La Commissione propone di aggiornare le regole che si applicano alle apparecchiature radio
Inglese tratto da:
Italiano tratto da: http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-12-1109_it.htm
Data documento: 17-10-2012
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Commission proposes to update radio equipment rules
La Commissione propone di aggiornare le regole che si applicano alle apparecchiature radio
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The European Commission has today proposed to update the Radio Equipment Directive.
La Commissione europea ha proposto oggi di aggiornare la direttiva sulle apparecchiature radio.
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The proposal aims to make sure all market players comply with the rules regarding the avoidance of interference, so that consumers do not have problems when opening car doors, monitoring their babies or listening to radio.
La proposta presentata oggi intende far sì che tutti gli operatori del mercato rispettino le regole atte a evitare le interferenze, in modo da far sì che i consumatori non incappino in problemi quando aprono le portiere dell'automobile, sorvegliano da lontano i loro bambini o ascoltano la radio.
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The Commission also proposes to clarify and simplify the Directive, to facilitate its application and to eliminate unnecessary burden ultimately increasing all stakeholders' confidence in the regulatory framework.
La Commissione ha proposto inoltre di chiarire e semplificare la direttiva per agevolarne l'applicazione ed eliminare gli oneri inutili accrescendo così la fiducia delle parti interessate nel quadro normativo.
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European Commission Vice President Antonio Tajani, Commissioner for Industry and Entrepreneurship, said:
Antonio Tajani, vicepresidente della Commissione europea e commissario responsabile per l'industria e l'imprenditoria, ha affermato:
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“Mobile communications enrich the lives of citizens and are essential for the competitiveness of EU companies.
“Le comunicazioni mobili arricchiscono le vite dei cittadini e sono essenziali per la competitività delle imprese dell'UE.
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The R&TTE sector is one of the few high-tech sectors where the EU is a global leader.
Il settore delle R&TTE è uno dei pochi settori ad alta tecnologia in cui l'UE è un leader globale.
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Therefore, we need to strengthen confidence among producers to ensure that this sector can continue its successful growth.
Per tale motivo dobbiamo rafforzare la fiducia tra i produttori per assicurare che questo settore continui ad espandersi con vigore.
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We also propose to eliminate unclear or unnecessary requirements which deter innovation, to enable the radio and telecommunications sector to pursue its spectacular growth."
Proponiamo inoltre di eliminare le disposizioni poco chiare o inutili che ostacolano l'innovazione in modo da consentire al settore delle radiotelecomunicazioni di continuare la sua crescita spettacolare."
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The Commission proposes:
La Commissione propone:
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- to strengthen the level of compliance with the Directive, ensuring that citizens have access to radio products which operate without interference.
di rafforzare il livello di ottemperanza alla direttiva, assicurando che i cittadini abbiano accesso a prodotti radio che funzionano senza interferenze.
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For example, market surveillance and customs officers could better check the safety of products using more effective tools.
Ad esempio, le autorità preposte alla sorveglianza del mercato e i funzionari delle dogane potrebbero meglio controllare la sicurezza dei prodotti facendo uso di strumenti più efficaci;
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- to clarify the directive, in particular clearly spelling out the obligations for every market player, be it manufacturer or importer, and also by limited adaptations of scope.
- di chiarire la direttiva, in particolare indicando a chiare lettere gli obblighi che incombono ad ogni operatore del mercato, sia fabbricante sia importatore, apportando inoltre piccoli adattamenti al campo di applicazione.
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- to simplify the directive, including through suppression of notification of certain products and other administrative obligations.
- di semplificare la direttiva, anche sopprimendo l'obbligo di notifica di certi prodotti e altri obblighi amministrativi.
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The new directive would be aligned with the New Legislative Framework for products (IP/11/1385), which makes the overall regulatory framework for products more consistent and easier to apply.
La nuova direttiva verrebbe messa in linea con il Nuovo quadro legislativo per i prodotti (IP/11/1385), che rende il quadro normativo generale applicabile ai prodotti più coerente e di più agevole applicazione.
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The proposal would also introduce some specific requirements, such as:
La proposta introdurrebbe inoltre alcuni requisiti specifici, come:
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ensuring that software can only be used with radio equipment after the compliance of that particular combination of software and the radio equipment has been demonstrated;
assicurare che il software possa essere usato su apparecchiature radio soltanto dopo che sia stata dimostrata la conformità di quella particolare combinazione di software e apparecchiature;
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interoperability with accessories such as chargers, and/or work via networks with other radio equipment.
assicurare l'interoperabilità con accessori quali caricatori e/o funzionare su reti con altre apparecchiature radio.
