Nanomateriali la sicurezza delle tecnologie innovative valutata caso per caso
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Data documento: 03-10-2012
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Nanomaterials: Case by case safety approach for breakthrough technology
Nanomateriali la sicurezza delle tecnologie innovative valutata caso per caso
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Nanotechnology is delivering major advances today and also has the potential to allow “game changing” technological breakthroughs and rekindle economic growth.
Le nanotecnologie conoscono oggi importanti progressi, che rendono possibili innovazioni tecnologiche di grande portata, in grado anche di dare impulso alla crescita economica.
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In recognition of this fact, the European Commission today adopted a Communication on the Second Regulatory Review on Nanomaterials, which also includes the Commission’s plans to improve EU law to ensure the safe use of nanomaterials.
Consapevole dei questa realtà, la Commissione europea ha adottato oggi una comunicazione in cui prende in esame l'attuale legislazione UE riguardante i nanomateriali e propone alcuni miglioramenti volti a garantire che questi materiali siano utilizzati in condizioni di sicurezza.
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The Communication underlines nanomaterials' diverse nature and types, ranging from everyday materials that have been used safely for decades (e.g., in tyres or as anticoagulants in food) to highly sophisticated industrial materials and tumour therapies.
La comunicazione sottolinea la diversità di caratteristiche dei nanomateriali, che sono presenti in materiali di uso quotidiano considerati sicuri ormai da decenni (ad esempio, negli pneumatici o come agenti anticoagulanti nei prodotti alimentari), in materiali industriali altamente sofisticati o in sostanze utilizzate nel trattamento dei tumori.
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There is an increasing body of information on the hazard properties of nanomaterials, which are difficult to generalize and justify specific risk assessments.
Sui rischi dei nanomateriali si hanno sempre maggiori informazioni, che è però difficile generalizzare.
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Therefore, rather than putting all nanomaterials in one basket, a case-by-case approach to risk assessment should be applied, using strategies based on indications of potential risks, either in terms of exposure or hazard.
È quindi necessaria una valutazione dei rischi specifici. I nanomateriali non vanno perciò posti tutti sullo stesso piano, ma i rischi sono da valutare caso per caso, secondo strategie basate su indicazioni dei rischi potenziali, in termini di esposizione o di pericolo.
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Today's communication was jointly presented by European Commissioners Antonio Tajani, Janez Potocnik, John Dalli, and Máire Geoghegan-Quinn.
La comunicazione odierna è stata presentata congiuntamente dai commissari europei Antonio Tajani, Janez Potocnik, John Dalli e Máire Geoghegan-Quinn.
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Nanomaterials require assessment
Necessità di una valutazione dei nanomateriali
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In the light of current knowledge and opinions of the EU Scientific and Advisory Committees and independent risk assessors, nanomaterials are similar to normal chemicals/substances in that some may be toxic and some may not.
Stando alle attuali conoscenze, ai pareri espressi dai comitati scientifici consultivi dell'UE e alle valutazioni indipendenti dei rischi, i nanomateriali, non diversamente dalle altre sostanze e prodotti chimici, possono in alcuni casi essere tossici e in altri no.
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Possible risks are related to specific nanomaterials and specific uses.
Presentano rischi solo determinati nanomateriali e determinati usi.
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Therefore, nanomaterials require a risk assessment, which should be performed on a case-by-case basis, using pertinent information.
Di conseguenza, è necessario sottoporre i nanomateriali a una valutazione dei rischi caso per caso, sulla base delle informazioni di cui si dispone.
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Current risk assessment methods are applicable, even if work on particular aspects of risk assessment is still required.
Gli attuali metodi di valutazione restano validi, ma alcuni aspetti sono da migliorare.
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Important challenges relate primarily to establishing validated methods and instrumentation for detection, characterization, analysis, completing information on hazards of nanomaterials and developing methods to assess exposure to nanomaterials.
In particolare, i punti su cui lavorare sono lo sviluppo di metodi e di strumenti convalidati di rilevazione, caratterizzazione e analisi, la raccolta di informazioni complementari sui pericoli dei nanomateriali e la messa a punto di metodi per la valutazione dell'esposizione.
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The recent definition of nanomaterials will be integrated in EU legislation, where appropriate.
La definizione dei nanomateriali adottata di recente sarà integrata, se opportuno, nella legislazione dell'UE.
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The Commission is currently working on detection, measurement and monitoring methods for nanomaterials and their validation to ensure the proper implementation of the definition.
