I dettaglianti adottano provvedimenti volti a prevenire gli sprechi di prodotti alimentari
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Data documento: 10-10-2012
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Retailers take action to prevent food waste
I dettaglianti adottano provvedimenti volti a prevenire gli sprechi di prodotti alimentari
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Retailers have committed to take voluntary action in waste prevention, particularly on food waste.
I commercianti al dettaglio si sono impegnati a realizzare azioni volontarie in materia di prevenzione degli sprechi, particolarmente nell’ambito dei prodotti alimentari.
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At the Retail Forum in Brussels yesterday they confirmed their continued belief in the need to move to a resource efficient economy in spite of the challenging economic situation.
Al Retail Forum svoltosi ieri a Bruxelles hanno confermato che continuano ad essere convinti della necessità di passare ad un’economia efficiente nell’impiego delle risorse, nonostante la complessità della situazione economica.
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Looking to the sustainability goals they had set themselves in key areas in precious years, such as selling more green products, they noted strong progress.
Passando in rassegna gli obiettivi di sostenibilità che si erano fissati nei settori chiave in anni precedenti, ad esempio quello di incrementare le vendite di prodotti ecologici, hanno constatato progressi notevoli.
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Environment Commissioner Janez Potocnik said:
Janez Potocnik, Commissario per l’ambiente, ha dichiarato:
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"Food waste is economically bad, and morally bad.
“Gli sprechi di prodotti alimentari sono da bandire sotto il profilo economico, e lo sono anche sotto il profilo morale.
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That is why the Commission has set out to halve edible food waste by 2020.
Per questo motivo la Commissione si è impegnata a dimezzare gli sprechi di prodotti commestibili entro il 2020.
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Retailers come into play at the crucial moment where consumers make their buying decisions. They have an essential role, indeed a responsibility, to guide consumers towards more sustainable choices.
I commercianti al dettaglio, che entrano in gioco nel momento in cui i consumatori prendono le decisioni d’acquisto, svolgono un ruolo essenziale, anzi hanno una responsabilità nell’orientare i consumatori verso scelte più sostenibili.
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Retailers should spearhead the creation of the green economy by taking progressive actions that go beyond the easy pickings.
I dettaglianti dovrebbero essere i pionieri della diffusione dell’economia verde con interventi graduali che vadano oltre le soluzioni di facilità.
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Today we see them take a good step in the right direction, targeting food waste."
Oggi constatiamo che vanno nella direzione giusta nella lotta contro gli sprechi alimentari.”
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“As largest European retailers, we will continue to innovate on the global scale needed to ensure a greener economy.
“Poiché rappresentiamo il maggior numero di dettaglianti europei, continueremo ad innovare su scala globale, che è la dimensione necessaria a garantire un’economia più verde.
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Our ambition is to reach one common approach on the environmental footprint of products.Thus, improving the performance of the supply chain and communicating even more effectively on the sustainability of products to our customers” said Dick Boer, President of the European Retail Round Table (ERRT).
La nostra ambizione è accordarsi sul concetto di impronta ecologica dei prodotti, in modo da migliorare le prestazioni della catena di approvvigionamento e comunicare ancora più efficacemente con i nostri clienti a proposito della sostenibilità dei prodotti”, ha dichiarato Dick Boer, presidente della European Retail Round Table (tavola rotonda europea per il commercio al dettaglio, ERRT).
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“These examples highlight that, despite the crisis, retailers are encouraging customers in their transition to more sustainable lifestyles.
“Questi esempi evidenziano che, nonostante la crisi, i commercianti incoraggiano i clienti a passare ad uno stile di vita più sostenibile.
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The challenge for retail is to make the sustainable choice the easy choice for consumers, and where possible, we will accompany them along the way” said Dame Lucy Neville-Rolfe, President of EuroCommerce.
La sfida, nella vendita al dettaglio, consiste nel rendere la scelta sostenibile la scelta più facile per i consumatori, e noi, per quanto possibile, saremo al loro fianco” ha dichiarato Dame Lucy Neville-Rolfe, presidente di EuroCommerce.
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Retailers in the Forum pledge to carry out specific environmental actions to contribute to sustainable consumption and resource efficiency.
I dettaglianti presenti al Forum si impegnano ad attuare specifiche azioni ambientali volte a contribuire alla sostenibilità dei consumi e all’efficienza delle risorse.
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The number of environmental commitments has increased by 30% in one year to over 500, made in 3 categories (“what we sell”, “how we sell” and “communication”).
Gli impegni ambientali assunti sono aumentati del 30% in un anno e sono ormai più di 500, suddivisi in 3 categorie (“cosa vendiamo”, “come vendiamo” e “comunicazione”).
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This year 19 Retail Forum members came forward with their own initiative on waste, they pledged to run campaigns raising awareness on waste and food waste prevention and reduction.
Quest’anno 19 membri del Forum hanno presentato iniziative proprie in materia di rifiuti, si sono impegnati ad effettuare campagne di sensibilizzazione relative ai rifiuti e di prevenzione e riduzione degli sprechi alimentari.
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This initiative will complement relevant EU policies on waste, as set out in the Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe. For example halving edible food waste by 2020, making waste a resource and virtually eliminating landfilling.
La presente iniziativa viene ad integrare le pertinenti politiche dell’UE in materia di rifiuti previste nella tabella di marcia per un’Europa efficiente nell’impiego delle risorse, ad esempio, dimezzando i rifiuti alimentari commestibili entro il 2020, facendo dei rifiuti una risorsa ed eliminando praticamente la messa in discarica.
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Signatories of the initiative will report on the achieved results at upcoming Retail Forum meetings.
I firmatari dell’iniziativa riferiranno in merito ai risultati conseguiti alle future riunioni del Retail Forum.
