Quadro di valutazione del mercato interno: La prestazione degli Stati membri è migliorata
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Data documento: 08-10-2012
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Internal Market Scoreboard: Member States have improved their performance
Quadro di valutazione del mercato interno: La prestazione degli Stati membri è migliorata
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At this time of crisis, the Single Market has a key role to play in bringing Europe out of economic stagnation.
In questo momento di crisi il mercato unico deve svolgere un ruolo fondamentale per portare l'Europa fuori dalla stagnazione economica;
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Timely transposition of legislation is a necessary condition for achieving the policy objectives of the directives.
la tempestività nel recepimento della legislazione è condizione necessaria per conseguire gli obiettivi delle direttive.
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The European Commission's Internal Market Scoreboard published today shows that Member States have made an effort in transposing EU rules into national law.
Dal quadro di valutazione del mercato interno pubblicato oggi dalla Commissione europea emerge che gli Stati membri si sono adoprati per recepire le norme UE nel diritto interno.
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After the increase recorded in May and November 2011 (1.2%), the European average transposition deficit – the percentage of Internal Market Directives that have not been written into national law in time – is now back to 0.9%, i.e.below the target agreed by the European Heads of State and Government in 2007.
Dopo l'aumento registrato in maggio e novembre 2011 (1,2%), il deficit medio di recepimento – ossia la percentuale delle direttive in materia di mercato interno non recepite in tempo negli ordinamenti nazionali – è di nuovo calato allo 0,9% ossia al di sotto dell'obiettivo convenuto dai capi di Stato e di governo europei nel 2007.
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In this exercise, sixteen Member States have achieved the 1% target.
In questo esercizio sedici Stati membri hanno raggiunto l'obiettivo dell'1%.
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Member States have also succeeded in reducing the number of incorrectly transposed directives.
Gli Stati membri sono inoltre riusciti a ridurre il numero delle direttive recepite in modo non corretto.
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This average compliance deficit has fallen from 0.8% six months ago to 0.7% today, coming closer to the 0.5% deficit proposed in the Single Market Act in April 2011.
Il deficit medio di conformità UE è sceso dallo 0,8% di sei mesi fa allo 0,7% di oggi, avvicinandosi allo 0,5% proposto nell'Atto per il mercato unico dell'aprile 2011.
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However, they have increased the number of directives for which transposition is overdue by two years or more as well as the average extra time needed to transpose an EU Directive into national law (from 7.9 to 9.1 months).
Tuttavia, è aumentato il numero di direttive recepite in ritardo di 2 anni o più e anche il tempo medio supplementare necessario per dare attuazione ad una direttiva dell'UE nel diritto nazionale (da 7,9 a 9,1 mesi).
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With regard to the application of EU law, the number of infringements is continuing to decrease, very likely due to the introduction of mechanisms to solve problems of non-compliance with EU law earlier in the process.
Per quanto riguarda l'applicazione del diritto UE, il numero di infrazioni continua a diminuire, molto probabilmente grazie all'introduzione di dispositivi di soluzione dei problemi di mancata conformità al diritto UE in una fase precedente della procedura.
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Italy accounts for the highest number of infringement proceedings launched by the Commission, followed by Greece and Belgium.
Il numero più elevato di procedimenti d'infrazione avviati dalla Commissione riguarda l'Italia, seguita dalla Grecia e dal Belgio.
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When all enforcement indicators are taken into account, Latvia, Estonia, Luxembourg and Lithuania are the best overall performers.
Tenendo conto di tutti gli indicatori relativi al recepimento, gli Stati che vantano i migliori risultati complessivi sono la Lettonia, l'Estonia, il Lussemburgo e la Lituania.
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Internal Market Commissioner Michel Barnier said:
Michel Barnier, Commissario per il Mercato interno, ha dichiarato:
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"The Single Market is the engine of new growth but this can only work if all countries apply the rules correctly.
