Per il terzo anno consecutivo le spese dell’UE presentano una percentuale complessiva di errori inferiore al 4%: relazione annuale della Corte dei conti
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Data documento: 06-11-2012
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Overall error rate for EU spending below 4% for third year in a row: Court of Auditors' annual report
Per il terzo anno consecutivo le spese dell’UE presentano una percentuale complessiva di errori inferiore al 4%: relazione annuale della Corte dei conti
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The overwhelming majority of payments made from the EU budget last year were free from quantifiable error.
Ossia la grande maggioranza dei pagamenti effettuati a titolo del bilancio dell’Unione europea è risultato esente da errori quantificabili.
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In its annual report, the Court of Auditors confirmed that, in 2011, the overall quantified error rate for EU spending remained stable, at below 4%.
Nella sua relazione annuale, la Corte dei conti europea ha confermato che nel 2011 la percentuale complessiva di errori nelle spese dell’UE è rimasta stabile, inferiore al 4%.
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With regard to the EU's account keeping, it has been given a clean bill of health by the Court of Auditors for the fifth year in a row.
Sulla contabilità dell’Unione europea, la Corte dei conti ha espresso un parere positivo per il quinto anno consecutivo.
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"Over the past few years, the Commission has delivered on its promise to ensure high quality management and control of EU funds.
“Nel corso degli ultimi anni la Commissione ha mantenuto la sua promessa di garantire una gestione e un controllo di qualità dei fondi dell’UE.
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Our work is by no means finished, but now it is time for our partners to step up their game too," said Algirdas Šemeta, Commissioner for Taxation, Customs, Audit and Anti-fraud.
Il nostro compito non è affatto terminato, ma è giunta l’ora di un maggiore impegno anche da parte dei nostri partner”, ha dichiarato Algirdas Šemeta, commissario per la Fiscalità e l’unione doganale, l’audit interno e la lotta antifrode.
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"Member States can do this through two simple steps.
“A tal fine gli Stati membri possono prevedere due semplici fasi.
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First, they can endorse the simpler rules proposed by the Commission for the new programming period.
In primo luogo, essi possono approvare le norme semplificate proposte dalla Commissione per il nuovo periodo di programmazione.
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Simpler rules are easier to respect and easier to control, and could help to drastically reduce the number of mistakes in EU spending.
Le norme semplificate, più facili da rispettare e da controllare, possono contribuire a una drastica riduzione del numero di errori nelle spese dell’UE.
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Secondly, I repeat my call for Member States to take their responsibilities more seriously when it comes to their role in protecting EU taxpayers' money.
In secondo luogo, invito di nuovo gli Stati membri a prendere maggiormente sul serio le loro responsabilità per quanto riguarda il ruolo da essi svolto nella tutela del denaro dei contribuenti dell’Unione.
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A little more effort by Member States to control projects properly and retrieve misused funds could go a long way, particularly in this time of economic difficulty."
Il contributo degli Stati membri, se si impegnassero maggiormente al fine di controllare efficacemente i progetti e di recuperare i fondi impropriamente utilizzati, potrebbe essere notevole, soprattutto in questo periodo di difficoltà economiche”.
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Today's Court of Auditors' report confirms that the improvement in the management of EU funds over the past decade is being consistently maintained.
L’odierna relazione della Corte dei conti conferma che si sta mantenendo il miglioramento nella gestione dei fondi dell’Unione europea verificatosi nell’ultimo decennio.
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This is particularly significant given that the current programming period is coming to a close.
Questa conferma ha una particolare importanza.
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This meant that the volume of payments, and the reporting requirements that apply to them, increased substantially in 2011 compared to the last few years.
In effetti l’attuale periodo di programmazione sta giungendo a termine e ciò ha comportato un notevole aumento del volume dei pagamenti, e dei relativi obblighi di comunicazione, nel 2011 rispetto agli ultimi anni.
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And yet the error rate remained stable.
Tuttavia la percentuale di errori è rimasta stabile.
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Errors do not mean that EU money is lost, wasted or affected by fraud.
La presenza di errori non significa che le risorse dell’UE siano perse, sprecate o a rischio di frode.
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In fact, fraud affects only 0.2% of the total EU budget, and there are strong instruments in place to detect it so that the money can be recovered when it occurs.
