Un cittadino di un paese terzo, che risieda legittimamente nello Stato membro di origine di sua figlia e di sua moglie, non può invocare la loro cittadinanza dell’Unione, qualora esse si siano trasferite in un altro Stato membro, per fondare il proprio diritto di soggiorno sul diritto dell’Unione
Inglese tratto da:
Italiano tratto da:
Data documento: 08-11-2012
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A third-country
national who resides legally in the Member State of origin of his daughter and his spouse, while they have moved to another Member State, cannot rely on their EU citizenship in order to base his right of residence on EU law
Un cittadino di un paese terzo, che risieda legittimamente nello Stato membro di origine di sua figlia e di sua moglie, non può invocare la loro cittadinanza dell’Unione, qualora esse si siano trasferite in un altro Stato membro, per fondare il proprio diritto di soggiorno sul diritto dell’Unione
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Mr Iida, a Japanese national, has been married to a German national since 1998, and has lived since 2005 in Ulm (Germany), where he has a permanent job.
Il sig. Iida, cittadino giapponese, è sposato dal 1998 con una cittadina tedesca e dal 2005 vive a Ulm (Germania) dove ha un impiego fisso.
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Their daughter was born in 2004 in the United States, and she has German, Japanese and American nationality.
La loro figlia è nata nel 2004 negli Stati Uniti e possiede la cittadinanza tedesca, giapponese e statunitense.
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The spouses have since 2008 been separated in practice but not divorced, the wife having gone to live in Vienna (Austria) with her daughter.
Dal 2008 i coniugi sono separati di fatto, senza aver divorziato, poiché la moglie si è stabilita a Vienna (Austria) con la figlia.
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The spouses jointly exercise parental responsibility for their daughter.
Entrambi i coniugi esercitano sulla figlia la potestà genitoriale.
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Thus Mr Iida visits his daughter in Vienna one weekend a month, and she spends most of her holidays with her father in Ulm.
Il sig. Iida va infatti a trovare la figlia a Vienna un week-end al mese ed essa trascorre le vacanze perlopiù presso il padre a Ulm.
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Mr Iida obtained a right of residence in Germany in connection with family reunion and, since his family moved, because of being employed.
Il sig. Iida ha ottenuto un diritto di soggiorno in Germania per ricongiungimento familiare e, dopo la partenza della sua famiglia, in base alla sua attività stipendiata.
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As extending his residence permit was a matter of discretion, Mr Iida applied for a residence card as a family member of an EU citizen on the basis of Directive 2004/38 on European citizenship, but the German authorities refused to grant him one.
Dal momento che la proroga del suo permesso di soggiorno è discrezionale, il sig. Iida ha chiesto una carta di soggiorno come familiare di un cittadino dell’Unione, ai sensi della direttiva 2004/38 sulla cittadinanza europea, carta che gli è stata negata dalle autorità tedesche.
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The Verwaltungsgerichtshof Baden-Württemberg (Higher Administrative Court, Baden-Württemberg) asks the Court of Justice whether EU law allows a third-country national exercising parental authority over his child, who is an EU citizen, to remain in the child’s Member State of origin (Germany) in order to maintain regular personal relations, where the child has moved to another Member State (Austria).
Il Verwaltungsgerichtshof Baden-Württemberg (Tribunale amministrativo del Baden-Württemberg) chiede alla Corte di giustizia se il diritto dell’Unione consenta ad un cittadino di un paese terzo che esercita la potestà genitoriale sul proprio figlio, cittadino dell’Unione, di soggiornare nello Stato membro di origine del figlio (Germania) per intrattenere relazioni personali regolari, allorché il figlio si è stabilito in un altro Stato membro (Austria).
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The Court notes, first, that Mr Iida could in principle, on application and regardless of his family situation, be granted the status of long-term resident within the meaning of Directive 2003/109 on third-country nationals.
La Corte rileva anzitutto che, in linea di principio, al sig. Iida potrebbe essere concesso, su richiesta e indipendentemente dalla sua situazione familiare, lo status di soggiornante di lungo periodo ai sensi della direttiva 2003/109 sui cittadini di paesi terzi.
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He has resided legally in Germany for more than five years and appears to have sufficient resources to support himself and to have sickness insurance.
Egli infatti risiede legittimamente in Germania da oltre cinque anni e sembra disporre di risorse sufficienti al proprio sostentamento nonché di un’assicurazione malattia.
