"Il meccanismo per collegare l’Europa” – i dirigenti delle grandi imprese e i responsabili politici esprimono il loro pieno sostegno al progetto della Commissione di investire 50 miliardi in infrastrutture strategiche nel settore dei trasporti, dell’energia e di Internet
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Italiano tratto da:
Data documento: 04-10-2012
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'Connecting Europe' – business leaders and policy-makers strongly support the Commission's 50 billion plan for strategic infrastructure investment in transport, energy and internet
"Il meccanismo per collegare l’Europa” – i dirigenti delle grandi imprese e i responsabili politici esprimono il loro pieno sostegno al progetto della Commissione di investire 50 miliardi in infrastrutture strategiche nel settore dei trasporti, dell’energia e di Internet
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At a high-level conference in Brussels, business leaders and policy-makers strongly supported the creation of a Connecting Europe Facility as proposed by the European Commission for the European Union's new financing period 2014-2020.
In occasione di una conferenza di alto livello svoltasi a Bruxelles, i dirigenti di grandi imprese e i decisori politici hanno espresso il loro pieno sostegno alla creazione di un “meccanismo per collegare l’Europa”, come proposto dalla Commissione europea per il nuovo periodo di finanziamento 2014-2020 dell’Unione europea.
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With up to 50 billion euros the Connecting Europe Facility could become a key instrument for targeted infrastructure investment at European level to ensure the smooth functioning of the Single Market and boost sustainable growth, jobs and competitiveness across the European Union.
Con una dotazione che può arrivare a 50 miliardi di euro il “meccanismo per collegare l’Europa” potrebbe diventare uno strumento essenziale per investimenti mirati a favore di infrastrutture a livello europeo al fine di garantire l’adeguato funzionamento del mercato unico e promuovere una crescita sostenibile, la creazione di posti di lavoro e la competitività in tutta l’Unione europea.
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European Commission President José Manuel Barroso said:
Il Presidente della Commissione europea José Manuel Barroso ha dichiarato:
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"We need an ambitious Connecting Europe Facility to invest in Europe's future growth and boost job creation.
“Abbiamo bisogno di un “meccanismo per collegare l’Europa” ambizioso per poter investire nella crescita europea di domani e stimolare la creazione di posti lavoro.
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Too often, citizens and businesses are blocked by incomplete, inefficient or simply non-existent infrastructure networks.
In effetti i cittadini e le imprese troppo spesso sono bloccati nella realizzazione dei loro progetti perché le reti europee sono incomplete, inefficaci o semplicemente inesistenti.
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The 'Connecting Europe Facility' provides a European solution to a European problem with its focus on strategic infrastructure, its innovative character and its true European added value.
Il “meccanismo per collegare l’Europa” apporta una soluzione europea ad un problema europeo, incentrandosi sulle infrastrutture strategiche, sul carattere innovativo e su un vero e proprio valore aggiunto europeo.
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This has been widely recognised at today's conference and I am confident that this message will also be heard in the capitals of our Member States."
Questa dimensione è stata ampiamente riconosciuta nell’ambito dell’odierna conferenza e sono convinto che questo messaggio sarà ascoltato anche nelle capitali dei nostri Stati membri.
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During the event speakers and participants appreciated the innovative character and important added value that the Connecting Europe Facility would provide.
In occasione della conferenza, gli oratori e i partecipanti hanno apprezzato il carattere innovativo e l’importante valore aggiunto che il “meccanismo per collegare l’Europa” offrirebbe.
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The Connecting Europe Facility would help getting strategic infrastructure off the ground that helps "Europe to compete and to grow" in a globalised world, in line with the Europe 2020 strategy and the recently agreed Compact for Growth.
Tale meccanismo contribuirebbe a lanciare infrastrutture strategiche che consentirebbero all’”Europa di competere e di crescere” in un mondo globalizzato, conformemente alla strategia Europa 2020 e al patto per la crescita recentemente adottato.
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Without it, participants agreed, many necessary infrastructure investments in transport, energy and internet in the EU would not happen if dealt with purely at national level.
I partecipanti hanno riconosciuto che, in assenza di uno strumento di questo tipo, molti investimenti necessari nelle infrastrutture dei trasporti, dell’energia e di Internet nell’UE non potrebbero essere realizzati a livello puramente nazionale.
