Annunciati alla Fiera del libro di Francoforte i vincitori del premio dell'Unione europea per la letteratura 2012
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Winners of the 2012 European Union Prize for Literature announced at Frankfurt Book Fair
Annunciati alla Fiera del libro di Francoforte i vincitori del premio dell'Unione europea per la letteratura 2012
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The winners of the 2012 European Union Prize for Literature, which recognises the best new or emerging authors in the EU, were announced today at the Frankfurt Book Fair.
Sono stati annunciati oggi alla Fiera del libro di Francoforte i vincitori del premio dell'Unione europea per la letteratura 2012, un riconoscimento attribuito ai migliori autori emergenti dell'Ue.
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The winners are: Anna Kim (Austria), Lada Žigo (Croatia), Laurence Plazenet (France), Viktor Horváth (Hungary), Kevin Barry (Ireland), Emanuele Trevi (Italy), Giedra Radvilaviciute (Lithuania), Gunstein Bakke (Norway), Piotr Pazinski (Poland), Afonso Cruz (Portugal), Jana Benová (Slovakia) and Sara Mannheimer (Sweden).
I vincitori sono Anna Kim (Austria), Lada Žigo (Croazia), Laurence Plazenet (Francia), Viktor Horváth (Ungheria), Kevin Barry (Irlanda), Emanuele Trevi (Italia), Giedra Radvilaviciute (Lituania), Gunstein Bakke (Norvegia), Piotr Pazinski (Polonia), Afonso Cruz (Portogallo), Jana Benová (Slovacchia) e Sara Mannheimer (Svezia).
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Each winner receives € 5 000 and, more importantly, priority for funding from the EU Culture Programme to get their book translated into other languages.
Ogni vincitore riceve 5000 euro e, soprattutto, ha priorità per quanto concerne i finanziamenti del programma Cultura dell'UE da destinare alla traduzione del libro.
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European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth Androulla Vassiliou said:
Androulla Vassiliou, Commissaria per l'Istruzione, la cultura, il multilinguismo e la gioventù ha dichiarato:
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"My warmest congratulations go to all of this year's winners.
"Le mie più sentite congratulazioni a tutti i vincitori di quest'anno.
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We hope that the Prize will increase their visibility and renown, both inside and outside their home countries.
Ci auguriamo che il premio li renda più visibili e conosciuti sia nei loro paesi che all'estero.
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Ensuring that literature crosses borders is not only good for authors and publishers, who want to reach new markets; it is also great for readers who have more choice and are exposed to works which they might never otherwise have come across.
Far sì che la letteratura possa varcare le frontiere è positivo non solo per gli autori e gli editori, ai quali si aprono nuovi mercati, ma anche per i lettori, che hanno più scelta e la possibilità di conoscere opere con le quali altrimenti non sarebbero mai venuti in contatto.
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Our new Creative Europe programme will enable us to provide even more support for writers and cultural diversity in future."
Il nostro nuovo programma Europa creativa ci consentirà in futuro di dare ancor più sostegno agli scrittori e alla diversità culturale".
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The European Union Prize for Literature is open to the 37 countries involved in the EU Culture Programme (27 EU Member States as well as Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Norway, Serbia, Turkey).
Il premio dell'Unione europea per la letteratura è aperto ai 37 paesi che partecipano al programma Cultura dell'UE (27 Stati membri dell'UE e Albania, Bosnia-Erzegovina, Croazia, Islanda, Liechtenstein, ex Repubblica jugoslava di Macedonia, Montenegro, Norvegia, Serbia, Turchia).
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Each year, national juries in a third of the countries nominate the winner authors, so that all countries in the programme are represented over a three-year period.
Ogni anno le giurie nazionali di un terzo dei paesi nominano gli autori vincitori, in questo modo tutti i paesi che partecipano al programma sono rappresentati nell'arco di un triennio.
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Since the Prize was launched in 2009, the EU Culture Programme has provided funding for 32 of the winners to have their books translated into different languages.
Dalla prima edizione del premio, nel 2009, il programma Cultura dell'UE ha finanziato la traduzione in varie lingue delle opere di 32 dei vincitori.