La Commissione lavora attualmente sui metodi di rilevazione, misurazione e monitoraggio dei nanomateriali e sulla loro validazione, per garantire una corretta applicazione della definizione.
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REACH is best framework for nanomaterials management
REACH: il miglior quadro possibile per la gestione dei nanomateriali
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Overall the Commission remains convinced that REACH sets the best possible framework for the risk management of nanomaterials when they occur as substances or mixtures but more specific requirements for nanomaterials within the framework have proven necessary.
In generale, la Commissione resta del parere che il regolamento REACH costituisca il miglior quadro possibile per la gestione dei rischi dei nanomateriali che si presentano come sostanze o miscele, ma entro questo quadro sono necessarie disposizioni più specifiche per i nanomateriali.
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The Commission envisages modifications in some of the REACH Annexes and encourages ECHA to further develop guidance for registrations after 2013.
La Commissione prevede di modificare alcuni allegati del regolamento REACH e invita l'Agenzia europea per le sostanze chimiche a elaborare nuovi orientamenti per le registrazioni dopo il 2013.
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Next steps
Prossime tappe
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In order to improve availability of information on nanomaterials, the Commission will create a web platform with references to all relevant information sources, including registries on a national or sector level, where they exist.
Per migliorare la disponibilità di informazioni sui nanomateriali, la Commissione creerà una piattaforma web che darà accesso a tutte le fonti di informazioni utili, compresi i registri nazionali o settoriali.
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In parallel, the Commission will launch an impact assessment to identify and develop the most adequate means to increase transparency and ensure regulatory oversight, including an in-depth analysis of the data gathering needs for such purpose.
Parallelamente, la Commissione procederà a un'analisi d'impatto volta a identificare e a mettere a punto strumenti che permettano di accrescere la trasparenza e di esercitare un controllo regolamentare, con un'approfondita analisi del fabbisogno di dati per questo scopo.
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This analysis will include those nanomaterials currently falling outside existing notification, registration or authorisation schemes.
Questa analisi prenderà in considerazione anche i nanomateriali che attualmente non rientrano nei sistemi di notifica, registrazione o autorizzazione esistenti.
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Nanomaterials are materials which often have specific properties due to their small particle size.
I nanomateriali sono materiali dotati spesso di proprietà specifiche dovute alle piccole dimensioni delle loro particelle.
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The global market for nanomaterials is estimated at 11 million tonnes at a market value of 20 bn€.
Il mercato mondiale dei nanomateriali è stimato dell'ordine di 11 milioni di tonnellate, per un valore di circa 20 miliardi di euro.
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The current direct employment in the nanomaterial sector is estimated at 300 000 to 400 000 in Europe.
Secondo le stime, il settore delle nanotecnologie impiega oggi direttamente tra le 300 000 e le 400 000 persone in Europa.
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It is still dominated by materials which have been in use for decades, such as carbon black (mainly used in tyres) or synthetic amorphous silica (used in a wide variety of applications including tyres, as polymer filler but also in toothpaste or as anticoagulant in food powders).
I più importanti sono ancora i materiali in uso ormai da decenni, quali il nerofumo (utilizzato principalmente nella fabbricazione di pneumatici) o la silice amorfa sintetica (utilizzata per una vasta gamma di applicazioni, in particolare negli pneumatici, come filler per polimeri, ma anche nei dentifrici o come agente anticoagulante negli alimenti in polvere).
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In the past years, many new nanomaterial-related applications have been developed. Those include a number of consumer products such as UV-filters in sun creams and anti-odour textiles.
Negli ultimi anni sono state sviluppate molte applicazioni innovative, tra cui anche prodotti di consumo come i filtri UV nelle creme solari e materiali tessili antiodore.
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However, many medical and technical applications such as tumour therapies, lithium-ion batteries which can drive electrical cars, or solar panels also exist.
Numerose sono le applicazioni mediche e tecniche, come le terapie antitumorali, le batterie agli ioni di litio destinate ai veicoli elettrici o i pannelli solari.
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Those applications have the potential to create major technological breakthroughs, and therefore nanomaterials have been identified as a key enabling technology.
Queste applicazioni rendono possibili importanti progressi tecnologici; le nanotecnologie sono perciò considerate tecnologie chiave.
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Products underpinned by nanotechnology are forecast to grow from a global volume of 200 bn € in 2009 to 2 trn € by 2015.
A livello mondiale, il valore complessivo dei prodotti basati sulle nanotecnologie, di 200 miliardi di euro del 2009, dovrebbe passare entro il 2015 a 2000 miliardi di euro.
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Benefits of nanomaterials range from lifesaving applications in medicine to innovation generators to simple improvements of consumer products.
