La Commissione propone l’esenzione dal visto per i cittadini di 16 Stati insulari
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Data documento: 07-11-2012
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Commission proposes visa-free travel to citizens of 16 Island Nations
La Commissione propone l’esenzione dal visto per i cittadini di 16 Stati insulari
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Citizens from 16 Island Nations will soon be able to travel to the Schengen area without needing a visa.
I cittadini di 16 Stati insulari potranno presto viaggiare nello spazio Schengen senza visto.
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This will open up to opportunities and advantages both for the EU and the nationals of these 16 nations.
La maggiore libertà di circolazione creerà opportunità e porterà vantaggi tanto all’Unione quanto ai cittadini dei citati paesi.
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"Travelling without a visa is not just a symbolic gesture – it will have a direct impact on citizens of these countries and on EU citizens, in the form of more people-to-people contacts and business opportunities", said Cecilia Malmström, EU Commissioner for Home Affairs.
“Viaggiare senza visto non ha solo valore simbolico, bensì un impatto diretto sui cittadini dei paesi interessati e sui cittadini europei, aumentando i contatti interpersonali e le opportunità imprenditoriali”, ha dichiarato Cecilia Malmström, Commissaria UE per gli Affari interni.
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Today, the European Commission proposed to add 5 Caribbean Island Nations (Dominica, Grenada, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and Trinidad and Tobago), 10 Pacific Island Nations (Kiribati, the Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau, Samoa, the Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu) and Timor-Leste to the list of third countries and territories whose nationals are exempt from the visa obligation.
La Commissione europea propone oggi di aggiungere 5 Stati insulari dei Caraibi (Dominica, Grenada, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent e Grenadine e Trinidad e Tobago), 10 Stati insulari del Pacifico (Kiribati, Isole Marshall, Micronesia, Palau, Nauru, Samoa, Isole Salomone, Tonga, Tuvalu e Vanuatu) e Timor-Leste all’elenco dei paesi e territori di paesi terzi i cui cittadini sono esenti dall’obbligo del visto.
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The objective is to simplify travel to the Schengen area, as well as to Cyprus, Bulgaria and Romania.
L’obiettivo è semplificare la circolazione nello spazio Schengen (e a Cipro, in Bulgaria e in Romania).
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A national from one of these countries would no longer require a visa for short stays (up to 90 days) if he/she is in possession of a passport, be it for business, touristic or family visit purposes.
I cittadini di tali paesi, che siano in possesso di un valido passaporto, non avranno più bisogno del visto per un soggiorno di breve durata (fino a 90 giorni) per motivi di affari, turismo o visita a familiari.
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This will make travel planning easier and reduce the travelling costs.
L’esenzione dal visto semplificherà loro la pianificazione dei viaggi e ne ridurrà i costi:
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Member States' limited consular presence in many of these countries has resulted in visa applicants often having to travel abroad to apply for a Schengen visa.
la ridotta presenza consolare degli Stati membri in molti di questi paesi significa infatti che gli interessati sono spesso costretti a recarsi all’estero per chiedere un visto Schengen.
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The Commission's proposal foresees that the visa exemption will be reciprocated through visa waiver agreements, ensuring a visa free regime for all EU citizens who wish to travel to these countries.
La proposta della Commissione prevede una reciproca esenzione dall’obbligo del visto in base ad accordi di esenzione dal visto, che costituiranno un regime di esenzione dal visto per tutti i cittadini dell’UE che desiderano recarsi in questi paesi.
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Moreover, specific categories of British citizens currently under the visa obligation (an estimated 300.000 people mostly residing in British Overseas Territories like Bermuda and the Turks and Caicos islands) will also be exempt.
Inoltre, i benefici dell’esenzione saranno estesi anche a determinate categorie di cittadini britannici che attualmente si devono dotare del visto (circa 300 000, per la maggior parte residenti nei Territori britannici d’oltremare, come Bermuda e le Isole Turks e Caicos).
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It is now up to the European Parliament and to the Council of the European Union to take a final decision on the Commission proposal.
Spetta ora al Parlamento europeo e al Consiglio dell’Unione europea decidere in via definitiva sulla proposta della Commissione.
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Report on the functioning of Local Schengen cooperation
Relazione sul funzionamento della "cooperazione locale Schengen”
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Today the Commission also adopted a report on the functioning of the Local Schengen Cooperation'.The report evaluates the first two years of implementation of the EU Visa Code and makes concrete recommendations for how cooperation can be improved in the future, for instance by burden sharing of all involved actors.
