La Commissione annuncia le sue iniziative per far crescere il pubblico della cultura
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Data documento: 15-10-2012
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Commission unveils plans to boost audience for culture
La Commissione annuncia le sue iniziative per far crescere il pubblico della cultura
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The European Commission will tomorrow unveil its new plans for putting audiences, as well as artists, at the heart of its new Creative Europe programme for the cultural and creative sectors.
Domani la Commissione europea annuncerà le iniziative con cui intende porre il pubblico e gli artisti al centro del suo nuovo programma Europa creativa riservato ai settori culturali e creativi.
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Audience development will be a key focus for projects supported through the proposed €1.8 billion EU fund, which will encompass and strengthen the existing Culture and MEDIA (cinema) programmes as well as launching a loan guarantee scheme to boost bank lending to SMEs in the cultural sectors.
Lo "sviluppo del pubblico" è un obiettivo cruciale dei progetti finanziati dal fondo UE di 1,8 miliardi di EUR di cui viene proposta la creazione. Il nuovo programma ingloberà, potenziandoli, gli attuali programmi Cultura e MEDIA (cinema) e prevede un sistema di garanzie sui prestiti per promuovere l'erogazione di prestiti bancari alle PMI dei settori culturali.
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Androulla Vassiliou, the European Commissioner responsible for education and culture, said:
Androulla Vassiliou, Commissaria europea responsabile per l'Istruzione e la cultura, ha dichiarato:
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"We need to do more to engage the public with European culture and to protect diversity.
"Dobbiamo fare di più per interessare il pubblico alla cultura europea e per tutelare la diversità.
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To do this effectively, we need to help artists and other professionals to build new audiences, in their home countries and beyond, to re-assess their relationship with existing audiences and to diversify audiences.
Per farlo in modo efficace, dobbiamo sostenere gli artisti e gli altri operatori nello sviluppo di nuovi pubblici sia in patria che all'estero, aiutandoli a rivedere il rapporto con le attuali tipologie di pubblico e a diversificare il pubblico di riferimento.
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If we want to introduce younger audiences to culture, we need to think afresh about how best to do this.
Se vogliamo iniziare alla cultura un pubblico più giovane, dobbiamo riflettere in modo nuovo su quale sia la strada migliore da seguire.
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If we don't look at this issue seriously, we risk undermining our cultural diversity and its benefits for the economy and social inclusion."
Se non affrontiamo seriamente questo problema, rischiamo di compromettere la nostra diversità culturale e i vantaggi che essa rappresenta per l'economia e l'inclusione sociale."
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The Commission will outline its plans on audience development at the 2012 'Culture in Motion' conference in Brussels, which brings together nearly 1000 representatives of the cultural and creative sectors.
La Commissione illustrerà le sue iniziative per lo sviluppo del pubblico all'edizione 2012 della conferenza Culture in motion che si svolge a Bruxelles con la partecipazione di quasi 1 000 rappresentanti dei settori culturali e creativi.
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The three-day event, which opens today with a session on the impact of the European Capitals of Culture, will showcase 23 projects, mainly supported by EU Culture and MEDIA programmes, that provide inspirational examples of how to reach bigger and diverse audiences.
In occasione di questa tre giorni, che si apre oggi con una sessione dedicata all'impatto dell'iniziativa "Capitali europee della cultura", verranno presentati 23 progetti finanziati in larga misura dai programmi Cultura e MEDIA dell'UE:si tratta di esempi illuminanti di come raggiungere un pubblico più vasto e diversificato.
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European Audiences: 2020 and Beyond
Il pubblico europeo in prospettiva 2020 e oltre
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'European Audiences:2020 and Beyond' will be the focus of the Culture in Motion conference (venue:The Egg Theater, Rue Bara/Barastraat 175, 1000 Brussels) on 16-17 October.