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This is particularly true in the on-going crisis, which hampers for example bank lending for infrastructure investment.
Ciò è ancora più vero nel contesto della crisi attuale che rende particolarmente difficile l’ottenimento di prestiti bancari a favore di investimenti nel settore delle infrastrutture.
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Most participants expect significant private investments thanks to innovative financial instruments linked to the Connecting Europe Facility, like project bonds, and the longer term orientations and planning security it provides.
La maggior parte dei partecipanti si aspetta notevoli investimenti privati grazie agli strumenti finanziari innovativi connessi al “meccanismo per collegare l’Europa”, quali le obbligazioni per il finanziamento di progetti (project bond)agli orientamenti a più lungo termine e alla sicurezza per la pianificazione che il suddetto strumento offre.
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Many pointed to existing infrastructure projects supported through the EU that clearly demonstrate the benefits and added value of EU-level infrastructure investment like for example the recently inaugurated electricity connection between Ireland and the United Kingdom or compressors enabling reverse gas flows in central and Eastern European Member States.
Molti hanno fatto riferimento ai progetti infrastrutturali esistenti che hanno beneficiato del sostegno finanziario dell’UE e che dimostrano chiaramente i vantaggi e il valore aggiunto degli investimenti in infrastrutture realizzati a livello UE come ad esempio il collegamento, recentemente inaugurato, fra l’Irlanda e il Regno Unito oppure i compressori che rendono possibile l’inversione dei flussi di gas negli Stati membri d’Europa centrale ed orientale.
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High-performing, sustainable and efficiently interconnected trans-European networks were deemed essential for the full functioning of the EU's Single Market and the shift to a more sustainable low-carbon economy.
Delle reti transeuropee ad alte prestazioni, sostenibili e interconnesse in modo efficiente sono considerate essenziali per il pieno funzionamento del mercato unico europeo e il passaggio ad un’economia a basse emissioni di carbonio più sostenibile.
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Some participants also emphasised the complementarity of the EU's cohesion policy with the Connecting Europe Facility, while emphasising the importance of cohesion policy for enhanced competitiveness of the entire European Union.
Alcuni partecipanti hanno evidenziato inoltre la complementarità della politica UE di coesione con il “meccanismo per collegare l’Europa” sottolineando al tempo stesso l’importanza della politica di coesione ai fini del potenziamento della competitività dell’intera Unione europea.
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Participants agreed that the Connecting Europe Facility is a concrete expression of a new thinking and partnership that will benefit Europeans across all Member States, citizens and businesses alike.
I partecipanti hanno riconosciuto che il “meccanismo per collegare l’Europa” è un’espressione concreta di un nuovo modo di pensare nonché di una collaborazione da cui trarranno vantaggio gli europei di tutti gli Stati membri, sia cittadini che imprese.
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As better interconnections would make work and travel easier, enhance competitiveness, business opportunities and energy security and make Europe's economy greener.
In quanto il miglioramento dei collegamenti consente di viaggiare e lavorare più agevolmente e potenzia la competitività, le opportunità commerciali e la sicurezza energetica, rendendo l’economia europea più verde.
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Many expressed the wish that the overall strong support for the Connecting Europe Facility coming from this high-level event could mobilise other important stakeholders and decision-makers and positively influence the course of negotiations in the run-up to the extraordinary European Council of 22-23 November 2012 dedicated to the Multiannual Financial Framework.
Numerosi sono coloro che hanno espresso l’auspicio che il deciso sostegno generale al meccanismo per collegare l’Europa che è emerso nel corso di questo evento di alto livello possa mobilitare altri importanti portatori di interesse e decisori e influenzare positivamente i negoziati in vista del Consiglio europeo straordinario del 22-23 novembre 2012 dedicato al Quadro finanziario pluriennale.
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Following the proposals for the Multiannual Financial Framework of 29 June 2011, the Commission tabled the draft regulation for the Connecting Europe Facility on 19 October 2011.
In seguito alle proposte relative al Quadro finanziario pluriennale adottate il 29 giugno 2011, il 19 ottobre 2011 la Commissione ha presentato il progetto di regolamento che istituisce il “meccanismo per collegare l’Europa”.
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Negotiations are on-going in the Council and the European Parliament.
