Il Presidente Valcárcel contro i tagli al bilancio della PAC
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Data documento: 08-11-2012
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President Valcárcel rejects any plans to cut CAP budget
Il Presidente Valcárcel contro i tagli al bilancio della PAC
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The President of the Committee of the Regions (CoR), Ramon Luis Valcárcel, has expressed his opposition to any reduction in the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) budget, raising concerns about the impact that a haircut may have on Europe’s rural areas and agricultural sector.
Il Presidente del Comitato delle regioni (CdR) Ramon Luis Valcárcel ha dichiarato la sua opposizione a qualsiasi riduzione del bilancio della politica agricola comune (PAC), esprimendo preoccupazione per l'impatto che una tale misura potrebbe avere sulle zone rurali e sul settore agricolo dell'Unione europea.
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During a meeting held on 7 November with the European Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, Dacian
Cioloș, he underlined the potential of the agricultural sector in delivering "smart, sustainable and inclusive growth".
Il 7 novembre, nel corso di un incontro con il commissario europeo per l'Agricoltura e lo sviluppo rurale Dacian
Cioloș, Valcárcel ha sottolineato come quel settore abbia un grande potenziale per contribuire a una "crescita intelligente, sostenibile e inclusiva".
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Valcárcel pointed out that the CAP budget must therefore be maintained to help not only protect the livelihood of farmers, but create a more competitive and sustainable market.
Ha affermato pertanto che il bilancio della PAC deve essere mantenuto al livello attuale, non solo per garantire il sostentamento degli agricoltori, ma anche per creare un mercato più competitivo e sostenibile.
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With only a few weeks to go before EU leaders meet to negotiate the next EU budget for 2014-2020, President Valcárcel said that whilst he supported reform of the CAP its scope should not be reduced which“Above all requires a budget appropriate to the objectives set by the European Commission for the future of the CAP to assure the sustainable management of natural resources, food security, presence of agriculture in all European territories and competitiveness of the European market”.
A poche settimane dal vertice dei capi di Stato e di governo che dovrà decidere in merito al bilancio dell'UE per il periodo 2014-2020, il Presidente Valcárcel si è detto favorevole alla riforma della PAC, ma contrario a una riduzione della sua portata, che "richiede soprattutto una dotazione finanziaria adeguata agli obiettivi stabiliti dalla Commissione europea affinché la PAC del futuro possa garantire la gestione sostenibile delle risorse naturali, la sicurezza alimentare, la presenza dell'agricoltura in tutti i territori d'Europa e la competitività del mercato europeo".
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Commissioner Cioloș said: "I welcome the constant and active support of the Committee of the Regions for a strong budget for the CAP as proposed by the European Commission.
Il commissario Cioloș dal canto suo, ha espresso apprezzamento per "il sostegno attivo che il Comitato delle regioni ha sempre manifestato e continua a manifestare alle proposte formulate dalla Commissione europea perché la PAC possa contare su una robusta dotazione di bilancio.
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Through its support to farmers and rural development programmes, the CAP plays a decisive role in generating jobs and growth in regions all across the European Union and promotes a balanced development of our rural territories".
Attraverso il suo aiuto agli agricoltori e ai programmi di sviluppo rurale, la PAC contribuisce in modo determinante alla creazione di occupazione e di crescita in tutta l'UE, e promuove uno sviluppo equilibrato dei nostri territori rurali".
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Valcárcel also said that the CAP was crucial in supporting farmers to work and live with dignity within a common market whilst minimising their reliance on subsidies, noting that:
Il Presidente Valcárcel ha sottolineato anche il ruolo essenziale della PAC nel consentire agli agricoltori di lavorare e vivere con dignità all'interno di un mercato comune limitando al minimo la loro dipendenza dalle sovvenzioni.
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"There are parts of Europe where if farmers stopped receiving subsidies, income would fall by 30 % and would be unsustainable and it would be unviable to continue farming".
"In alcune parti d'Europa, se gli agricoltori non ricevessero più le sovvenzioni, il reddito calerebbe del 30 % e l'attività agricola non sarebbe più sostenibile e dovrebbe quindi cessare", ha dichiarato.
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Finally Valcárcel also said that given the importance of the agricultural sector for the EU, it was imperative to stabilise agricultural product costs and manage price volatility.
