La Commissione propone il via libera alla cooperazione rafforzata per l'imposta sulle transazioni finanziarie
Inglese tratto da:
Italiano tratto da:
Data documento: 23-10-2012
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Commission proposes green light for enhanced cooperation on financial transactions tax
La Commissione propone il via libera alla cooperazione rafforzata per l'imposta sulle transazioni finanziarie
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The 10 Member States that wish to apply an EU financial transaction tax (FTT) through enhanced cooperation should be allowed to do so, because all the legal conditions for such a move are met.
I 10 Stati membri che desiderano applicare un'imposta dell'UE sulle transazioni finanziarie (ITF) tramite una cooperazione rafforzata dovrebbero essere autorizzati a farlo, poiché sono soddisfatti tutti i requisiti normativi per una tale misura.
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This is the conclusion of the proposal for a Council Decision adopted by the Commission today.
È questa la conclusione della proposta di decisione del Consiglio, che la Commissione ha adottato oggi.
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Moreover, enhanced cooperation on the FTT would not only bring "immediate, tangible advantages" for those countries that participate, but would also contribute to a better functioning Single Market for the Union as a whole, the proposal states.
Inoltre la cooperazione rafforzata per l'imposta sulle transazioni finanziarie non solo apporterebbe "vantaggi tangibili, immediati" per i paesi partecipanti, ma, secondo la proposta, contribuirebbe anche a un funzionamento più efficiente del mercato unico per l'insieme dell'Unione.
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President Barroso said:
Il Presidente Barroso ha dichiarato:
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"I am delighted to see that 10 member states have indicated their willingness to participate in a common FTT along the lines of the Commission's original proposal.
"Sono lieto di constatare che 10 Stati membri hanno manifestato l'intenzione di partecipare ad un'imposta comune sulle transazioni finanziarie basata sulla proposta originale della Commissione.
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This tax can raise billions of euros of much-needed revenue for member states in these difficult times.
Tale imposta può generare un gettito di svariati miliardi di euro, estremamente necessari per gli Stati membri in questo difficile momento.
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This is about fairness: we need to ensure the costs of the crisis are shared by the financial sector instead of shouldered by ordinary citizens."
È una questione di equità: dobbiamo fare in modo che i costi
della crisi siano condivisi dalws settore finanziario anziché essere addossati ai comuni cittadini."
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Algirdas Šemeta, Commissioner for Taxation, said:
Algirdas Šemeta, Commissario responsabile per la Fiscalità, ha dichiarato:
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"There are EU wide benefits to a common FTT, even if it is not applied EU wide.
"Un'imposta comune sulle transazioni finanziarie andrà a vantaggio dell'intera UE anche se non è applicata in tutta l'UE.
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It will create a stronger, more cohesive Single Market and contribute to a more stable financial sector.
Condurrà ad un mercato unico più forte e più coeso e contribuirà ad una maggiore stabilità nel settore finanziario.
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Meanwhile, those Member States that have signed up for this tax will have the added bonus of new revenues and fairer tax systems that respond to citizens' demands.
Intanto, per gli Stati membri che hanno optato per l'imposta, il vantaggio sarà costituito dall'incremento delle entrate e da un regime fiscale più equo che soddisfa le aspettative dei cittadini.
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I promised an extremely quick response once it was the Commission's turn to act, and that is what we have delivered today.
Mi sono impegnato a rispondere in tempi brevissimi quando fosse toccato alla Commissione agire: questo impegno l'abbiamo mantenuto oggi.
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I'd now urge the Parliament and the Council to keep up the pace and quickly give the green light for the willing Member States to move ahead with an EU FTT."
Vorrei ora invitare il Parlamento e il Consiglio a non perdere velocità e a dare rapidamente il via libera agli Stati membri desiderosi di proseguire in merito ad un'imposta sulle transazioni finanziarie a livello dell'UE."
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Over the past few weeks, 10 Member States have sent official requests to the Commission for enhanced cooperation on an FTT.
In queste ultime settimane, 10 Stati membri hanno inviato alla Commissione richieste ufficiali di cooperazione rafforzata riguardante un'imposta sulle transazioni finanziarie.
