Discorso alla 67ª assemblea generale delle Nazioni Unite
Inglese tratto da:
Italiano tratto da:
Data documento: 26-09-2012
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Herman Van Rompuy
Herman Van Rompuy
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President of the European Council
Presidente del Consiglio europeo
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Address to the 67th General Assembly of the United Nations
Discorso alla 67ª assemblea generale delle Nazioni Unite
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Speaking today in New York, Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council, addressed the 67th General Assembly of the United Nations on behalf of the European Union.
In data odierna, Herman Van Rompuy, presidente del Consiglio europeo, ha tenuto a New York, a nome dell'Unione europea, un discorso davanti alla 67ª assemblea generale delle Nazioni Unite.
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Focusing his intervention on developments in the Arab world, President Van Rompuy reiterated the EU's support to the democratic transitions following the Arab Spring:
Nel suo intervento incentrato sugli sviluppi nel mondo arabo, il presidente Van Rompuy ha ribadito il sostegno dell'UE alle transizioni democratiche avviate in seguito alla Primavera araba.
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"It is each country's responsibility to chart its own course and to do justice to the aspirations of its people.
"E' responsabilità di ogni paese tracciare la propria rotta e rendere giustizia alle aspirazioni del proprio popolo.
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The European Union is committed to staying by their side every step along the way. We are in it for the long run.
L'Unione europea è determinata a stare al loro fianco ad ogni passo del cammino. Il nostro è un impegno a lungo termine.
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I want to reaffirm: we still believe in the message of the Arab Spring."
Lo voglio ribadire: noi crediamo ancora nel messaggio della primavera araba."
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Speaking to world leaders on the issue of recent violent protests, Herman Van Rompuy stated:
Parlando con i leader mondiali delle violente proteste esplose di recente, Herman Van Rompuy ha affermato che:
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"Each and every one of us in this room has a responsibility in defending and promoting tolerance and respect."
"Ciascuno di noi in questa sala ha la responsabilità di difendere e promuovere la tolleranza e il rispetto."
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On the civil war raging in Syria, the President of the European Council called for a Syrian-led political transition, and declared:
Riguardo alla guerra civile che infuria in Siria, il presidente del Consiglio europeo ha espresso l'auspicio di una transizione politica a guida siriana e ha dichiarato che:
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"Those responsible for the repression have no place in the future of Syria and must step aside."
"I responsabili della repressione non hanno un posto nel futuro della Siria e devono farsi da parte."
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Ending his intervention on the situation of the world economy, President Van Rompuy called for coordinated efforts towards global economic recovery:
A conclusione del suo intervento, il presidente Van Rompuy ha evocato la situazione dell'economia mondiale e ha esortato a coordinare gli sforzi per giungere ad una ripresa economica globale:
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"Although the crisis is still with us, the post-Lehman resolve seems to have waned, and we must revive it.
"Benché la crisi sia ancora tra noi, la determinazione manifestatasi dopo il crack Lehman sembra essersi affievolita e dobbiamo ravvivarla.
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All major economies need to do their part in putting the world economy back on the path of growth."
Tutte le grandi economie devono fare la loro parte per riportare l'economia mondiale sul sentiero della crescita."
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Mr President of the General Assembly, Mr Secretary-General, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Signor presidente dell'Assemblea generale, signor Segretario generale delle Nazioni Unite, eccellenze, signore e signori,
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The advance of democracy, which has moved forward in successive waves since the creation of the United Nations, has received renewed impetus in recent times, and this is something to be welcomed by all.
L'avanzata della democrazia, avvenuta a grandi ondate successive dalla creazione delle Nazioni Unite, conosce una nuova accelerazione di cui possiamo tutti rallegrarci.
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Without in any way underestimating the difficulties and problems elsewhere in the world, I am thinking in particular of the positive developments in Myanmar, Somalia and in young democracies throughout the world such as Timor-Leste.
Senza sottovalutare le difficoltà e gli eventi avversi in altri luoghi, penso in particolare agli sviluppi positivi nel Myanmar, in Somalia, alle giovani democrazie nel mondo, ad esempio in Timor Leste.
