Erasmus e il suo bilancio: domande frequenti
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Data documento: 16-10-2012
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FAQ on Erasmus and its budget
Erasmus e il suo bilancio: domande frequenti
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The Erasmus programme enables students in higher education to spend between 3 and 12 months in another European country – either for studies or for a placement in a company or other organisation.
Il programma Erasmus permette agli studenti universitari di trascorrere da 3 a 12 mesi in un altro paese europeo per compiervi un periodo di studi o un tirocinio presso un'impresa o un'organizzazione.
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Any student enrolled in a participating higher education institution in one of the 33 Erasmus countries can benefit (EU Member States, Croatia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey).
Ogni studente iscritto in un istituto di istruzione superiore partecipante al programma di uno dei 33 paesi Erasmus (Stati membri dell' UE, Croazia, Islanda, Liechtenstein, Norvegia, Svizzera e Turchia) può fruire di questa possibilità.
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Erasmus is a part of the EU's Lifelong Learning programme and accounts for more than 40% of its budget.
Erasmus è uno dei programmi che fanno parte del programma d'azione dell'UE nel campo dell'apprendimento permanente e rappresenta più del 40% del suo bilancio.
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The Lifelong Learning programme also covers the Leonardo da Vinci programme (vocational education and training, at least 25% of the budget), the Comenius programme (school education, at least 13% of the budget) and the Grundtvig programme (adult education, at least 4% of the budget).
Il programma di apprendimento permanente comprende anche il programma Leonardo da Vinci (istruzione e formazione professionali, almeno il 25% del bilancio), il programma Comenius (istruzione scolastica, almeno il 13% del bilancio) e il programma Grundtvig (istruzione per gli adulti, almeno il 4% del bilancio).
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What is the origin of the current funding problem for Erasmus?
Qual è l’origine degli attuali problemi di finanziamento del programma Erasmus?
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The European Commission's proposal for the overall EU budget for 2012 amounted to €132.7 billion.
Il bilancio generale 2012 dell'UE proposto dalla Commissione ammontava a 132,7 miliardi di euro.
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However, the final budget, agreed by Member States and the European Parliament, was €129.1 billion.
L'importo del bilancio finale approvato dagli Stati membri e dal Parlamento europeo è stato però di 129,1 miliardi di euro.
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The 2012 budget also had to cover some €5 billion in unpaid bills held over from the previous 2011 EU budget, which was also underfunded.
Il bilancio 2012 ha dovuto anche coprire un "buco" di circa 5 miliardi di euro, ereditato dal precedente bilancio, anch'esso sottofinanziato.
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The Commission, the Council and Parliament agreed to take stock of budget implementation in the course of 2012 to see if additional funding would be necessary.
La Commissione, il Consiglio e il Parlamento hanno convenuto di fare il punto dell'esecuzione del bilancio nel corso del 2012 per valutare la necessità di nuovi finanziamenti.
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The three institutions have been in regular contact regarding funding shortfalls affecting numerous programmes, however they have not reached an agreement.
Le tre istituzioni hanno mantenuto regolari contatti sulla questione dei tagli di bilancio, che interessano numerosi programmi, ma non hanno trovato un accordo.
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Janusz Lewandowski, the Commissioner for financial programming and the budget, is expected to propose an 'amending' budget later this month to bridge the deficits.
Janusz Lewandowski, commissario per la programmazione finanziaria e il bilancio, proporrà entro questo mese un bilancio rettificativo per colmare il deficit.
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Will Erasmus run out of money before the end of 2012?
Erasmus rimarrà senza fondi prima della fine del 2012?
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No. The European Commission has transferred 70% of Erasmus funding for the 2012-2013 academic year to national agencies in the participating countries, which distribute the money to universities and students.
No. La Commissione europea ha trasferito il 70% dei fondi Erasmus per l'anno accademico 2012-2013 alle agenzie nazionali dei paesi partecipanti, che distribuiscono il denaro alle università e agli studenti.
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So during the current semester, up to the end of the year, there should be no problem in paying Erasmus grants to students who are going abroad for a study period or job placement.
Nel semestre in corso, ossia fino alla fine dell'anno, non dovrebbero esserci problemi per pagare le borse Erasmus agli studenti che si recano all'estero per un periodo di studio o di tirocinio.
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Have students who went abroad between January and September 2012 received their grants?
Agli studenti che si sono recati all'estero tra gennaio e settembre 2012 sono state pagate le borse?
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Yes, if they have completed their exchange and submitted reports to their university, showing they completed their study period or placement.
Sì, se hanno completato lo scambio e hanno presentato alla loro università un rapporto sul periodo di studio o tirocinio trascorso al'estero.
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In this case, they will have received 100% of their grants.
In questo caso, hanno ricevuto il 100% dell'importo della borsa.
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These grants are not affected by the current budget squeeze since national agencies, and as a consequence universities and vocational institutes, already received the necessary funding for the 2011-2012 academic year.
Queste sovvenzioni non sono interessate dagli attuali tagli, perché le agenzie nazionali, e di conseguenza le università e gli istituti di formazione professionale, hanno già ricevuto i fondi necessari per l'anno accademico 2011-2012.
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Will Erasmus students who go abroad between October 2012 and February 2013 receive a lower grant than they expected?
Gli studenti Erasmus che si recano all'estero da ottobre 2012 a febbraio 2013 riceveranno una borsa di importo inferiore a quello previsto?
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If a shortfall in the 2012 EU budget persists, there might be a problem for students who are abroad in the second semester.
Se nel bilancio 2012 il deficit persiste, potrebbe esserci un problema per gli studenti che sono all'estero nel secondo semestre.
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In 2012-2013, the Commission envisages that around 270 000 students will benefit from the Erasmus programme.