"Il pubblico europeo in prospettiva 2020 e oltre" (European Audiences: 2020 and Beyond) è il tema al centro della conferenza Culture in motion (in programma presso l'Egg Theatre, Rue Bara/Barastraat 175, 1000 Bruxelles) il 16 e 17 ottobre.
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Examples of what is meant by audience development and how it can make culture and the arts more widely accessible will be presented by, among others:
Vari interventi illustreranno il significato di "sviluppo del pubblico" e come si possano rendere più ampiamente accessibili l'arte e la cultura. Parteciperanno tra gli altri:
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- Ian Christie, President of Europa Cinemas (supported by the EU MEDIA Programme since 1992, it operates in 629 cities across 68 countries with a total of 1111 cinemas):
- Ian Christie, presidente di Europa Cinemas (network sostenuto dal programma MEDIA dell'UE fin dal 1992, attivo in 629 città di 68 paesi per un totale di 1111 cinema):
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"It's a question of engaging audiences in what they think rather than simply handing something down to them to take or leave.
"Si tratta di coinvolgere il pubblico nella riflessione piuttosto che di offrire agli spettatori un qualcosa da prendere o lasciare.
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We are interested only in intensifying the experience of European films."
Ci interessa soltanto accrescere l'interesse per la visione e la fruizione dei film europei."
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- Gerald Harringer, Exchange Radical Moments! Live Art Festival (supported by the EU Culture Programme and involving organisations in Austria, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Italy, the Czech Republic and Germany) |
- Gerald Harringer Exchange Radical Moments! Live Art Festival (finanziato dal programma Cultura dell'UE e con la partecipazione di organizzazioni dei seguenti paesi: Austria, ex Repubblica jugoslava di Macedonia, Italia, Repubblica ceca e Germania):
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"With the Live Art Festival, we were not only crossing borders between countries, we were also breaking down the traditional frontiers that exist between the roles of the artist and the audience.
"Attraverso il Live Art Festival non ci limitiamo solo a superare i confini nazionali, ma abbattiamo anche le frontiere tradizionali che separano il ruolo dell'artista da quello del pubblico.
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We wanted to transform the audiences into partners and spectators into participants."
Il nostro obiettivo è stato trasformare il pubblico in partner e gli spettatori in partecipanti."
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- Airan Berg, I like to move it move it, supported by Linz09 European Capital of Culture:
- Airan Berg, I like to move it move it (finanziato da Linz09 capitale europea della cultura):
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"It is time to rethink our dialogue with the public and avoid the twin perils of exclusion and of simple indifference, even among those who could afford to come.
"È giunto il momento di ripensare il nostro dialogo con il pubblico e di evitare il duplice rischio dell'esclusione e della semplice indifferenza, anche tra coloro che avrebbero i mezzi per partecipare.
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Involvement is at the heart of our approach.
La partecipazione è al centro della nostra strategia.
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Audience development happens when people get excited because they are involved."
Lo sviluppo del pubblico avviene quando tra la gente c'è l'entusiasmo che nasce dal coinvolgimento."
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European Capitals of Culture
Capitali europee della cultura
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The European Capitals of Culture will be in the spotlight today (15 October), with an opportunity for the exchange of good practices among representatives of past, present and future European Capitals of Culture.
Oggi (15 ottobre) l'attenzione si concentrerà sulle capitali europee della cultura, con uno scambio di buone pratiche tra i rappresentanti delle diverse edizioni – passate, presente e future – dell'iniziativa stessa.
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Every year, two cities are selected as European Capitals of Culture to highlight the diversity of European culture and the impact of intelligent cultural investment on the sustainable development of cities.
Ogni anno, due città sono scelte come Capitali europee della cultura per mettere in evidenza la diversità della cultura europea e l'impatto degli investimenti culturali intelligenti sullo sviluppo sostenibile delle città.
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Launched in 1985, the initiative has become one of the European Union's most visible success stories, reaching millions of citizens.
