Aiuti di Stato: la Commissione conclude che la proroga del regime di compensazione dell’Italia per i servizi di interrompibilità in Sardegna e in Sicilia non costituisce aiuto di Stato
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Data documento: 03-10-2012
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State aid: Commission finds that prolongation of Italian compensation scheme for interruptibility services in Sardinia and Sicily involves no state aid
Aiuti di Stato: la Commissione conclude che la proroga del regime di compensazione dell’Italia per i servizi di interrompibilità in Sardegna e in Sicilia non costituisce aiuto di Stato
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The European Commission has authorised under EU State aid rules the prolongation until 2015 of an Italian scheme which remunerates companies for the provision of instant interruptibility services in Italy's largest islands, Sardinia and Sicily.
La Commissione europea ha autorizzato, in base alle norme in materia di aiuti di Stato, la proroga fino al 2015 di un regime attuato dall’Italia per la remunerazione delle imprese che offrono servizi di interrompibilità istantanea in Sardegna e in Sicilia.
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The Commission found, in particular, that these services are still needed and remunerated at market value; therefore the scheme does not constitute state aid in the meaning of the EU rules.
Poiché tali servizi sono ancora necessari e vengono remunerati al valore di mercato, la Commissione ha concluso che il regime non costituisce aiuto di Stato ai sensi della norme.
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However, this finding is based on the current market situation and is therefore limited until the end of 2015.
Questa conclusione si basa tuttavia sulla situazione attuale del mercato ed è quindi valida solo fino alla fine del 2015.
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Instant interruptibility services are typically provided by large electricity consumers, which accept cuts in their electricity supply without prior notice, to the transmission system operator (the TSO).The latter, if need be, may curtail supply to those consumers in order to balance the network and prevent generalised black-outs.
I servizi di interrompibilità istantanea sono solitamente resi all’operatore del sistema di trasmissione da grandi consumatori di elettricità, i quali accettano interruzioni istantanee nelle forniture, praticate, se necessario, dall’operatore al fine di riequilibrare la rete e prevenire black-out generalizzati.
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These services are a valuable resource for the TSO to ensure the continuity of electricity supply, in particular in areas that encounter structural problems for operating the electric system.
Grazie a queste importanti risorse, l’operatore può garantire la continuità dell’approvvigionamento elettrico, in particolare nelle zone con maggiori problemi strutturali di funzionamento della rete.
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In 2010, the Commission had approved a compensation scheme for those services for the period 2010-2012 in Sardinia and Sicily, in view of the particular situation of these islands and because the remuneration was established by public tender (see case NN24/2010).
Nel 2010 la Commissione ha approvato un regime di compensazione per i servizi di interrompibilità forniti nel periodo 2010-2012 in Sardegna e in Sicilia, tenendo conto della situazione particolare di queste isole e del fatto che la remunerazione era stabilita mediante gara di appalto (cfr. caso NN24/2010).
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Since 2010, several investments and in particular a 1000 MW direct current cable connecting Sardinia to mainland Italy have been carried out.
Dal 2010 sono stati effettuati vari investimenti, tra cui la realizzazione di un cavo in corrente continua di 1000 MW che collega la Sardegna alla penisola.
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However, Italy submitted that, notwithstanding these investments, the electric systems concerned remain substantially prone to black-outs;
L’Italia sostiene tuttavia che, nonostante questi investimenti, la rete elettrica in questione continua ad essere fortemente soggetta a black-out;
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namely because of a recent significant increase in unpredictable renewable generation capacity and of delays in other planned infrastructure investments due to lenghty administrative authorisation procedures.
tra le cause, la recente impennata nelle capacità di produzione di energia da fonti alternative non regolabili e il rallentamento degli altri investimenti infrastrutturali programmati dovuti a ritardi nelle procedure di autorizzazione.
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The implementing mechanism of the scheme will remain unchanged.The transmission system operator will auction 500 MW of interruptible capacity for each island, allowing for the participation of operators with a minimum consumption threshold equal to at least 1MW baseload.
Il meccanismo di attuazione del regime rimarrà invariato: l’operatore del sistema di trasmissione metterà all’asta 500 MW di capacità interrompibile per ciascuna delle due isole, per la quale potranno concorrere operatori con una soglia di consumo minima pari ad almeno 1 MW di capacità.