Per il 2012-2013 la Commissione prevede che circa 270 000 studenti usufruiranno del programma Erasmus.
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How much has the Commission paid to national agencies so far? What is the shortfall?
A quanto ammontano i fondi finora versati dalla Commissione alle agenzie nazionali? Di quanto è il deficit?
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The Commission has already transferred around 99% of the 2012 budget for the Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP), which covers Erasmus, Leonardo Da Vinci, Comenius and Grundtvig.
La Commissione ha già trasferito il 99% circa del bilancio 2012 per il programma Apprendimento permanente (Lifelong Learning), che comprende Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci e Grundtvig.
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In total, it has transferred €980 million to national agencies in the participating countries and to the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) which runs part of the LLP.
In totale, sono stati trasferiti 980 milioni di euro alle agenzie nazionali dei paesi partecipanti e all'agenzia esecutiva Istruzione, audiovisivi e cultura (EACEA), che gestisce una parte del programma Apprendimento permanente.
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Around 45% of this sum is earmarked for Erasmus grants.
Il 45% circa di questa somma è destinato alle borse Erasmus.
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But this money does not match the grant commitments previously made for Erasmus and its sister programmes.
Questi fondi non coprono però gli impegni presi in precedenza per Erasmus e per gli altri programmi.
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The Commission was therefore recently forced to request an additional €180 million from the EU budget to meet its commitments under the LLP up to the end of 2012.
La Commissione si è quindi trovata nella necessità di chiedere un ulteriore stanziamento di 180 milioni di euro dal bilancio UE per rispettare gli impegni assunti nell'ambito del programma Apprendimento permanente per tutto il 2012.
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The shortfall in the case of Erasmus this year amounts to around half of this sum i.e. €90 million.
Nel caso di Erasmus il deficit in questo esercizio ammonta a circa la metà di questa somma, ossia a 90 milioni di euro.
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The deficit in the 2012 budget means that the Commission has not been able to reimburse payment claims from national agencies for LLP grants totalling over €118 million.
In conseguenza del deficit nel bilancio 2012, la Commissione non è stata in grado di rimborsare le domande di pagamento delle agenzie nazionali per borse del programma Apprendimento permanente per un importo totale di oltre 118 milioni di euro.
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The claims have been filed by the following national agencies:
Le domande sono state presentate dalle seguenti agenzie nazionali:
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Austria (€6.3 million), Belgium, French-speaking community (€3 million), Belgium, Dutch-speaking community (€4 million), Czech Republic (€7 million), Germany (€32 million), Ireland (€2.2 million), Estonia (€2.75 million), Lithuania (€4.3 million), Poland (€29.5 million), Slovenia (€2.7 million), Slovak Republic (€5 million) and UK (€19 million).
Austria (6,3 milioni di euro), Belgio, Comunità francofona (3 milioni di euro), Belgio, Comunità neerlandofona (4 milioni di euro), Repubblica ceca (7 milioni di euro), Germania (32 milioni di euro), Irlanda (2,2 milioni di euro), Estonia (2,75 milioni di euro), Lituania (4,3 milioni di euro), Polonia (29,5 milioni di euro) Slovenia (2,7 milioni), Repubblica slovacca (5 milioni di euro) e Regno Unito (19 milioni di euro).
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The Commission also expects to receive further payment requests totalling around €100 million before the end of the year from Latvia, Sweden, Belgium (German-speaking community), Denmark, Malta, France, Croatia, Hungary, Netherlands Switzerland, Norway, Romania and Greece.
La Commissione prevede di ricevere prima della fine dell’anno altre richieste di pagamento per un totale di circa 100 milioni di euro da Lettonia, Svezia, Irlanda, Belgio (Comunità di lingua tedesca), Danimarca, Malta, Francia, Croazia, Ungheria, Paesi Bassi, Svizzera, Norvegia, Romania e Grecia.
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It will not be able to meet these payment demands either unless the EU budget receives an injection of funds soon.
Non sarà in grado di rispondere neppure a queste richieste, a meno che intervenga rapidamente un'iniezione di fondi nel bilancio UE.
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(Non-EU countries participating in Erasmus and its sister programmes pay to be part of the scheme).
(I paesi non membri dell'UE che partecipano al programma Erasmus e agli altri programmi finanziano essi stessi la loro partecipazione).
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What is the Commission doing to solve the problem?
Che cosa fa la Commissione per risolvere il problema?
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The deficits concern practically all headings of the EU budget.
I deficit riguardano pressoché tutte le voci del bilancio UE.
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The Commission is doing what it can to manage the situation, including proposing the transfer of any funds which will not be used elsewhere.
La Commissione fa quel che può per gestire la situazione, tra l'altro proponendo lo storno dei fondi che non saranno utilizzati altrove.
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This so-called 'Global Transfer proposal' is currently being prepared by the Commission.
Attualmente, ha in preparazione la cosiddetta "proposta di storno globale".
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This year, however, the sources which can be transferred amount to less than €500 million in total for all areas, which is not enough.
Quest'anno, tuttavia, per l'insieme dei settori potranno essere trasferiti in totale meno di 500 milioni di euro, cifra che non è sufficiente.
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That is why the Commission has to ask the budgetary authority (European Parliament and Member States) to urgently increase their payments into the 2012 budget.
Per questo motivo la Commissione deve chiedere all’autorità di bilancio (Parlamento europeo e Stati membri) di aumentare gli stanziamenti nel bilancio 2012.
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What will happen if Member States fail to make up the deficit?
Che cosa accadrà se gli Stati membri non colmeranno il deficit?
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The implementation of the Lifelong Learning Programme will be put at risk if Member States and the European Parliament do not agree on additional payments into the budget.
