Adottata una nuova agenda marittima per la crescita e l'occupazione
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Data documento: 08-10-2012
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New Maritime Agenda for growth and jobs adopted
Adottata una nuova agenda marittima per la crescita e l'occupazione
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A European agenda for creating growth and jobs in the marine and maritime sectors was adopted today by European Ministers for maritime policy and the European Commission, represented by President Jose Manuel Barroso and Commissioner Maria Damanaki at a conference in Limassol organised by the Cypriot Presidency.
Nell'ambito di una conferenza organizzata a Limassol (Cipro) dalla presidenza cipriota, i ministri europei per la politica marittima e la Commissione europea, rappresentata dal Presidente José Manuel Barroso e dalla Commissaria Maria Damanaki, hanno adottato oggi un'agenda europea per la creazione di crescita e occupazione nei settori marino e marittimo.
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Five years after the launch of the EU Integrated Maritime Policy, the Member States and the Commission reaffirmed that a dynamic and coordinated approach to maritime affairs enhances the development of the EU's 'Blue Economy' while ensuring the health of seas and oceans.
A cinque anni dall'avvio della politica marittima integrata dell'Unione, gli Stati membri e la Commissione hanno ribadito che un approccio dinamico e coordinato in materia di affari marittimi rafforza lo sviluppo dell'"economia blu" dell'UE, garantendo al tempo stesso il buono stato ecologico dei mari e degli oceani.
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The declaration proposes a marine and maritime agenda to back the Europe 2020 strategy.
La dichiarazione propone un'agenda marina e marittima a sostegno della strategia "Europa 2020".
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As highlighted in the Commission's recent Blue Growth initiative on opportunities for marine and maritime sustainable growth (IP/12/955), the agenda focuses on promising maritime sectors where there is a great potential for new jobs and growth.
Come evidenziato dalla Commissione nella recente iniziativa "Crescita blu" sulle prospettive per una crescita sostenibile nei settori marino e marittimo (IP/12/955), l'agenda si concentra su settori marittimi promettenti che presentano un forte potenziale per la crescita e la creazione di nuovi posti di lavoro,
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These sectors are: marine renewable energy, aquaculture, blue biotechnology, coastal tourism and sea bed mining.
ossia in particolare l'energia marina rinnovabile, l'acquacoltura, la biotecnologia blu, il turismo costiero e l'estrazione di minerali marini.
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Ministers also called on Member States and European Institutions to put in place the right conditions for the Blue Economy to deliver: support for research and marine knowledge, maritime training, cost-efficient cooperation on maritime surveillance, improved planning of maritime space and the further implementation of the Marine strategy Framework directive.
I ministri hanno inoltre invitato gli Stati membri e le istituzioni europee a creare condizioni adeguate che consentano all'economia blu di garantire il sostegno alla ricerca e alla conoscenza dell'ambiente marino, la formazione nel settore marittimo, una cooperazione efficiente sotto il profilo dei costi in materia di sorveglianza marittima, una maggiore capacità di pianificazione dello spazio marittimo nonché l'ulteriore attuazione della direttiva quadro sulla strategia per l'ambiente marino.
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Jose Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, stated:
Il Presidente della Commissione europea José Manuel Barroso ha dichiarato:
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"seas and oceans can play a decisive role in Europe's economic recovery.
"I mari e gli oceani possono svolgere un ruolo determinante nella ripresa economica dell'Europa.
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Today's Declaration sends the clear message that we need to embrace the potential of Europe's Blue Economy".
Il messaggio trasmesso dalla dichiarazione odierna è chiaro: dobbiamo sfruttare il potenziale offerto dall'economia blu dell'Europa".
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Commissioner Maria Damanaki, responsible for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, stressed that "to make a reality of the growth trends and opportunities in the maritime economy, we need the input of all – institutions, Member States and regions, industry, SMEs and civil society.
La Commissaria Maria Damanaki, responsabile per gli Affari marittimi e la pesca, ha sottolineato che "per tradurre nei fatti le prospettive e le opportunità di crescita dell'economia marittima occorre il contributo di tutti — le istituzioni, gli Stati membri e le regioni, il settore, le PMI e la società civile.
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Being able to work together to get the best results is a sign of maturity;
Essere in grado di lavorare insieme per ottenere i migliori risultati è un segno di maturità.
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and maritime policy is the ideal vehicle to boost the Blue Economy in Europe."
E la politica marittima costituisce il veicolo ideale per dare impulso all'economia blu in Europa".
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Why does the EU need a Maritime agenda for growth and jobs?