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They all cited the Commission's proposal for an FTT as the basis upon which they wished to proceed (see IP/11/1085).
Tutti hanno indicato come base su cui desiderano procedere la proposta della Commissione per l'introduzione di un'imposta sulle transazioni finanziarie (cfr. IP/11/1085).
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Once the minimum required number of Member States had signed up, the Commission immediately set about analysing these requests to ensure they met the conditions for enhanced cooperation laid down in the Treaties.
Dopo aver constatato l'invio del numero minimo di richieste da parte degli Stati membri, la Commissione ha immediatamente iniziato ad esaminarle al fine di verificare che adempissero alle condizioni per la cooperazione rafforzata previste dai trattati.
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It did this with full impartiality, looking at the impact on participating and non-participating Member States, as well as on the EU as a whole.
La Commissione ha effettuato tale esame in totale imparzialità, analizzando l'incidenza della partecipazione, come della non-partecipazione, sugli Stati membri, nonché sull'insieme dell'UE.
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This meant checking, for example, that enhanced cooperation in this area would further the objectives and interests of the EU, would not undermine the Single Market, and would respect the rights, competences and obligations of non-participating Member States (see Memo/12/799 for full description of conditions).
È stato necessario verificare, ad esempio, che la cooperazione rafforzata in quest'ambito promuovesse gli obiettivi e gli interessi dell'UE, non compromettesse il mercato unico e rispettasse i diritti, le competenze e gli obblighi degli Stati membri non partecipanti (per una descrizione completa delle condizioni cfr. Memo/12/799 ).
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In addition, any Member State that wishes to join at a later stage may do so, under the same conditions as the Member States that have participated from the beginning.
Inoltre uno Stato membro che desideri partecipare in una fase successiva può farlo, alle stesse condizioni previste per gli Stati membri che hanno partecipato dall'inizio.
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The Commission has concluded, through today's Decision, that all legal conditions are met and that the Member States that want to move ahead with an EU FTT should be allowed to do so.
La Commissione, con la decisione di oggi, è giunta alla conclusione che sono soddisfatti tutti i requisisti normativi e che gli Stati membri che desiderino proseguire in materia di un'imposta sulle transazioni finanziarie a livello dell'UE devono esserne autorizzati.
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Today's proposal outlines how a common FTT applied by a core group of Member States would be both timely and beneficial.
La proposta odierna illustra come un'ITF applicata da un gruppo ristretto di Stati membri sarebbe opportuna e vantaggiosa.
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Firstly, it would reinforce the Single Market, by reducing the complexities and competitive distortions that arise from a patchwork of different national approaches.
Innanzitutto rafforzerebbe il mercato unico, riducendo le complessità e le distorsioni della concorrenza derivanti dal mosaico dei diversi approcci nazionali.
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Businesses across all 27 Member States would benefit from reduced compliance costs and greater legal certainty if a uniform system was applied by a significant portion of the EU market.
Se fosse applicato un sistema uniforme da una parte considerevole del mercato dell'UE le imprese di tutti i 27 Stati membri beneficerebbero di una riduzione dei costi per la conformità e di una maggiore certezza giuridica.
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Secondly, the FTT would ensure a fairer contribution from the financial sector to the public purse.
In secondo luogo, l'ITF assicurerebbe un contributo più equo del settore finanziario alle finanze pubbliche.
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It would create a more level playing field between the financial sector and other sectors in covering the costs of the crisis.
Creerebbe una maggior parità di condizioni fra il settore finanziario e gli altri settori nel sostenere i costi della crisi.
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Finally, a common FTT would make financial markets more efficient, by steering them away from casino-type trading to more stable activities which support the real economy.
Infine un'imposta sulle transazioni finanziarie renderebbe più efficienti i mercati finanziari, distogliendoli da operazioni ad alto rischio a vantaggio di attività più stabili a sostegno dell'economia reale.
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Next Steps
Fasi successive
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Today's proposal for a Council Decision is an important procedural step in the enhanced cooperation process.
La proposta odierna di decisione del Consiglio costituisce un'importante tappa procedurale nel processo di cooperazione rafforzata.