L'attuazione del programma Apprendimento permanente sarà compromessa se gli Stati membri e il Parlamento europeo non accetteranno di iscrivere nel bilancio stanziamenti supplementari.
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It is expected that the first areas to be hit will be cooperation projects involving schools, adults and vocational training, while it will not be possible to pay Erasmus students and Leonardo Da Vinci apprentices the level of grants they expected.
I primi a subirne le conseguenze saranno i progetti di cooperazione che interessano le scuole, gli adulti e la formazione professionale, e non sarà possibile versare agli studenti Erasmus e ai tirocinanti Leonardo da Vinci borse dell'ammontare previsto.
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If the shortage of funding continues it could in some cases also affect the salaries of staff in the national agencies
Se i finanziamenti continueranno a essere insufficienti, in alcuni casi potrebbero essere a rischio anche gli stipendi del personale delle agenzie nazionali
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The situation will initially improve in 2013 when funding from the new yearly budget is available.
La situazione dovrebbe in un primo tempo migliorare nel 2013, quando saranno disponibili i fondi del nuovo bilancio annuo.
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The Commission has proposed €1.14 billion in payments to support the Lifelong Learning Programme next year, of which roughly €490 million would be spent on Erasmus grants for students and staff on exchanges.
La Commissione ha proposto di stanziare l'anno prossimo per il programma Apprendimento permanente 1,14 miliardi di euro, dei quali circa 490 milioni sarebbero destinati alle borse Erasmus per gli scambi di studenti e personale.
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But because this budget will be partially used to cover this year's negative balance (at least €180 million), it will probably already have been totally used by mid-2013 – so even bigger problems are to be expected after that.
Poiché però una parte di questo bilancio sarà utilizzata per coprire il saldo negativo di quest'anno (almeno 180 milioni), già verso metà dell'anno i fondi saranno esauriti e i problemi saranno anche più grossi.
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What part of EU budget goes to the Lifelong Learning programme?
Quale parte del bilancio dell’UE è destinato al programma Apprendimento permanente?
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The total EU budget 2007-2013 was €975 billion in current prices.
Il bilancio totale dell'UE per il periodo 2007-2013 è stato di 975 miliardi di euro a prezzi correnti.
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The Lifelong Learning programme is €7 billion which represents 0.71%.
Al programma Apprendimento permanente sono stati destinati 7 miliardi, cioè lo 0,71%.
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The current shortfall for the LLP is about €180 million.
L'attuale deficit per questo programma ammonta a circa 180 milioni.
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The total proposed EU budget 2014-2020 is in current prices €1.156 trillion.The budget proposed for the future Erasmus for All programme is €19 billion, which represents 1.64% of this total.
Il bilancio totale dell'UE proposto per il periodo 2014-2020, a prezzi correnti, è di 1.156 miliardi e per il futuro programma Erasmus la dotazione proposta è di 19 miliardi, l'1,64% del totale.
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How much does the EU spend on the Erasmus programme and how is it distributed?
Quanto spende l'Unione europea per il programma Erasmus e come sono distribuiti i fondi?
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In the current budgetary period (2007-13) the EU has allocated €3.1 billion for the Erasmus programme.
Per il periodo di programmazione in corso (2007-13) sono stati destinati al programma Erasmus 3,1 miliardi di euro.
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In 2012 the allocation is €480 million and the estimate for 2013 is €490 million (see table below).
Per il 2012 lo stanziamento è di 480 milioni e la stima per il 2013 è di 490 milioni (si veda la tabella).
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This represents around 0.35% of the EU budget.
Questa cifra corrisponde allo 0,35% circa del bilancio dell’UE.
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During the 2012-2013 academic year, the number of Erasmus students since the launch of the scheme 25 years ago will reach 3 million.
Durante l'anno accademico 2012-2013 il numero degli studenti che dal varo del programma, 25 anni fa, hanno usufruito delle borse Erasmus toccherà i 3 milioni.
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The EU provides annual grants to national agencies in the 33 participating countries.
L'UE eroga annualmente fondi alle agenzie nazionali dei 33 paesi partecipanti.
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National agencies are responsible for organising calls for proposals and for signing grant agreements with universities, schools, colleges and other educational institutions in their country.
Le agenzie nazionali sono responsabili dell'organizzazione degli inviti a presentare proposte e della firma degli accordi di sovvenzione con università, scuole e altre istituti di istruzione dei rispettivi paesi.
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Students apply for an Erasmus grants through their home university which is responsible for paying them the agreed grant.
Gli studenti presentano la domanda di una borsa Erasmus tramite un'università del loro paese, che provvede al pagamento.
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The overall Erasmus budget for student and staff mobility is allocated to different countries on the basis of the following factors:
La dotazione complessiva Erasmus per la mobilità degli studenti e del personale è suddivisa tra i diversi paesi sulla base dei seguenti criteri:
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- Population: number of students, graduates and teachers in higher education (level 5-6 of the International standard classification of education, ISCED).
- Popolazione: numero di studenti, laureati e docenti dell'istruzione superiore (livelli 5 e 6 della classificazione internazionale tipo dell'istruzione, ISCED).
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Data is provided by Eurostat.
I dati sono forniti da Eurostat.
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- Cost of living and distance between capital cities: used as corrective factors, applied to the population factor.
- Costo della vita e distanza tra le capitali: utilizzati come fattori correttivi applicati al fattore popolazione.
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- Past performance indicator: calculated on the basis of the number of outbound staff and students in the past (using the latest available data).
- Indicatore di performance passata: calcolato sulla base del numero di studenti e di personale che hanno trascorso un periodo all'estero in passato (secondo gli ultimi dati disponibili).
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Nearly 90% of the Erasmus budget is invested in student and staff mobility.
Quasi il 90% del bilancio di Erasmus è investito nella mobilità degli studenti e del personale.
