Ambiente: l'UE festeggia i 20 anni di LIFE e di protezione della natura
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Data documento: 23-10-2012
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Environment: EU celebrates 20 years of LIFE and nature protection
Ambiente: l'UE festeggia i 20 anni di LIFE e di protezione della natura
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A double celebration in Genk, Belgium last night marked the 20th birthday of two keystones of EU environmental policy.
Ieri sera una doppia celebrazione svoltasi a Genk, in Belgio, ha segnato il ventesimo anniversario di due elementi portanti della politica ambientale dell'Unione europea.
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It is now twenty years since the EU adopted the Habitats Directive, one of the two building blocks of Natura 2000, Europe's network of protected areas.
Sono ormai passati vent'anni da quando l'UE ha adottato la direttiva Habitat, una delle due componenti costitutive di Natura 2000, la rete europea di aree protette.
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LIFE, the EU funding instrument for the environment, is also celebrating 20 years.
Anche LIFE, lo strumento finanziario predisposto dall'UE per la tutela dell'ambiente, festeggia 20 anni.
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Speaking at a ceremony to mark the event, Environment Commissioner Janez Potocnik said:
Intervenendo a una cerimonia organizzata per celebrare l'evento, Janez Potocnik, Commissario per l'Ambiente, ha dichiarato:
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"Embracing over 26,000 sites and covering almost a fifth of our land territory, with significant marine areas, Natura 2000 is the largest coordinated network of protected areas anywhere in the world.
"Natura 2000, con i suoi oltre 26 000 siti che occupano quasi un quinto del nostro territorio, cui si aggiungono zone marine significative, è la più vasta rete coordinata di aree protette esistente al mondo.
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This is an extraordinary achievement, and we owe it to the Habitats Directive.
Si tratta di un risultato straordinario che dobbiamo alla direttiva Habitat.
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The LIFE programme too has been a great success.
Anche il programma LIFE è stato un grande successo:
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Over the past 20 years it has targeted some 400 species, many of which have now attained favourable conservation status.
negli ultimi 20 anni ha interessato circa 400 specie, molte delle quali hanno ora raggiunto uno stato di conservazione soddisfacente.
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All Europeans can be proud of these results."
Tutti gli europei possono essere orgogliosi di questi risultati".
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The Habitats Directive is the most ambitious initiative ever undertaken to conserve Europe’s biodiversity.
La direttiva Habitat è l’iniziativa più ambiziosa mai intrapresa per conservare la biodiversità dell'Europa.
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EU governments adopted the legislation in 1992 amid increasing concern at growing biodiversity loss.
I governi dell'UE hanno adottato tale normativa nel 1992, in un clima di crescente preoccupazione per la perdita di biodiversità.
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Along with the Birds Directive, it sets the framework for nature conservation throughout the Union, on a truly European scale.
Insieme alla direttiva Uccelli, costituisce il quadro per la conservazione della natura in tutta l'Unione su scala veramente europea.
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The Directive protects over 1000 animal and plant species and over 200 habitat types, including forests, meadows, and wetlands of European conservation concern.
La direttiva protegge oltre 1 000 specie animali e vegetali e più di 200 tipi di habitat, fra cui foreste, prati e zone umide di interesse ambientale europeo.
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A direct result of the legislation is Natura 2000, a pan-European ecological network of protected sites designed to protect species and habitats in their natural environment throughout the Union.
Da questa legislazione scaturisce direttamente Natura 2000, una rete ecologica paneuropea di aree protette intesa a tutelare specie e habitat nel loro ambiente naturale in tutta l'Unione.
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The network is now almost complete and covers an area equivalent in size to Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic combined.
La rete, che ora è quasi completa, copre una superficie equivalente alla Germania, alla Polonia e alla Repubblica ceca messe insieme.
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Natura 2000 sites are not limited to nature reserves but are based on a much broader concept of conservation and sustainable use – areas where man works together with nature.
I siti Natura 2000 non comprendono solo riserve naturali, ma sono basati su un concetto molto più ampio di conservazione e di utilizzo sostenibile: si tratta insomma di aree in cui l'uomo lavora insieme alla natura.
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LIFE, the EU fund for the environment, has contributed over EUR 1.2 billion to the management and restoration of over 2000 Natura 2000 sites across the EU.
LIFE, il Fondo UE per l'ambiente, ha contribuito con più di 1,2
miliardi di EUR alla gestione e al recupero di oltre 2000 siti Natura 2000 in tutta l'Unione.
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Over the past 20 years the two sections of the fund - LIFE Nature and LIFE Environment Policy and Governance – have co-financed 3 685 projects to the tune of EUR 2.8 billion from the EU budget.
Nel corso degli ultimi 20 anni le due sezioni del Fondo (LIFE Natura e LIFE Politica e governance ambientali) hanno cofinanziato 3 685 progetti, per un importo di 2,8 miliardi di EUR proveniente dal bilancio dell'UE.
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Its confidence in, and support for, those initiatives has leveraged a further EUR 3.8 billion for a multitude of schemes to improve the environment and communicate those achievements to a wider audience.
La fiducia manifestata nei confronti di tali iniziative e il sostegno ad esse offerto hanno consentito di ottenere, grazie a un effetto leva, altri 3,8 miliardi di EUR per una serie di progetti volti a migliorare l'ambiente e a comunicare tali risultati a un pubblico più ampio.
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Over 26,000 sites are included in the Natura 2000 network.
Sono oltre 26 000 i siti inclusi nella rete Natura 2000.
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Some are in remote areas but most form an integral part of our countryside and contain a range of different habitats, buffer zones and other elements of the landscape.