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I am thinking above all of the transformations taking place in the Arab world.
Ma soprattutto è naturalmente alle trasformazioni in atto nel mondo arabo che va il mio pensiero oggi.
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When these historic changes swept through the Arab world, they stirred a mixture of deep emotions from those watching, both within the region and beyond.
Quando questi cambiamenti storici hanno investito il mondo arabo, hanno destato un misto di emozioni intense negli osservatori all'interno e all'esterno della regione.
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There was fear: of bloodshed and regional instability, of a rise of extremism, and uncertainty about what was yet to come.
Si temevano spargimenti di sangue e l'instabilità regionale o un incremento dell'estremismo e si avvertiva incertezza su cosa sarebbe venuto dopo.
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But overwhelmingly the world looked on with solidarity, understanding and hope.
Ma soprattutto il mondo stava a guardare con solidarietà, comprensione e speranza.
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We in Europe, geographically so close, and with our societies so deeply involved with those in the countries experiencing these upheavals, we were also acutely aware that the changes – and the risks and opportunities that lay ahead – would directly affect us, as neighbours.
Noi in Europa, geograficamente così vicini e con le nostre società così profondamente legate a quelle dei paesi confrontati a tali sconvolgimenti, eravamo anche estremamente consapevoli che come vicini saremmo stati direttamente toccati dai cambiamenti in corso e dai rischi e dalle opportunità che abbiamo davanti.
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Of course expectations ran high.
Naturalmente le aspettative erano elevate.
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It was tempting to read the events in Tunis or Cairo as the opening pages of a fairytale… But this is the book of history.
Era allettante l'idea di leggere gli eventi di Tunisi o del Cairo come l'inizio di una favola.
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It contains dark pages too – some of them tragically being written at this very moment.
Ma si tratta del libro della storia che contiene anche pagine buie, alcune delle quali vengono tragicamente scritte in questo stesso momento.
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And we are bound by a simple truth: achieving lasting change takes time.
Dobbiamo arrenderci all'evidenza: realizzare cambiamenti duraturi richiede tempo.
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New democratic institutions don't run smoothly by magic.
Nuove istituzioni democratiche non funzionano senza intoppi come per incanto.
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Turning economies around or creating jobs for millions of young men and women doesn't happen at the wave of a wand.
Non esiste una bacchetta magica per risanare economie o creare posti di lavoro per milioni di giovani.
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Deep tensions don't suddenly dissolve once a dictator has gone.
Tensioni profonde non si dissolvono all'improvviso con la caduta di un dittatore.
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The long path of transition lies ahead. There will undoubtedly be disappointments along the way;
Il cammino della transizione sarà lungo e sarà senza dubbio disseminato di delusioni;
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there will be wrong turns, hurdles and setbacks.
vi saranno svolte sbagliate, ostacoli e battute d'arresto.
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But I firmly believe that despite the difficulties, this journey is heading in the right direction.
Tuttavia, sono fermamente convinto che, nonostante le difficoltà, il cammino intrapreso sia quello giusto.
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And there is no going back.
Tornare indietro non è possibile.
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Whatever the future brings, the Arab Spring will remain a turning point.
Qualsiasi cosa ci riservi il futuro, la primavera araba segna un punto di svolta.
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The movement is irreversible.
Il movimento è irreversibile.
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Once the voices of the people have been set free – an unforgettable experience for all those who were never heard before – these voices cannot be silenced.
Una volta liberate le voci del popolo - un'esperienza indimenticabile per tutti coloro che non siano mai stati ascoltati prima - non è più possibile metterle a tacere.
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It is each country's responsibility to chart its own course and to do justice to the aspirations of its people.
E' responsabilità di ogni paese tracciare la propria rotta e rendere giustizia alle aspirazioni del proprio popolo.
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The European Union is committed to staying by their side every step along the way.
L'Unione europea è determinata a stare al loro fianco ad ogni passo del cammino.
