Il radicale abbassamento dell'età pensionabile dei giudici ungheresi costituisce una discriminazione fondata sull'età non giustificata
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Italiano tratto da:http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_CJE-12-139_it.htm
Data documento: 06-11-2012
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The radical lowering of the retirement age for Hungarian judges constitutes unjustified discrimination on grounds of age
Il radicale abbassamento dell'età pensionabile dei giudici ungheresi costituisce una discriminazione fondata sull'età non giustificata
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That measure is not proportionate to the objectives pursued by the Hungarian legislature seeking to standardise the retirement age for the public-service professions and to establish a more balanced age structure in the area of the administration of justice
Tale misura non è proporzionata alle finalità perseguite dal legislatore ungherese dirette ad uniformare l'età pensionabile delle professioni del servizio pubblico e a instaurare una ripartizione più equilibrata delle fasce di età nel settore giudiziario
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In Hungary, until 31 December 2011, judges, prosecutors and notaries were permitted to remain in office until the age of 70.
In Ungheria, sino al 31 dicembre 2011, i giudici, i procuratori ed i notai potevano restare in servizio sino all'età di 70 anni.
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However, following the amendment of the relevant Hungarian legislation in 2011, with effect from 1 January 2012 judges and prosecutors who have reached the general retirement age, namely 62, are obliged to retire.
Tuttavia, a seguito della modifica della normativa ungherese sopravvenuta nel 2011, a partire dal 1º gennaio 2012 i giudici e i procuratori che abbiano raggiunto l'età pensionabile generale (62 anni), devono cessare il servizio.
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For judges and prosecutors who reached that age prior to 1 January 2012, the Hungarian legislation specifies that they must retire on 30 June 2012.
Per i giudici e i procuratori che abbiano compiuto tale età entro il 1° gennaio 2012, la normativa ungherese fissa la data di cessazione del servizio al 30 giugno 2012.
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Those who reach that age between 1 January 2012 and 31 December 2012 are required to retire on 31 December 2012.
Coloro che compiono tale età tra il 1º gennaio 2012 ed il 31 dicembre 2012 devono cessare il servizio il 31 dicembre 2012.
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From 1 January 2014, notaries must also retire on the date on which they reach the general retirement age.
A partire dal 1º gennaio 2014, i notai devono parimenti cessare di esercitare l'attività il giorno in cui raggiungono l'età pensionabile generale.
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As it took the view that such a rapid and radical lowering of the compulsory retirement age constituted age-related discrimination that was prohibited by the Directive on equal treatment in employment and occupation, to the detriment of judges, prosecutors and notaries who have reached that age in comparison with those persons who may continue to work, the Commission brought an action against Hungary for failure to fulfil obligations.
Ritenendo che un abbassamento così rapido e radicale dell'età
pensionabile obbligatoria costituisca una discriminazione fondata sull'età,
vietata dalla direttiva sulla parità di trattamento in materia di occupazione e
di condizioni di lavoro, a discapito dei giudici, dei procuratori e dei notai che abbiano raggiunto tale età rispetto a coloro che possono rimanere in attività, la Commissione ha proposto un ricorso per inadempimento nei confronti dell'Ungheria.
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The Court of Justice acceded to the Commission’s request that the case be dealt with under the expedited procedure, which has made it possible for the duration of the proceedings to be reduced to five months.
La Corte di giustizia ha accolto la domanda della Commissione di esaminare tale causa mediante procedimento accelerato, circostanza che ha consentito la riduzione della durata del procedimento a cinque mesi.
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The Court notes, first of all, that judges, prosecutors and notaries who have reached the age of 62 are in a comparable situation to that of younger individuals working in the same professions.
La Corte constata, innanzitutto, che i giudici, i procuratori ed i notai che abbiano compiuto l'età di 62 anni si trovano in una situazione paragonabile a quella delle persone più giovani che esercitano le medesime professioni.
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However, the former, by reason of their age, are obliged to retire, with the result that they are subject to treatment which is less favourable than that accorded to those who continue to work.
Tuttavia, i primi, a causa della loro età, sono costretti a cessare l'esercizio delle loro funzioni, per cui sono assoggettati ad un trattamento meno favorevole di quello riservato alle persone che restano in attività.
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The Court notes therefore that that situation constitutes a difference of treatment directly based on age.
La Corte rileva dunque che tale situazione costituisce una disparità di trattamento direttamente fondata sull'età.
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The Court points out, however, that legitimate social policy objectives, such as those related to employment policy, the labour market or vocational training, may justify a derogation from the principle prohibiting discrimination on grounds of age.
