OPEN DAYS 2012: rafforzare la politica regionale dell'UE quale fondo di crescita dell'Europa
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Data documento: 05-10-2012
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OPEN DAYS 2012: Securing EU Regional Policy as Europe's Growth Fund
OPEN DAYS 2012: rafforzare la politica regionale dell'UE quale fondo di crescita dell'Europa
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The biggest annual event in the world of regional and urban policy marks its 10th anniversary at a critical time.
Il decimo anniversario del principale evento annuale nel mondo della politica regionale e urbana ricorre in un momento critico.
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Talks on the EU budget are entering their final, crucial phase and major reforms of how the structural funds operate are on the table.
Le discussioni sul bilancio dell'UE stanno entrando nella fase finale cruciale e sul tavolo ci sono riforme sostanziali del funzionamento dei fondi strutturali.
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More than 6,000 regional representatives from around Europe will join the call for a strong Regional Policy with a budget to match.
Oltre 6 000 rappresentanti regionali da tutta l'Europa si uniranno alla richiesta di una politica regionale forte con un bilancio adeguato.
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Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council, José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, and Martin Schulz, President of the European Parliament, will open four days of debate and discussion.
Herman Van Rompuy, presidente del Consiglio europeo, José Manuel Barroso, presidente della Commissione europea e Martin Schulz, presidente del Parlamento europeo, apriranno quattro giorni di dibattito e di confronto.
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Hosting the event, Johannes Hahn, Commissioner for Regional Policy, and Ramón Luis Valcárcel, President of the Committee of the Regions, will participate in a high level panel debate on the central role of EU Cohesion Policy in investing in Europe's economic recovery, and realising the Europe 2020 goals.
Johannes Hahn, commissario per la Politica regionale, e Ramón Luis Valcárcel, presidente del Comitato delle regioni, che ospitano l'evento, parteciperanno ad una tavola rotonda di alto livello sul contributo decisivo della politica di coesione dell'UE alla ripresa economica dell'Europa e al raggiungimento degli obiettivi di Europa 2020.
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Commissioner Hahn commented:
Il commissario Hahn ha dichiarato:
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"OPEN DAYS 2012 comes at a key moment for our policy's future.
"Gli OPEN DAYS 2012 si tengono in un momento cruciale per il futuro della nostra politica.
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Our regional partners have the chance to make their voices heard in this decisive period.
I nostri partner regionali hanno l'opportunità di far sentire la propria voce in questo periodo decisivo.
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The Commission has put its proposal on the table and is determined to defend it.
La Commissione ha messo sul tavolo la propria proposta ed è determinata a difenderla.
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We have an ideal tool at our disposal to tackle the crisis and we are committed to helping each and every EU region do that.
Abbiamo a nostra disposizione uno strumento ideale per fronteggiare la crisi e vogliamo fare in modo che ogni regione dell'UE possa trarne beneficio.
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But we need a realistic budget so that EU funds can continue to work for growth, and most of all to create jobs - and hope."
Ma abbiamo bisogno di un bilancio realistico per consentire ai fondi dell'UE di continuare ad operare per la crescita e soprattutto per la creazione di occupazione - e di speranza."
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Committee of the Regions' President Valcárcel added:
Il presidente del Comitato delle regioni Valcárcel ha aggiunto:
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"There is no exit from the crisis, nor economic recovery without a strong cohesion policy, conceived for all EU regions.
"Non c'è via d'uscita dalla crisi né ripresa economica senza una politica di coesione forte, concepita per tutte le regioni dell'UE.
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In such a delicate phase of the EU budget negotiations, the Open Days will help make this clear by displaying concrete examples of how regions and cities are supporting sustainable growth through structural funds.
In questa fase così delicata dei negoziati sul bilancio dell'UE, gli Open Days contribuiranno a ribadire questo concetto fornendo esempi concreti di come le regioni e le città favoriscono la crescita sostenibile attraverso i fondi strutturali.