"Il mercato unico è il motore della ripresa economica ma può funzionare solo se tutti i paesi applicano le regole in modo corretto
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I welcome the progress made in transposing EU law by Member States."
" Mi rallegro dei progressi realizzati dagli Stati membri nel recepire il diritto dell'UE."
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Implementation of Internal Market Directives
Attuazione delle direttive in materia di mercato interno
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- The EU average transposition deficit has decreased from 1.2% to 0.9% over the last six months and the number of Member States achieving the 1% target went up from eleven to sixteen.
- Il deficit medio di recepimento è diminuito dall'1,2% allo 0,9% negli ultimi sei mesi e il numero degli Stati membri che ha raggiunto l'1% è aumentato da undici a sedici.
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Luxembourg, Romania, Finland, United Kingdom, Austria, Portugal, Slovenia, Belgium, Cyprus, Poland and Italy have to redouble their efforts to reach this target.
Lussemburgo, Romania, Finlandia, Regno Unito, Austria, Portogallo, Slovenia, Belgio, Cipro, Polonia e Italia devono raddoppiare gli sforzi per conseguire questo obiettivo.
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- In total, eight Member States achieved or equalled their best result ever:
- In totale, otto Stati membri hanno raggiunto o eguagliato il loro miglior risultato in assoluto:
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the Czech Republic, Estonia, Ireland, Greece, Spain, France, Latvia and Malta. This illustrates the high priority given by those Member States to timely transposition.
Repubblica ceca, Estonia, Irlanda, Grecia, Spagna, Francia, Lettonia e Malta, ad indicare l'elevata priorità che questi Stati membri accordano alla tempestività di recepimento.
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- Malta and Latvia are the best transposition performers with only two directives awaiting transposition.
- Malta e Lettonia sono in testa agli Stati “virtuosi”, con due sole direttive in attesa di recepimento.
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But especially impressive is the improvement of the Czech Republic's transposition deficit as compared to six months ago:
Ma degna di particolare nota è la prestazione della Repubblica ceca, rispetto alla situazione di sei mesi fa per quanto riguarda il deficit di recepimento:
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it has decreased from 1.9% in May to 0.6% today.
è diminuito dall'1,9% del maggio scorso allo 0,6% di oggi.
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Finally, continuous and sustained efforts have enabled Greece to fall well below the 1% target, at 0.5%.
Infine, sforzi cospicui e costanti hanno permesso alla Grecia di scendere al disotto dell'obiettivo dell'1%, attestandosi allo 0,5%.
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Two years ago, it accounted for the highest transposition deficit among the 27 Member States.
Due anni fa era il paese con il più alto deficit di recepimento tra i 27 Stati membri.
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- Today Member States take on average nine months extra to transpose EU directives after the transposition deadline had expired.
- Ad oggi, in media, gli Stati membri si concedono nove mesi supplementari prima di adottare la normativa di attuazione una volta scaduto il termine di recepimento fissato.
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Only Malta, Sweden, Spain, France and Latvia have a shorter average delay than in November 2011.
Solo Malta, Svezia, Spagna, Francia e Lettonia hanno un ritardo medio più breve rispetto al novembre 2011.
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With regard to directives more than two years beyond their transposition deadline (listed in the report), twenty-two Member States meet the 'zero tolerance' target (compared with twenty-five six months ago).
Per quanto riguarda le direttive che hanno un ritardo superiore ai due anni rispetto al termine di recepimento (elencate nella relazione) ventidue Stati membri soddisfano l'obiettivo "tolleranza zero" (rispetto ai venticinque sei mesi fa).
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- The overall number of infringement proceedings relating to the Internal Market continues to decrease – down by 37% since 2007.
- Il numero complessivo di procedimenti d’infrazione relativi al mercato interno continua a calare: risulta sceso del 37% rispetto al 2007.
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- Today the EU average number of open infringement proceedings is 31 cases per Member State compared to 34 cases six months ago.
