Insegnanti: riduzione o congelamento degli stipendi in un numero sempre maggiore di paesi europei
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Data documento: 05-10-2012
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Teachers' salaries reduced or frozen in growing number of European countries
Insegnanti: riduzione o congelamento degli stipendi in un numero sempre maggiore di paesi europei
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Sixteen European countries have reduced or frozen teachers' salaries in response to the economic downturn.
Sedici paesi europei hanno ridotto o congelato gli stipendi degli insegnanti in risposta alla crisi economica.
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Teachers in Ireland, Greece, Spain, Portugal and Slovenia are the worst affected by budget restrictions and austerity measures, according to a report published by the European Commission to coincide with World Teachers' Day.
Gli insegnanti in Irlanda, Grecia, Spagna, Portogallo e Slovenia sono i più colpiti dai tagli di bilancio e dalle misure di austerità, secondo una relazione pubblicata dalla Commissione europea in occasione della Giornata mondiale degli insegnanti.
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Teachers' salaries in Bulgaria, Cyprus, Estonia, France, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, United Kingdom, Croatia and Liechtenstein have fallen slightly or stayed the same.
Gli stipendi degli insegnanti in Bulgaria, a Cipro, in Estonia, Francia, Ungheria, Italia, Lettonia, Lituania, nel Regno Unito, in Croazia e Liechtenstein hanno subito un leggero calo o sono rimasti invariati.
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However, the Teachers' and School Heads' Salaries and Allowances in Europe 2011/12 report also shows that in four countries, the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia and Iceland, teachers' salaries have increased since mid-2010, while pay in Romania is now almost back to pre-crisis levels.
Tuttavia, la relazione 2011/12 sugli stipendi e sulle indennità degli insegnanti e dei capi di istituto in Europa (Teachers' and School Heads' Salaries and Allowances in Europe 2011/12) indica inoltre che in quattro paesi, Repubblica ceca, Polonia, Slovacchia e Islanda, gli stipendi degli insegnanti sono aumentati dalla metà del 2010, mentre in Romania sono quasi ritornati ai livelli precedenti alla crisi.
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"Teachers play a vital role in the lives of children and, as everyone knows, can make all the difference to their future," said Androulla Vassiliou, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth.
"Gli insegnanti svolgono un ruolo fondamentale nella vita dei bambini e dei ragazzi e, come tutti sanno, possono incidere profondamente sul loro futuro", ha affermato Androulla Vassiliou, Commissaria responsabile per l'Istruzione, la cultura, il multilinguismo e la gioventù.
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"Teachers' remuneration and working conditions should be a top priority in order to attract and retain the best in the profession.
"La retribuzione e le condizioni di lavoro degli insegnanti dovrebbero costituire una priorità assoluta al fine di attirare e trattenere i migliori in questa professione.
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But attracting the best teachers is not just about pay:
Ma per attirare gli insegnanti migliori non basta solo la retribuzione:
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it is imperative that classrooms are well-equipped and that teachers have a proper say on modernising curricula and education reforms."
è indispensabile che le aule siano ben attrezzate e che gli insegnanti possano far sentire il loro parere sulla modernizzazione dei programmi di studio e sulle riforme dell'istruzione."
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The report shows that, from mid-2010, the economic crisis had taken its toll on teachers’ pay, with increasing numbers of countries cutting both salaries and allowances such as holiday pay and bonuses.
Dalla relazione emerge che, a partire dalla metà del 2010, la crisi economica ha avuto gravi conseguenze finanziarie per gli insegnanti: in un numero crescente di paesi sono stati operati tagli sia agli stipendi che alle indennità quali assegni per ferie e gratifiche.
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Greece reduced teachers' basic salaries by 30% and stopped paying Christmas and Easter bonuses.
La Grecia ha ridotto del 30% lo stipendio di base degli insegnanti e ha sospeso il pagamento della gratifica natalizia e di quella pasquale.
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Ireland cut salaries for new teachers by 13% in 2011 and those appointed after 31 January this year faced a further 20% drop in pay due to the abolition of qualification allowances.
Nel 2011 l'Irlanda ha ridotto del 13% lo stipendio dei nuovi insegnanti, mentre gli insegnanti nominati dopo il 31 gennaio di quest'anno hanno subito un ulteriore taglio del 20% nella loro retribuzione in seguito alla soppressione delle indennità di qualifica.
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In Spain, salaries of teachers and other public sector employees were cut in 2010 by around 5% and not adjusted to inflation since;
In Spagna gli stipendi degli insegnanti e di altri dipendenti del settore pubblico sono stati ridotti del 5% circa nel 2010 e da allora non sono stati più adeguati per tenere conto dell'inflazione.
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similar measures have been applied in Portugal.
Provvedimenti analoghi sono stati adottati in Portogallo.
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In Europe, the maximum salary for senior teachers is generally twice as high as the minimum salary for newcomers.
In Europa lo stipendio massimo degli insegnanti con maggiore anzianità è in genere il doppio dello stipendio minimo dei neoinsegnanti.