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For the Committee of the Regions this is also a chance of making visible and accessible the outcome of its intense networking and monitoring activities, aimed at improving the delivering of the Europe 2020 objectives"
Per il Comitato delle regioni si tratta anche di un'occasione per rendere visibili e accessibili i risultati delle proprie intense attività di creazione di reti e di monitoraggio volte a favorire il raggiungimento degli obiettivi di Europa 2020 "
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Open Days will show how EU Regional Policy is delivering:
Gli Open Days illustreranno i risultati ottenuti dalla politica regionale dell'UE:
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By redirecting funds where they are most needed our estimates show EU investment has provided access to finance for at least 56,000 SMEs
le nostre stime indicano che, orientando i fondi dove sono maggiormente necessari, gli investimenti dell'UE hanno garantito accesso ai finanziamenti ad almeno 56 000 PMI;
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Combined with the Barroso Initiative it has helped 460,000 young people into programmes to combat unemployment
insieme all'iniziativa Barroso, la politica regionale ha aiutato 460 000 giovani a partecipare a programmi per combattere la disoccupazione;
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450,000 jobs have been created by enterprises supported by EU structural funds since 2007
dal 2007 sono stati creati 450 000 posti di lavoro da imprese beneficiarie dei fondi strutturali dell'UE.
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Open Days will help define the policy for the future:
Gli Open Days contribuiranno a definire la politica del futuro:
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Regional policy representatives will take part in more than 100 seminars and workshops – under the banner of 'Europe's Regions and Cities: Making a Difference'.
i rappresentanti della politica regionale parteciperanno a più di 100 seminari e workshop sul tema "Le regioni e le città d'Europa: fare la differenza".
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The focus will be on key priorities for the next funding period 2014-2020:
L'accento sarà posto sulle principali priorità per il prossimo periodo di finanziamento 2014-2020:
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- Smart and green growth for all, promoting innovation/research and development
- una crescita intelligente e verde per tutti, che promuova l'innovazione, la ricerca e lo sviluppo
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- Support for SME's
- sostegno alle PMI
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- Territorial cooperation
- cooperazione territoriale
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- Delivering and measuring results for a more effective and strategic policy
- ottenimento e misurazione dei risultati per un'azione più efficace e strategica
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Highlights of the program
Eventi salienti in programma
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President of the Committee of the Regions, Ramon Luis Valcárcel, and Commissioner Johannes Hahn: panel discussion on October 8th at 14:30.
Il presidente del Comitato delle regioni, Ramón Luis Valcárcel, e il commissario Johannes Hahn parteciperanno a una tavola rotonda l'8 ottobre alle 14:30.
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Commissioner Johannes Hahn at open press roundtable 'Securing Regional Policy as The Investment Arm of the EU Budget' on 9th October from 8:30-9:30 (Schuman room, Berlaymont).
Il commissario Johannes Hahn parteciperà alla tavola rotonda aperta ai giornalisti dal titolo "Rafforzare la politica regionale come strumento di investimento del bilancio dell'UE" il 9 ottobre dalle 8:30 alle 9:30 (sala Schuman, Berlaymont).
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Commission Vice-President Joaquin Almunia, responsible for Competition, and Commissioner Johannes Hahn will hold a high level debate Competition, State Aid and Regional Development: Albert Borchette Centre, Thursday Oct 11th, 10:00, Room 0A
Il vicepresidente della Commissione, Joaquin Almunia, responsabile per la concorrenza, e il commissario Johannes Hahn terranno un dibattito ad alto livello sul tema "Concorrenza, aiuti di Stato e sviluppo regionale" presso il Centro Albert Borschette, giovedì 11 ottobre, alle 10:00, nella sala 0A.
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2013 RegioStars Awards: 27 projects competing in five categories highlight the excellent and innovative work being done on the ground: Presented by Commissioner Hahn at the Committee of the Regions on 9th October at 16:00.
2013 RegioStars Awards: i 27 progetti in gara in cinque categorie, che mettono in evidenza il lavoro eccellente e innovativo svolto sul campo, saranno presentati dal commissario Hahn al Comitato delle regioni il 9 ottobre alle 16:00.
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Experts from across Europe will hold lectures and seminars at the OPEN DAYS University.
Esperti di tutta Europa terranno lezioni e seminari all'università degli Open Days.
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'Community-led local development' (CLLD) will be centre stage during this year’s 'Meeting Place' hosted at the Committee of the Regions, with 16 workshops looking at this new feature in urban/local development in the post-2013 period.
Le "iniziative di sviluppo locale di tipo partecipativo" avranno un ruolo centrale nel "Meeting Place" di quest'anno ospitato presso il Comitato delle regioni, con 16 workshop che esamineranno questa nuova caratteristica dello sviluppo urbano/locale nel periodo dopo il 2013.
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Exhibition also with 10 artists depicting 10 years of OPEN DAYS, and on INTERREG IVC - the programme financed through the European Regional Development Fund.
Vi sarà anche una mostra in cui 10 artisti raffigureranno 10 anni di Open Days e il programma INTERREG IVC finanziato dal Fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale.