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It must be adopted by a qualified majority of Member States, and receive the Parliament's consent, in order for the [10] Member States to move forward.
Dev'essere adottata dagli Stati membri a maggioranza qualificata e deve ottenere l'approvazione del Parlamento, affinché i 10 Stati membri possano portarla avanti.
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Later in the year, the Commission intends to table the substantive proposal on the harmonised FTT, for discussion and adoption by the participating Member States.
Verso la fine dell'anno la Commissione intende presentare la proposta di merito relativa all'ITF armonizzata, per discussione e adozione da parte degli Stati membri partecipanti.
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That proposal will be very much along the lines of the original FTT proposal tabled by the Commission in September 2011, as requested by the Member States in their letters.
Tale proposta seguirà molto da vicino la proposta originale di imposta sulle transazioni finanziarie presentata dalla Commissione nel settembre 2011, come richiesto nelle lettere degli Stati membri.
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However, the Commission will carefully examine whether some adjustments are required to reflect the smaller number of Member States that would be applying it.
Tuttavia la Commissione studierà con attenzione se siano necessari eventuali adeguamenti volti a tener conto del numero di Stati membri più ridotto che l'applicherebbe.
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In September 2011, the Commission tabled a proposal for a common system of financial transactions tax, with the objective of improving the functioning of the internal market in this area.
Nel settembre 2011, la Commissione ha presentato una proposta di un regime comune di imposta sulle transazioni finanziarie inteso a migliorare il funzionamento del mercato interno in quest'ambito.
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In addition, it was estimated that the harmonised tax would deliver €57 billion in revenues each year, and thereby ensure a fair contribution from the financial sector to public finances, contribute to more responsible trading and enable a coherent approach to taxing this sector in the Single Market.
Inoltre si è stimato che l'imposta armonizzata potrebbe generare 57 miliardi di euro di gettito all'anno e, di conseguenza, assicurare un giusto contributo del settore finanziario alle finanze pubbliche, contribuire a rendere il trading più responsabile e consentire un'impostazione coerente per la tassazione di questo settore nel mercato unico.
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Following intense discussions on this file, there was consensus at the ECOFIN meetings in June and July 2012 that unanimity would not be reached within a reasonable period.
Dopo intensi dibattiti in materia, le riunioni ECOFIN di giugno e luglio 2012 sono giunte ad un consenso secondo cui entro un periodo di tempo ragionevole non sarebbe stata ottenuta l'unanimità.
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At that time already, a strong, core group of Member States expressed an interest in proceeding with a common system of FTT through enhanced cooperation.
Già in quel momento un forte gruppo ristretto di Stati membri ha espresso interesse a procedere con un regime comune di ITF tramite una cooperazione rafforzata.
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On 28 September 2012, exactly one year after the initial Commission proposal had been tabled, France and Germany sent a letter to Commissioner Šemeta, officially requesting enhanced cooperation to be authorised, on the basis of the Commission's proposal.
Il 28 settembre 2012, esattamente un anno dopo che la Commissione ha presentato la proposta iniziale, la Francia e la Germania hanno inviato una lettera al Commissario Šemeta, chiedendo ufficialmente che fosse autorizzata la cooperazione rafforzata in base alla proposta della Commissione.
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This was followed by similar letters from Austria, Belgium, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain.
Sono seguite lettere analoghe da Austria, Belgio, Grecia, Italia, Portogallo, Slovacchia, Slovenia e Spagna.
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A minimum of 9 Member States are needed for enhanced cooperation to be allowed under the Treaties.
Affinché una cooperazione rafforzata sia autorizzata a norma dei trattati sono necessari almeno 9 Stati membri.
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This minimum has been reached. |
Il numero minimo è stato raggiunto. |
Commission proposes green light for enhanced cooperation on financial
transactions tax
The 10 Member States that wish to apply an EU financial transaction tax
(FTT) through enhanced cooperation should be allowed to do so, because all the
legal conditions for such a move are met.
This is the conclusion of the proposal for a Council Decision adopted
by the Commission today.
Moreover, enhanced cooperation on the FTT would not only bring
"immediate, tangible advantages" for those countries that participate, but would
also contribute to a better functioning Single Market for the Union as a whole,
the proposal states.