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The Commitments made by Forum members increasingly focus on providing more sustainable products on retailers' shelves, such as sustainable seafood, textiles, organic and fair-trade products and certified wood and paper.
Gli impegni assunti dai membri del Forum riguardano sempre più l’aumento dei prodotti sostenibili negli scaffali dei dettaglianti, ad esempio frutti di mare della pesca sostenibile, tessili, prodotti biologici e prodotti del commercio equo e solidale, nonché prodotti del legno e della carta certificati.
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A number of best practice achievements have been highlighted at the 2012 Annual Event.
Nel corso dell’evento annuale 2012 sono state evidenziate numerose realizzazioni basate su buone pratiche.
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For example, IKEA ensured that as much as 86% of store waste is recycled and have developed sustainable cotton projects in supplying countries that covers 100,000 farmers.
Ad esempio IKEA è riuscita a riciclare fino all’86% dei rifiuti dei propri negozi e ha sviluppato progetti sostenibili che coinvolgono 100 000 agricoltori nel settore del cotone nei paesi fornitori.
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C&A has doubled the sales of organic cotton in 3 years to reach 32 million items last year.
C & A in 3 anni ha raddoppiato le vendite di cotone biologico e l’anno scorso ha raggiunto i 32 milioni di articoli.
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Many retailers have expanded the range of fish from sustainable sources, such as the Metro Group, while the REWE Group provided detailed information to consumers on the highly sensitive issue of pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables.
Molti rivenditori hanno ampliato la gamma di pesce proveniente da fonti sostenibili, ad esempio il gruppo Metro, mentre il gruppo REWE ha fornito ai consumatori informazioni circostanziate sulla delicatissima questione dei residui dei pesticidi negli ortofrutticoli.
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The Retail Forum was launched in March 2009 as a voluntary multi-stakeholder platform.
Il Retail Forum è stato lanciato nel marzo 2009 come piattaforma multilaterale volontaria.
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Membership is open to all retailers who join the Retailers' Environmental Action Programme (REAP) and also to civil society organisations.
L’adesione è aperta a tutti i commercianti al dettaglio che fanno parte del Retailers’ Environmental Action Programme (REAP) nonché alle organizzazioni della società civile.
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It was set up to facilitate dialogue between the European Commission, retailers and key stakeholders, to generate a better understanding of the practical measures needed to promote sustainable consumption. |
Il Forum è stato realizzato al fine di agevolare il dialogo tra la Commissione europea, i commercianti al dettaglio e le principali parti interessate, con l’obiettivo di sviluppare una migliore comprensione delle misure pratiche necessarie a promuovere la sostenibilità dei consumi. |
Retailers take action to prevent food waste
Retailers have committed to take voluntary action in waste prevention,
particularly on food waste.
At the Retail Forum in Brussels yesterday they confirmed their
continued belief in the need to move to a resource efficient economy in spite of
the challenging economic situation.
Looking to the sustainability goals they had set themselves in key
areas in precious years, such as selling more green products, they noted strong
Environment Commissioner Janez Potocnik said:
"Food waste is economically bad, and morally bad.
That is why the Commission has set out to halve edible food waste by
Retailers come into play at the crucial moment where consumers make
their buying decisions. They have an essential role, indeed a responsibility, to
guide consumers towards more sustainable choices.
Retailers should spearhead the creation of the green economy by taking
progressive actions that go beyond the easy pickings.
Today we see them take a good step in the right direction, targeting
food waste."
“As largest European retailers, we will continue to innovate on the
global scale needed to ensure a greener economy.
Our ambition is to reach one common approach on the environmental
footprint of products.Thus, improving the performance of the supply chain and
communicating even more effectively on the sustainability of products to our
customers” said Dick Boer, President of the European Retail Round Table (ERRT).
“These examples highlight that, despite the crisis, retailers are
encouraging customers in their transition to more sustainable lifestyles.
The challenge for retail is to make the sustainable choice the easy
choice for consumers, and where possible, we will accompany them along the way”
said Dame Lucy Neville-Rolfe, President of EuroCommerce.
Retailers in the Forum pledge to carry out specific environmental
actions to contribute to sustainable consumption and resource efficiency.
The number of environmental commitments has increased by 30% in one
year to over 500, made in 3 categories (“what we sell”, “how we sell” and
This year 19 Retail Forum members came forward with their own
initiative on waste, they pledged to run campaigns raising awareness on waste
and food waste prevention and reduction.
This initiative will complement relevant EU policies on waste, as set
out in the Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe. For example halving edible
food waste by 2020, making waste a resource and virtually eliminating
Signatories of the initiative will report on the achieved results at
upcoming Retail Forum meetings.
The Commitments made by Forum members increasingly focus on providing
more sustainable products on retailers' shelves, such as sustainable seafood,
textiles, organic and fair-trade products and certified wood and paper.
A number of best practice achievements have been highlighted at the
2012 Annual Event.
For example, IKEA ensured that as much as 86% of store waste is
recycled and have developed sustainable cotton projects in supplying countries
that covers 100,000 farmers.
C&A has doubled the sales of organic cotton in 3 years to reach 32 million items
last year.
Many retailers have expanded the range of fish from sustainable
sources, such as the Metro Group, while the REWE Group provided detailed
information to consumers on the highly sensitive issue of pesticide residues in
fruits and vegetables.
The Retail Forum was launched in March 2009 as a voluntary
multi-stakeholder platform.
Membership is open to all retailers who join the Retailers'
Environmental Action Programme (REAP) and also to civil society organisations.
It was set up to facilitate dialogue between the European Commission,
retailers and key stakeholders, to generate a better understanding of the
practical measures needed to promote sustainable consumption. |