Un prodotto lattiero-caseario che non può essere qualificato come burro non può essere commercializzato con la denominazione «pomazánkové máslo» (burro da spalmare)
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Data documento: 18-10-2012
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A milk product which cannot be classified as butter cannot be marketed under the designation ‘pomazánkové máslo’ (butter spread)
Un prodotto lattiero-caseario che non può essere qualificato come burro non può essere commercializzato con la denominazione «pomazánkové máslo» (burro da spalmare)
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The Czech Republic has infringed EU law, by allowing that product to be marketed under that designation
La Repubblica ceca è venuta meno agli obblighi che le derivano dal diritto dell’Unione per aver autorizzato la commercializzazione di tale prodotto con siffatta denominazione
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In accordance with the Single CMO Regulation1, only products with a milk-fat content of not less than 80% but less than 90%, a maximum water content of 16% and a maximum dry non-fat milk-material content of 2% can be marketed under the designation ‘butter’.
Ai sensi del regolamento «unico OCM» 1, soltanto i prodotti con un tenore minimo di grassi lattieri dell’80%, ma inferiore al 90%, e tenori massimi di acqua del 16% e di estratto secco non grasso del 2% possono essere commercializzati con la denominazione «burro».
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However, that rule does not apply to the designation of products the exact nature of which is clear from traditional usage and/or when the designations are clearly used to describe a characteristic quality of the product.
Tuttavia, tale norma non si applica alle denominazioni di prodotti la cui esatta natura risulta chiaramente dall’uso tradizionale e/o la cui denominazione è chiaramente utilizzata per descrivere una qualità caratteristica del prodotto.
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The products benefiting from this derogation appear on a list drawn up by the Commission.
I prodotti che beneficiano di tale deroga figurano in un elenco redatto dalla Commissione.
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Pomazánkové máslo is a product similar to butter which is used as a spread and also as an ingredient in manufacturing other food products.
Il «pomazánkové máslo» è un prodotto simile al burro, utilizzato come crema da spalmare oltre che come componente per la produzione di altri prodotti alimentari.
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As it has a minimum fat content of 31% by weight, a minimum dry material content of 42% and a water content of up to 58%, it does not satisfy the requirements under the regulation for being marketed under the sales designation ‘butter’.
Con un tenore minimo in peso di grassi del 31%, un tenore minimo di estratto secco del 42% e un tenore di acqua che può raggiungere il 58%, tale prodotto non soddisfa i requisiti imposti dal regolamento per essere commercializzato con la denominazione di vendita «burro».
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The Czech legislation none the less allows the product to be marketed under the designation ‘pomazánkové máslo’ (butter spread).
Tuttavia, la normativa ceca ne autorizza la commercializzazione con la denominazione «pomazánkové máslo».
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Since it considered that, by allowing the marketing under the designation ‘pomazánkové máslo’ of a milk product which could not be classified as butter, the Czech Republic had infringed the regulation, the Commission brought an action before the Court of Justice against the Czech Republic for failure to fulfil obligations.
Ritenendo che la Repubblica ceca, nel consentire la commercializzazione con la denominazione «pomazánkové máslo» di un prodotto lattiero-caseario che non può essere qualificato come burro, fosse venuta meno ai propri obblighi derivanti dal regolamento, la Commissione ha adito la Corte di giustizia con un ricorso per inadempimento nei confronti di tale Stato membro.
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In its judgment of today, the Court of Justice starts by finding that ‘pomazánkové máslo’ does not satisfy the criteria laid down in the regulation for it to be marketed under the designation ‘butter’.
Con l’odierna sentenza la Corte dichiara, anzitutto, che il «pomazánkové máslo» non presenta le caratteristiche previste dal regolamento per poter essere commercializzato con la denominazione «burro».
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The Court also notes that the product is not included in the list of products which can benefit from a derogation and not be subject to the restrictions in the regulation concerning designations.
La Corte osserva, inoltre, che tale prodotto non è iscritto nell’elenco dei prodotti che possono beneficiare di una deroga e che consente loro di non essere soggetti alle restrizioni del regolamento in materia di denominazioni.
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The Court examines the Czech Republic’s argument that products whose exact nature is clear from traditional usage and/or whose designation is clearly used to describe a characteristic quality of the product automatically benefit from that derogation without their inclusion in that list, and hence prior authorisation by the Commission, being necessary.
La Corte esamina l’argomento della Repubblica ceca secondo il quale i prodotti la cui esatta natura risulta chiaramente dall’uso tradizionale e/o la cui denominazione è chiaramente utilizzata per descrivere una qualità caratteristica del prodotto godrebbero automaticamente di tale deroga, senza che siano necessarie l’iscrizione di detti prodotti nell’elenco e pertanto la previa autorizzazione della Commissione.
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The Court rejects this argument, pointing out that the regulation expressly empowers the Commission to draw up an exhaustive list of products to which the derogation may be applied, on the basis of the lists sent by the Member States, and holds that the application of the derogation therefore requires a prior decision by the Commission.