Data l'importanza del settore agricolo per l'UE, Valcárcel ha sottolineato con forza la necessità di stabilizzare i costi dei prodotti agricoli e di gestire la volatilità dei prezzi.
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More regulation was needed to ensure the long-term sustainability of the market, create employment, promote growth and protect the environment.
Occorre quindi una più forte regolamentazione, per garantire la sostenibilità a lungo termine del mercato, creare occupazione, promuovere la crescita e proteggere l'ambiente.
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Photos of the meeting between President Valcárcel and Commissioner
Cioloș are available online.
Le immagini dell'incontro tra il Presidente Valcárcel e il commissario
Cioloș sono disponibili online.
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The EU Committee of the Regions
Il Comitato delle regioni dell'UE
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The Committee of the Regions is the EU's assembly of regional and local representatives.
Il Comitato delle regioni (CdR) è l'Assemblea dei rappresentanti regionali e locali dell'UE.
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The mission of its 344 members from all 27 EU Member States is to involve regional and local authorities and the communities they represent in the EU's decision-making process and to inform them about EU policies.
Il compito dei suoi 344 membri, provenienti da tutti i 27 Stati membri dell'UE, è coinvolgere nel processo decisionale dell'Unione gli enti regionali e locali e le comunità che essi rappresentano e di informarli sulle politiche dell'UE.
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The European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council are obliged to consult the Committee in policy areas affecting regions and cities.
La Commissione europea, il Parlamento europeo e il Consiglio sono tenuti a consultare il CdR in relazione alle politiche europee che possono avere un'incidenza sulle regioni e le città.
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It can appeal to the EU Court of Justice if its rights are infringed or it believes that an EU law infringes the subsidiarity principle or fails to respect regional or local powers. |
Il CdR può inoltre adire la Corte di giustizia per salvaguardare le proprie prerogative o se ritiene che un atto legislativo dell'UE violi il principio di sussidiarietà o non rispetti le competenze degli enti regionali o locali. |
President Valcárcel rejects any plans to cut CAP budget
The President of the Committee of the Regions (CoR), Ramon Luis
Valcárcel, has expressed his opposition to any reduction in the Common
Agricultural Policy (CAP) budget, raising concerns about the impact that a
haircut may have on Europe’s rural areas and agricultural sector.
During a meeting held on 7 November with the European Commissioner for
Agriculture and Rural Development, Dacian Cioloș, he underlined the potential of
the agricultural sector in delivering "smart, sustainable and inclusive growth".
Valcárcel pointed out that the CAP budget must therefore be maintained
to help not only protect the livelihood of farmers, but create a more
competitive and sustainable market.
With only a few weeks to go before EU leaders meet to negotiate the
next EU budget for 2014-2020, President Valcárcel said that whilst he supported
reform of the CAP its scope should not be reduced which“Above all requires a
budget appropriate to the objectives set by the European Commission for the
future of the CAP to assure the sustainable management of natural resources,
food security, presence of agriculture in all European territories and
competitiveness of the European market”.
Commissioner Cioloș said: "I welcome the constant and active support of
the Committee of the Regions for a strong budget for the CAP as proposed by the
European Commission.
Through its support to farmers and rural development programmes, the
CAP plays a decisive role in generating jobs and growth in regions all across
the European Union and promotes a balanced development of our rural
Valcárcel also said that the CAP was crucial in supporting farmers to
work and live with dignity within a common market whilst minimising their
reliance on subsidies, noting that:
"There are parts of Europe where if farmers stopped receiving
subsidies, income would fall by 30 % and would be unsustainable and it would be
unviable to continue farming".
Finally Valcárcel also said that given the importance of the
agricultural sector for the EU, it was imperative to stabilise agricultural
product costs and manage price volatility.
More regulation was needed to ensure the long-term sustainability of
the market, create employment, promote growth and protect the environment.
Photos of the meeting between President Valcárcel and Commissioner
Cioloș are available online.
The EU Committee of the Regions
The Committee of the Regions is the EU's assembly of regional and local
The mission of its 344 members from all 27 EU Member States is to
involve regional and local authorities and the communities they represent in the
EU's decision-making process and to inform them about EU policies.
The European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council are
obliged to consult the Committee in policy areas affecting regions and cities.
It can appeal to the EU Court of Justice if its rights are infringed or
it believes that an EU law infringes the subsidiarity principle or fails to
respect regional or local powers. |