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To date, more than 100 translations in total, covering 19 languages, have received EU funding.
Fino ad oggi hanno ricevuto finanziamenti dell'UE un totale di oltre 100 traduzioni realizzate in 19 lingue.
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The winners also benefit from extra visibility at the Frankfurt Book Fair, the London Book Fair and the Passaporta festival in Brussels.
La fiera del libro di Francoforte, la fiera del libro di Londra e il festival Passaporta di Bruxelles danno particolare visibilità ai vincitori.
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This year's winners will be presented with their awards and celebrated at a ceremony in Brussels on 22 November, in the presence of Commissioner Vassiliou and leading representatives of the worlds of literature, culture and politics.
La cerimonia di premiazione dei vincitori di quest'anno si svolgerà a Bruxelles il 22 novembre, in presenza della Commissaria Vassiliou e di personaggi di spicco del mondo letterario, culturale e politico.
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This Prize is organised by the European Commission, the European Booksellers' Federation, the European Writers' Council and the Federation of European Publishers.
Il premio è organizzato dalla Commissione europea, dalla Federazione europea dei librai, dal Consiglio degli scrittori europei e dalla Federazione degli editori europei.
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The European Commission invests €3 million a year on literary translation and more than €2.4 million on cooperation projects involving the book sector.
La Commissione europea investe ogni anni 3 milioni di euro in traduzioni letterarie e più di 2,4 milioni di euro in progetti di cooperazione che coinvolgono il settore dell'editoria.
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The industry contributes €23 billion to the EU's GDP and employs 135 000 people full time.
Il contributo di questa industria al PIL dell'UE è di 23 miliardi di euro, i lavoratori impiegati a tempo pieno sono 135 000.
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Books are the second most exported cultural goods in the EU, after works of art and antiques.
I libri sono il secondo bene culturale più esportato nell'UE, dopo le opere d'arte e gli oggetti di antiquariato.
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Book publishing is a significant part of the cultural and creative sectors, which account for up to 4.5% of EU GDP and up to 8.5 million jobs.
L'editoria costituisce una parte significativa dei settori culturali e creativi, che rappresentano fino al 4,5% del PIL dell'UE e 8,5 milioni di posti di lavoro.
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Although these sectors have proved relatively resilient in the crisis, they also face considerable challenges stemming from the digital shift, globalisation and market fragmentation along cultural and linguistic lines.
Questi settori, che hanno mostrato una relativa resistenza alla crisi, sono chiamati anche a far fronte ai grandi cambiamenti connessi al passaggio al digitale, alla globalizzazione e alla frammentazione linguistica e culturale dei mercati.
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The Commission has proposed a new programme called Creative Europe to strengthen the competitiveness of these sectors and to promote cultural diversity.
La Commissione ha proposto un nuovo programma, chiamato Europa creativa, per rafforzare la competitività di questi settori e promuovere la diversità culturale.
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The Commission envisages a total budget of €1.8 billion for Creative Europe in the period 2014-2020, which represents a 37% increase compared with current funding levels.
La Commissione prevede per Europa creativa uno stanziamento di 1,8 miliardi di euro per il periodo 2014-2020: un incremento del 37% rispetto ai livelli attuali di spesa.
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The programme will provide funding for the translation of more than 5 000 books; it will also support 8 000 cultural organisations and enable 300 000 artists, cultural professionals and their works to operate across borders and gain international experience (IP/11/1399).
Il programma finanzierà la traduzione di oltre 5 000 libri, supporterà 8 000 organizzazioni culturali e consentirà a 300 000 artisti e professionisti della cultura di acquisire esperienza internazionale e alle loro opere di raggiungere altri paesi (IP/11/1399).
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On 26 September, they Commission unveiled a strategy entitled 'Promoting cultural and creative sectors for growth and jobs in the EU'.The aim is to increase the export potential of these sectors, as well as to maximise their spill-over benefits for other areas such as innovation, ICT and urban regeneration.
IL 26 settembre la Commissione ha presentato la strategia "Valorizzare i settori culturali e creativi per favorire la crescita e l'occupazione nell'UE" che mira ad aumentare la capacità di esportare di questi settori e a massimizzare le loro ricadute positive su altri settori quali l'innovazione, le TIC e il risanamento urbano.