I negoziati sono in corso al Consiglio e al Parlamento europeo.
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The 2012 June European Council agreed the Compact for Growth and Jobs which includes the removal of barriers in the Single Market and which refers explicitly to those sectors that are at the heart of the Connecting Europe Facility: transport, energy and internet.
Il Consiglio europeo del giugno 2012 ha approvato il Patto per la crescita e l’occupazione, che prevede la soppressione degli ostacoli al mercato unico e menziona espressamente i settori che sono al cuore del meccanismo per collegare l’Europa, ossia trasporti, energia e Internet.
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The European Council also agreed on the immediate launch of pilot project bonds.
Il Consiglio europeo ha inoltre deciso l’avvio immediato della fase pilota delle obbligazioni per il finanziamento di progetti.
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Today's conference was organised by the European Commission.
La conferenza di oggi è stata organizzata dalla Commissione europea.
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It was attended by the following speakers:
Erano presenti:
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Andrus Ansip, Prime Minister of Estonia
Andrus Ansip, Primo ministro dell’Estonia
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Efthemios Flourentzou, Minister of Communications and Works, Republic of Cyprus
Efthemios Flourentzou, Ministro delle comunicazioni e dei lavori pubblici, Republica di Cipro
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Amalia Sartori MEP, Chair EP Industry, Research and Energy Committee
Amalia Sartori, membro del Parlamento europeo, presidente della commissione del PE per l’industria, la ricerca e l’energia
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Adina Ioana Valean MEP, Rapporteur Connecting Europe Facility
Adina Ioana Valean, membro del Parlamento europeo, relatore per il “Meccanismo per collegare l’Europa”
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Wolfgang Kopf, Senior Vice President Public and Regulatory Affairs, Deutsche Telekom
Wolfgang Kopf, Vice Presidente Senior “Public and Regulatory Affairs”, Deutsche Telekom
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Maciej Witucki, President, Polish Telekom
Maciej Witucki, Presidente, Telekom Polonia
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Marc Hamy, Chief Operating Officer, AirbusProSky
Marc Hamy, Direttore operativo di Airbus ProSky
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Dermot Byrne, Chief Executive, EirGrid
Dermot Byrne, Direttore generale, EirGrid
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Pierre Mongin, Chairman and CEO of RATP Group
Pierre Mongin, Presidente e CEO del Gruppo RATP
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Scott Dickens, Global Head of Structured Capital Markets, HSBC Bank
Scott Dickens, Responsabile internazionale dei mercati finanziari strutturati, HSBC Bank
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Paul O'Neill, Global Head of Energy, Allianz Global Corporate and Specialty
Paul O’Neill, responsabile internazionale per le questioni energetiche, Allianz Global Corporate and Specialty
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Participants came from a wide range of areas, including from the sectors concerned - transport, energy and internet.
I partecipanti provenivano da una vasta area di settori, tra i quali, tra quelli direttamente interessati: trasporti, energia e Internet.
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Among the organisations and companies represented were the European Investment Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Orange France Telecom, ThyssenKrupp, Telefónica, British Telecom, Siemens, Deutsche Bank, Alcatel-Lucent and Renault.
Tra le organizzazioni e le società rappresentate figuravano la Banca europea per gli investimenti, la Banca europea per la ricostruzione e lo sviluppo, Orange France Telecom, ThyssenKrupp, Telefónica, British Telecom, Siemens, Deutsche Bank, Alcatel-Lucent e Renault.
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Apart from President Barroso the following members of the European Commission participated:
Oltre al Presidente Barroso erano presenti i seguenti membri della Commissione europea:
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Vice Presidents Neelie Kroes and Siim Kallas and Commissioners Johannes Hahn and Günther Oettinger. |
i Vicepresidenti Neelie Kroes e Siim Kallas e i Commissari Johannes Hahn e Günther Oettinger. |
'Connecting Europe' – business leaders and policy-makers strongly support
the Commission's 50 billion plan for strategic infrastructure investment in
transport, energy and internet
At a high-level conference in Brussels, business leaders and
policy-makers strongly supported the creation of a Connecting Europe Facility as
proposed by the European Commission for the European Union's new financing
period 2014-2020.
