Stati di approdo, Stati costieri o Stati di commercializzazione, in linea con il diritto internazionale, in particolare con la Convenzione delle Nazioni Unite sul diritto del mare e l’Accordo delle Nazioni Unite sugli stock ittici.
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For instance, the countries need to amend their legal framework to combat IUU fishing, improve control and monitoring actions or take a proactive role in compliance of international law rules.
È necessario, ad esempio, che tali paesi modifichino il loro quadro giuridico per la lotta contro la pesca INN, migliorino il controllo e le azioni di monitoraggio o assumano un ruolo proattivo in conformità alle norme del diritto internazionale.
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The Commission's decision is a result of a thorough analysis and it also took into account each country's level of development. The decision follows a long period of informal discussions with the countries in question.
La decisione odierna della Commissione costituisce il risultato di un’analisi approfondita che tiene inoltre conto del livello di sviluppo di ciascun paese e fa seguito ad un lungo periodo di discussioni informali con i paesi in questione.
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It now starts a formal procedure of dialogue and cooperation with these countries with the aim to solve the established shortcomings.
Da oggi potrà dunque essere avviata una procedura formale di dialogo e cooperazione con questi ultimi al fine di risolvere i problemi individuati.
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Today's Decision is based on the EU's 'IUU Regulation', which entered into force in 2010. This key instrument in the fight against illegal fishing aims to allow access to the EU market only to fisheries products that have been certified as legal by the flag state or the exporting state concerned.
La decisione di oggi si basa sul “regolamento INN” dell’UE, entrato in vigore nel 2010, che costituisce uno strumento fondamentale nella lotta contro la pesca illegale, inteso a consentire l’accesso al mercato dell’UE unicamente ai prodotti della pesca che sono stati certificati come legali dallo Stato di bandiera o dallo Stato di esportazione interessato.
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The estimated global value of IUU fishing is approximately 10 billion euros per year, and it is said to account for 19% of the reported value of catches.
Il valore complessivo stimato della pesca INN è di circa 10 miliardi di euro l’anno e rappresenta circa il 19% del valore registrato delle catture.
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Between 11 and 26 million tonnes of fish are caught illegally a year, which corresponds to at least 15% of world catches.
Ogni anno vengono catturate illegalmente tra 11 e 26 milioni di tonnellate di pesce, quantità che corrisponde almeno al 15% delle catture mondiali.
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It is estimated that 16% of all sea-caught fish imported into the EU is caught illegally. |
Si stima che il 16% di tutto il pesce catturato in mare importato nell’UE sia frutto della pesca illegale. |
Commission warns third countries over insufficient action to fight illegal
The European Commission has stepped up its action to fight illegal
fishing worldwide by warning eight third countries that they risk being
identified as countries it considers non-cooperative in the fight against
illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing.
The countries in question are Belize, Cambodia, Fiji, Guinea, Panama,
Sri Lanka, Togo and Vanuatu.
Today's decision is the first of its kind and it highlights that these
countries are not doing enough to fight illegal fishing.
It identifies concrete shortcomings, such as lack of dialogue or lack
of actions to address deficiencies in monitoring, controlling and surveillance
of fisheries, and suggests corrective actions to resolve them.
The decision will not, at this stage, entail any measures affecting
The eight countries have been notified and given a reasonable time to
respond and take measures to rectify the situation.
The Commission has also proposed an action plan for each country.
Should the situation not improve, the EU could take further steps,
which could entail trade measures such as a ban on selling fisheries products to
the EU.
European Commissioner Maria Damanaki, in charge of Maritime Affairs and
Fisheries, said:
"This is not a black list, but a yellow card.
We want these countries as partners to combat illegal fishing.
We want them to improve their legal and control systems as required by
international rules.
But we also want to signal to the world that the EU will not tolerate IUU
fishing - a criminal activity which undermines the livelihood of fishing
communities and depletes fish stocks.
It must be eradicated by all means."
The fight against illegal fishing is part of the EU drive to ensure the
sustainable use of the sea and its resources.
A s the world's biggest fish importer the EU aims to close its markets to
illegally caught fish.
The Commission considers that the eight countries identified do not so
far fulfil their duties as flag, coastal, port or market states in line with
international law, such as the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
or United Nations Fish Stocks Agreement.
For instance, the countries need to amend their legal framework to
combat IUU fishing, improve control and monitoring actions or take a proactive
role in compliance of international law rules.
The Commission's decision is a result of a thorough analysis and it
also took into account each country's level of development. The decision follows
a long period of informal discussions with the countries in question.
It now starts a formal procedure of dialogue and cooperation with these
countries with the aim to solve the established shortcomings.
Today's Decision is based on the EU's 'IUU Regulation', which entered
into force in 2010. This key instrument in the fight against illegal fishing
aims to allow access to the EU market only to fisheries products that have been
certified as legal by the flag state or the exporting state concerned.
he estimated global value of IUU fishing is approximately 10 billion
euros per year, and it is said to account for 19% of the reported value of
Between 11 and 26 million tonnes of fish are caught illegally a year,
which corresponds to at least 15% of world catches.
It is estimated that 16% of all sea-caught fish imported into the EU is
caught illegally. |