La Commissione raccoglie opinioni su come dare seguito al vertice Rio+20
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Italiano tratto da: http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-12-1152_it.htm
Data documento: 25-10-2012
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Commission gathers views on ways to follow-up Rio+20
La Commissione raccoglie opinioni su come dare seguito al vertice Rio+20
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The United Nations Rio+20 world summit, held in Rio de Janeiro in June 2012, aimed to secure renewed political commitment to sustainable development.
Il vertice mondiale delle Nazioni Unite "Rio+20", tenutosi a Rio de Janeiro nel giugno 2012, intendeva dar vita a un rinnovato impegno politico per lo sviluppo sostenibile.
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To follow up on the conference, the European Commission wishes to develop specific actions and concrete measures to make sustainable development a reality, within the EU and globally.
Per garantire il seguito della conferenza, la Commissione europea desidera sviluppare azioni specifiche e misure concrete intese a rendere lo sviluppo sostenibile una realtà nell'UE e a livello mondiale.
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A public consultation is being held to gather views and ideas.
È stata organizzata una consultazione pubblica che permetterà di raccogliere opinioni e idee.
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These will be an input to a Communication from the Commission on the follow-up to Rio+20, planned for the first quarter of 2013.
I risultati saranno inclusi in una comunicazione della Commissione sul seguito da dare al vertice Rio+20, prevista per il primo trimestre 2013.
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The consultation is open until 15 January 2013.
La consultazione resterà aperta fino al 15 gennaio 2013.
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Environment Commissioner Janez Potocnik said:
Janez Potocnik, Commissario per l'ambiente, ha dichiarato:
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"Rio+20 was not just another conference – it was a loud and clear call for action to secure a sustainable future globally, a call for change to improve and sustain our quality of lives by respecting the boundaries of the only planet we share.
“Rio+20 non è solo un'ennesima conferenza, questo vertice è un invito forte e chiaro ad agire per garantire un futuro sostenibile a livello mondiale, una richiesta di cambiamento per migliorare e mantenere la nostra qualità di vita nel rispetto dei limiti dell’unico pianeta che condividiamo.
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Rio+20 gave the impulse; it is now in our hands to make sustainable development a reality in every corner of the planet.
Rio+20 ha dato l'impulso; ora spetta a noi far diventare realtà lo sviluppo sostenibile in ogni angolo del pianeta.
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And we want to engage everyone in the debate on the concrete steps which need to be taken."
Vogliamo invitare tutti a partecipare al dibattito sulle misure concrete che devono essere adottate.”
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The public consultation seeks input on a number of policy questions around five main lines:
La consultazione pubblica intende raccogliere informazioni su una serie di quesiti vertenti su cinque elementi principali:
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1. Policies aimed at moving towards an inclusive green economy, as a means to achieve sustainable development in the EU and globally.
1. le politiche volte a procedere verso un'economia verde inclusiva quale mezzo per realizzare lo sviluppo sostenibile nell’Unione europea e nel mondo;
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2. Setting priority areas of action, such as poverty eradication, sustainable agriculture, water, sustainable energy, decent work for all, oceans and fisheries, and sustainable consumption and production, and reflecting upon the usefulness of targets and indicators in these areas.
2. stabilire i settori di azione prioritari, quali eradicazione della povertà, agricoltura sostenibile, acqua, energia sostenibile, un lavoro dignitoso per tutti, oceani e pesca, consumo e produzione sostenibili e la riflessione sull’utilità degli obiettivi e degli indicatori in questi settori;
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3. Developing Sustainable Development Goals, reflecting on themes and topics and their optimal form, and suggesting ways to monitor progress in reaching them.
3. sviluppare obiettivi per lo sviluppo sostenibile, riflettere sui temi e soggetti e sulla loro formulazione migliore e suggerire modi per monitorare i progressi compiuti nel raggiungimento di tali obiettivi;
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4. Considering options for an effective Sustainable Development Financing Strategy, including on possibilities of mobilising existing resources and ways of encouraging investments.
4. esaminare opzioni per una strategia efficace di finanziamento dello sviluppo sostenibile, in particolare in merito alle possibilità di mobilitare le risorse esistenti e alle modalità per incoraggiare gli investimenti;
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5. Strengthening the institutional framework for sustainable development, in the context of the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) and the High Level Political Forum (HLPF) on sustainable development, and thinking about ways to improve stakeholder participation.
5. rafforzare il quadro istituzionale per lo sviluppo sostenibile, nel contesto del Programma delle Nazioni Unite per l'ambiente (UNEP) e del forum politico ad alto livello sullo sviluppo sostenibile, e riflettere sui modi per migliorare la partecipazione dei soggetti interessati.
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The consultation is also a complement to the public consultations "Towards a post-2015 development framework", organised earlier this year.
La consultazione è anche un complemento alle consultazioni pubbliche "Verso un quadro di sviluppo dopo 2015", organizzata all'inizio di quest'anno.
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The consultation seeks responses from all interested parties:
La consultazione intende fornire risposte da parte di tutte le parti interessate:
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citizens, organisations, public administrations, businesses etc.
cittadini, organizzazioni, pubbliche amministrazioni, imprese, ecc.
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Next Steps
Fasi successive
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The Commission plans to issue a Communication on Rio+20 follow-up in the first quarter of 2013.
La Commissione intende pubblicare una comunicazione sul seguito di Rio+20 nel primo trimestre 2013.