Oggi la Commissione ha anche adottato una relazione sul funzionamento della “cooperazione locale Schengen”, che valuta i primi due anni di attuazione del codice dei visti dell’UE e avanza alcune raccomandazioni concrete per il possibile miglioramento della cooperazione in futuro, ad esempio mediante una ripartizione degli oneri tra tutti gli operatori coinvolti.
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Improved local Schengen cooperation, particularly on the harmonisation of practices, will contribute to strengthening the credibility of the EU common visa policy and will ensure that all visa applicants receive equal, fair and transparent treatment.
Il miglioramento della cooperazione locale Schengen, in particolare per quanto riguarda l’armonizzazione delle pratiche, contribuirà a rafforzare la credibilità della politica comune dell’UE in materia di visti e garantirà che tutti i richiedenti il visto ricevano un trattamento equo, paritario e trasparente.
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Today's proposal to transfer these 16 countries to the visa-free list by amending Regulation 539/2001 is the result of the regular review process carried out by the European Commission. It is based on a case by case assessment of technical requirements and criteria relating, amongst others, to irregular migration, public policy and security, and to the European Union's external relations with third countries.
L’odierna proposta di inserire i cittadini dei citati 16 paesi nell’elenco dei paesi esenti dal visto modificando il regolamento (CE) n.539/2001 è il risultato del costante processo di revisione, effettuato dalla Commissione europea, basato sulla valutazione individuale dei requisiti tecnici e dei criteri concernenti, tra l’altro, l’immigrazione irregolare, l’ordine e la sicurezza pubblica e le relazioni esterne dell’Unione europea con i paesi terzi.
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Since its adoption, the Visa Regulation has been amended eight times.
Dalla sua adozione il regolamento sui visti è stato modificato otto volte;
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Most recently, in 2010 when Taiwan, Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina were transferred to the visa-free list.
da ultimo nel 2010, quando Taiwan, Albania e Bosnia-Erzegovina sono stati inseriti nell’elenco di esenzione dall’obbligo del visto per i rispettivi cittadini.
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Currently, the Schengen area includes 22 EU Member States and four associated States (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland). Once nationals from these non-EU countries enter the Schengen area, they can move freely from one country to another.
Una volta entrati nello spazio Schengen, che comprende 22 Stati membri dell’UE e quattro Stati associati (Islanda, Liechtenstein, Norvegia e Svizzera), i cittadini di tali paesi terzi possono oggi circolare liberamente da un paese all’altro.
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The visa waiver will also apply to Romania, Bulgaria and Cyprus which are not yet full members of the Schengen area.
L’esenzione dal visto si applica anche nel territorio di Romania, Bulgaria e Cipro, che non aderiscono allo spazio Schengen.
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The UK and Ireland do not participate in the Schengen cooperation and do not take part in the common visa policy.
Il Regno Unito e l’Irlanda non partecipano alla cooperazione Schengen e non prendono parte alla politica comune dei visti;
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They therefore have separate visa arrangements with non-EU countries.
essi hanno pertanto concluso accordi separati con i paesi terzi.
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In 2011, EU Member States and the countries participating in the Schengen cooperation issued around 12 million visas.
Nel 2011 gli Stati membri dell’UE ed i paesi che partecipano alla cooperazione Schengen hanno rilasciato circa 12 milioni di visti.
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The provisions of the Visa Code (Regulation (EC) 810/2009) are applied universally by Member States’ consulates.
Le disposizioni del codice dei visti (regolamento (CE) n. 810/2009) sono applicate da tutti i consolati degli Stati membri.
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However, given the differences in local circumstances it is essential to have a coherent cooperation among Member States and the Commission so that there is a harmonised application of the general legal provisions at the same time as local circumstances are taken into account.
Tuttavia, le diverse situazioni locali rendono fondamentale una cooperazione coerente tra gli Stati membri e la Commissione, di modo che le disposizioni di natura generale siano applicate in modo armonizzato, tenendo conto nel contempo delle specificità locali.
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Within the Local Schengen Cooperation, work is carried out for instance to assess whether Member States need to harmonise lists of supporting documents to be submitted by visa applicants in a given country.
All’interno della cooperazione locale Schengen sono svolti lavori, ad esempio, per stabilire se gli Stati membri debbano armonizzare gli elenchi dei documenti giustificativi che i richiedenti il visto di un dato paese devono presentare.
