Ambiente: la Commissione deferisce l’Italia alla Corte di giustizia per le discariche abusive e chiede che vengano inflitte delle ammende
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Italiano tratto da:
Data documento: 24-10-2012
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Environment: Commission refers Italy back to Court over illegal landfills, asks for fines
Ambiente: la Commissione deferisce l’Italia alla Corte di giustizia per le discariche abusive e chiede che vengano inflitte delle ammende
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The European Commission is urging Italy to clean up hundreds of illegal landfills and uncontrolled waste tips.
La Commissione europea impone urgentemente all’Italia di bonificare centinaia di discariche illegali e incontrollate di rifiuti.
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Despite an earlier Court judgement on this matter in April 2007, problems still persist in almost all Italian regions and the measures in place are not sufficient to resolve the problem in the long term.
Nonostante una precedente sentenza della Corte di giustizia al riguardo nell’aprile 2007, i problemi sussistono ancora in quasi tutte le regioni italiane e le misure in vigore non sono sufficienti per risolvere il problema a lungo termine.
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On the recommendation of Environment Commissioner Janez Potocnik, the Commission is therefore referring Italy back to the European Court of Justice and requesting a lump sum fine of € 56 million (€ 28089,60 per day between Court cases) and a daily penalty payment of € 256819,20 for each day after the second Court ruling until the infringement ends.
Su raccomandazione del Commissario per l’Ambiente, Janez Potocnik, la Commissione ha pertanto deciso di deferire l’Italia alla Corte di giustizia dell’Unione europea e di imporre un’ammenda forfettaria di 56 milioni di euro (28089,60 euro per giorno tra le 2 sentenze della Corte) e un’ammenda giornaliera di 256819,20 euro per ogni giorno successivo alla seconda sentenza fino al giorno della regolarizzazione dell’infrazione.
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At present, 255 landfills – 16 of which contain hazardous waste – still remain to be cleaned up.
Attualmente 255 discariche – 16 delle quali contenenti rifiuti pericolosi - devono ancora essere bonificate.
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In spite of the commitments made by the Italian authorities in 2007, only 31 of the problematic landfills are scheduled to be cleaned up by the end of 2012.
Nonostante gli impegni assunti dalle autorità italiane nel 2007, solo 31 discariche problematiche saranno bonificate entro la fine del 2012.
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A complete calendar for the completion of the works has been provided for only 132 out of the 255 landfills.
Un calendario completo per l’ultimazione dei lavori è stato programmato unicamente per 132 discariche su 255.
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Furthermore, the Commission has received no information proving that Italy has set up an adequate monitoring system to prevent new illegal landfills from being opened.
Inoltre, la Commissione non dispone di informazioni da cui risulti che l’Italia abbia istituito un sistema di controllo adeguato per evitare l’apertura di nuove discariche illegali.
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In the wake of the previous Court ruling, the Commission sent Italy a letter of formal notice in February 2008 and a reasoned opinion in June 2009, indicating that the systemic and general breach declared by the Court was still on-going.
A seguito della precedente sentenza della Corte la Commissione ha inviato all’Italia, nel febbraio 2008, una lettera di costituzione in mora e, nel giugno 2009, un parere motivato, segnalando che la violazione sistematica e generalizzata constatata dalla Corte di giustizia era ancora in corso.
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In June 2011 the Commission asked Italy to submit a credible calendar for the regularization of all the sites in question within a reasonable timeframe.
Nel giugno 2011 la Commissione ha chiesto all’Italia di presentare un calendario credibile per la regolarizzazione di tutti i siti in questione entro un lasso di tempo ragionevole.
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While some significant progress has been made, it is clear that problems persist in almost all Italian Regions.
Nonostante siano stati compiuti alcuni progressi significativi è chiaro che i problemi persistono in quasi tutte le regioni italiane.
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The Court ruling of 2007 has not been complied with, and the Commission has therefore decided to take Italy back to the Court and ask for fines.
La sentenza della Corte del 2007 non è stata rispettata e la Commissione ha pertanto deciso di deferire l’Italia alla Corte di giustizia e di chiedere che vengano inflitte delle ammende.