With up to 50 billion euros the Connecting Europe Facility could become
a key instrument for targeted infrastructure investment at European level to
ensure the smooth functioning of the Single Market and boost sustainable growth,
jobs and competitiveness across the European Union.
European Commission President José Manuel Barroso said:
"We need an ambitious Connecting Europe Facility to invest in Europe's
future growth and boost job creation.
Too often, citizens and businesses are blocked by incomplete,
inefficient or simply non-existent infrastructure networks.
The 'Connecting Europe Facility' provides a European solution to a
European problem with its focus on strategic infrastructure, its innovative
character and its true European added value.
This has been widely recognised at today's conference and I am
confident that this message will also be heard in the capitals of our Member
During the event speakers and participants appreciated the innovative
character and important added value that the Connecting Europe Facility would
The Connecting Europe Facility would help getting strategic
infrastructure off the ground that helps "Europe to compete and to grow" in a
globalised world, in line with the Europe 2020 strategy and the recently agreed
Compact for Growth.
Without it, participants agreed, many necessary infrastructure
investments in transport, energy and internet in the EU would not happen if
dealt with purely at national level.
This is particularly true in the on-going crisis, which hampers for
example bank lending for infrastructure investment.
Most participants expect significant private investments thanks to
innovative financial instruments linked to the Connecting Europe Facility, like
project bonds, and the longer term orientations and planning security it
Many pointed to existing infrastructure projects supported through the
EU that clearly demonstrate the benefits and added value of EU-level
infrastructure investment like for example the recently inaugurated electricity
connection between Ireland and the United Kingdom or compressors enabling
reverse gas flows in central and Eastern European Member States.
High-performing, sustainable and efficiently interconnected
trans-European networks were deemed essential for the full functioning of the
EU's Single Market and the shift to a more sustainable low-carbon economy.
Some participants also emphasised the complementarity of the EU's
cohesion policy with the Connecting Europe Facility, while emphasising the
importance of cohesion policy for enhanced competitiveness of the entire
European Union.
Participants agreed that the Connecting Europe Facility is a concrete
expression of a new thinking and partnership that will benefit Europeans across
all Member States, citizens and businesses alike.
As better interconnections would make work and travel easier, enhance
competitiveness, business opportunities and energy security and make Europe's
economy greener.
Many expressed the wish that the overall strong support for the
Connecting Europe Facility coming from this high-level event could mobilise
other important stakeholders and decision-makers and positively influence the
course of negotiations in the run-up to the extraordinary European Council of
22-23 November 2012 dedicated to the Multiannual Financial Framework.
Following the proposals for the Multiannual Financial Framework of 29
June 2011, the Commission tabled the draft regulation for the Connecting Europe
Facility on 19 October 2011.
Negotiations are on-going in the Council and the European Parliament.
The 2012 June European Council agreed the Compact for Growth and Jobs
which includes the removal of barriers in the Single Market and which refers
explicitly to those sectors that are at the heart of the Connecting Europe
Facility: transport, energy and internet.
The European Council also agreed on the immediate launch of pilot
project bonds.
Today's conference was organised by the European Commission.
It was attended by the following speakers:
Andrus Ansip, Prime Minister of Estonia
Efthemios Flourentzou, Minister of Communications and Works, Republic of Cyprus
Amalia Sartori MEP, Chair EP Industry, Research and Energy Committee
Adina Ioana Valean MEP, Rapporteur Connecting Europe Facility
Wolfgang Kopf, Senior Vice President Public and Regulatory Affairs, Deutsche
Maciej Witucki, President, Polish Telekom
Marc Hamy, Chief Operating Officer, AirbusProSky
Dermot Byrne, Chief Executive, EirGrid
Pierre Mongin, Chairman and CEO of RATP Group
Scott Dickens, Global Head of Structured Capital Markets, HSBC Bank
Paul O'Neill, Global Head of Energy, Allianz Global Corporate and Specialty
Participants came from a wide range of areas, including from the
sectors concerned - transport, energy and internet.
Among the organisations and companies represented were the European
Investment Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Orange
France Telecom, ThyssenKrupp, Telefónica, British Telecom, Siemens, Deutsche
Bank, Alcatel-Lucent and Renault.
Apart from President Barroso the following members of the European
Commission participated:
Kroes and Siim Kallas and Commissioners Johannes Hahn and Günther
Oettinger. |