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Next, the Court finds that Mr Iida cannot claim a right of residence as a family member of an EU citizen on the basis of Directive 2004/38.
La Corte constata poi che il sig. Iida non può pretendere un diritto di soggiorno in quanto familiare di un cittadino dell’Unione ai sensi della direttiva 2004/38.
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Under that directive, such a right presupposes that the direct relative in the ascending line is dependant on the child.
Infatti, secondo tale direttiva, un siffatto diritto presuppone che l’ascendente diretto debba essere a carico del figlio.
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Mr Iida does not satisfy that condition, as it is his daughter who is dependent on him.
Orbene, il sig. Iida non soddisfa tale requisito, in quanto è la figlia ad essere a suo carico.
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Moreover, while Mr Iida may be regarded as a family member of his spouse, from whom he is separated but not divorced, he does not, however, satisfy the condition laid down by the directive of having accompanied or joined her in a Member State other than that of which she is a national.
Peraltro, sebbene il sig. Iida possa essere ritenuto familiare di sua moglie, dalla quale è separato senza essere divorziato, egli tuttavia non soddisfa il requisito previsto dalla direttiva secondo cui deve avere accompagnato o raggiunto la moglie in uno Stato membro diverso da quello di cui essa ha la cittadinanza.
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The Court states, further, that Mr Iida cannot base a right of residence directly on the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union by referring to the EU citizenship of his daughter or his spouse.
Inoltre, la Corte precisa che il sig. Iida non può fondare un diritto di soggiorno direttamente sul Trattato sul funzionamento dell’Unione europea, facendo riferimento alla cittadinanza dell’Unione di sua figlia o di sua moglie.
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In the circumstances of the present case, the refusal to grant him a right of residence derived from their status of EU citizen is not liable to deny them the genuine enjoyment of the substance of the rights associated with their status or to impede the exercise of their right to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member States.
Infatti, viste le circostanze della presente causa, il diniego di concedere al sig. Iida un diritto di soggiorno derivato dallo status di cittadine dell’Unione di queste ultime non rischia di privare le stesse del godimento effettivo del nucleo essenziale dei diritti correlati al loro status oppure di ostacolare l’esercizio del loro diritto di circolare e soggiornare liberamente nel territorio degli Stati membri.
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The Court points out in this respect that Mr Iida has always lived in Germany in accordance with national law, without the absence of a right of residence under EU law having discouraged his daughter or his spouse from exercising their right of freedom of movement by moving to Austria.
La Corte sottolinea a tale riguardo che il sig. Iida ha sempre soggiornato in Germania conformemente al diritto nazionale, senza che la mancanza di un diritto di soggiorno ai sensi del diritto dell’Unione abbia dissuaso sua figlia o sua moglie dall’esercitare, trasferendosi in Austria, il loro diritto alla libera circolazione.
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Moreover, even after their move, Mr Iida can be granted a right of residence in Germany on another legal basis, without it being necessary to rely on his daughter and his spouse’s EU citizenship.
Inoltre, al sig. Iida, anche dopo il loro trasferimento, può venire concesso un diritto di soggiorno in Germania su un altra base giuridica, senza che vi sia la necessità di invocare la cittadinanza europea di sua figlia e di sua moglie.
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Finally, Mr Iida cannot rely on the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, which lays down a right to respect for private life and certain rights of the child.
Infine, il sig. Iida non può nemmeno invocare la Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell’Unione europea che prevede un diritto al rispetto della vita privata e familiare nonché taluni diritti del minore.
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Since Mr Iida does not satisfy the conditions of Directive 2004/38 and has not applied for a right of residence as a long-term resident within the meaning of Directive 2003/109, his situation shows no connection with EU law, so that the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union does not apply.
Infatti, poiché il sig. Iida non soddisfa i requisiti della direttiva 2004/38 e non ha chiesto un diritto di soggiorno come soggiornante di lungo periodo ai sensi della direttiva 2003/109, la sua situazione non presenta alcun nesso con il diritto dell’Unione, sicché la Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell’Unione europea non è applicabile.
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A reference for a preliminary ruling allows the courts and tribunals of the Member States, in disputes which have been brought before them, to refer questions to the Court of Justice about the interpretation of European Union law or the validity of a European Union act.