Ad oggi, la media dei procedimenti di infrazione aperti è di 31 per Stato membro, rispetto ai 34 di sei mesi fa.
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Italy now accounts for the highest number of infringement proceedings, followed by Greece and Belgium.
La maggior parte dei casi d'infrazione ancora in sospeso riguarda l'Italia, seguita dalla Grecia e dal Belgio.
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Environment and taxation account for more than 40% of infringement proceedings.
Ambiente e fiscalità sono i settori in cui si registra più del 40% dei procedimenti d'infrazione.
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- The average duration of open infringement proceedings ranges from one (Luxembourg) to three years (Sweden).
- La durata media dei procedimenti d’infrazione aperti varia da uno (Lussemburgo) a tre anni (Svezia).
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- After the Court of Justice establishes a breach of EU legislation, Member States are required to take immediate action to comply with its ruling.
- Una volta che la Corte di giustizia ha stabilito un'infrazione del diritto dell'UE, gli Stati membri sono chiamati ad intervenire immediatamente per allinearsi alla sentenza.
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Nevertheless, a lot of cases take considerable time – on average more than 17.5 months – to be resolved.
Tuttavia, in numerosi casi ciò avviene dopo molto tempo, in media oltre 17,5 mesi.
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For Ireland, France and Spain the period is almost two years.
Per Irlanda, Francia e Spagna l'intervallo è di quasi due anni.
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Special focus: Single Market Governance
Un aspetto centrale: governance del mercato unico
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In its Communication on Better Governance for the Single Market, the Commission proposed a series of measures to strengthen governance in the Single Market (see IP/12/587), identifying key areas likely 'to bring about the most significant gains in growth and jobs'.
Nella comunicazione "Una governance migliore per il mercato unico" la Commissione ha proposto una serie di misure intese a rafforzare la governance nel mercato unico (cfr. IP/12/587), identificando i settori chiave che possono "determinare i maggiori vantaggi in termini di crescita e occupazione".
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In these areas, the Commission requested the Member States to commit to 'zero tolerance' when it comes to transposition of directives and it announced that it will use its enforcement powers more vigorously and requested the cooperation of the Member States to ensure that breaches of EU law are swiftly brought to an end within eighteen months, or twelve months in case of second referral.
La Commissione ha chiesto agli Stati membri di impegnarsi ad un approccio a "tolleranza zero" in materia di recepimento di direttive, avvertendo che utilizzerà i propri poteri esecutivi con maggiore fermezza, e ha chiesto la collaborazione degli Stati membri per garantire che si ponga rapidamente fine alle violazioni del diritto unionale entro diciotto mesi, dodici in caso di secondo ricorso.
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In future editions, the Internal Market Scoreboard will monitor the compliance of these new benchmarks.
Nelle edizioni future, il quadro di valutazione del mercato interno verificherà la conformità a questi nuovi parametri.
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The Commission will prepare an annual report on the integration of the Single Market, which will focus on the way the Single Market works in practice, particularly in these key areas.
La Commissione redigerà una relazione annuale sull'integrazione del mercato unico, che verterà sulle modalità pratiche di funzionamento del mercato unico, soprattutto in questi settori chiave.
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This report will provide input for country-specific recommendations in the context of the European semester process. |
La relazione fornirà spunti per le raccomandazioni specifiche per paese nell'ambito del processo del semestre europeo. |
Internal Market Scoreboard: Member States have improved their performance
At this time of crisis, the Single Market has a key role to play in
bringing Europe out of economic stagnation.
Timely transposition of legislation is a necessary condition for
achieving the policy objectives of the directives.
The European Commission's Internal Market Scoreboard published today
shows that Member States have made an effort in transposing EU rules into
national law.
After the increase recorded in May and November 2011 (1.2%), the
European average transposition deficit – the percentage of Internal Market
Directives that have not been written into national law in time – is now back to
0.9%, i.e.below the target agreed by the European Heads of State and Government
in 2007.