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The number of mobile devices and wireless applications has grown spectacularly over recent years and continues to show enormous potential for further innovation and expansion.
Il numero di apparecchi mobili e di applicazioni wireless è aumentato enormemente negli ultimi anni e continua a presentare grandi potenzialità di innovazioni future e di espansione.
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However, the sustained increase in applications, technologies and platforms also creates new risk of interference between the various devices on the market.
La proliferazione di applicazioni, tecnologie e piattaforme crea però nuovi rischi di interferenze tra i diversi apparecchi presenti sul mercato.
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To enable the sector to further expand we need to avoid such interference and to ensure that we make increasingly efficient use of the radio spectrum.
Per consentire al settore di espandersi ulteriormente dobbiamo fare in modo di evitare queste interferenze e di fare un uso sempre più efficiente dello spettro delle radiofrequenze.
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The R&TTE Directive on radio equipment and telecommunications terminal equipment entered into force in 1999 and has been crucial to achieving an internal market in this area.
La direttiva R&TTE riguardante le apparecchiature radio e le apparecchiature terminali di telecomunicazione è entrata in vigore nel 1999 ed è stata essenziale per la realizzazione di un mercato interno in tale ambito.
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The radio communications and telecommunications equipment industries sector encompasses all products using the radio frequency spectrum (e.g. car door openers, mobile communications equipment such as cellular telephones, CB radio, broadcast transmitters, etc.) and all equipment related to public telecommunications networks (e.g. ADSL modems, telephones, telephone switches). |
Il settore industriale che produce le apparecchiature per le comunicazioni radio e le telecomunicazioni comprende tutti i prodotti che si avvalgono dello spettro radio (ad esempio, telecomandi per aprire le portiere delle automobili, apparecchiature mobili di comunicazione, come ad esempio i telefoni cellulari, radio CB, apparecchi trasmittenti per radiodiffusione, ecc.) e tutte le apparecchiature legate alle reti pubbliche di telecomunicazione (ad esempio, modem ADSL, telefoni, centrali telefoniche). |
Commission proposes to update radio equipment rules
The European Commission has today proposed to update the Radio
Equipment Directive.
The proposal aims to make sure all market players comply with the rules
regarding the avoidance of interference, so that consumers do not have problems
when opening car doors, monitoring their babies or listening to radio.
The Commission also proposes to clarify and simplify the Directive, to
facilitate its application and to eliminate unnecessary burden ultimately
increasing all stakeholders' confidence in the regulatory framework.
European Commission Vice President Antonio Tajani, Commissioner for
Industry and Entrepreneurship, said:
“Mobile communications enrich the lives of citizens and are essential
for the competitiveness of EU companies.
The R&TTE sector is one of the few high-tech sectors where the EU is a
global leader.
Therefore, we need to strengthen confidence among producers to ensure
that this sector can continue its successful growth.
We also propose to eliminate unclear or unnecessary requirements which
deter innovation, to enable the radio and telecommunications sector to pursue
its spectacular growth."
The Commission proposes:
- to strengthen the level of compliance with the Directive, ensuring
that citizens have access to radio products which operate without interference.
For example, market surveillance and customs officers could better check the
safety of products using more effective tools.
- to clarify the directive, in particular clearly spelling out the
obligations for every market player, be it manufacturer or importer, and also by
limited adaptations of scope.
- to simplify the directive, including through suppression of
notification of certain products and other administrative obligations.
The new directive would be aligned with the New Legislative Framework
for products (IP/11/1385), which makes the overall regulatory framework for
products more consistent and easier to apply.
The proposal would also introduce some specific requirements, such as:
- ensuring that software can only be used with radio equipment after
the compliance of that particular combination of software and the radio
equipment has been demonstrated;
- interoperability with accessories such as chargers, and/or work
via networks with other radio equipment.
The number of mobile devices and wireless applications has grown
spectacularly over recent years and continues to show enormous potential for
further innovation and expansion.
However, the sustained increase in applications, technologies and
platforms also creates new risk of interference between the various devices on
the market.
To enable the sector to further expand we need to avoid such
interference and to ensure that we make increasingly efficient use of the radio
The R&TTE Directive on radio equipment and telecommunications terminal
equipment entered into force in 1999 and has been crucial to achieving an
internal market in this area.
The radio communications and telecommunications equipment industries
sector encompasses all products using the radio frequency spectrum (e.g. car
door openers, mobile communications equipment such as cellular telephones, CB
radio, broadcast transmitters, etc.) and all equipment related to public
telecommunications networks (e.g. ADSL modems, telephones, telephone switches). |