Perché l'Unione europea ha bisogno di un'agenda marittima per la crescita e l'occupazione?
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Why now?
Perché proprio ora?
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The blue economy is important for Europe.
L'economia blu riveste grande importanza per l'Europa.
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Its gross value added is estimated at around €500 billion, increasing to around €600 billion in 2020.
Il suo valore aggiunto lordo è stimato a circa 500 miliardi di euro, che saliranno a circa 600 miliardi nel 2020.
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Over the same period, people employed in the blue economy are expected to increase from 5.4 million to 7 million.
Nel corso dello stesso periodo, l'occupazione nel settore dovrebbe passare da 5,4 a 7 milioni di effettivi.
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Added to this is the fact that 75% of Europe's external trade and 37% of intra-European trade is seaborne.
A ciò va aggiunto il fatto che il 75% del commercio estero europeo e il 37% degli scambi all'interno dell'Europa si svolgono via mare.
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Europe's oceans, seas and coasts are, and will continue to be, Europe's economic lifeline.
Gli oceani, i mari e le coste sono e continueranno ad essere un'ancora di salvezza economica per l'Europa.
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Europe needs to take all available opportunities to provide sustainable growth and jobs to work itself out of the current financial and economic crisis.
L'Europa deve cogliere tutte le opportunità di crescita e occupazione sostenibili per riuscire a superare la crisi finanziaria ed economica attuale.
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The sea offers a number of opportunities.
Il mare offre una serie di opportunità.
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The EU has a number of instruments at its disposal that can add value to what Member States and industry is already doing.
L'UE dispone di vari strumenti che possono apportare un valore aggiunto a quanto viene già svolto dagli Stati membri e dal settore.
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How were the five targeted maritime sectors selected?
Come sono stati selezionati i cinque settori marittimi interessati?
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The European Commission has built a comprehensive picture of the economic size and employment of marine and maritime sectors in Europe, and has also looked at where these sectors could realistically be heading in the coming years and where there is a particular potential for innovation and new jobs.
La Commissione ha tracciato un quadro approfondito della dimensione economica e dell'occupazione nei settori marino e marittimo in Europa, esaminando inoltre verso quali direzioni tali settori possano realisticamente dirigersi nei prossimi anni e dove esista un particolare potenziale innovativo e occupazionale.
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It's findings show that coastal and maritime tourism is the biggest maritime sector in terms of gross value added and employment and is expected to grow by 2 to 3% by 2020, while cruise tourism is expected to create 100,000 new jobs by 2020 compared to 2010.
Lo studio ha concluso che il turismo costiero e marittimo costituisce il principale settore di attività marittime in termini di valore aggiunto lordo e occupazione e dovrebbe crescere dal 2 al 3% entro il 2020, mentre il turismo da crociera dovrebbe creare entro lo stesso termine 100 000 nuovi posti rispetto al 2010.
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As the worldwide ocean energy installed capacity is expected to double yearly in the near future, the commercialisation of wave and tidal technologies will be enhanced through a reduction in technology costs.
Poiché nei prossimi anni è previsto un raddoppio annuo della capacità installata di energia oceanica a livello mondiale, la riduzione dei costi tecnologici favorirà la commercializzazione di tecnologie legate al moto ondoso e alle maree.
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According to estimates, the global annual turnover of marine mineral mining is expected to grow from virtually nothing to €5 billion in the next 10 years and up to €10 billion by 2030.
Secondo le stime, il fatturato annuo complessivo dell'attività estrattiva di minerali marini dovrebbe crescere da quasi 0 a 5 miliardi di euro nei prossimi 10 anni e fino a 10 miliardi di euro entro il 2030.
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EU aquaculture could contribute to a healthy diet if the growth rate outside the EU could be matched.
L'acquacoltura dell'UE potrebbe contribuire a diffondere una dieta sana se si riuscisse ad uguagliare il tasso di crescita registrato al di fuori dell'UE.
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In the next decade or so, the blue biotechnology sector should become a provider of mass product markets, including cosmetics, food products, pharmaceutics, chemicals and biofuels.
Nei prossimi dieci anni, il settore della biotecnologia blu dovrebbe diventare un fornitore dei mercati di massa, con prodotti quali cosmetici, generi alimentari, medicinali, sostanze chimiche e biocarburanti.
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What's the next step?
Qual è la tappa successiva?
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Following the adoption of the Limassol Declaration, a set of Commission initiatives will be launched in the near future to explore and develop the growth potential in the identified areas, including Communications on coastal and maritime tourism, ocean energy, blue biotechnology and marine mineral mining, as well as strategic guidelines on aquaculture.
