La giornata europea contro la tratta di esseri umani: un’azione comune per eliminare la tratta
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Data documento: 17-10-2012
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EU Anti-Trafficking Day: working together to eradicate trafficking in human beings
La giornata europea contro la tratta di esseri umani: un’azione comune per eliminare la tratta
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On the occasion of the Sixth EU Anti-Trafficking Day on 18 October, the EU Commissioner for Home Affairs, Cecilia Malmström, will participate and deliver a speech in a conference aiming to shape future actions and ensure that all actors will work together towards the eradication of trafficking in human beings.
Il 18 ottobre, in occasione della sesta giornata europea contro la tratta di esseri umani, la Commissaria per gli Affari interni Cecilia Malmström interverrà a una conferenza, il cui scopo è progettare azioni future e garantire che tutti gli attori collaborino per eradicare questo fenomeno.
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The Cyprus Minister of Interior, Eleni Mavrou, and the EU Anti-trafficking Coordinator, Myria Vassiliadou, will also take part in the event, organised by the European Commission and the Cyprus Presidency of the EU.
All’evento, organizzato dalla Commissione europea e dalla presidenza cipriota dell’Unione europea, parteciperanno anche il ministro degli Affari interni di Cipro, Eleni Mavrou, e la coordinatrice anti-tratta dell’UE, Myria Vassiliadou.
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Trafficking in human beings remains a serious issue in the European Union. According to the estimations of the International Labour Organisation, 880,000 people in the EU are victims of forced labour, including forced sexual exploitation. That is 1.8 persons per 1,000 inhabitants.
La tratta di esseri umani rimane un problema preoccupante all’interno dell’Unione, dove, secondo le stime dell’Organizzazione internazionale del lavoro, 880 000 persone, pari a 1,8 su 1 000 abitanti, sono vittime di lavoro forzato, tra cui lo sfruttamento sessuale.
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According to the latest Eurobarometer survey, 93% of Europeans agree that EU Member States should cooperate to tackle trafficking in human beings.
Nell’ultima indagine Eurobarometro, il 93% degli europei ha sostenuto che gli Stati membri dell’UE dovrebbero cooperare nella lotta contro la tratta.
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Depriving someone of their liberty, exploiting them and trading them as commodities for profit are serious human rights violations.
“Privare le persone della libertà, sfruttarle e venderle come merci a fini di profitto, costituiscono gravi violazioni dei diritti umani.
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Trafficking in human beings cannot be tolerated in any form, be it in Europe or anywhere else in the world.
La tratta di esseri umani non può essere tollerata in alcuna forma, che sia in Europa o nel resto del mondo.
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We have developed ambitious legislations and measures to fight trafficking in human beings and we see that the political will by Member States is there.
Abbiamo elaborato norme e misure ambiziose per combatterla e gli Stati membri hanno espresso la loro volontà politica in questo senso.
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The focus must now be on implementation: we need to translate the legislation into reality.
Adesso la priorità è passare alla fase di attuazione, ossia tradurre la legislazione in realtà.
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We have an obligation, moral as well as legal, to act. And we need to do so in partnership with international organisations, third countries, civil society organisations, the private sector and all other relevant actors within the EU and abroad.
Abbiamo l’obbligo, sia morale che giuridico, di intervenire, e dobbiamo farlo in partenariato con le organizzazioni internazionali, i paesi terzi, le organizzazioni della società civile, il settore privato e tutti gli altri attori all’interno dell’Unione e nel resto del mondo.
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To eradicate trafficking in human beings, we have to act together", said Cecilia Malmström.
Se vogliamo eliminare la tratta di esseri umani dobbiamo insomma agire insieme”, ha dichiarato Cecilia Malmström.
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The conference will give the European Commission the opportunity to urge Member States to transpose the new EU legislation on trafficking in human beings in a timely manner and to implement concrete and practical measures identified in the new EU Strategy, in order to effectively address this devastating crime, as member states now have less than 6 months to implement the EU Anti-Trafficking directive
La conferenza offrirà alla Commissione europea l’opportunità di stimolare gli Stati membri a recepire tempestivamente la nuova legislazione dell’UE sulla tratta di esseri umani e ad attuare le misure concrete e pratiche indicate nella nuova strategia dell’UE per affrontare in modo efficace questa forma devastante di criminalità: restano infatti meno di sei mesi per applicare a livello nazionale la direttiva anti-tratta.
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The event will bring together high level policy makers, government officials from all Member States, representatives of civil society organisations, the private sector, experts, front line workers who are in direct contact with victims, as well as artists and the media.