In realtà le frodi interessano soltanto lo 0,2% del bilancio complessivo dell’UE ed esistono strumenti efficaci previsti per individuarle e recuperare le risorse se le frodi si verificano.
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When the Court of Auditors refers to an error rate, it means that money should not have been paid out because a project did not meet the detailed rules making it eligible for EU funding.
Quando la Corte dei conti fa riferimento a una percentuale di errore, significa che in quei casi le risorse non avrebbero dovuto essere assegnate poiché i progetti non soddisfacevano le norme dettagliate previste in materia di ammissibilità ai finanziamenti dell’UE.
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Where errors do occur, solid mechanisms are in place to detect and correct them.
Se gli errori si verificano, esistono meccanismi efficaci che permettono di individuarli e correggerli.
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The overall error rate for EU spending has been below 4% for 3 years in a row now, while areas such as external aid, development, enlargement and administration were again free from material error last year.
Per il terzo anno consecutivo la percentuale complessiva di errori nelle spese dell’UE è stata inferiore al 4%, mentre settori quali gli aiuti esterni, lo sviluppo, l’allargamento e l’amministrazione sono risultati nuovamente esenti da errori materiali nell’ultimo anno.
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The most significant improvement in 2011 was seen in cohesion policy, which funds projects to promote competitiveness and growth across Europe.
Nel 2011 il miglioramento più significativo è stato registrato nella politica di coesione, che finanzia progetti intesi a promuovere la competitività e la crescita nell’intera Europa.
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Here, the error rate dropped by over 2.5 percentage points compared to 2010.
In questo ambito, il tasso di errore è calato di oltre 2,5 punti percentuali rispetto al 2010.
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Agriculture saw an increase in its error rate compared to 2010, partly due to the fact that the Court included cross-compliance obligations in its calculation for the first time ever.
Nel settore dell’agricoltura è stato registrato un aumento della percentuale di errori rispetto al 2010, in parte dovuto al fatto che la Corte ha incluso per la prima volta nei suoi calcoli gli obblighi in materia di condizionalità.
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In its report, the Court notes that the Commission had already identified the relevant problems in this area, and has undertaken corrective measures to ensure that the money is not lost.
Nella sua relazione, la Corte rileva che la Commissione ha già individuato i problemi esistenti in questo ambito e ha adottato misure correttive per evitare la perdita di risorse.
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The Commission has also put a lot of focus on simplifying the rules which would apply to EU funds.
La Commissione ha inoltre posto un particolare accento sulla semplificazione delle disposizioni applicabili ai fondi dell’UE.
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This will not only make EU funds more accessible to those who need them, but it would also make it easier to apply and enforce the rules related to EU spending, thereby reducing errors further.
Ciò permetterà non solo di facilitare l’accesso ai fondi del’UE per tutti coloro che ne hanno bisogno, ma renderà più semplice applicare e attuare le norme in materia di spese dell’UE, riducendo in tal modo ulteriormente la possibilità di errori.
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The new Financial Regulation, which was adopted on 25 October 2012, already contains substantial simplification measures, as well as provisions which should improve controls on EU funds at every level.
Il nuovo regolamento finanziario, adottato il 25 ottobre 2012, già prevede importanti misure di semplificazione e disposizioni intese a migliorare i controlli sui fondi dell’UE a tutti i livelli.
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The Commission's proposals for the next generation of programmes (2014-2020), which are currently being discussed by Council and Parliament, include a host of new measures to further improve the management of EU funds.
Le proposte della Commissione per la prossima generazione di programmi (2014-2020), che attualmente sono sottoposte all’esame del Consiglio e del Parlamento europeo, includono una serie di nuove misure intese a migliorare ulteriormente la gestione dei fondi dell’UE.
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These include stricter corrective measures if Member States fail to address irregularities on time; a new system for monitoring progress in achieving set targets and a requirement for national management authorities to sign a statement of assurance on their accounts.
Tra di queste figurano misure correttive più severe se gli Stati membri non risolvono tempestivamente le irregolarità, un nuovo sistema per seguire i progressi compiuti nel conseguire gli obiettivi fissati e l’obbligo per le autorità nazionali di gestione di firmare una dichiarazione che attesti l’affidabilità dei loro conti.