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But considering it takes 15-25 years on average to earn the maximum salary, teaching organisations fear that young people may be discouraged from entering the profession.
Ma dato che occorrono in media da 15 a 25 anni per arrivare allo stipendio massimo, le organizzazioni degli insegnanti temono che i giovani possano essere scoraggiati dall'accedere alla professione.
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While entry-level salaries for teachers tend to be unattractive, when allowances for additional responsibilities or overtime are taken into account, most are close to the maximum statutory pay level for teachers in many European countries.
Se gli stipendi di ingresso tendono ad essere poco interessanti, quando si prendono in considerazione le indennità corrisposte per responsabilità aggiuntive o straordinari la maggior parte degli insegnanti si avvicina allora al livello massimo della retribuzione contrattuale che spetta agli insegnanti in molti paesi europei.
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For example, in Latvia, actual take-home pay is nearly twice as high as the maximum basic salary.
In Lettonia, ad esempio, la retribuzione netta di fatto è quasi il doppio rispetto allo stipendio massimo di base.
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In Denmark, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Finland, England and Wales, take-home pay is also higher than the maximum basic salary when allowances are added.
Anche in Danimarca, Lituania, Polonia, Slovacchia, Finlandia, Inghilterra e Galles, la retribuzione netta, una volta aggiunte le indennità, risulta superiore allo stipendio massimo di base.
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This can to some extent be explained by the fact that a relatively high share of teachers are in older age groups.
Ciò si spiega in parte con il fatto che una percentuale relativamente elevata di insegnanti appartiene alle fasce di età più avanzata.
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Several countries are facing teacher shortages and have concerns over an ageing workforce ('Key Data on Education in Europe 2012', IP/12/121).
Diversi paesi devono far fronte a carenze di insegnanti ed hanno il problema dell'invecchiamento della forza lavoro ("Cifre chiave dell'istruzione in Europa 2012", IP/12/121).
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The Teachers' and School Heads' Salaries and Allowances in Europe 2011/12 report also reveals that while all countries claim that improving pupil and student performance levels is a top priority, only half of the countries covered in the report grant allowances to teachers based on positive teaching performance or student results (Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Hungary, Austria, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Finland, Sweden, United Kingdom - England and Wales; Northern Ireland, and Turkey).
La relazione 2011/12 sugli stipendi e sulle indennità degli insegnanti e dei capi di istituto in Europa rivela inoltre che, sebbene tutti i paesi sostengano che il miglioramento dei livelli di rendimento di alunni e studenti sia una priorità assoluta, solo la metà dei paesi oggetto della relazione attribuisce indennità agli insegnanti sulla base dei risultati positivi del loro lavoro o di quelli degli studenti [Bulgaria, Repubblica ceca, Danimarca, Estonia, Grecia, Lettonia, Ungheria, Austria, Polonia, Romania, Slovenia, Finlandia, Svezia, Regno Unito (Inghilterra e Galles, Irlanda del Nord) e Turchia].
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Teachers' and school heads' salaries and allowances in Europe 2011/12
Stipendi e indennità degli insegnanti e dei capi di istituto in Europa 2011/12
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This annual report contains a comparative overview of salaries in 32 European countries (EU Member States, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Croatia and Turkey).
Questa relazione annuale contiene una panoramica comparativa degli stipendi in 32 paesi europei (Stati membri dell'UE, Norvegia, Islanda, Liechtenstein, Croazia e Turchia).
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It covers full-time, fully qualified teachers and school heads at pre-primary, primary, lower secondary and upper secondary education levels.
Riguarda gli insegnanti pienamente qualificati che lavorano a tempo pieno e i capi di istituto dell'istruzione preprimaria, primaria, secondaria inferiore e secondaria superiore.
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The report includes information on:
Sono presenti informazioni sui seguenti aspetti:
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- Decision-making bodies responsible for fixing teachers' salaries;
- definizione degli stipendi degli insegnanti;
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- Salaries in the private sector;
- stipendi nel settore privato;
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- Minimum and maximum statutory salaries relative to GDP per capita and in relation to actual salaries (statutory salaries plus allowances);
- stipendi contrattuali minimi e massimi in rapporto al PIL pro capite e agli stipendi di fatto (stipendio contrattuale più indennità);
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- Salary progression in relation to experience;
- progressione salariale in funzione dell'esperienza;
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- Latest increase/decrease in teachers purchasing power and the effect of the economic crisis;
- ultimo aumento/calo del potere d'acquisto degli insegnanti e effetti della crisi economica;
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- Different types of allowances and the decision –making bodies responsible for their allocation.
- diversi tipi di indennità e organi decisionali responsabili della loro assegnazione.
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The report is compiled for the European Commission by the Eurydice network, which provides analyses and information on European education systems and policies.
La relazione è realizzata dalla rete Eurydice della Commissione europea, che fornisce informazioni ed esamina i sistemi di istruzione europei e le relative politiche.