Per l’occasione si riuniranno leader politici ad alto livello, funzionari governativi di tutti gli Stati membri, rappresentanti delle organizzazioni della società civile e del settore privato, esperti, persone che operano in prima linea a diretto contatto con le vittime, ma anche artisti e media.
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Participants will reflect on ways to facilitate the work of practitioners in all aspects of trafficking in human beings and ensure the implementation of the EU policy initiatives in a coherent manner.
I partecipanti rifletteranno sui modi per agevolare l’azione degli operatori in ogni aspetto della tratta di esseri umani e per garantire un’attuazione coerente delle iniziative politiche dell’UE.
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The conference, which will be accessible to journalists, will focus on future work to strengthen cooperation and partnerships, prevention, victim protection and assistance, as well as prosecution of traffickers.
La conferenza, che sarà accessibile ai giornalisti, si concentrerà sul lavoro da svolgere per rafforzare la cooperazione e i partenariati, la prevenzione, la protezione delle vittime e l’assistenza, nonché il perseguimento dei trafficanti.
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These issues are amongst the main priorities and initiatives addressed by the 2012-2016 'EU Strategy towards the eradication of trafficking in Human Beings' (IP/12/619 and MEMO/12/455).
Sono queste alcune delle priorità e delle iniziative principali indicate dalla “Strategia dell’UE per l’eradicazione della tratta degli esseri umani (2012-2016)” (IP/12/619 e MEMO/12/455).
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For instance, the total number of cases prosecuted in the EU remains low.
Rimane basso, ad esempio, il numero totale di casi perseguiti nell’Unione europea:
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In fact, preliminary results of recent data show that the number of convictions on trafficking in human beings has decreased from 2008 to 2010.
i risultati preliminari di indagini recenti mostrano che tra il 2008 e il 2010 il numero di condanne per tratta di esseri umani è diminuito.
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That is why the Strategy foresees inter alia the establishment of national multidisciplinary law enforcement units specialised in human trafficking and supports Member States in establishing joint investigation teams.
Per questo motivo la strategia prevede, tra l’altro, l’istituzione di unità nazionali multidisciplinari di contrasto alla criminalità specializzate nella tratta e sostiene gli Stati membri nella creazione di squadre investigative comuni.
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Better identification of the victims and better assistance and protection, will increase their participation and their cooperation with law enforcement.
Identificare, assistere e proteggere meglio le vittime aumenterà inoltre la loro partecipazione e cooperazione alla lotta contro i trafficanti.
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The Strategy emphasises the need for formalised national referral mechanisms in all Member States.
La strategia sottolinea infine l’esigenza di istituire meccanismi formali di riferimento in tutti gli Stati membri.
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A press conference will take place in Albert Borschette Conference Center (room CCAB 0A) at 13:00 on 18 October.
Il 18 ottobre, alle ore 13, si terrà una conferenza stampa nel Centro congressi Albert Borschette (sala CCAB 0A).
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With the "EU Strategy towards the eradication of trafficking in Human Beings (2012-2016)", the Commission is focusing on concrete actions that will support and complement the implementation of EU legislation on preventing and combating trafficking in human beings and protecting its victims (Directive 2011/36/EU) - whose deadline for transposition is 6 April 2013.
Con la “Strategia dell’UE per l’eradicazione della tratta degli esseri umani (2012-2016)” la Commissione propone azioni concrete per sostenere e completare l’attuazione della normativa dell’Unione europea concernente la prevenzione e la repressione della tratta di esseri umani e la protezione delle vittime (direttiva 2011/36/UE), il cui termine di recepimento scade il 6 aprile 2013.
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The EU Strategy is a practical instrument addressing the main needs and challenges in the EU for the next five years from a human rights and gender-specific perspective.
La strategia è uno strumento pratico che affronta le esigenze e le sfide principali dell’UE per i prossimi cinque anni dal punto di vista dei diritti umani e tenendo conto della prospettiva di genere.
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It identifies five priorities and outlines a series of initiatives for each of them:
Identifica le cinque priorità seguenti, per ognuna delle quali espone una serie di iniziative:
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- Strengthening the identification, protection and assistance to victims, with a special emphasis on children.