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Erasmus also supports cooperation projects and networks which account for around 4% of the budget.These are managed centrally by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) in Brussels.
Erasmus finanzia anche progetti e reti di cooperazione, che rappresentano circa il 4% del bilancio, gestiti centralmente dall’agenzia esecutiva Istruzione, audiovisivi e cultura (EACEA) a Bruxelles
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How is the monthly EU grant determined?
In che modo è determinato l'importo mensile della borsa?
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Erasmus grants are designed to cover part of the additional costs of living abroad and travel.
Le borse Erasmus sono destinate a coprire una parte dei costi aggiuntivi del soggiorno all'estero e del viaggio.
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Erasmus students do not pay tuition fees at their host institution abroad.
Gli studenti Erasmus non pagano tasse di iscrizione all'istituto che li ospita all'estero.
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In each country, the national agencies allocate the funds at their disposal to higher education institutions.
In ciascun paese le agenzie nazionali distribuiscono i fondi di cui dispongono agli istituti di istruzione superiore.
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A national agency can decide to give higher grants to fewer students (as is the case, for example, in Bulgaria, Cyprus and Turkey) or to give lower grants to more students (as for example in France and Italy), but has to respect a ceiling for grants set by the European Commission for every country of destination (see Lifelong Learning Programme Guide).
Un'agenzia nazionale può decidere di assegnare borse di importo più elevato a un minor numero di studenti (come nel caso, ad esempio, della Bulgaria, di Cipro e della Turchia) o borse di importo minore a un maggior numero di studenti (come ad esempio in Francia e Italia), ma deve rispettare il massimale fissato dalla Commissione europea per ogni paese di destinazione (cfr. la Guida del programma d'azione per l'apprendimento permanente).
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The national agency allocates funds to applying institutions based on factors such as amounts requested or past performance.
L'agenzia nazionale assegna i fondi agli istituti sulla base di criteri quali gli importi richiesti o i risultati ottenuti in passato.
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The institution can then decide on the exact monthly grant it pays to students (and the weekly or daily rate to staff) within a range set by the national agency; this range differs from country to country.
L'istituto può poi stabilire l'importo mensile esatto della borsa concessa agli studenti (e l'importo settimanale o giornaliero versato al personale) entro i limiti fissati dall'agenzia nazionale, che variano da paese a paese.
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The monthly grant depends on the destination country and the type of mobility.
L'importo mensile della borsa dipende dal paese di destinazione e dal tipo di mobilità.
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For instance, there has been a tendency to give higher grants for job placements than for studies abroad.
Ad esempio, le borse per i tirocini sono in generale più elevate di quelle per i periodi di studio all'estero.
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The national agencies can increase the monthly grant for socio-economically disadvantaged students.
Le agenzie nazionali possono concedere borse di importo più elevato a studenti in condizioni socio-economiche svantaggiate.
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Various sources of other co-financing from national, regional and local sources can complement the Erasmus grant given by the European Union.
Varie fonti nazionali, regionali e locali di cofinanziamento possono integrare le borse Erasmus dell'Unione europea.
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In 2010-11, the average monthly EU grant for student mobility ranged from €133 for Spanish students to €653 for students from Cyprus.
Nel 2010-2011 l'importo medio mensile della borsa per la mobilità degli studenti era compreso tra i 133 euro per gli studenti spagnoli e i 653 euro per gli studenti di Cipro.
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Across all countries, the average monthly grant was €250.
La media per l'insieme dei paesi era di 250 euro.
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How can students and staff apply for Erasmus grants?
Come si fa per chiedere una borsa Erasmus?
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The Erasmus programme is open to all students studying at higher education institutions holding an Erasmus University Charter in 33 participating countries (27 EU Member States, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Turkey, Croatia and Switzerland).
Il programma Erasmus è aperto a tutti gli studenti di istituti di istruzione superiore in possesso di una carta universitaria Erasmus dei 33 paesi partecipanti (i 27 Stati membri dell'UE, Islanda, Liechtenstein, Norvegia, Turchia, Croazia e Svizzera).
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Most of Europe’s higher education institutions – more than 4 000 – have signed up to the Erasmus University Charter.
La maggior parte degli istituti di istruzione superiore europei – più di 4 000 – hanno sottoscritto la Carta universitaria Erasmus.
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The first step in applying for an Erasmus study period or job placement grant is to contact the international relations office at the home institution and to fill in a learning agreement for Erasmus studies or a training agreement for Erasmus placements before the mobility period.
Per candidarsi a una borsa Erasmus per un periodo di studio o un tirocinio bisogna anzitutto rivolgersi all'Ufficio per le relazioni internazionali dell'istituto d'origine e stipulare un contratto di studio o di apprendimento prima del periodo di mobilità.
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This agreements, which set out the programme to be followed by the student during her/his study period or placement, need to be approved and signed by the home institution, the host institution or company abroad, as well as the student.
Il contratto, in cui è definito il programma che lo studente seguirà durante il suo periodo di studio o tirocinio, deve essere approvato e firmato dall'istituto di provenienza, dall'istituto o dalla società ospitante all'estero e dallo studente.
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This both simplifies and ensures full academic recognition from the home institution for work satisfactorily completed during the Erasmus period.
Questo semplifica e garantisce il pieno riconoscimento accademico da parte dell'istituzione di origine del lavoro svolto in modo soddisfacente durante il periodo Erasmus.
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Erasmus studies:
Studi Erasmus:
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Those who want to carry out part of their studies abroad must be in at least their second year at a higher education institution.
quanti intendono effettuare una parte dei loro studi all'estero devono essere iscritti almeno al secondo anno in un istituto d'istruzione superiore.