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Alongside the Brussels seminars, over 350 events branded "Europe in my region/city" are planned between September and November in all 27 EU Member States, and 11 other countries including Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Iceland, Montenegro, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland and Turkey. |
Parallelamente ai seminari che si terranno a Bruxelles, sono previsti oltre 350 eventi dal titolo "L'Europa nella mia regione/città" che si svolgeranno tra settembre e novembre in tutti i 27 Stati membri dell'UE e in altri 11 paesi tra cui Bosnia Erzegovina, Croazia, Islanda, Montenegro, Norvegia, Serbia, Svizzera e Turchia. |
OPEN DAYS 2012: Securing EU Regional Policy as Europe's Growth Fund
The biggest annual event in the world of regional and urban policy
marks its 10th anniversary at a critical time.
Talks on the EU are entering their final, crucial phase and major
reforms of how the structural funds operate are on the table.
More than 6,000 regional representatives from around Europe will join
the call for a strong Regional Policy with a budget to match.
Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council, José Manuel
Barroso, President of the European Commission, and Martin Schulz, President of
the European Parliament, will open four days of debate and discussion.
Hosting the event, Johannes Hahn, Commissioner for Regional Policy, and
Ramón Luis Valcárcel, President of the Committee of the Regions, will
participate in a high level panel debate on the central role of EU Cohesion
Policy in investing in Europe's economic recovery, and realising the Europe 2020
Commissioner Hahn commented:
"OPEN DAYS 2012 comes at a key moment for our policy's future.
Our regional partners have the chance to make their voices heard in this
decisive period.
The Commission has put its proposal on the table and is determined to defend it.
We have an ideal tool at our disposal to tackle the crisis and we are committed
to helping each and every EU region do that.
But we need a realistic budget so that EU funds can continue to work for growth,
and most of all to create jobs - and hope."
Committee of the Regions' President Valcárcel added:
"There is no exit from the crisis, nor economic recovery without a strong
cohesion policy, conceived for all EU regions.
In such a delicate phase of the EU budget negotiations, the Open Days will help
make this clear by displaying concrete examples of how regions and cities are
supporting sustainable growth through structural funds.
For the Committee of the Regions this is also a chance of making visible and
accessible the outcome of its intense networking and monitoring activities,
aimed at improving the delivering of the Europe 2020 objectives"
Open Days will show how EU Regional Policy is delivering:
By redirecting funds where they are most needed our estimates show EU
investment has provided access to finance for at least 56,000 SMEs
Combined with the Barroso Initiative it has helped 460,000 young people
into programmes to combat unemployment
450,000 jobs have been created by enterprises supported by EU
structural funds since 2007
Open Days will help define the policy for the future:
Regional policy representatives will take part in more than 100
seminars and workshops – under the banner of 'Europe's Regions and Cities:
Making a Difference'.
The focus will be on key priorities for the next funding period
- Smart and green growth for all, promoting innovation/research and development
- Support for SME's
- Territorial cooperation
- Delivering and measuring results for a more effective and strategic policy
Highlights of the program
President of the Committee of the Regions, Ramon Luis Valcárcel, and
Commissioner Johannes Hahn: panel discussion on October 8th at 14:30.
Commissioner Johannes Hahn at open press roundtable 'Securing Regional
Policy as The Investment Arm of the EU Budget' on 9th October from 8:30-9:30
(Schuman room, Berlaymont).
Commission Vice-President Joaquin Almunia, responsible for Competition,
and Commissioner Johannes Hahn will hold a high level debate Competition, State
Aid and Regional Development: Albert Borchette Centre, Thursday Oct 11th, 10:00,
Room 0A
2013 RegioStars Awards: 27 projects competing in five categories
highlight the excellent and innovative work being done on the ground: Presented
by Commissioner Hahn at the Committee of the Regions on 9th October at 16:00.
Experts from across Europe will hold lectures and seminars at the OPEN
DAYS University.
'Community-led local development' (CLLD) will be centre stage during
this year’s 'Meeting Place' hosted at the Committee of the Regions, with 16
workshops looking at this new feature in urban/local development in the
post-2013 period.
Exhibition also with 10 artists depicting 10 years of OPEN DAYS, and on
INTERREG IVC - the programme financed through the European Regional Development
Alongside the Brussels seminars, over 350 events branded "Europe in my
region/city" are planned between September and November in all 27 EU Member
States, and 11 other countries including Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Iceland,
Montenegro, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland and Turkey. |