- individuare, proteggere e assistere meglio le vittime, con un’attenzione particolare ai minori;
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- Stepping up the prevention of trafficking in human beings and reducing its demand
- intensificare la prevenzione della tratta di esseri umani e ridurne la domanda;
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- Increasing prosecution of traffickers
- potenziare l’azione penale nei confronti dei trafficanti;
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- Enhancing coordination, cooperation and coherence within the EU, with international organisations, and with third countries, including civil society and the private sector
- migliorare il coordinamento, la cooperazione e la coerenza all’interno dell’UE, con le organizzazioni internazionali e con i paesi terzi, compresi la società civile e il settore privato;
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- Increasing knowledge of, and effective response to, emerging trends in human trafficking |
- aumentare la conoscenza delle tendenze emergenti nella tratta di esseri umani e dare una risposta efficace. |
EU Anti-Trafficking Day: working together to eradicate trafficking in
human beings
On the occasion of the Sixth EU Anti-Trafficking Day on 18 October, the
EU Commissioner for Home Affairs, Cecilia Malmström, will participate and
deliver a speech in a conference aiming to shape future actions and ensure that
all actors will work together towards the eradication of trafficking in human
The Cyprus Minister of Interior, Eleni Mavrou, and the EU
Anti-trafficking Coordinator, Myria Vassiliadou, will also take part in the
event, organised by the European Commission and the Cyprus Presidency of the EU.
Trafficking in human beings remains a serious issue in the European
Union. According to the estimations of the International Labour Organisation,
880,000 people in the EU are victims of forced labour, including forced sexual
exploitation. That is 1.8 persons per 1,000 inhabitants.
According to the latest Eurobarometer survey, 93% of Europeans agree
that EU Member States should cooperate to tackle trafficking in human beings.
Depriving someone of their liberty, exploiting them and trading them as
commodities for profit are serious human rights violations.
Trafficking in human beings cannot be tolerated in any form, be it in Europe or
anywhere else in the world.
We have developed ambitious legislations and measures to fight
trafficking in human beings and we see that the political will by Member States
is there.
The focus must now be on implementation: we need to translate the
legislation into reality.
We have an obligation, moral as well as legal, to act. And we need to
do so in partnership with international organisations, third countries, civil
society organisations, the private sector and all other relevant actors within
the EU and abroad.
To eradicate trafficking in human beings, we have to act together",
said Cecilia Malmström.
The conference will give the European Commission the opportunity to
urge Member States to transpose the new EU legislation on trafficking in human
beings in a timely manner and to implement concrete and practical measures
identified in the new EU Strategy, in order to effectively address this
devastating crime, as member states now have less than 6 months to implement the
EU Anti-Trafficking directive
The event will bring together high level policy makers, government
officials from all Member States, representatives of civil society
organisations, the private sector, experts, front line workers who are in direct
contact with victims, as well as artists and the media.
Participants will reflect on ways to facilitate the work of
practitioners in all aspects of trafficking in human beings and ensure the
implementation of the EU policy initiatives in a coherent manner.
The conference, which will be accessible to journalists, will focus on
future work to strengthen cooperation and partnerships, prevention, victim
protection and assistance, as well as prosecution of traffickers.
These issues are amongst the main priorities and initiatives addressed
by the 2012-2016 'EU Strategy towards the eradication of trafficking in Human
Beings' (IP/12/619 and MEMO/12/455).
For instance, the total number of cases prosecuted in the EU remains
In fact, preliminary results of recent data show that the number of
convictions on trafficking in human beings has decreased from 2008 to 2010.
That is why the Strategy foresees inter alia the establishment of
national multidisciplinary law enforcement units specialised in human
trafficking and supports Member States in establishing joint investigation
Better identification of the victims and better assistance and
protection, will increase their participation and their cooperation with law
The Strategy emphasises the need for formalised national referral
mechanisms in all Member States.
A press conference will take place in Albert Borschette Conference
Center (room CCAB 0A) at 13:00 on 18 October.
With the "EU Strategy towards the eradication of trafficking in Human
Beings (2012-2016)", the Commission is focusing on concrete actions that will
support and complement the implementation of EU legislation on preventing and
combating trafficking in human beings and protecting its victims (Directive
2011/36/EU) - whose deadline for transposition is 6 April 2013.
The EU Strategy is a practical instrument addressing the main needs and
challenges in the EU for the next five years from a human rights and
gender-specific perspective.
It identifies five priorities and outlines a series of initiatives for
each of them:
- Strengthening the identification, protection and assistance to victims, with a
special emphasis on children.
- Stepping up the prevention of trafficking in human beings and reducing its
- Increasing prosecution of traffickers
- Enhancing coordination, cooperation and coherence within the EU, with
international organisations, and with third countries, including civil society
and the private sector
- Increasing knowledge of, and effective response to, emerging trends in human
trafficking |