Alcuni si trovano in zone remote, ma la maggioranza forma parte integrante delle nostre campagne e comprende una serie di habitat diversi, zone tampone e altri elementi del paesaggio.
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Natura 2000 cares for Europe's areas of high biodiversity value, but it also supports the livelihoods of farmers, foresters, fishermen and other users who live in these areas and look after this critical natural capital.
Oltre a tutelare le aree europee ad elevato valore in termini di biodiversità, Natura 2000 protegge le fonti di sostentamento di agricoltori, silvicoltori, pescatori e di altri utilizzatori che vivono in tali zone e si prendono cura di questo patrimonio naturale fondamentale.
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Investments in Natura 2000 have substantial potential to contribute to sustainable growth and the creation of jobs, especially in rural and less developed areas.
Gli investimenti in Natura 2000 possono contribuire in misura sostanziale alla crescita sostenibile e alla creazione di posti di lavoro, soprattutto nelle zone rurali e meno sviluppate.
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Ensuring healthy ecosystems through Natura 2000 management also contributes to climate change mitigation and adaptation objectives.
Mantenere la salute degli ecosistemi attraverso la gestione di Natura 2000 aiuta inoltre a conseguire gli obiettivi in materia di riduzione dei cambiamenti climatici e di adattamento a tali cambiamenti.
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The name LIFE comes from its French acronym: L’Instrument financier pour l’environnement (Financial Instrument for the Environment).
La denominazione "LIFE" deriva dall'acronimo francese L’Instrument financier pour l’environnement (strumento finanziario per l'ambiente).
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More than 300 ‘LIFE 20th anniversary’ events are taking place this year, organised by LIFE projects past and present.
Quest'anno si svolgeranno oltre 300 eventi per celebrare il ventesimo anniversario di LIFE, organizzati nell'ambito di progetti LIFE passati o tuttora in corso.
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The dissemination events range from a LIFE Easter Camp for kids (Spain), a regional Flower Fair (Greece), to a moonlit Frog Concert (Germany).
Si spazia da un campo pasquale LIFE per ragazzi in Spagna a una fiera regionale dei fiori in Grecia, a un concerto di rane al chiaro di luna in Germania.
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For more information on all the 300-plus LIFE events, see the LIFE 20th anniversary calendar. |
Per maggiori informazioni sugli oltre 300 eventi in programma si veda il calendario per il ventesimo anniversario di LIFE. |
Environment: EU celebrates 20 years of LIFE and nature protection
A double celebration in Genk, Belgium last night marked the 20th
birthday of two keystones of EU environmental policy.
It is now twenty years since the EU adopted the Habitats Directive, one
of the two building blocks of Natura 2000, Europe's network of protected areas.
LIFE, the EU funding instrument for the environment, is also
celebrating 20 years.
Speaking at a ceremony to mark the event, Environment Commissioner
Janez Potocnik said:
"Embracing over 26,000 sites and covering almost a fifth of our land
territory, with significant marine areas, Natura 2000 is the largest coordinated
network of protected areas anywhere in the world.
This is an extraordinary achievement, and we owe it to the Habitats
The LIFE programme too has been a great success.
Over the past 20 years it has targeted some 400 species, many of which
have now attained favourable conservation status.
All Europeans can be proud of these results."
The Habitats Directive is the most ambitious initiative ever undertaken
to conserve Europe’s biodiversity.
EU governments adopted the legislation in 1992 amid increasing concern
at growing biodiversity loss.
Along with the Birds Directive, it sets the framework for nature
conservation throughout the Union, on a truly European scale.
The Directive protects over 1000 animal and plant species and over 200
habitat types, including forests, meadows, and wetlands of European conservation
A direct result of the legislation is Natura 2000, a pan-European
ecological network of protected sites designed to protect species and habitats
in their natural environment throughout the Union.
The network is now almost complete and covers an area equivalent in
size to Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic combined.
Natura 2000 sites are not limited to nature reserves but are based on a
much broader concept of conservation and sustainable use – areas where man works
together with nature.
LIFE, the EU fund for the environment, has contributed over EUR 1.2
billion to the management and restoration of over 2000 Natura 2000 sites across
the EU.
Over the past 20 years the two sections of the fund - LIFE Nature and
LIFE Environment Policy and Governance – have co-financed 3 685 projects to the
tune of EUR 2.8 billion from the EU budget.
Its confidence in, and support for, those initiatives has leveraged a
further EUR 3.8 billion for a multitude of schemes to improve the environment
and communicate those achievements to a wider audience.
Over 26,000 sites are included in the Natura 2000 network.
Some are in remote areas but most form an integral part of our
countryside and contain a range of different habitats, buffer zones and other
elements of the landscape.
Natura 2000 cares for Europe's areas of high biodiversity value, but it
also supports the livelihoods of farmers, foresters, fishermen and other users
who live in these areas and look after this critical natural capital.
Investments in Natura 2000 have substantial potential to contribute to
sustainable growth and the creation of jobs, especially in rural and less
developed areas.
Ensuring healthy ecosystems through Natura 2000 management also
contributes to climate change mitigation and adaptation objectives.
The name LIFE comes from its French acronym: L’Instrument financier
pour l’environnement (Financial Instrument for the Environment).
More than 300 ‘LIFE 20th anniversary’ events are taking place this
year, organised by LIFE projects past and present.
The dissemination events range from a LIFE Easter Camp for kids
(Spain), a regional Flower Fair (Greece), to a moonlit Frog Concert (Germany).
For more information on all the 300-plus LIFE events, see the LIFE 20th
anniversary calendar. |