La Corte ricorda tuttavia che finalità legittime rientranti nella politica sociale, come quelle connesse alla politica del lavoro, del mercato del lavoro o della formazione professionale possono giustificare una deroga al principio del divieto di discriminazioni fondate sull'età.
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In that regard, the Court finds that the objectives invoked by Hungary, namely the need to standardise the age-limits for retirement for public sector professions and to establish a more balanced age structure facilitating access for young lawyers to the professions concerned, do indeed come within the scope of social policy.
A tal proposito, la Corte constata che le finalità invocate dall'Ungheria, ovvero la necessità di uniformare i limiti di età pensionabile delle professioni del pubblico impiego e l'introduzione di una ripartizione più equilibrata delle fasce di età che agevoli l'accesso dei giovani giuristi alle professioni di cui trattasi, rientrano effettivamente nella politica sociale.
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However, as regards the objective of standardisation, the Court draws attention to the fact that, prior to 1 January 2012, the persons affected by the contested legislation had been able to remain in office until the age of 70, which gave rise, in their regard, to a well-founded expectation that they would be able to remain in office until that age.
Tuttavia, per quanto riguarda la finalità di uniformazione, la Corte sottolinea che le persone interessate dalla normativa contestata prima del 1º gennaio 2012 potevano restare in servizio sino all'età di 70 anni, circostanza che ha fatto sorgere in capo alle medesime la fondata aspettativa di restare in servizio sino a tale età.
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However, the contested legislation abruptly and significantly lowered the age-limit for compulsory retirement, without providing for transitional measures such as to protect the legitimate expectations of those persons.
Orbene, la normativa contestata ha abbassato improvvisamente e considerevolmente il limite di età per la cessazione obbligatoria dell'attività, senza prevedere misure transitorie idonee a tutelare il legittimo affidamento di tali persone.
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Consequently, those persons are obliged to leave the labour market automatically and definitively, without having had the time to take the measures, in particular of an economic and financial nature, that such a situation calls for.
Pertanto, le medesime sono obbligate a lasciare d'ufficio e definitivamente il mercato del lavoro senza aver avuto il tempo di adottare i provvedimenti, segnatamente di natura economica e finanziaria, che una tale situazione richiede.
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The Court notes in that respect, firstly, that the retirement pension of those persons is at least 30% lower than their salary and, secondly, that the retirement does not take contribution periods into account and does not, therefore, guarantee the right to a pension at the full rate.
La Corte osserva a tal proposito che, da una parte, la pensione di vecchiaia di dette persone è inferiore almeno del 30% rispetto alla loro retribuzione e che, dall'altra, la cessazione dell'attività non tiene conto dei periodi contributivi e non garantisce dunque il diritto ad una pensione a tasso pieno.
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The Court goes on to point out the existence of a contradiction between the immediate lowering of the retirement age for those professions by 8 years, without providing for a gradual staggering of that change, and the increase of the age of retirement for the general pension scheme by 3 years (that is to say, from 62 to 65), which must be carried out with effect from 2014 over a period of 8 years.
La Corte rileva poi l'esistenza di una contraddizione tra l'abbassamento immediato di otto anni dell'età pensionabile per tali professioni, senza prevedere uno scaglionamento graduale di tale modifica, e l'innalzamento di tre anni dell'età pensionabile per il regime pensionistico generale (vale a dire il passaggio da 62 ai 65 anni) che deve essere effettuato a partire dal 2014 su un periodo di otto anni.
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That contradiction suggests that the interests of those who are affected by the lowering of the age-limit were not taken into account in the same way as those of other public sector employees for whom the age-limit has been increased.
Detta contraddizione suggerisce che gli interessi di coloro cui si applica l’abbassamento del limite di età non sono stati presi in considerazione allo stesso modo di quelli degli altri dipendenti del pubblico impiego per i quali il limite di età è stato innalzato.
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In those circumstances, the Court concludes that the radical lowering of the retirement age for the professions concerned by 8 years is not a measure which is necessary to achieve the objective of standardising the retirement age for public-sector professions.
Ciò premesso, la Corte conclude che l'abbassamento radicale di otto anni dell'età pensionabile per quanto riguarda le professioni di cui trattasi non è una misura necessaria per raggiungere la finalità di uniformare l'età pensionabile delle professioni del servizio pubblico.
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Finally, the Court examines the objective, invoked by Hungary, of establishing a more balanced age structure.
Infine, la Corte esamina la finalità dedotta dall'Ungheria di instaurare una ripartizione più equilibrata delle fasce di età.