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Next steps
Prossime fasi
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Following the publication of the Court of Auditors’ annual report, the Council will provide the European Parliament with a recommendation on whether or not to grant budget discharge to the Commission.
In seguito alla pubblicazione della relazione annuale della Corte dei conti, il Consiglio presenterà al Parlamento europeo una raccomandazione relativa all’opportunità o meno di concedere il discarico del bilancio alla Commissione.
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Based on this recommendation, the European Parliament will vote on its discharge resolution for the 2011 budget in May 2013. |
Sulla base di tale raccomandazione, il Parlamento europeo voterà nel maggio 2013 la sua risoluzione sul discarico per il bilancio 2011. |
Overall error rate for EU spending below 4% for third year in a row: Court
of Auditors' annual report
The overwhelming majority of payments made from the EU budget last year
were free from quantifiable error.
In its annual report, the Court of Auditors confirmed that, in 2011,
the overall quantified error rate for EU spending remained stable, at below 4%.
With regard to the EU's account keeping, it has been given a clean bill
of health by the Court of Auditors for the fifth year in a row.
"Over the past few years, the Commission has delivered on its promise
to ensure high quality management and control of EU funds.
Our work is by no means finished, but now it is time for our partners to step up
their game too," said Algirdas Šemeta, Commissioner for Taxation, Customs, Audit
and Anti-fraud.
"Member States can do this through two simple steps.
First, they can endorse the simpler rules proposed by the Commission for the new
programming period.
Simpler rules are easier to respect and easier to control, and could help to
drastically reduce the number of mistakes in EU spending.
Secondly, I repeat my call for Member States to take their responsibilities more
seriously when it comes to their role in protecting EU taxpayers' money.
A little more effort by Member States to control projects properly and retrieve
misused funds could go a long way, particularly in this time of economic
Today's Court of Auditors' report confirms that the improvement in the
management of EU funds over the past decade is being consistently maintained.
This is particularly significant given that the current programming
period is coming to a close.
This meant that the volume of payments, and the reporting requirements
that apply to them, increased substantially in 2011 compared to the last few
And yet the error rate remained stable.
Errors do not mean that EU money is lost, wasted or affected by fraud.
In fact, fraud affects only 0.2% of the total EU budget, and there are strong
instruments in place to detect it so that the money can be recovered when it
When the Court of Auditors refers to an error rate, it means that money should
not have been paid out because a project did not meet the detailed rules making
it eligible for EU funding.
Where errors do occur, solid mechanisms are in place to detect and correct them.
The overall error rate for EU spending has been below 4% for 3 years in
a row now, while areas such as external aid, development, enlargement and
administration were again free from material error last year.
The most significant improvement in 2011 was seen in cohesion policy,
which funds projects to promote competitiveness and growth across Europe.
Here, the error rate dropped by over 2.5 percentage points compared to 2010.
Agriculture saw an increase in its error rate compared to 2010, partly
due to the fact that the Court included cross-compliance obligations in its
calculation for the first time ever.
I n its report, the Court notes that the Commission had already identified the
relevant problems in this area, and has undertaken corrective measures to ensure
that the money is not lost.
The Commission has also put a lot of focus on simplifying the rules
which would apply to EU funds.
This will not only make EU funds more accessible to those who need them, but it
would also make it easier to apply and enforce the rules related to EU spending,
thereby reducing errors further.
The new Financial Regulation, which was adopted on 25 October 2012, already
contains substantial simplification measures, as well as provisions which should
improve controls on EU funds at every level.
The Commission's proposals for the next generation of programmes
(2014-2020), which are currently being discussed by Council and Parliament,
include a host of new measures to further improve the management of EU funds.
These include stricter corrective measures if Member States fail to address
irregularities on time; a new system for monitoring progress in achieving set
targets and a requirement for national management authorities to sign a
statement of assurance on their accounts.
Next steps
Following the publication of the Court of Auditors’ annual report, the Council
will provide the European Parliament with a recommendation on whether or not to
grant budget discharge to the Commission.
Based on this recommendation, the European Parliament will vote on its discharge
resolution for the 2011 budget in May 2013. |