Il rinvio pregiudiziale consente ai giudici degli Stati membri, nell'ambito di una controversia della quale sono investiti, di interpellare la Corte in merito all’interpretazione del diritto dell’Unione o alla validità di un atto dell’Unione.
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The Court of Justice does not decide the dispute itself.
La Corte non risolve la controversia nazionale.
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It is for the national court or tribunal to dispose of the case in accordance with the Court’s decision, which is similarly binding on other national courts or tribunals before which a similar issue is raised. |
Spetta al giudice nazionale risolvere la causa conformemente alla decisione della Corte.Tale decisione vincola egualmente gli altri giudici nazionali ai quali venga sottoposto un problema simile. |
A third-country national who resides legally in the Member State of origin
of his daughter and his spouse, while they have moved to another Member State,
cannot rely on their EU citizenship in order to base his right of residence on
EU law
Mr Iida, a Japanese national, has been married to a German national
since 1998, and has lived since 2005 in Ulm (Germany), where he has a permanent
Their daughter was born in 2004 in the United States, and she has
German, Japanese and American nationality.
The spouses have since 2008 been separated in practice but not
divorced, the wife having gone to live in Vienna (Austria) with her daughter.
The spouses jointly exercise parental responsibility for their
Thus Mr Iida visits his daughter in Vienna one weekend a month, and she
spends most of her holidays with her father in Ulm.
Mr Iida obtained a right of residence in Germany in connection with
family reunion and, since his family moved, because of being employed.
As extending his residence permit was a matter of discretion, Mr Iida
applied for a residence card as a family member of an EU citizen on the basis of
Directive 2004/38h on European citizenship, but the German authorities refused
to grant him one.
The Verwaltungsgerichtshof Baden-Württemberg (Higher Administrative
Court, Baden-Württemberg) asks the Court of Justice whether EU law allows a
third-country national exercising parental authority over his child, who is an
EU citizen, to remain in the child’s Member State of origin (Germany) in order
to maintain regular personal relations, where the child has moved to another
Member State (Austria).
The Court notes, first, that Mr Iida could in principle, on application
and regardless of his family situation, be granted the status of long-term
resident within the meaning of Directive 2003/109 on third-country nationals.
He has resided legally in Germany for more than five years and appears
to have sufficient resources to support himself and to have sickness insurance.
Next, the Court finds that Mr Iida cannot claim a right of residence as
a family member of an EU citizen on the basis of Directive 2004/38.
Under that directive, such a right presupposes that the direct relative
in the ascending line is dependant on the child.
Mr Iida does not satisfy that condition, as it is his daughter who is
dependent on him.
Moreover, while Mr Iida may be regarded as a family member of his
spouse, from whom he is separated but not divorced, he does not, however,
satisfy the condition laid down by the directive of having accompanied or joined
her in a Member State other than that of which she is a national.
The Court states, further, that Mr Iida cannot base a right of
residence directly on the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union by
referring to the EU citizenship of his daughter or his spouse.
In the circumstances of the present case, the refusal to grant him a
right of residence derived from their status of EU citizen is not liable to deny
them the genuine enjoyment of the substance of the rights associated with their
status or to impede the exercise of their right to move and reside freely within
the territory of the Member States.
The Court points out in this respect that Mr Iida has always lived in
Germany in accordance with national law, without the absence of a right of
residence under EU law having discouraged his daughter or his spouse from
exercising their right of freedom of movement by moving to Austria.
Moreover, even after their move, Mr Iida can be granted a right of
residence in Germany on another legal basis, without it being necessary to rely
on his daughter and his spouse’s EU citizenship.
Finally, Mr Iida cannot rely on the Charter of Fundamental Rights of
the European Union, which lays down a right to respect for private life and
certain rights of the child.
Since Mr Iida does not satisfy the conditions of Directive 2004/38 and
has not applied for a right of residence as a long-term resident within the
meaning of Directive 2003/109, his situation shows no connection with EU law, so
that the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union does not apply.
A reference for a preliminary ruling allows the courts and tribunals of the
Member States, in disputes which have been brought before them, to refer
questions to the Court of Justice about the interpretation of European Union law
or the validity of a European Union act.
The Court of Justice does not decide the dispute itself.
It is for the national court or tribunal to dispose of the case in
accordance with the Court’s decision, which is similarly binding on other
national courts or tribunals before which a similar issue is raised. |