L'iniziativa, varata nel 1985, è diventata una dei successi più visibili dell'Unione europea, raggiungendo milioni di cittadini.
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Cultural and creative sectors
Settori culturali e creativi
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The EU's cultural and creative sectors account for up to 4.5% of EU GDP and up to 8.5 million jobs.
Nell'UE i settori culturali e creativi rappresentano circa il 4,5% del PIL e 8,5 milioni di posti di lavoro.
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Although these sectors have proved relatively resilient in the crisis, they also face considerable challenges stemming from the digital shift, globalisation and market fragmentation along cultural and linguistic lines.
Questi settori, che pur hanno dimostrato di riuscire a resistere relativamente bene alla crisi, sono chiamati anche a far fronte alle grandi sfide connesse al passaggio al digitale, alla globalizzazione e alla frammentazione linguistica e culturale dei mercati.
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EU support for culture enables thousands of organisations, artists and cultural professionals to meet, exchange views, learn from each other, and ultimately create, tour and perform together in different European countries.
Il sostegno dell'UE alla cultura consente a migliaia di organizzazioni, artisti e professionisti della cultura di incontrarsi, scambiare opinioni, imparare gli uni dagli altri, e in ultima analisi creare, effettuare tournées e esibirsi insieme in vari paesi europei.
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The Commission has proposed a new programme called Creative Europe to strengthen the competitiveness of these sectors and to promote cultural diversity.
La Commissione ha proposto un nuovo programma, "Europa creativa", per rafforzare la competitività di questi settori e promuovere la diversità culturale.
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The Commission envisages a total budget of €1.8 billion for Creative Europe in 2014-2020, which represents a 37% increase compared with current funding levels.
La Commissione prevede per Europa creativa un bilancio complessivo di 1,8 miliardi di EUR per il periodo 2014-2020, pari a un incremento del 37% rispetto alla dotazione finanziaria attuale.
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The programme will support 8 000 cultural organisations and enable 300 000 artists, cultural professionals and their works to operate across borders and gain international experience.
Il programma sosterrà 8 000 organizzazioni culturali e consentirà a 300 000 artisti e professionisti della cultura di acquisire esperienza internazionale e alle loro opere di raggiungere altri paesi.
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It will also provide funding for the translation of more than 5 000 books (IP/11/1399).
Finanzierà anche la traduzione di oltre 5.000 libri (IP/11/1399).
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On 26 September, the Commission unveiled a strategy entitled 'Promoting cultural and creative sectors for growth and jobs in the EU'.The aim is to increase the export potential of these sectors, as well as to maximise their spill-over benefits for other areas such as innovation, ICT and urban regeneration.
Il 26 settembre la Commissione ha presentato la strategia "Valorizzare i settori culturali e creativi per favorire la crescita e l'occupazione nell'UE", che mira ad aumentare la capacità di esportazione di questi settori e a massimizzare le ricadute positive in altri ambiti, quali l'innovazione, le TIC e la rivitalizzazione urbana.
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The strategy calls for measures to boost skills development, access to finance, promotion of new business models, audience development, access to international markets and improved links to other sectors (IP/12/1012). |
La strategia prevede l'adozione di misure per incentivare lo sviluppo delle competenze, migliorare l'accesso ai finanziamenti, promuovere nuovi modelli di business, lo sviluppo del pubblico e l'accesso ai mercati internazionali e rafforzare i legami con altri settori (IP/12/1012). |
Commission unveils plans to boost audience for culture
The European Commission will tomorrow unveil its new plans for putting
audiences, as well as artists, at the heart of its new Creative Europe programme
for the cultural and creative sectors.
Audience development will be a key focus for projects supported through
the proposed €1.8 billion EU fund, which will encompass and strengthen the
existing Culture and MEDIA (cinema) programmes as well as launching a loan
guarantee scheme to boost bank lending to SMEs in the cultural sectors.