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Directive 99/31/EC on the landfill of waste is a key instrument to prevent or reduce as far as possible negative effects on the environment from landfilling of waste, during the whole life-cycle of the landfill.
La direttiva 99/31/CE relativa alle discariche di rifiuti costituisce uno strumento essenziale per prevenire o ridurre, nel limite del possibile, gli effetti negativi derivati dalle discariche sull’ambiente nel corso dell’intero ciclo di vita delle stesse.
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According to the Landfill Directive, landfills must meet certain conditions in order to continue to operate.
Secondo tale direttiva le discariche devono rispettare determinate condizioni per poter rimanere in funzione.
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Landfills that don't respect these conditions and uncontrolled waste tips are considered illegal under the Directive.
Le discariche che non rispettano tali condizioni e le discariche incontrollate di rifiuti sono considerate illegali ai sensi della direttiva.
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The legislation aims to protect human health and the environment from the negative effects caused by the collection, transport, storage, treatment and disposal of waste.
La normativa mira a proteggere la salute umana e l’ambiente dagli effetti negativi della raccolta, del trasporto, della conservazione, del trattamento e dello smaltimento dei rifiuti.
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Waste policy is an important element of the European Commission's resource efficiency strategy.
La politica sui rifiuti è un elemento importante della strategia della Commissione europea in materia di uso efficiente delle risorse.
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If managed and treated properly, waste is a valuable source of materials that can bring solutions to resource constrains and create jobs.
Se gestiti e trattati in modo adeguato i rifiuti sono una preziosa fonte di materiali che può offrire soluzioni ai limiti delle risorse e creare posti di lavoro.
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EU waste policy aims to deliver a more sustainable use of natural resources and the shift towards resource-efficient, low-carbon growth in Europe.
La politica dell’UE in materia di rifiuti mira ad ottenere un uso più sostenibile delle risorse naturali e a realizzare in Europa una transizione verso una crescita efficiente sotto il profilo delle risorse e a basse emissioni di carbonio.
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Landfilling is the least favoured option at the bottom of the waste hierarchy, below waste prevention, re-use, recycling, and incineration.
Il ricorso alla discarica è l’opzione meno conveniente che si situa alla base della gerarchia dei rifiuti, al di sotto di prevenzione dei rifiuti, riutilizzo, riciclaggio e incenerimento.
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Most EU Member States are now moving away from the practice of landfilling, and six are approaching zero landfilling (see IP/12/888), which brings numerous advantages:
La maggior parte degli Stati membri sta progressivamente abbandonando la pratica della messa in discarica e sei sono prossimi all’eliminazione totale (cfr.IP/12/888), fatto che comporta numerosi vantaggi:
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full implementation of EU waste legislation would save €72 billion a year, increase the annual turnover of the EU waste management and recycling sector by €42 billion and create over 400,000 jobs by 2020 (see IP/12/18).
la piena attuazione della normativa UE sui rifiuti consentirebbe di risparmiare 72 miliardi di euro l’anno, di aumentare il fatturato annuo dell’UE di 42 miliardi di euro nel settore della gestione e del riciclaggio dei rifiuti e di creare oltre 400 000 posti di lavoro entro il 2020 (cfr. IP/12/18).
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Italy scores poorly in waste management – 20 out of 27 Member States.
L’Italia occupa un modesto ventesimo posto su 27 Stati membri per quanto riguarda la gestione dei rifiuti.
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Failings include poor or non-existent waste prevention policies, a lack of incentives to divert waste from landfills and consequently underexploited recycling and re-use options and inadequate waste infrastructure.
Le carenze includono una politica di prevenzione dei rifiuti scarsa o inesistente, l’assenza di incentivi destinati ad evitare la messa in discarica e, di conseguenza, uno scarso sfruttamento del riciclaggio e riutilizzo dei rifiuti e l’inadeguatezza delle infrastrutture.
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Italy is estimated to landfill 51 % of its municipal waste (as opposed to the EU average of 38 %), and to recycle only 21 % of municipal waste (as opposed to an EU average of 25 %) (see STAT/12/48).