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According to Italy, a large number of operators meet the applicable conditions on both islands.
Secondo l’Italia, vi sono numerosi operatori che soddisfano le condizioni previste per entrambe le isole.
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The Commission's investigation found that there is still a need for instantly interruptible resources. As the remuneration, which is established by public tender, is in keeping with the market value of the service provided, the Commission concluded that the prolongation of the existing scheme does not constitute state aid.
Poiché in base all’indagine della Commissione sussiste la necessità di risorse istantaneamente interrompibili e la remunerazione è fissata attraverso una procedura di appalto e rispecchia il valore di mercato del servizio fornito, la proroga dell’attuale regime non costituisce aiuto di Stato.
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This finding, however, results from an analysis of the current situation of the electricity system on the islands concerned and is therefore limited to three additional years, until the end of 2015.
Questa conclusione, che si fonda sull’analisi della situazione attuale della rete elettrica nelle isole in questione, è limitata a tre anni aggiuntivi, fino alla fine del 2015.
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The non-confidential version of the decisions will be made available under the case numbers SA.35119 in the State Aid Register on the DG Competition website once any confidentiality issues have been resolved.
La versione non riservata della decisione sarà consultabile con il numero SA.35119 nel Registro degli aiuti di Stato, sul sito internet della DG Concorrenza, una volta risolte eventuali questioni di riservatezza.
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New publications of state aid decisions on the internet and in the Official Journal are listed in the State Aid Weekly e-News. |
Le ultime decisioni in materia di aiuti di Stato pubblicate su Internet e nella Gazzetta ufficiale figurano nel bollettino elettronico di informazione settimanale in materia di aiuti di Stato (State Aid Weekly e-News). |
State aid: Commission finds that prolongation of Italian compensation
scheme for interruptibility services in Sardinia and Sicily involves no state
The European Commission has authorised under EU State aid rules the
prolongation until 2015 of an Italian scheme which remunerates companies for the
provision of instant interruptibility services in Italy's largest islands,
Sardinia and Sicily.
The Commission found, in particular, that these services are still
needed and remunerated at market value; therefore the scheme does not constitute
state aid in the meaning of the EU rules.
However, this finding is based on the current market situation and is
therefore limited until the end of 2015.
Instant interruptibility services are typically provided by large
electricity consumers, which accept cuts in their electricity supply without
prior notice, to the transmission system operator (the TSO).The latter, if need
be, may curtail supply to those consumers in order to balance the network and
prevent generalised black-outs.
These services are a valuable resource for the TSO to ensure the
continuity of electricity supply, in particular in areas that encounter
structural problems for operating the electric system.
In 2010, the Commission had approved a compensation scheme for those
services for the period 2010-2012 in Sardinia and Sicily, in view of the
particular situation of these islands and because the remuneration was
established by public tender (see case NN24/2010).
Since 2010, several investments and in particular a 1000 MW direct
current cable connecting Sardinia to mainland Italy have been carried out.
However, Italy submitted that, notwithstanding these investments, the
electric systems concerned remain substantially prone to black-outs;
namely because of a recent significant increase in unpredictable
renewable generation capacity and of delays in other planned infrastructure
investments due to lenghty administrative authorisation procedures.
The implementing mechanism of the scheme will remain unchanged.The
transmission system operator will auction 500 MW of interruptible capacity for
each island, allowing for the participation of operators with a minimum
consumption threshold equal to at least 1MW baseload.
According to Italy, a large number of operators meet the applicable
conditions on both islands.
The Commission's investigation found that there is still a need for
instantly interruptible resources. As the remuneration, which is established by
public tender, is in keeping with the market value of the service provided, the
Commission concluded that the prolongation of the existing scheme does not
constitute state aid.
This finding, however, results from an analysis of the current
situation of the electricity system on the islands concerned and is therefore
limited to three additional years, until the end of 2015.
The non-confidential version of the decisions will be made available
under the case numbers SA.35119 in the State Aid Register on the DG Competition
website once any confidentiality issues have been resolved.
New publications of state aid decisions on the internet and in the
Official Journal are listed in the State Aid Weekly e-News. |