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The network consists of 38 national units based in the 34 countries which participate in the EU's Lifelong Learning Programme (EU Member States, Croatia, Serbia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey).
La rete è costituita da 38 unità nazionali con sede nei 34 paesi che partecipano al programma dell'UE per l'apprendimento permanente (Stati membri dell'UE, Croazia, Serbia, Islanda, Liechtenstein, Norvegia, Svizzera e Turchia).
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Serbia and Switzerland did not take part in the Teachers' and School Heads' Salaries and Allowances in Europe 2011/12 report.
La Serbia e la Svizzera non hanno partecipato alla relazione 2011/12 sugli stipendi e sulle indennità degli insegnanti e dei capi di istituto in Europa.
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Eurydice is co-ordinated and managed by the EU Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency. |
La rete Eurydice è coordinata e gestita dalla Agenzia esecutiva per l'istruzione, gli audiovisivi e la cultura dell'Unione europea. |
Teachers' salaries reduced or frozen in growing number of European
Sixteen European countries have reduced or frozen teachers' salaries in
response to the economic downturn.
Teachers in Ireland, Greece, Spain, Portugal and Slovenia are the worst affected
by budget restrictions and austerity measures, according to a report published
by the European Commission to coincide with World Teachers' Day.
Teachers' salaries in Bulgaria, Cyprus, Estonia, France, Hungary, Italy, Latvia,
Lithuania, United Kingdom, Croatia and Liechtenstein have fallen slightly or
stayed the same.
However, the Teachers' and School Heads' Salaries and Allowances in Europe
2011/12 report also shows that in four countries, the Czech Republic, Poland,
Slovakia and Iceland, teachers' salaries have increased since mid-2010, while
pay in Romania is now almost back to pre-crisis levels.
"Teachers play a vital role in the lives of children and, as everyone knows, can
make all the difference to their future," said Androulla Vassiliou, Commissioner
for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth.
"Teachers' remuneration and working conditions should be a top priority in order
to attract and retain the best in the profession.
But attracting the best teachers is not just about pay:
it is imperative that classrooms are well-equipped and that teachers have a
proper say on modernising curricula and education reforms."
The report shows that, from mid-2010, the economic crisis had taken its toll on
teachers’ pay, with increasing numbers of countries cutting both salaries and
allowances such as holiday pay and bonuses.
Greece reduced teachers' basic salaries by 30% and stopped paying Christmas and
Easter bonuses.
I reland cut salaries for new teachers by 13% in 2011 and those appointed after
31 January this year faced a further 20% drop in pay due to the abolition of
qualification allowances.
In Spain, salaries of teachers and other public sector employees were cut in
2010 by around 5% and not adjusted to inflation since;
similar measures have been applied in Portugal.
In Europe, the maximum salary for senior teachers is generally twice as high as
the minimum salary for newcomers.
But considering it takes 15-25 years on average to earn the maximum salary,
teaching organisations fear that young people may be discouraged from entering
the profession.
While entry-level salaries for teachers tend to be unattractive, when allowances
for additional responsibilities or overtime are taken into account, most are
close to the maximum statutory pay level for teachers in many European
For example, in Latvia, actual take-home pay is nearly twice as high as the
maximum basic salary.
In Denmark, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Finland, England and Wales, take-home
pay is also higher than the maximum basic salary when allowances are added.
This can to some extent be explained by the fact that a relatively high share of
teachers are in older age groups.
Several countries are facing teacher shortages and have concerns over an ageing
workforce ('Key Data on Education in Europe 2012', IP/12/121).
The Teachers' and School Heads' Salaries and Allowances in Europe 2011/12 report
also reveals that while all countries claim that improving pupil and student
performance levels is a top priority, only half of the countries covered in the
report grant allowances to teachers based on positive teaching performance or
student results (Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Latvia,
Hungary, Austria, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Finland, Sweden, United Kingdom -
England and Wales; Northern Ireland, and Turkey).
Teachers' and school heads' salaries and allowances in Europe
This annual report contains a comparative overview of salaries in 32 European
countries (EU Member States, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Croatia and
It covers full-time, fully qualified teachers and school heads at pre-primary,
primary, lower secondary and upper secondary education levels.
The report includes information on:
- Decision-making bodies responsible for fixing teachers' salaries;
- Salaries in the private sector;
- Minimum and maximum statutory salaries relative to GDP per capita and in
relation to actual salaries (statutory salaries plus allowances);
- Salary progression in relation to experience;
- Latest increase/decrease in teachers purchasing power and the effect of the
economic crisis;
- Different types of allowances and the decision –making bodies responsible for
their allocation.
The report is compiled for the European Commission by the Eurydice network,
which provides analyses and information on European education systems and
The network consists of 38 national units based in the 34 countries which
participate in the EU's Lifelong Learning Programme (EU Member States, Croatia,
Serbia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey).
Serbia and Switzerland did not take part in the Teachers' and School Heads'
Salaries and Allowances in Europe 2011/12 report.
Eurydice is co-ordinated and managed by the EU Education, Audiovisual and
Culture Executive Agency. |