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We are in it for the long run.
Il nostro è un impegno a lungo termine.
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I want to reaffirm: we still believe in the message of the Arab Spring.
Lo voglio ribadire: noi crediamo ancora nel messaggio della primavera araba.
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Europeans are well-placed to recognise that political change is not painless and does not happen overnight.
Gli europei sanno bene che il cambiamento politico non è indolore e non avviene dall'oggi al domani.
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We know about long transitions.
Siamo familiari con lunghe transizioni.
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When European integration first started, within my lifetime, a majority of the countries that are now its members were not yet democracies.
All'inizio dell'integrazione europea, quando io ero già nato, la maggioranza degli attuali paesi membri dell'Unione non conosceva ancora la democrazia.
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For us, a transition of such magnitude should not be judged by its speed but by its direction, and by progress achieved through countless steps forward.
Per noi, una transizione di tale importanza non andrebbe giudicata per la sua rapidità, ma per la direzione presa e per i progressi compiuti attraverso innumerevoli passi avanti.
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The starting point is free and fair elections, and we therefore salute the achievements of Tunisia, Libya, Egypt and of other countries in successfully organising democratic elections, in which many citizens voted freely for the very first time in their lives – elections for which we were happy to lend expertise to national and local authorities.
Il punto di partenza sono elezioni libere e regolari e mi compiaccio pertanto per i risultati conseguiti da Tunisia, Libia, Egitto e altri paesi che hanno organizzato con successo elezioni democratiche grazie alle quali numerosi cittadini hanno votato liberamente per la prima volta in vita loro – elezioni per le quali l'UE è stata lieta di fornire consulenza alle autorità nazionali e locali.
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In order to ultimately bring jobs, social justice and freedom of expression to all, this gigantic democratic process will have to overcome, every single day, the obstacles of corruption, of red tape, of economic privileges, and maintain the political determination to ensure inclusiveness.
Affinché tutti possano alla fine ottenere posti di lavoro, giustizia sociale e libertà di espressione, questo gigantesco processo democratico dovrà superare, giorno dopo giorno, gli ostacoli della corruzione, delle lungaggini burocratiche e dei privilegi economici, mantenendo la determinazione politica ad assicurare l'inclusione.
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An important effort, to which many contribute.
Si tratta di uno sforzo importante che richiede il contributo di molti.
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For our part, across the region, we offer advice to entrepreneurs and officials, we help train judges and policemen, we support journalists and civil society groups.
Da parte nostra, in tutta la regione offriamo consulenza ad imprenditori e funzionari, aiutiamo a formare giudici e agenti di polizia, sosteniamo giornalisti e gruppi della società civile.
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In our experience societies are stronger when women are fully able to take part in the political and economic lives of their countries, when their voices are heard, their choices respected.
La nostra esperienza ci insegna che le società sono più forti se le donne possono partecipare pienamente alla vita politica ed economica del loro paese, se le loro voci trovano ascolto, se le loro scelte sono rispettate.
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There may be temptations, once power is gained, to refuse to grant to some the rights that until recently were withheld from all.
Una volta al potere, può sorgere la tentazione di rifiutare di concedere ad alcuni i diritti che fino a tempi recenti venivano negati a tutti.
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But a democracy can only flourish when it gives all its people -- whatever their gender, religion, language or ethnic identity -- an equal say and equal rights, guaranteed in law and in practice.
Tuttavia, una democrazia può prosperare solo se - indipendentemente dal genere, dalla religione, dalla lingua o dall'origine etnica - pone tutti su un piede di parità e riconosce a tutti pari diritti, garantiti nel diritto e nella pratica.
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Finally, neighbours can achieve more when they work together -- and that is why we share experience from our own European Union on issues like connecting energy networks or removing regional obstacles to trade.
In conclusione, i vicini possono ottenere di più quando lavorano insieme - ecco perché mettiamo in condivisione l'esperienza acquisita attraverso la nostra Unione europea su questioni come la connessione di reti energetiche o l'eliminazione di ostacoli tra regioni in ambito commerciale.