President Barroso said:
"I am delighted to see that 10 member states have indicated their willingness to
participate in a common FTT along the lines of the Commission's original
This tax can raise billions of euros of much-needed revenue for member states in
these difficult times.
This is about fairness: we need to ensure the costs of the crisis are shared by
the financial sector instead of shouldered by ordinary citizens."
Algirdas Šemeta, Commissioner for Taxation, said:
"There are EU wide benefits to a common FTT, even if it is not applied EU wide.
It will create a stronger, more cohesive Single Market and contribute to a more
stable financial sector.
Meanwhile, those Member States that have signed up for this tax will have the
added bonus of new revenues and fairer tax systems that respond to citizens'
I promised an extremely quick response once it was the Commission's turn to act,
and that is what we have delivered today.
I'd now urge the Parliament and the Council to keep up the pace and quickly give
the green light for the willing Member States to move ahead with an EU FTT."
Over the past few weeks, 10 Member States have sent official requests
to the Commission for enhanced cooperation on an FTT.
They all cited the Commission's proposal for an FTT as the basis upon
which they wished to proceed (see IP/11/1085).
Once the minimum required number of Member States had signed up, the
Commission immediately set about analysing these requests to ensure they met the
conditions for enhanced cooperation laid down in the Treaties.
It did this with full impartiality, looking at the impact on
participating and non-participating Member States, as well as on the EU as a
This meant checking, for example, that enhanced cooperation in this
area would further the objectives and interests of the EU, would not undermine
the Single Market, and would respect the rights, competences and obligations of
non-participating Member States (see Memo/12/799 for full description of
In addition, any Member State that wishes to join at a later stage may
do so, under the same conditions as the Member States that have participated
from the beginning.
The Commission has concluded, through today's Decision, that all legal
conditions are met and that the Member States that want to move ahead with an EU
FTT should be allowed to do so.
Today's proposal outlines how a common FTT applied by a core group of
Member States would be both timely and beneficial.
Firstly, it would reinforce the Single Market, by reducing the
complexities and competitive distortions that arise from a patchwork of
different national approaches.
Businesses across all 27 Member States would benefit from reduced
compliance costs and greater legal certainty if a uniform system was applied by
a significant portion of the EU market.
Secondly, the FTT would ensure a fairer contribution from the financial
sector to the public purse.
It would create a more level playing field between the financial sector
and other sectors in covering the costs of the crisis.
Finally, a common FTT would make financial markets more efficient, by
steering them away from casino-type trading to more stable activities which
support the real economy.
Next Steps
Today's proposal for a Council Decision is an important procedural step
in the enhanced cooperation process.
It must be adopted by a qualified majority of Member States, and
receive the Parliament's consent, in order for the [10] Member States to move
Later in the year, the Commission intends to table the substantive
proposal on the harmonised FTT, for discussion and adoption by the participating
Member States.
That proposal will be very much along the lines of the original FTT
proposal tabled by the Commission in September 2011, as requested by the Member
States in their letters.
However, the Commission will carefully examine whether some adjustments
are required to reflect the smaller number of Member States that would be
applying it.
In September 2011, the Commission tabled a proposal for a common system
of financial transactions tax, with the objective of improving the functioning
of the internal market in this area.
In addition, it was estimated that the harmonised tax would deliver €57
billion in revenues each year, and thereby ensure a fair contribution from the
financial sector to public finances, contribute to more responsible trading and
enable a coherent approach to taxing this sector in the Single Market.
Following intense discussions on this file, there was consensus at the
ECOFIN meetings in June and July 2012 that unanimity would not be reached within
a reasonable period.
At that time already, a strong, core group of Member States expressed
an interest in proceeding with a common system of FTT through enhanced
On 28 September 2012, exactly one year after the initial Commission
proposal had been tabled, France and Germany sent a letter to Commissioner
Šemeta, officially requesting enhanced cooperation to be authorised, on the
basis of the Commission's proposal.
This was followed by similar letters from Austria, Belgium, Greece,
Italy, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain.
A minimum of 9 Member States are needed for enhanced cooperation to be
allowed under the Treaties.
This minimum has been reached. |