La Corte respinge tale argomento ricordando che il regolamento autorizza espressamente la Commissione a redigere l’elenco completo dei prodotti che, sulla base degli elenchi trasmessi dagli Stati membri, possono beneficiare della deroga, e statuisce che per fruire di tale deroga è richiesta quindi una previa decisione della Commissione.
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In those circumstances, the Court finds that the Czech Republic has failed to fulfil its obligations under the regulation, by allowing a milk product which cannot be classified as butter to be marketed under the sales designation ‘pomazánkové máslo’.
Pertanto, la Corte dichiara che la Repubblica ceca è venuta meno agli obblighi definiti dal regolamento, per aver autorizzato la commercializzazione con la denominazione di vendita «pomazánkové máslo» di un prodotto lattiero-caseario che non poteva essere qualificato come burro.
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An action for failure to fulfil obligations directed against a Member State which has failed to comply with its obligations under European Union law may be brought by the Commission or by another Member State.
La Commissione o un altro Stato membro possono proporre un ricorso per inadempimento diretto contro uno Stato membro che è venuto meno ai propri obblighi derivanti dal diritto dell’Unione.
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If the Court of Justice finds that there has been a failure to fulfil obligations, the Member State concerned must comply with the Court’s judgment without delay.
Qualora la Corte di giustizia accerti l’inadempimento, lo Stato membro interessato deve conformarsi alla sentenza senza indugio.
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Where the Commission considers that the Member State has not complied with the judgment, it may bring a further action seeking financial penalties.
La Commissione, qualora ritenga che lo Stato membro non si sia conformato alla sentenza, può proporre un altro ricorso chiedendo sanzioni pecuniarie.
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However, if measures transposing a directive have not been notified to the Commission, the Court of Justice can, on a proposal from the Commission, impose penalties at the stage of the initial judgment.
Tuttavia, in caso di mancata comunicazione delle misure di attuazione di una direttiva alla Commissione, su domanda di quest’ultima, la Corte di giustizia può infliggere sanzioni pecuniarie, al momento della prima sentenza. |
A milk product which cannot be classified as butter cannot be marketed
under the designation ‘pomazánkové máslo’ (butter spread)
The Czech Republic has infringed EU law, by allowing that product to be
marketed under that designation
In accordance with the Single CMO Regulation1, only products with a
milk-fat content of not less than 80% but less than 90%, a maximum water content
of 16% and a maximum dry non-fat milk-material content of 2% can be marketed
under the designation ‘butter’.
However, that rule does not apply to the designation of products the
exact nature of which is clear from traditional usage and/or when the
designations are clearly used to describe a characteristic quality of the
The products benefiting from this derogation appear on a list drawn up
by the Commission.
Pomazánkové máslo is a product similar to butter which is used as a
spread and also as an ingredient in manufacturing other food products.
As it has a minimum fat content of 31% by weight, a minimum dry
material content of 42% and a water content of up to 58%, it does not satisfy
the requirements under the regulation for being marketed under the sales
designation ‘butter’.
The Czech legislation none the less allows the product to be marketed
under the designation ‘pomazánkové máslo’ (butter spread).
Since it considered that, by allowing the marketing under the
designation ‘pomazánkové máslo’ of a milk product which could not be classified
as butter, the Czech Republic had infringed the regulation, the Commission
brought an action before the Court of Justice against the Czech Republic for
failure to fulfil obligations.
In its judgment of today, the Court of Justice starts by finding that
‘pomazánkové máslo’ does not satisfy the criteria laid down in the regulation
for it to be marketed under the designation ‘butter’.
The Court also notes that the product is not included in the list of
products which can benefit from a derogation and not be subject to the
restrictions in the regulation concerning designations.
The Court examines the Czech Republic’s argument that products whose
exact nature is clear from traditional usage and/or whose designation is clearly
used to describe a characteristic quality of the product automatically benefit
from that derogation without their inclusion in that list, and hence prior
authorisation by the Commission, being necessary.
he Court rejects this argument, pointing out that the regulation
expressly empowers the Commission to draw up an exhaustive list of products to
which the derogation may be applied, on the basis of the lists sent by the
Member States, and holds that the application of the derogation therefore
requires a prior decision by the Commission.
In those circumstances, the Court finds that the Czech Republic has
failed to fulfil its obligations under the regulation, by allowing a milk
product which cannot be classified as butter to be marketed under the sales
designation ‘pomazánkové máslo’.
An action for failure to fulfil obligations directed against a Member
State which has failed to comply with its obligations under European Union law
may be brought by the Commission or by another Member State.
If the Court of Justice finds that there has been a failure to fulfil
obligations, the Member State concerned must comply with the Court’s judgment
without delay.
Where the Commission considers that the Member State has not complied
with the judgment, it may bring a further action seeking financial penalties.
However, if measures transposing a directive have not been notified to
the Commission, the Court of Justice can, on a proposal from the Commission,
impose penalties at the stage of the initial judgment.