La messa in discarica in Italia è stimata a 51% nel caso dei rifiuti urbani (rispetto alla media UE del 38%), e il riciclo dei rifiuti urbani solo a 21% (rispetto alla media UE del 25%) (cfr. STAT/12/48).
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When a Member State has failed to comply fully with an EU Court judgement, the Commission has the power, after issuing two warnings, to take the Member State to the Court a second time and to ask for fines to be imposed. |
Quando uno Stato membro non ha dato piena esecuzione ad una sentenza della Corte di giustizia dell’UE, la Commissione ha il potere, dopo l’emanazione di due avvertimenti, di deferire lo Stato membro alla Corte una seconda volta e di chiedere che vengano inflitte delle ammende. |
Environment: Commission refers Italy back to Court over illegal landfills,
asks for fines
The European Commission is urging Italy to clean up hundreds of illegal
landfills and uncontrolled waste tips.
Despite an earlier Court judgement on this matter in April 2007,
problems still persist in almost all Italian regions and the measures in place
are not sufficient to resolve the problem in the long term.
On the recommendation of Environment Commissioner Janez Potocnik, the
Commission is therefore referring Italy back to the European Court of Justice
and requesting a lump sum fine of € 56 million (€ 28089,60 per day between Court
cases) and a daily penalty payment of € 256819,20 for each day after the second
Court ruling until the infringement ends.
At present, 255 landfills – 16 of which contain hazardous waste – still
remain to be cleaned up.
In spite of the commitments made by the Italian authorities in 2007,
only 31 of the problematic landfills are scheduled to be cleaned up by the end
of 2012.
A complete calendar for the completion of the works has been provided
for only 132 out of the 255 landfills.
Furthermore, the Commission has received no information proving that
Italy has set up an adequate monitoring system to prevent new illegal landfills
from being opened.
In the wake of the previous Court ruling, the Commission sent Italy a
letter of formal notice in February 2008 and a reasoned opinion in June 2009,
indicating that the systemic and general breach declared by the Court was still
In June 2011 the Commission asked Italy to submit a credible calendar
for the regularization of all the sites in question within a reasonable
While some significant progress has been made, it is clear that
problems persist in almost all Italian Regions.
The Court ruling of 2007 has not been complied with, and the Commission
has therefore decided to take Italy back to the Court and ask for fines.
Directive 99/31/EC on the landfill of waste is a key instrument to
prevent or reduce as far as possible negative effects on the environment from
landfilling of waste, during the whole life-cycle of the landfill.
According to the Landfill Directive, landfills must meet certain
conditions in order to continue to operate.
Landfills that don't respect these conditions and uncontrolled waste
tips are considered illegal under the Directive.
The legislation aims to protect human health and the environment from
the negative effects caused by the collection, transport, storage, treatment and
disposal of waste.
Waste policy is an important element of the European Commission's
resource efficiency strategy.
If managed and treated properly, waste is a valuable source of
materials that can bring solutions to resource constrains and create jobs.
EU waste policy aims to deliver a more sustainable use of natural
resources and the shift towards resource-efficient, low-carbon growth in Europe.
Landfilling is the least favoured option at the bottom of the waste
hierarchy, below waste prevention, re-use, recycling, and incineration.
Most EU Member States are now moving away from the practice of
landfilling, and six are approaching zero landfilling (see IP/12/888), which
brings numerous advantages:
full implementation of EU waste legislation would save €72 billion a
year, increase the annual turnover of the EU waste management and recycling
sector by €42 billion and create over 400,000 jobs by 2020 (see IP/12/18).
Italy scores poorly in waste management – 20 out of 27 Member States.
Failings include poor or non-existent waste prevention policies, a lack
of incentives to divert waste from landfills and consequently underexploited
recycling and re-use options and inadequate waste infrastructure.
Italy is estimated to landfill 51 % of its municipal waste (as opposed
to the EU average of 38 %), and to recycle only 21 % of municipal waste (as
opposed to an EU average of 25 %) (see STAT/12/48).
When a Member State has failed to comply fully with an EU Court
judgement, the Commission has the power, after issuing two warnings, to take the
Member State to the Court a second time and to ask for fines to be imposed. |