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Erasmus job placements:
Stage Erasmus:
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students can take up an Erasmus placement from the first year of higher education studies.
gli studenti possono effettuare un tirocinio Erasmus fin dal primo anno di studi superiori.
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Periods abroad – both for studies and for placements – can last from 3 to 12 months each, or a combined total of 24 months.
I periodi all'estero, sia per gli studi che per i tirocini, possono durare da 3 a 12 mesi, o avere una durata complessiva di 24 mesi.
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For students in short-cycle higher vocational education the minimum duration for placements is two months.
La durata minima dei tirocini è di due mesi per gli studenti che seguono un ciclo breve di istruzione professionale superiore.
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Erasmus for staff:
Erasmus per il personale:
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Teaching staff are required to submit a teaching programme to their home institution or enterprise agreed by the host institution.
gli insegnanti devono presentare all'istituto o all'impresa di appartenenza un programma di insegnamento approvato dall'istituto ospitante.
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Staff wishing to apply for an Erasmus training grant must similarly have their training programme agreed by their home institution and the host institution or enterprise.
Anche il personale che desidera candidarsi a una borsa Erasmus di formazione deve fare approvare il programma di formazione dall'istituto di appartenenza e dall'istituto o dall'impresa ospitante.
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Erasmus champions
I campioni Erasmus
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In 2010-2011, Spain sent out most students for both studies and placements (36 183), followed by France (31 747) and Germany (30 274).
Nel 2010-2011 il paese con il maggior numero di studenti e tirocinanti Erasmus è stato la Spagna (36 183), seguita dalla Francia (31 747) e dalla Germania (30 274).
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Spain was also the most popular destination country with 37 432 incoming students, followed by France (27 722) and then Germany (24 733).
La Spagna è anche il primo paese di destinazione, con 37 432 studenti ospiti, ed è seguita dalla Francia (27 722) e dalla Germania (24 733).
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The United Kingdom hosted twice as many students (24 474) as it sent abroad (12 833).
Il Regno Unito ha ospitato un numero di studenti (24 474) doppio di quello degli studenti che ha inviato all'estero (12 833).
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A majority of countries sent out more students than they hosted.
Nella maggior parte dei paesi gli studenti che si sono recati all'estero sono più numerosi di quelli ospitati.
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The best balance between incoming and out-bound students was recorded in Slovenia, followed by Spain and the Netherlands.
Il maggiore equilibrio tra studenti in entrata e in uscita si è registrato in Slovenia, seguita dalla Spagna e dai Paesi Bassi.
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3 040 higher education institutions sent students on mobility exchanges, an increase of 6.6% on the previous year.
3 040 istituti di istruzione superiore hanno avuto studenti partecipanti a scambi, con un aumento del 6,6% rispetto all’anno precedente.
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7.2% increase for Erasmus studies
Studi ERASMUS: aumento del 7,2%
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During the academic year 2010-11 out of 231 408 Erasmus students, 190 495 went abroad for studies, an increase of 7.2% on 2009-10.
Durante l'anno accademico 2010-2011 sui 231 408 studenti Erasmus 190 495 sono andati all'estero per compiere un periodo di studi; l'aumento rispetto al 2009-2010 è stato del 7,2%.
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The numbers going abroad for studies decreased in 3 countries (Luxembourg, Hungary and Poland) while 16 witnessed an above average increase.
In tre paesi (Lussemburgo, Ungheria e Polonia) il numero di questi studenti è diminuito, in sedici è aumentato più della media.
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In relative terms the highest increase on 2009-10 figures was in Croatia (96.6%), followed by Liechtenstein (84.2%) and Cyprus (25.1%).
In termini relativi l'aumento più elevato rispetto al 2009-2010 si è registrato in Croazia (96,6%), seguita dal Liechtenstein (84,2%) e da Cipro (25,1%).
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On average, students went abroad to study for just over 6.4 months and the average grant was €232 (against €236 in the previous year).
In media, la durata del periodo trascorso all' estero per studio è stata di poco più di 6,4 mesi e l'importo medio mensile della borsa è stato di 232 euro (236 nell'anno precedente).
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Social sciences, business studies and law were the most popular subject areas for Erasmus students (34.7%), followed by humanities and arts (31.5%) and engineering, manufacturing and construction (12.6%).
Scienze sociali, economia e diritto sono stati i corsi più seguiti dagli studenti ERASMUS (34,7%), seguiti da scienze umane e arte (31,5%) e ingegneria (12,6%).
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15% increase in Erasmus job placements
Stage Erasmus: aumento del 15%
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Since 2007, Erasmus has offered students the opportunity to go abroad to gain work experience in companies or other organisations.
Dal 2007 il programma Erasmus offre agli studenti la possibilità di recarsi all'estero per un'esperienza di lavoro in imprese o altre organizzazioni.
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In 2010-11 one-in-six Erasmus students – 40 913 out of 231 408 – chose this option, an increase of over 15% on the previous year.
Nel 2010-2011 uno studente Erasmus su sei (40 913 su 231 408) ha fatto questa scelta, un aumento di oltre il 15% rispetto all’anno precedente.
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The average duration of a placement was 4.3 months and students received on average a monthly EU grant of €366 (down from €386 in 2009-10).
La durata media di un tirocinio è stata di 4,3 mesi e l'importo mensile della borsa è stato di 366 euro (386 nel 2009-2010).
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As in recent years, France was the country sending the most students on Erasmus placements (5 958, with a 14.6% share), followed by Germany (5 096, 12.4% share) and Spain (4 756, 11.6%).
Come negli anni precedenti, la Francia è il paese con il maggior numero di studenti Erasmus che compiono periodi di tirocinio (5 958, il 14,6%) ed è seguita dalla Germania (5 096, 12,4%) e dalla Spagna (4 756, 11,6%).