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In that regard, while recognising that the national legislation may facilitate, in the short term, the access of young lawyers to the professions concerned, the Court points out, however, that the immediate, apparently positive, effects are liable to cast doubt on the prospects of achieving a truly balanced ‘age structure’ in the medium and long term.
A tal proposito, pur riconoscendo che la normativa nazionale può agevolare nel breve termine l'accesso dei giovani giuristi alle professioni interessate, la Corte sottolinea tuttavia che gli effetti immediati attesi, apparentemente positivi, possono rimettere in discussione la possibilità di pervenire ad una «ripartizione delle fasce d'età» realmente equilibrata nel medio e lungo termine.
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While, in the course of 2012, the turnover of personnel in the professions concerned will be subject to a very significant acceleration, as eight age groups have been replaced by one single age group (that of 2012), that turnover rate will be subject to an equally radical slowing-down in 2013, when only one age group will have to be replaced.
Infatti, se è vero che nel corso del 2012 il rinnovo del personale delle professioni di cui trattasi subirà un'accelerazione molto significativa, poiché otto classi d'età vengono sostituite da una sola (quella del 2012), tale ritmo di rotazione subirà tuttavia un rallentamento altrettanto radicale nel 2013, quando solo una classe di età dovrà essere sostituita.
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In addition, that rate of turnover will become slower and slower as the age-limit for compulsory retirement is raised progressively from 62 to 65, even leading to a deterioration in the prospects for young lawyers to enter the professions of the judicial system.
Per di più, tale ritmo di rotazione sarà sempre più lento man mano che il limite d'età per la cessazione obbligatoria dell'attività si innalzerà progressivamente da 62 a 65 anni, comportando persino un peggioramento delle possibilità di accesso dei giovani giuristi alle professioni giudiziarie.
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It follows that the contested national legislation is not appropriate to achieve the pursued objective of establishing a more balanced ‘age structure’.
Ne consegue che la normativa nazionale contestata non è appropriata rispetto alla finalità perseguita di instaurare una «ripartizione delle fasce d'età» più equilibrata.
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Establishing that the national legislation gives rise to a difference in treatment on grounds of age which is neither appropriate nor necessary to attain the objectives pursued and therefore does not comply with the principle of proportionality, the Court concludes that Hungary has failed to fulfil its obligations under Council Directive 2000/78/EC.
La Corte constata quindi che la normativa ungherese che introduce una disparità di trattamento non idonea o non necessaria a raggiungere le finalità perseguite non rispetta il principio di proporzionalità. La Corte conclude che l'Ungheria è venuta meno agli obblighi ad essa incombenti in forza della direttiva
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An action for failure to fulfil obligations directed against a Member State which has failed to comply with its obligations under European Union law may be brought by the Commission or by another Member State.
La Commissione o un altro Stato membro possono proporre un ricorso per inadempimento diretto contro uno Stato membro che è venuto meno ai propri obblighi derivanti dal diritto dell’Unione.
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If the Court of Justice finds that there has been a failure to fulfil obligations, the Member State concerned must comply with the Court’s judgment without delay.
Qualora la Corte di giustizia accerti l’inadempimento, lo Stato membro interessato deve conformarsi alla sentenza senza indugio.
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Where the Commission considers that the Member State has not complied with the judgment, it may bring a further action seeking financial penalties.
La Commissione, qualora ritenga che lo Stato membro non si sia conformato alla sentenza, può proporre un altro ricorso chiedendo sanzioni pecuniarie.
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However, if measures transposing a directive have not been notified to the Commission, the Court of Justice can, on a proposal from the Commission, impose penalties at the stage of the initial judgment. |
Tuttavia, in caso di mancata comunicazione delle misure di attuazione di una direttiva alla Commissione, su domanda di quest’ultima, la Corte di giustizia può infliggere sanzioni pecuniarie, al momento della prima sentenza. |
The radical lowering of the retirement age for Hungarian judges
constitutes unjustified discrimination on grounds of age
That measure is not proportionate to the objectives pursued by the
Hungarian legislature seeking to standardise the retirement age for the
public-service professions and to establish a more balanced age structure in the
area of the administration of justice
In Hungary, until 31 December 2011, judges, prosecutors and notaries
were permitted to remain in office until the age of 70.
However, following the amendment of the relevant Hungarian legislation
in 2011, with effect from 1 January 2012 judges and prosecutors who have reached
the general retirement age, namely 62, are obliged to retire.
For judges and prosecutors who reached that age prior to 1 January
2012, the Hungarian legislation specifies that they must retire on 30 June 2012.
Those who reach that age between 1 January 2012 and 31 December 2012
are required to retire on 31 December 2012.