In this exercise, sixteen Member States have achieved the 1% target.
Member States have also succeeded in reducing the number of incorrectly
transposed directives.
This average compliance deficit has fallen from 0.8% six months ago to
0.7% today, coming closer to the 0.5% deficit proposed in the Single Market Act
in April 2011.
However, they have increased the number of directives for which
transposition is overdue by two years or more as well as the average extra time
needed to transpose an EU Directive into national law (from 7.9 to 9.1 months).
With regard to the application of EU law, the number of infringements
is continuing to decrease, very likely due to the introduction of mechanisms to
solve problems of non-compliance with EU law earlier in the process.
Italy accounts for the highest number of infringement proceedings
launched by the Commission, followed by Greece and Belgium.
When all enforcement indicators are taken into account, Latvia,
Estonia, Luxembourg and Lithuania are the best overall performers.
Internal Market Commissioner Michel Barnier said:
"The Single Market is the engine of new growth but this can only work if all
countries apply the rules correctly.
I welcome the progress made in transposing EU law by Member States."
Implementation of Internal Market Directives
- The EU average transposition deficit has decreased from 1.2% to 0.9%
over the last six months and the number of Member States achieving the 1% target
went up from eleven to sixteen.
Luxembourg, Romania, Finland, United Kingdom, Austria, Portugal, Slovenia,
Belgium, Cyprus, Poland and Italy have to redouble their efforts to reach this
- In total, eight Member States achieved or equalled their best result
the Czech Republic, Estonia, Ireland, Greece, Spain, France, Latvia and Malta.
This illustrates the high priority given by those Member States to timely
- Malta and Latvia are the best transposition performers with only two
directives awaiting transposition.
But especially impressive is the improvement of the Czech Republic's
transposition deficit as compared to six months ago:
it has decreased from 1.9% in May to 0.6% today.
Finally, continuous and sustained efforts have enabled Greece to fall well below
the 1% target, at 0.5%.
Two years ago, it accounted for the highest transposition deficit among the 27
Member States.
- Today Member States take on average nine months extra to transpose EU
directives after the transposition deadline had expired.
Only Malta, Sweden, Spain, France and Latvia have a shorter average delay than
in November 2011.
With regard to directives more than two years beyond their transposition
deadline (listed in the report), twenty-two Member States meet the 'zero
tolerance' target (compared with twenty-five six months ago).
- The overall number of infringement proceedings relating to the
Internal Market continues to decrease – down by 37% since 2007.
- Today the EU average number of open infringement proceedings is 31
cases per Member State compared to 34 cases six months ago.
Italy now accounts for the highest number of infringement proceedings, followed
by Greece and Belgium.
Environment and taxation account for more than 40% of infringement proceedings.
- The average duration of open infringement proceedings ranges from one
(Luxembourg) to three years (Sweden).
- After the Court of Justice establishes a breach of EU legislation,
Member States are required to take immediate action to comply with its ruling.
Nevertheless, a lot of cases take considerable time – on average more than 17.5
months – to be resolved.
For Ireland, France and Spain the period is almost two years.
Special focus: Single Market Governance
In its Communication on Better Governance for the Single Market, the
Commission proposed a series of measures to strengthen governance in the Single
Market (see IP/12/587), identifying key areas likely 'to bring about the most
significant gains in growth and jobs'.
In these areas, the Commission requested the Member States to commit to
'zero tolerance' when it comes to transposition of directives and it announced
that it will use its enforcement powers more vigorously and requested the
cooperation of the Member States to ensure that breaches of EU law are swiftly
brought to an end within eighteen months, or twelve months in case of second
In future editions, the Internal Market Scoreboard will monitor the
compliance of these new benchmarks.
The Commission will prepare an annual report on the integration of the
Single Market, which will focus on the way the Single Market works in practice,
particularly in these key areas.
This report will provide input for country-specific recommendations in
the context of the European semester process. |