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The United Kingdom was the most popular destination for Erasmus placements, hosting 6 970 students (17% share), followed by Spain (6 852, 16.7% share) and Germany (5 614, that is 13.7%).
Il Regno Unito è la destinazione più richiesta per gli stage Erasmus (6 970 studenti, 17%), seguono la Spagna (6 852, 16,7%) e la Germania (5 614, 13,7%).
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To support work placements abroad, a higher education institution can create a consortium for placements.These consortia comprise higher education institutions (HEIs) and other organisations, such as companies or associations.
Per favorire i tirocini all' estero, gli istituti d'istruzione superiore possono costituire consorzi con altri istituti, imprese o associazioni.
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In 2010-11, some 74 placement consortia were funded in 13 countries.
Nel 2010-2011 sono stati finanziati in 13 paesi 74 consorzi.
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Placement consortia found opportunities for more than 14% of placement students.
In più del 14% dei casi è stato grazie a questi consorzi che gli studenti hanno trovato un tirocinio.
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The largest group of students on Erasmus placements came from a social sciences, business and law background (26.6%), overtaking humanities and arts (17.1%) which had the biggest share the previous academic year, and followed by agriculture and veterinary students (15.4%), whose number was eight times that of the previous year.
In prevalenza (26,6%) i tirocinanti Erasmus sono stati studenti in scienze sociali, economia e diritto; gli studenti in scienze umane e arte, il gruppo più numeroso l'anno precedente, sono stati il 17,1%, quelli in agraria e veterinaria, otto volte più numerosi che nell'anno precedente, il 15,4%.
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How many higher education (bachelor and master) students are there in the Erasmus participating countries? How many of them spent part or all of their studies abroad in 2010-11?
Quanti sono gli studenti (dei due livelli, bachelor e master) nei paesi partecipanti al programma Erasmus? Quanti di loro hanno compiuto all'estero i loro studi, o una parte dei loro studi, nel 2010-2011?
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Out of a total student population of more than 22.5 million in the then 32 participating countries, around 1% of them received Erasmus student mobility grants in 2010/11.1
Circa l'1% degli oltre 22,5 milioni di studenti che si contano nei 32 paesi partecipanti ha ottenuto nel 2010/11 una borsa di mobilità Erasmus.
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Assuming that the average study duration in higher education institutions is 4-5 years (bachelor and master), it can be estimated that around 4.5% of all European students receive Erasmus grants at some stage during their higher education studies.
Considerando che la durata media degli studi superiori è compresa tra 4 e 5 anni, si può calcolare che il 4,5% circa degli studenti europei fruisce di una borsa Erasmus nel corso del proprio ciclo di studi.
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Of those, 67% are at bachelor level, 28% at master level, 1% doctoral level, and 4% in short-cycle studies.
Di questi, il 67% durante il corso di laurea di primo livello, il 28% durante il master (secondo livello), l'1% durante gli studi di dottorato e il 4% nel quadro di un ciclo breve di studi.
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Around 10% of students in total have spent or are spending part or all of their studies abroad with the support of Erasmus or other public and private means.
In totale, sono il 10% circa gli studenti che compiono la totalità o parte dei loro studi all'estero grazie ad Erasmus o ad altri strumenti pubblici e privati.
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At their meeting in Bucharest (Romania) on 26-27 April 2012 (IP/12/394), Higher Education Ministers adopted the Bologna Mobility Strategy which states that, by 2020, 20% of European higher education graduates will have spent part of their studies abroad, in line with the European benchmark for higher education mobility adopted in November 2011.
In occasione della riunione svoltasi a Bucarest (Romania) il 26 e 27 aprile 2012 (IP/12/394), i ministri dell'istruzione superiore hanno adottato la strategia di mobilità di Bologna, che prevede che, entro il 2020, il 20% dei diplomati europei dell'istruzione superiore abbiano compiuto parte dei loro studi all'estero, secondo il traguardo fissato nel novembre 2011 per la mobilità nell'istruzione superiore. |
FAQ on Erasmus and its budget
The Erasmus programme enables students in higher education to spend
between 3 and 12 months in another European country – either for studies or for
a placement in a company or other organisation.
Any student enrolled in a participating higher education institution in one of
the 33 Erasmus countries can benefit (EU Member States, Croatia, Iceland,
Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey).
Erasmus is a part of the EU's Lifelong Learning programme and accounts for more
than 40% of its budget.
The Lifelong Learning programme also covers the Leonardo da Vinci programme
(vocational education and training, at least 25% of the budget), the Comenius
programme (school education, at least 13% of the budget) and the Grundtvig
programme (adult education, at least 4% of the budget).
What is the origin of the current funding problem for Erasmus?
The European Commission's proposal for the overall EU budget for 2012 amounted
to €132.7 billion.
However, the final budget, agreed by Member States and the European Parliament,
was €129.1 billion.
The 2012 budget also had to cover some €5 billion in unpaid bills held over from
the previous 2011 EU budget, which was also underfunded.
The Commission, the Council and Parliament agreed to take stock of budget
implementation in the course of 2012 to see if additional funding would be
The three institutions have been in regular contact regarding funding shortfalls
affecting numerous programmes, however they have not reached an agreement.
Janusz Lewandowski, the Commissioner for financial programming and the budget,
is expected to propose an 'amending' budget later this month to bridge the
ill Erasmus run out of money before the end of 2012?
No. The European Commission has transferred 70% of Erasmus funding for the
2012-2013 academic year to national agencies in the participating countries,
which distribute the money to universities and students.
So during the current semester, up to the end of the year, there should be no
problem in paying Erasmus grants to students who are going abroad for a study
period or job placement.
Have students who went abroad between January and September 2012 received their
Yes, if they have completed their exchange and submitted reports to their
university, showing they completed their study period or placement.