Successivamente all'adozione della dichiarazione di Limassol, verrà lanciata quanto prima una serie di iniziative della Commissione volte ad esplorare e sviluppare il potenziale di crescita degli ambiti identificati; tali iniziative comprenderanno comunicazioni sul turismo costiero e marittimo, sull'energia degli oceani, sulla biotecnologia blu e sull'attività estrattiva di minerali marini, nonché orientamenti strategici in materia di acquacoltura.
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All initiatives will be undertaken in consultation with Member states and relevant stakeholders. |
Tutte le iniziative saranno intraprese in consultazione con gli Stati membri e le parti interessate. |
New Maritime Agenda for growth and jobs adopted
A European agenda for creating growth and jobs in the marine and
maritime sectors was adopted today by European Ministers for maritime policy and
the European Commission, represented by President Jose Manuel Barroso and
Commissioner Maria Damanaki at a conference in Limassol organised by the Cypriot
Five years after the launch of the EU Integrated Maritime Policy, the
Member States and the Commission reaffirmed that a dynamic and coordinated
approach to maritime affairs enhances the development of the EU's 'Blue Economy'
while ensuring the health of seas and oceans.
The declaration proposes a marine and maritime agenda to back the
Europe 2020 strategy.
As highlighted in the Commission's recent Blue Growth initiative on
opportunities for marine and maritime sustainable growth (IP/12/955), the agenda
focuses on promising maritime sectors where there is a great potential for new
jobs and growth.
These sectors are:marine renewable energy, aquaculture, blue
biotechnology, coastal tourism and sea bed mining.
Ministers also called on Member States and European Institutions to put
in place the right conditions for the Blue Economy to deliver: support for
research and marine knowledge, maritime training, cost-efficient cooperation on
maritime surveillance, improved planning of maritime space and the further
implementation of the Marine strategy Framework directive.
Jose Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, stated:
"seas and oceans can play a decisive role in Europe's economic
Today's Declaration sends the clear message that we need to embrace the
potential of Europe's Blue Economy".
Commissioner Maria Damanaki, responsible for Maritime Affairs and
Fisheries, stressed that "to make a reality of the growth trends and
opportunities in the maritime economy, we need the input of all – institutions,
Member States and regions, industry, SMEs and civil society.
Being able to work together to get the best results is a sign of
and maritime policy is the ideal vehicle to boost the Blue Economy in
Why does the EU need a Maritime agenda for growth and jobs?
Why now?
The blue economy is important for Europe.
Its gross value added is estimated at around €500 billion, increasing
to around €600 billion in 2020.
Over the same period, people employed in the blue economy are expected
to increase from 5.4 million to 7 million.
Added to this is the fact that 75% of Europe's external trade and 37%
of intra-European trade is seaborne.
Europe's oceans, seas and coasts are, and will continue to be, Europe's
economic lifeline.
Europe needs to take all available opportunities to provide sustainable
growth and jobs to work itself out of the current financial and economic crisis.
The sea offers a number of opportunities.
The EU has a number of instruments at its disposal that can add value
to what Member States and industry is already doing.
How were the five targeted maritime sectors selected?
The European Commission has built a comprehensive picture of the
economic size and employment of marine and maritime sectors in Europe, and has
also looked at where these sectors could realistically be heading in the coming
years and where there is a particular potential for innovation and new jobs.
It's findings show that coastal and maritime tourism is the biggest
maritime sector in terms of gross value added and employment and is expected to
grow by 2 to 3% by 2020, while cruise tourism is expected to create 100,000 new
jobs by 2020 compared to 2010.
As the worldwide ocean energy installed capacity is expected to double
yearly in the near future, the commercialisation of wave and tidal technologies
will be enhanced through a reduction in technology costs.
According to estimates, the global annual turnover of marine mineral
mining is expected to grow from virtually nothing to €5 billion in the next 10
years and up to €10 billion by 2030.
EU aquaculture could contribute to a healthy diet if the growth rate
outside the EU could be matched.
In the next decade or so, the blue biotechnology sector should become a
provider of mass product markets, including cosmetics, food products,
pharmaceutics, chemicals and biofuels.
What's the next step?
Following the adoption of the Limassol Declaration, a set of Commission
initiatives will be launched in the near future to explore and develop the
growth potential in the identified areas, including Communications on coastal
and maritime tourism, ocean energy, blue biotechnology and marine mineral
mining, as well as strategic guidelines on aquaculture.
All initiatives will be undertaken in consultation with Member states
and relevant stakeholders. |