Veicoli più sicuri grazie a un’armonizzazione internazionale
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Italiano tratto da: http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-12-1209_it.htm
Data documento: 14-11-2012
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Safer vehicles through international harmonisation
Veicoli più sicuri grazie a un’armonizzazione internazionale
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The European Commission has today agreed with international partners on new internationally harmonised rules on Advanced Emergency Braking Systems (AEBS) and Lane Departure Warning Systems (LDWS) for commercial vehicles.
La Commissione europea ha oggi concordato con partner internazionali nuove norme armonizzate a livello mondiale riguardanti dispositivi avanzati di frenata d’emergenza (Advanced Emergency Braking Systems - AEBS) e sistemi di avviso di deviazione dalla corsia di marcia (Lane Departure Warning Systems - LDWS) per i veicoli commerciali.
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EU legislation already sets out dates for the obligatory introduction of these safety enhancing technologies in the EU.
La normativa UE fissa già le date per l’introduzione obbligatoria nella UE di queste tecnologie tese a rafforzare la sicurezza.
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To promote safety internationally and help the European automotive industry export trade, it is important that these systems are based on globally harmonised standards.
Per promuovere la sicurezza a livello internazionale e aiutare le esportazioni dell’industria automobilistica europea, è importante che questi sistemi si fondino su norme armonizzate su scala mondiale.
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At the United Nations' World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations, the Commission actively contributed to these and other measures, including the adoption of rules for a new generation of Child Restraint Systems (CRS) called "i-Size" and rules covering the safety of batteries fitted in electric vehicles.
In seno al “Foro mondiale delle Nazioni Unite per l’armonizzazione delle regolamentazioni relative ai veicoli” (United Nations' World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations), la Commissione ha attivamente contribuito ad adottare queste e altre tecnologie, come quelle applicate nei sistemi di ritenuta per bambini (Child Restraint Systems - CRS) di nuova generazione, denominati “i-Size” e le norme che disciplinano la sicurezza delle batterie montate sui veicoli elettrici.
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The inclusion of these measures in the United Nations' International Agreement on vehicle construction will ensure that the same requirements are adopted not only by Europe, but also by other countries such as Japan, Russia and South Korea, hence reducing market entry barriers and facilitating trade between major automotive markets.
L’inclusione di queste misure nell’ Accordo internazionale sulla costruzione dei veicoli delle Nazioni Unite (United Nations' International Agreement on vehicle construction) farà sì che non solo in Europa, ma anche in altri paesi come Giappone, Russia e Corea del Sud, saranno adottate prescrizioni identiche, riducendo così le barriere all’ingresso sul mercato e favorendo gli scambi tra i principali mercati nel settore automobilistico.
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European Commission Vice President Antonio Tajani, Commissioner for Industry and Entrepreneurship, said:
Antonio Tajani, Vicepresidente della Commissione europea e Commissario per le Imprese e l’Industria, ha dichiarato:
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"This is a further step to simplify our legislation and promote international harmonisation that facilitates access by European manufacturers to non- EU markets.
“Si tratta di un passo avanti nella semplificazione della normativa comunitaria e nella promozione di un’armonizzazione internazionale che agevoli l’accesso dei produttori europei ai mercati dei paesi terzi.
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We are improving road safety and simplifying legislation, all on the basis of internationally agreed standards.
Stiamo migliorando la sicurezza stradale e semplificando la legislazione, sempre sulla base di norme concordate a livello internazionale.
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This is how the Cars 2020 Action Plan, presented a week ago, works in practice”. |
È in questo modo che funziona in pratica il piano d’azione Auto 2020 (Cars 2020 Action Plan), presentato una settimana fa”. |
Safer vehicles through international harmonisation
The European Commission has today agreed with international partners on
new internationally harmonised rules on Advanced Emergency Braking Systems
(AEBS) and Lane Departure Warning Systems (LDWS) for commercial vehicles.
EU legislation already sets out dates for the obligatory introduction
of these safety enhancing technologies in the EU.
To promote safety internationally and help the European automotive
industry export trade, it is important that these systems are based on globally
harmonised standards.
At the United Nations' World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle
Regulations, the Commission actively contributed to these and other measures,
including the adoption of rules for a new generation of Child Restraint Systems
(CRS) called "i-Size" and rules covering the safety of batteries fitted in
electric vehicles.
The inclusion of these measures in the United Nations' International
Agreement on vehicle construction will ensure that the same requirements are
adopted not only by Europe, but also by other countries such as Japan, Russia
and South Korea, hence reducing market entry barriers and facilitating trade
between major automotive markets.
European Commission Vice President Antonio Tajani, Commissioner for
Industry and Entrepreneurship, said:
"This is a further step to simplify our legislation and promote
international harmonisation that facilitates access by European manufacturers to
non- EU markets.
We are improving road safety and simplifying legislation, all on the
basis of internationally agreed standards.
This is how the Cars 2020 Action Plan, presented a week ago, works in
practice”. |