In this case, they will have received 100% of their grants.
These grants are not affected by the current budget squeeze since national
agencies, and as a consequence universities and vocational institutes, already
received the necessary funding for the 2011-2012 academic year.
Will Erasmus students who go abroad between October 2012 and February 2013
receive a lower grant than they expected?
If a shortfall in the 2012 EU budget persists, there might be a problem for
students who are abroad in the second semester.
In 2012-2013, the Commission envisages that around 270 000 students will benefit
from the Erasmus programme.
How much has the Commission paid to national agencies so far? What is the
The Commission has already transferred around 99% of the 2012 budget for the
Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP), which covers Erasmus, Leonardo Da Vinci,
Comenius and Grundtvig.
In total, it has transferred €980 million to national agencies in the
participating countries and to the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive
Agency (EACEA) which runs part of the LLP.
Around 45% of this sum is earmarked for Erasmus grants.
But this money does not match the grant commitments previously made for Erasmus
and its sister programmes.
The Commission was therefore recently forced to request an additional €180
million from the EU budget to meet its commitments under the LLP up to the end
of 2012.
The shortfall in the case of Erasmus this year amounts to around half of this
sum i.e. €90 million.
The deficit in the 2012 budget means that the Commission has not been able to
reimburse payment claims from national agencies for LLP grants totalling over
€118 million.
The claims have been filed by the following national agencies:
Austria (€6.3 million), Belgium, French-speaking community (€3 million),
Belgium, Dutch-speaking community (€4 million), Czech Republic (€7 million),
Germany (€32 million), Ireland (€2.2 million), Estonia (€2.75 million),
Lithuania (€4.3 million), Poland (€29.5 million), Slovenia (€2.7 million),
Slovak Republic (€5 million) and UK (€19 million).
The Commission also expects to receive further payment requests totalling around
€100 million before the end of the year from Latvia, Sweden, Belgium
(German-speaking community), Denmark, Malta, France, Croatia, Hungary,
Netherlands Switzerland, Norway, Romania and Greece.
It will not be able to meet these payment demands either unless the EU budget
receives an injection of funds soon.
(Non-EU countries participating in Erasmus and its sister programmes pay to be
part of the scheme).
What is the Commission doing to solve the problem?
The deficits concern practically all headings of the EU budget.
The Commission is doing what it can to manage the situation, including proposing
the transfer of any funds which will not be used elsewhere.
This so-called 'Global Transfer proposal' is currently being prepared by the
This year, however, the sources which can be transferred amount to less than
€500 million in total for all areas, which is not enough.
That is why the Commission has to ask the budgetary authority (European
Parliament and Member States) to urgently increase their payments into the 2012
What will happen if Member States fail to make up the deficit?
The implementation of the Lifelong Learning Programme will be put at risk if
Member States and the European Parliament do not agree on additional payments
into the budget.
It is expected that the first areas to be hit will be cooperation projects
involving schools, adults and vocational training, while it will not be possible
to pay Erasmus students and Leonardo Da Vinci apprentices the level of grants
they expected.
If the shortage of funding continues it could in some cases also affect the
salaries of staff in the national agencies
The situation will initially improve in 2013 when funding from the new yearly
budget is available.
The Commission has proposed €1.14 billion in payments to support the Lifelong
Learning Programme next year, of which roughly €490 million would be spent on
Erasmus grants for students and staff on exchanges.
But because this budget will be partially used to cover this year's negative
balance (at least €180 million), it will probably already have been totally used
by mid-2013 – so even bigger problems are to be expected after that.
What part of EU budget goes to the Lifelong Learning programme?
The total EU budget 2007-2013 was €975 billion in current prices.
The Lifelong Learning programme is €7 billion which represents 0.71%.
The current shortfall for the LLP is about €180 million.
The total proposed EU budget 2014-2020 is in current prices €1.156 trillion.The
budget proposed for the future Erasmus for All programme is €19 billion, which
represents 1.64% of this total.
How much does the EU spend on the Erasmus programme and how is it
In the current budgetary period (2007-13) the EU has allocated €3.1 billion for
the Erasmus programme.
In 2012 the allocation is €480 million and the estimate for 2013 is €490 million
(see table below).
This represents around 0.35% of the EU budget.
During the 2012-2013 academic year, the number of Erasmus students since the
launch of the scheme 25 years ago will reach 3 million.
The EU provides annual grants to national agencies in the 33 participating
National agencies are responsible for organising calls for proposals and for
signing grant agreements with universities, schools, colleges and other
educational institutions in their country.
Students apply for an Erasmus grants through their home university which is
responsible for paying them the agreed grant.
The overall Erasmus budget for student and staff mobility is allocated to
different countries on the basis of the following factors:
- Population: number of students, graduates and teachers in higher education
(level 5-6 of the International standard classification of education, ISCED).
Data is provided by Eurostat.
- Cost of living and distance between capital cities: used as corrective
factors, applied to the population factor.
- Past performance indicator: calculated on the basis of the number of outbound
staff and students in the past (using the latest available data).
Nearly 90% of the Erasmus budget is invested in student and staff mobility.
Erasmus also supports cooperation projects and networks which account for around
4% of the budget.These are managed centrally by the Education, Audiovisual and
Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) in Brussels.
How is the monthly EU grant determined?
Erasmus grants are designed to cover part of the additional costs of living
abroad and travel.
Erasmus students do not pay tuition fees at their host institution abroad.
In each country, the national agencies allocate the funds at their disposal to
higher education institutions.
A national agency can decide to give higher grants to fewer students (as is the
case, for example, in Bulgaria, Cyprus and Turkey) or to give lower grants to
more students (as for example in France and Italy), but has to respect a ceiling
for grants set by the European Commission for every country of destination (see
Lifelong Learning Programme Guide).