I nanomateriali sono utilizzati in applicazioni mediche salvavita, per creare prodotti innovativi e per migliorare prodotti di consumo.
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Equally, hazard properties and exposure to workers, consumers and the environment differ largely from no concern at all to potential risks that need to be addressed.
I rischi che presentano per i lavoratori, i consumatori e l'ambiente variano notevolmente: in alcuni casi sono assenti, in altri da valutare attentamente.
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The European Union has the tools to address those in a focused way. |
L'Unione europea dispone degli strumenti per intervenire nei modi opportuni in questo campo. |
Nanomaterials: Case by case safety approach for breakthrough technology
Nanotechnology is delivering major advances today and also has the
potential to allow “game changing” technological breakthroughs and rekindle
economic growth.
In recognition of this fact, the European Commission today adopted a
Communication on the Second Regulatory Review on Nanomaterials, which also
includes the Commission’s plans to improve EU law to ensure the safe use of
The Communication underlines nanomaterials' diverse nature and types, ranging
from everyday materials that have been used safely for decades (e.g., in tyres
or as anticoagulants in food) to highly sophisticated industrial materials and
tumour therapies.
There is an increasing body of information on the hazard properties of
nanomaterials, which are difficult to generalize and justify specific risk
Therefore, rather than putting all nanomaterials in one basket, a case-by-case
approach to risk assessment should be applied, using strategies based on
indications of potential risks, either in terms of exposure or hazard.
T oday's communication was jointly presented by European Commissioners Antonio
Tajani, Janez Potocnik, John Dalli, and Máire Geoghegan-Quinn.
Nanomaterials require assessment
In the light of current knowledge and opinions of the EU Scientific and Advisory
Committees and independent risk assessors, nanomaterials are similar to normal
chemicals/substances in that some may be toxic and some may not.
Possible risks are related to specific nanomaterials and specific uses.
Therefore, nanomaterials require a risk assessment, which should be performed on
a case-by-case basis, using pertinent information.
Current risk assessment methods are applicable, even if work on particular
aspects of risk assessment is still required.
Important challenges relate primarily to establishing validated methods and
instrumentation for detection, characterization, analysis, completing
information on hazards of nanomaterials and developing methods to assess
exposure to nanomaterials.
The recent definition of nanomaterials will be integrated in EU legislation,
where appropriate.
The Commission is currently working on detection, measurement and monitoring
methods for nanomaterials and their validation to ensure the proper
implementation of the definition.
REACH is best framework for nanomaterials management
Overall the Commission remains convinced that REACH sets the best possible
framework for the risk management of nanomaterials when they occur as substances
or mixtures but more specific requirements for nanomaterials within the
framework have proven necessary.
The Commission envisages modifications in some of the REACH Annexes and
encourages ECHA to further develop guidance for registrations after 2013.
Next steps
In order to improve availability of information on nanomaterials, the Commission
will create a web platform with references to all relevant information sources,
including registries on a national or sector level, where they exist.
In parallel, the Commission will launch an impact assessment to identify and
develop the most adequate means to increase transparency and ensure regulatory
oversight, including an in-depth analysis of the data gathering needs for such
This analysis will include those nanomaterials currently falling outside
existing notification, registration or authorisation schemes.
Nanomaterials are materials which often have specific properties due to their
small particle size.
The global market for nanomaterials is estimated at 11 million tonnes at a
market value of 20 bn€.
The current direct employment in the nanomaterial sector is estimated at 300 000
to 400 000 in Europe.
It is still dominated by materials which have been in use for decades, such as
carbon black (mainly used in tyres) or synthetic amorphous silica (used in a
wide variety of applications including tyres, as polymer filler but also in
toothpaste or as anticoagulant in food powders).
In the past years, many new nanomaterial-related applications have been
developed. Those include a number of consumer products such as UV-filters in sun
creams and anti-odour textiles.
However, many medical and technical applications such as tumour therapies,
lithium-ion batteries which can drive electrical cars, or solar panels also
Those applications have the potential to create major technological
breakthroughs, and therefore nanomaterials have been identified as a key
enabling technology.
Products underpinned by nanotechnology are forecast to grow from a global volume
of 200 bn € in 2009 to 2 trn € by 2015.
Benefits of nanomaterials range from lifesaving applications in medicine to
innovation generators to simple improvements of consumer products.
Equally, hazard properties and exposure to workers, consumers and the
environment differ largely from no concern at all to potential risks that need
to be addressed.
The European Union has the tools to address those in a focused way. |