Androulla Vassiliou, the European Commissioner responsible for
education and culture, said:
"We need to do more to engage the public with European culture and to protect
To do this effectively, we need to help artists and other professionals to build
new audiences, in their home countries and beyond, to re-assess their
relationship with existing audiences and to diversify audiences.
If we want to introduce younger audiences to culture, we need to think afresh
about how best to do this.
If we don't look at this issue seriously, we risk undermining our cultural
diversity and its benefits for the economy and social inclusion."
The Commission will outline its plans on audience development at the
2012 'Culture in Motion' conference in Brussels, which brings together nearly
1000 representatives of the cultural and creative sectors.
The three-day event, which opens today with a session on the impact of
the European Capitals of Culture, will showcase 23 projects, mainly supported by
EU Culture and MEDIA programmes, that provide inspirational examples of how to
reach bigger and diverse audiences.
European Audiences: 2020 and Beyond
'European Audiences:2020 and Beyond' will be the focus of the Culture
in Motion conference (venue:The Egg Theater, Rue Bara/Barastraat 175, 1000
Brussels) on 16-17 October.
Examples of what is meant by audience development and how it can make
culture and the arts more widely accessible will be presented by, among others:
Ian Christie, President of Europa Cinemas (supported by the EU
MEDIA Programme since 1992, it operates in 629 cities across 68 countries with a
total of 1111 cinemas):
"It's a question of engaging audiences in what they think rather than simply
handing something down to them to take or leave.
We are interested only in intensifying the experience of European films."
- Gerald Harringer, Exchange Radical Moments! Live Art Festival
(supported by the EU Culture Programme and involving organisations in Austria,
the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Italy, the Czech Republic and
"With the Live Art Festival, we were not only crossing borders between
countries, we were also breaking down the traditional frontiers that exist
between the roles of the artist and the audience.
We wanted to transform the audiences into partners and spectators into
- Airan Berg, I like to move it move it, supported by Linz09 European
Capital of Culture:
"It is time to rethink our dialogue with the public and avoid the twin perils of
exclusion and of simple indifference, even among those who could afford to come.
Involvement is at the heart of our approach.
Audience development happens when people get excited because they are involved."
European Capitals of Culture
The European Capitals of Culture will be in the spotlight today (15 October),
with an opportunity for the exchange of good practices among representatives of
past, present and future European Capitals of Culture.
Every year, two cities are selected as European Capitals of Culture to highlight
the diversity of European culture and the impact of intelligent cultural
investment on the sustainable development of cities.
Launched in 1985, the initiative has become one of the European Union's most
visible success stories, reaching millions of citizens.
Cultural and creative sectors
The EU's cultural and creative sectors account for up to 4.5% of EU GDP and up
to 8.5 million jobs.
Although these sectors have proved relatively resilient in the crisis,
they also face considerable challenges stemming from the digital shift,
globalisation and market fragmentation along cultural and linguistic lines.
EU support for culture enables thousands of organisations, artists and
cultural professionals to meet, exchange views, learn from each other, and
ultimately create, tour and perform together in different European countries.
The Commission has proposed a new programme called Creative Europe to
strengthen the competitiveness of these sectors and to promote cultural
The Commission envisages a total budget of €1.8 billion for Creative
Europe in 2014-2020, which represents a 37% increase compared with current
funding levels.
e programme will support 8 000 cultural organisations and enable 300
000 artists, cultural professionals and their works to operate across borders
and gain international experience.
It will also provide funding for the translation of more than 5 000
books (IP/11/1399).
On 26 September, the Commission unveiled a strategy entitled 'Promoting
cultural and creative sectors for growth and jobs in the EU'.The aim is to
increase the export potential of these sectors, as well as to maximise their
spill-over benefits for other areas such as innovation, ICT and urban
The strategy calls for measures to boost skills development, access to finance,
promotion of new business models, audience development, access to international
markets and improved links to other sectors (IP/12/1012). |