The national agency allocates funds to applying institutions based on factors
such as amounts requested or past performance.
The institution can then decide on the exact monthly grant it pays to students
(and the weekly or daily rate to staff) within a range set by the national
agency; this range differs from country to country.
The monthly grant depends on the destination country and the type of mobility.
For instance, there has been a tendency to give higher grants for job placements
than for studies abroad.
The national agencies can increase the monthly grant for socio-economically
disadvantaged students.
Various sources of other co-financing from national, regional and local sources
can complement the Erasmus grant given by the European Union.
In 2010-11, the average monthly EU grant for student mobility ranged from €133
for Spanish students to €653 for students from Cyprus.
Across all countries, the average monthly grant was €250.
How can students and staff apply for Erasmus grants?
The Erasmus programme is open to all students studying at higher education
institutions holding an Erasmus University Charter in 33 participating countries
(27 EU Member States, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Turkey, Croatia and
Most of Europe’s higher education institutions – more than 4 000 – have signed
up to the Erasmus University Charter.
The first step in applying for an Erasmus study period or job placement grant is
to contact the international relations office at the home institution and to
fill in a learning agreement for Erasmus studies or a training agreement for
Erasmus placements before the mobility period.
This agreements, which set out the programme to be followed by the student
during her/his study period or placement, need to be approved and signed by the
home institution, the host institution or company abroad, as well as the
This both simplifies and ensures full academic recognition from the home
institution for work satisfactorily completed during the Erasmus period.
Erasmus studies:
Those who want to carry out part of their studies abroad must be in at least
their second year at a higher education institution.
Erasmus job placements:
students can take up an Erasmus placement from the first year of higher
education studies.
Periods abroad – both for studies and for placements – can last from 3 to 12
months each, or a combined total of 24 months.
For students in short-cycle higher vocational education the minimum duration for
placements is two months.
Erasmus for staff:
Teaching staff are required to submit a teaching programme to their home
institution or enterprise agreed by the host institution.
Staff wishing to apply for an Erasmus training grant must similarly have their
training programme agreed by their home institution and the host institution or
Erasmus champions
In 2010-2011, Spain sent out most students for both studies and placements (36
183), followed by France (31 747) and Germany (30 274).
Spain was also the most popular destination country with 37 432 incoming
students, followed by France (27 722) and then Germany (24 733).
The United Kingdom hosted twice as many students (24 474) as it sent abroad (12
A majority of countries sent out more students than they hosted.
The best balance between incoming and out-bound students was recorded in
Slovenia, followed by Spain and the Netherlands.
3 040 higher education institutions sent students on mobility exchanges, an
increase of 6.6% on the previous year.
7.2% increase for Erasmus studies
During the academic year 2010-11 out of 231 408 Erasmus students, 190 495 went
abroad for studies, an increase of 7.2% on 2009-10.
The numbers going abroad for studies decreased in 3 countries (Luxembourg,
Hungary and Poland) while 16 witnessed an above average increase.
In relative terms the highest increase on 2009-10 figures was in Croatia
(96.6%), followed by Liechtenstein (84.2%) and Cyprus (25.1%).
On average, students went abroad to study for just over 6.4 months and the
average grant was €232 (against €236 in the previous year).
Social sciences, business studies and law were the most popular subject areas
for Erasmus students (34.7%), followed by humanities and arts (31.5%) and
engineering, manufacturing and construction (12.6%).
15% increase in Erasmus job placements
Since 2007, Erasmus has offered students the opportunity to go abroad to gain
work experience in companies or other organisations.
In 2010-11 one-in-six Erasmus students – 40 913 out of 231 408 – chose this
option, an increase of over 15% on the previous year.
The average duration of a placement was 4.3 months and students received on
average a monthly EU grant of €366 (down from €386 in 2009-10).
As in recent years, France was the country sending the most students on Erasmus
placements (5 958, with a 14.6% share), followed by Germany (5 096, 12.4% share)
and Spain (4 756, 11.6%).
The United Kingdom was the most popular destination for Erasmus placements,
hosting 6 970 students (17% share), followed by Spain (6 852, 16.7% share) and
Germany (5 614, that is 13.7%).
To support work placements abroad, a higher education institution can create a
consortium for placements.These consortia comprise higher education institutions
(HEIs) and other organisations, such as companies or associations.
In 2010-11, some 74 placement consortia were funded in 13 countries.
Placement consortia found opportunities for more than 14% of placement students.
The largest group of students on Erasmus placements came from a social sciences,
business and law background (26.6%), overtaking humanities and arts (17.1%)
which had the biggest share the previous academic year, and followed by
agriculture and veterinary students (15.4%), whose number was eight times that
of the previous year.
How many higher education (bachelor and master) students are there in the
Erasmus participating countries? How many of them spent part or all of their
studies abroad in 2010-11?
Out of a total student population of more than 22.5 million in the then 32
participating countries, around 1% of them received Erasmus student mobility
grants in 2010/11.1
Assuming that the average study duration in higher education institutions is 4-5
years (bachelor and master), it can be estimated that around 4.5% of all
European students receive Erasmus grants at some stage during their higher
education studies.
Of those, 67% are at bachelor level, 28% at master level, 1% doctoral level, and
4% in short-cycle studies.
Around 10% of students in total have spent or are spending part or all of their
studies abroad with the support of Erasmus or other public and private means.
At their meeting in Bucharest (Romania) on 26-27 April 2012 (IP/12/394), Higher
Education Ministers adopted the Bologna Mobility Strategy which states that, by
2020, 20% of European higher education graduates will have spent part of their
studies abroad, in line with the European benchmark for higher education
mobility adopted in November 2011.