From 1 January 2014, notaries must also retire on the date on which
they reach the general retirement age.
As it took the view that such a rapid and radical lowering of the
compulsory retirement age constituted age-related discrimination that was
prohibited by the Directive on equal treatment in employment and occupation, to
the detriment of judges, prosecutors and notaries who have reached that age in
comparison with those persons who may continue to work, the Commission brought
an action against Hungary for failure to fulfil obligations.
The Court of Justice acceded to the Commission’s request that the case
be dealt with under the expedited procedure, which has made it possible for the
duration of the proceedings to be reduced to five months.
The Court notes, first of all, that judges, prosecutors and notaries
who have reached the age of 62 are in a comparable situation to that of younger
individuals working in the same professions.
However, the former, by reason of their age, are obliged to retire,
with the result that they are subject to treatment which is less favourable than
that accorded to those who continue to work.
The Court notes therefore that that situation constitutes a difference
of treatment directly based on age.
The Court points out, however, that legitimate social policy objectives, such as
those related to employment policy, the labour market or vocational training,
may justify a derogation from the principle prohibiting discrimination on
grounds of age.
In that regard, the Court finds that the objectives invoked by Hungary,
namely the need to standardise the age-limits for retirement for public sector
professions and to establish a more balanced age structure facilitating access
for young lawyers to the professions concerned, do indeed come within the scope
of social policy.
However, as regards the objective of standardisation, the Court draws
attention to the fact that, prior to 1 January 2012, the persons affected by the
contested legislation had been able to remain in office until the age of 70,
which gave rise, in their regard, to a well-founded expectation that they would
be able to remain in office until that age.
However, the contested legislation abruptly and significantly lowered
the age-limit for compulsory retirement, without providing for transitional
measures such as to protect the legitimate expectations of those persons.
Consequently, those persons are obliged to leave the labour market
automatically and definitively, without having had the time to take the
measures, in particular of an economic and financial nature, that such a
situation calls for.
The Court notes in that respect, firstly, that the retirement pension
of those persons is at least 30% lower than their salary and, secondly, that the
retirement does not take contribution periods into account and does not,
therefore, guarantee the right to a pension at the full rate.
The Court goes on to point out the existence of a contradiction between
the immediate lowering of the retirement age for those professions by 8 years,
without providing for a gradual staggering of that change, and the increase of
the age of retirement for the general pension scheme by 3 years (that is to say,
from 62 to 65), which must be carried out with effect from 2014 over a period of
8 years.
That contradiction suggests that the interests of those who are
affected by the lowering of the age-limit were not taken into account in the
same way as those of other public sector employees for whom the age-limit has
been increased.
In those circumstances, the Court concludes that the radical lowering
of the retirement age for the professions concerned by 8 years is not a measure
which is necessary to achieve the objective of standardising the retirement age
for public-sector professions.
Finally, the Court examines the objective, invoked by Hungary, of
establishing a more balanced age structure.
In that regard, while recognising that the national legislation may
facilitate, in the short term, the access of young lawyers to the professions
concerned, the Court points out, however, that the immediate, apparently
positive, effects are liable to cast doubt on the prospects of achieving a truly
balanced ‘age structure’ in the medium and long term.
While, in the course of 2012, the turnover of personnel in the
professions concerned will be subject to a very significant acceleration, as
eight age groups have been replaced by one single age group (that of 2012), that
turnover rate will be subject to an equally radical slowing-down in 2013, when
only one age group will have to be replaced.
In addition, that rate of turnover will become slower and slower as the
age-limit for compulsory retirement is raised progressively from 62 to 65, even
leading to a deterioration in the prospects for young lawyers to enter the
professions of the judicial system.
It follows that the contested national legislation is not appropriate
to achieve the pursued objective of establishing a more balanced ‘age
Establishing that the national legislation gives rise to a difference
in treatment on grounds of age which is neither appropriate nor necessary to
attain the objectives pursued and therefore does not comply with the principle
of proportionality, the Court concludes that Hungary has failed to fulfil its
obligations under Council Directive 2000/78/EC.
An action for failure to fulfil obligations directed against a Member
State which has failed to comply with its obligations under European Union law
may be brought by the Commission or by another Member State.
If the Court of Justice finds that there has been a failure to fulfil
obligations, the Member State concerned must comply with the Court’s judgment
without delay.
Where the Commission considers that the Member State has not complied
with the judgment, it may bring a further action seeking financial penalties.
However, if measures transposing a directive have not been notified to
the Commission, the Court of Justice can, on a proposal from the Commission,
impose penalties at the stage of the initial judgment. |