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Two decades after the first 'Earth Summit' in 1992, although good progress has been made as regards poverty eradication and environmental degradation, considerable global challenges remain.
Vent’anni dopo il primo "Vertice della Terra" del 1992, nonostante i progressi compiuti nell'eradicazione della povertà e nel contrasto al degrado ambientale, sussistono rilevanti sfide a livello mondiale.
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Several of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are severely off-track.
Molti degli obiettivi di sviluppo del millennio (OSM) sono gravemente compromessi.
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Roughly 1.4 billion people still live in extreme poverty and one sixth of the world’s population is undernourished.
Circa 1,4 miliardi di persone vivono ancora oggi in condizioni di estrema povertà e un sesto della popolazione mondiale è sottonutrita.
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Natural resources are depleting while global greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise.
Le risorse naturali si impoveriscono mentre le emissioni di gas a effetto serra nel mondo sono in continuo aumento.
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This set an important challenge for sustainable development globally.
Ciò costituisce una sfida importante per lo sviluppo sostenibile a livello mondiale.
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Against this backdrop world leaders met in Rio de Janeiro in June 2012 for the fourth Earth Summit of this kind, to mark the 20th anniversary of the 1992 Rio UN Conference on Environment and Development and the 10th anniversary of the 2002 Johannesburg World Summit on Sustainable Development.
In questo contesto i leader mondiali si sono incontrati a Rio de Janeiro nel giugno 2012 per il quarto “Vertice della Terra”, per celebrare il ventesimo anniversario della Conferenza delle Nazioni Unite sull’ambiente e sullo sviluppo che si è tenuta a Rio nel 1992 e il decimo anniversario del Vertice mondiale sullo sviluppo sostenibile organizzato nel 2002 a Johannesburg.
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Rio+20 focussed on two interlinked themes:
Il vertice Rio+20 era incentrato su due temi interconnessi:
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the green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication; and the institutional framework for sustainable development.
l’economia verde nel contesto dello sviluppo sostenibile e l'eradicazione della povertà, e il quadro istituzionale per lo sviluppo sostenibile.
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After extensive negotiations a Rio+20 Outcome document was agreed upon, with a number of actions and commitments, that the EU will need to follow up on. |
Dopo approfonditi negoziati è stato adottato un documento sui risultati di Rio+20 recante un certo numero di azioni e di impegni, di cui l’Unione europea dovrà assicurare il seguito. |
Commission gathers views on ways to follow-up Rio+20
The United Nations Rio+20 world summit, held in Rio de Janeiro
in June 2012, aimed to secure renewed political commitment to sustainable
To follow up on the conference, the European Commission wishes
to develop specific actions and concrete measures to make sustainable
development a reality, within the EU and globally.
A public consultation is being held to gather views and ideas.
These will be an input to a Communication from the Commission
on the follow-up to Rio+20, planned for the first quarter of 2013.
The consultation is open until 15 January 2013.
Environment Commissioner Janez Potocnik said:
"Rio+20 was not just another conference – it was a loud and
clear call for action to secure a sustainable future globally, a call for change
to improve and sustain our quality of lives by respecting the boundaries of the
only planet we share.
Rio+20 gave the impulse; it is now in our hands to make
sustainable development a reality in every corner of the planet.
And we want to engage everyone in the debate on the concrete
steps which need to be taken."
The public consultation seeks input on a number of policy
questions around five main lines:
1. Policies aimed at moving towards an inclusive green
economy, as a means to achieve sustainable development in the EU and globally.
2. Setting priority areas of action, such as poverty
eradication, sustainable agriculture, water, sustainable energy, decent work for
all, oceans and fisheries, and sustainable consumption and production, and
reflecting upon the usefulness of targets and indicators in these areas.
3. Developing Sustainable Development Goals, reflecting on
themes and topics and their optimal form, and suggesting ways to monitor
progress in reaching them.
4. Considering options for an effective Sustainable
Development Financing Strategy, including on possibilities of mobilising
existing resources and ways of encouraging investments.
5. Strengthening the institutional framework for sustainable
development, in the context of the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP)
and the High Level Political Forum (HLPF) on sustainable development, and
thinking about ways to improve stakeholder participation.
The consultation is also a complement to the public
consultations "Towards a post-2015 development framework", organised earlier
this year.
The consultation seeks responses from all interested parties:
citizens, organisations, public administrations, businesses etc.
Next Steps
The Commission plans to issue a Communication on Rio+20 follow-up in the first
quarter of 2013.
Two decades after the first 'Earth Summit' in 1992, although
good progress has been made as regards poverty eradication and environmental
degradation, considerable global challenges remain.
Several of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are
severely off-track.
Roughly 1.4 billion people still live in extreme poverty and
one sixth of the world’s population is undernourished.
Natural resources are depleting while global greenhouse gas
emissions continue to rise.
This set an important challenge for sustainable development
Against this backdrop world leaders met in Rio de Janeiro in
June 2012 for the fourth Earth Summit of this kind, to mark the 20th anniversary
of the 1992 Rio UN Conference on Environment and Development and the 10th
anniversary of the 2002 Johannesburg World Summit on Sustainable Development.
Rio+20 focussed on two interlinked themes:
the green economy in the context of sustainable development
and poverty eradication; and the institutional framework for sustainable
After extensive negotiations a Rio+20 Outcome document was
agreed upon, with a number of actions and commitments, that the EU will need to
follow up on.