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The strategy calls for measures to boost skills development, access to finance, promotion of new business models, audience development, access to international markets and improved links to other sectors (IP/12/1012). |
La strategia richiede l'adozione di misure per incentivare lo sviluppo delle competenze, l'accesso ai finanziamenti, la promozione di nuovi modelli di business, l'ampliamento e la diversificazione del pubblico, l'acceso ai mercati internazionali e il rafforzamento dei legami con altri settori (IP/12/1012). |
Winners of the 2012 European Union Prize for Literature announced at
Frankfurt Book Fair
European Union Prize for Literature, which recognises the best new or
emerging authors in the EU, were announced today at the Frankfurt Book Fair.
The winners are: Anna Kim (Austria), Lada Žigo (Croatia), Laurence
Plazenet (France), Viktor Horváth (Hungary), Kevin Barry (Ireland), Emanuele
Trevi (Italy), Giedra Radvilaviciute (Lithuania), Gunstein Bakke (Norway), Piotr
Pazinski (Poland), Afonso Cruz (Portugal), Jana Benová (Slovakia) and Sara
Mannheimer (Sweden).
Each winner (see details below) receives € 5 000 and, more importantly,
priority for funding from the EU Culture Programme to get their book translated
into other languages.
European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth
Androulla Vassiliou said:
"My warmest congratulations go to all of this year's winners.
We hope that the Prize will increase their visibility and renown, both
inside and outside their home countries.
Ensuring that literature crosses borders is not only good for authors
and publishers, who want to reach new markets; it is also great for readers who
have more choice and are exposed to works which they might never otherwise have
come across.
Our new Creative Europe programme will enable us to provide even more
support for writers and cultural diversity in future."
The European Union Prize for Literature is open to the 37 countries
involved in the EU Culture Programme (27 EU Member States as well as Albania,
Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, the Former Yugoslav
Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Norway, Serbia, Turkey).
Each year, national juries in a third of the countries nominate the
winner authors, so that all countries in the programme are represented over a
three-year period.
Since the Prize was launched in 2009, the EU Culture Programme has
provided funding for 32 of the winners to have their books translated into
different languages.
To date, more than 100 translations in total, covering 19 languages,
have received EU funding.
The winners also benefit from extra visibility at the Frankfurt Book
Fair, the London Book Fair and the Passaporta festival in Brussels.
This year's winners will be presented with their awards and celebrated
at a ceremony in Brussels on 22 November, in the presence of Commissioner
Vassiliou and leading representatives of the worlds of literature, culture and
This Prize is organised by the European Commission, the European
Booksellers' Federation, the European Writers' Council and the Federation of
European Publishers.
The European Commission invests €3 million a year on literary
translation and more than €2.4 million on cooperation projects involving the
book sector.
The industry contributes €23 billion to the EU's GDP and employs 135
000 people full time.
Books are the second most exported cultural goods in the EU, after
works of art and antiques.
Book publishing is a significant part of the cultural and creative sectors,
which account for up to 4.5% of EU GDP and up to 8.5 million jobs.
Although these sectors have proved relatively resilient in the crisis,
they also face considerable challenges stemming from the digital shift,
globalisation and market fragmentation along cultural and linguistic lines.
The Commission has proposed a new programme called Creative Europe to
strengthen the competitiveness of these sectors and to promote cultural
The Commission envisages a total budget of €1.8 billion for Creative
Europe in the period 2014-2020, which represents a 37% increase compared with
current funding levels.
The programme will provide funding for the translation of more than 5
000 books; it will also support 8 000 cultural organisations and enable 300 000
artists, cultural professionals and their works to operate across borders and
gain international experience (IP/11/1399).
On 26 September, they Commission unveiled a strategy entitled
'Promoting cultural and creative sectors for growth and jobs in the EU'.The aim
is to increase the export potential of these sectors, as well as to maximise
their spill-over benefits for other areas such as innovation, ICT and urban
The strategy calls for measures to boost skills development, access to
finance, promotion of new business models, audience development, access to
international markets and improved links to other sectors (IP/12/1012). |