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In 2011, the Commission already took two Decisions on such harmonised lists covering around 20 locations in key third countries like China, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Indonesia.
Nel 2011 la Commissione ha già adottato due decisioni relative a tali elenchi armonizzati concernenti 20 località in importanti paesi terzi quali Cina, Turchia, Arabia Saudita e Indonesia.
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These lists contribute to ensuring that visa applicants receive equal treatment in line with the provisions of the Visa Code. |
Tali elenchi contribuiscono a garantire che i richiedenti il visto ricevano parità di trattamento, in linea con le disposizioni del codice dei visti. |
Commission proposes visa-free travel to citizens of 16 Island Nations
Citizens from 16 Island Nations will soon be able to travel to the
Schengen area without needing a visa.
This will open up to opportunities and advantages both for the EU and
the nationals of these 16 nations.
"Travelling without a visa is not just a symbolic gesture – it will
have a direct impact on citizens of these countries and on EU citizens, in the
form of more people-to-people contacts and business opportunities", said Cecilia
Malmström, EU Commissioner for Home Affairs.
Today, the European Commission proposed to add 5 Caribbean Island
Nations (Dominica, Grenada, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and
Trinidad and Tobago), 10 Pacific Island Nations (Kiribati, the Marshall Islands,
Micronesia, Nauru, Palau, Samoa, the Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu)
and Timor-Leste to the list of third countries and territories whose nationals
are exempt from the visa obligation.
The objective is to simplify travel to the Schengen area, as well as to
Cyprus, Bulgaria and Romania.
A national from one of these countries would no longer require a visa
for short stays (up to 90 days) if he/she is in possession of a passport, be it
for business, touristic or family visit purposes.
This will make travel planning easier and reduce the travelling costs.
Member States' limited consular presence in many of these countries has
resulted in visa applicants often having to travel abroad to apply for a
Schengen visa.
The Commission's proposal foresees that the visa exemption will be reciprocated
through visa waiver agreements, ensuring a visa free regime for all EU citizens
who wish to travel to these countries.
Moreover, specific categories of British citizens currently under the
visa obligation (an estimated 300.000 people mostly residing in British Overseas
Territories like Bermuda and the Turks and Caicos islands) will also be exempt.
It is now up to the European Parliament and to the Council of the
European Union to take a final decision on the Commission proposal.
Report on the functioning of Local Schengen cooperation
Today the Commission also adopted a report on the functioning of the
Local Schengen Cooperation'.The report evaluates the first two years of
implementation of the EU Visa Code and makes concrete recommendations for how
cooperation can be improved in the future, for instance by burden sharing of all
involved actors.
Improved local Schengen cooperation,particularly on the
harmonisation of practices, will contribute to strengthening the credibility of
the EU common visa policy and will ensure that all visa applicants receive
equal, fair and transparent treatment.
Today's proposal to transfer these 16 countries to the visa-free list
by amending Regulation 539/2001 is the result of the regular review process
carried out by the European Commission. It is based on a case by case assessment
of technical requirements and criteria relating, amongst others, to irregular
migration, public policy and security, and to the European Union's external
relations with third countries.
Since its adoption, the Visa Regulation has been amended eight times.
Most recently, in 2010 when Taiwan, Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina
were transferred to the visa-free list.
Currently, the Schengen area includes 22 EU Member States and four
associated States (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland). Once
nationals from these non-EU countries enter the Schengen area, they can move
freely from one country to another.
The visa waiver will also apply to Romania, Bulgaria and Cyprus which
are not yet full members of the Schengen area.
The UK and Ireland do not participate in the Schengen cooperation and
do not take part in the common visa policy.
They therefore have separate visa arrangements with non-EU countries.
In 2011, EU Member States and the countries participating in the
Schengen cooperation issued around 12 million visas.
The provisions of the Visa Code (Regulation (EC) 810/2009) are applied
universally by Member States’ consulates.
However, given the differences in local circumstances it is essential
to have a coherent cooperation among Member States and the Commission so that
there is a harmonised application of the general legal provisions at the same
time as local circumstances are taken into account.
Within the Local Schengen Cooperation, work is carried out for instance
to assess whether Member States need to harmonise lists of supporting documents
to be submitted by visa applicants in a given country.
In 2011, the Commission already took two Decisions on such harmonised
lists covering around 20 locations in key third countries like China, Turkey,
Saudi Arabia and Indonesia.
These lists contribute to ensuring that visa applicants receive equal
treatment in line with the provisions of the Visa Code. |