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Bringing together and reconciling former enemies in a common desire for peace, democracy and prosperity has been one of the European Union's great achievements.
Riavvicinare e riconciliare ex-nemici in un comune desiderio di pace, democrazia e prosperità è stato uno dei grandi risultati dell'Unione europea.
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Respect, tolerance and non-violence are the core values without which living together harmoniously is not possible.
Il rispetto, la tolleranza e la nonviolenza sono valori fondamentali senza i quali risulta impossibile vivere insieme in armonia.
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These are fragile values: sustaining them requires constant attention, especially in a global, digital world, in which messages of all kinds can spread faster than ever and can easily be exploited.
Sono valori fragili: il loro mantenimento richiede un'attenzione costante, specialmente in un mondo globalizzato e digitale in cui è possibile diffondere più rapidamente che mai messaggi di ogni genere e sfruttarli facilmente.
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Tolerance is the ability to withstand criticism, to offer dialogue, to refrain from violence;
La tolleranza è la capacità di resistere alle critiche, di offrire un dialogo, di astenersi dalla violenza;
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as such it shows self-confidence.
come tale, essa è indice di fiducia in se stessi.
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And at the same time respect for the faith and beliefs of others is a key value for living together.
E, al contempo, il rispetto per la fede e le convinzioni personali altrui è un valore fondamentale per vivere insieme.
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Tolerance and respect acquire their full meaning in an open society that protects freedom of expression.
La tolleranza e il rispetto assumono il loro pieno significato in una società aperta che tutela la libertà di espressione.
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Each and every one of us in this room has a responsibility in defending and promoting tolerance, in and between our countries, as well as respect.
Ciascuno di noi in questa sala ha la responsabilità di difendere e promuovere la tolleranza, sia all'interno dei nostri paesi sia tra di essi, e il rispetto.
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Violence, killings such as that of U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens, can never be justified, regardless of their motivations.
La violenza, le uccisioni, come quella dell'ambasciatore statunitense Christopher Stevens, non sono mai giustificabili, a prescindere dalle loro motivazioni.
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Mr President, today I join the voice of Europe to those who have spoken to deplore the civil war raging in Syria.
Signor Presidente, oggi io unisco la voce dell'Europa a quelle di chi ha preso la parola per condannare la guerra civile che infuria in Siria.
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Confronted with the massacre of tens of thousands of people, the world has united in horror and condemnation, but -- we must be frank -- so far we have not been able to stop the brutal violence.
Messo di fronte al massacro di decine di migliaia di persone, il mondo si è unito nell'orrore e nella condanna, tuttavia - per dirla con franchezza - non siamo stati finora capaci di far cessare la violenza brutale.
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Of course, Europe and others provide humanitarian support to refugees, of course we support the individuals who risk their lives collecting evidence of the massacres, of course our diplomats in Damascus do their utmost to support the UN's efforts for a peaceful solution, but we will remain powerless unless the international community unites in a common determination to end this senseless violence, which threatens to wreak havoc in the whole region.
Naturalmente l'Europa ed altri forniscono sostegno umanitario ai profughi, naturalmente appoggiamo i singoli che rischiano la vita nel raccogliere prove dei massacri, naturalmente i nostri rappresentanti diplomatici a Damasco fanno il massimo per sostenere gli sforzi delle Nazioni Unite per una soluzione pacifica, però resteremo impotenti se la comunità internazionale non si unisce in una comune determinazione a metter fine a questa violenza insensata che minaccia di gettare nel caos l'intera regione.
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Mr. President, I should like to commend the excellent work and strong commitment of the Secretary-General, as well as that of Special Envoy Mr. Brahimi, to find a solution to overcome this tragedy.
Signor Presidente, vorrei esprimere il mio apprezzamento per l'eccellente lavoro e il forte impegno del Segretario generale, come pure dell'inviato speciale, signor Brahimi, nel cercare una soluzione per superare questa tragedia.
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I also welcome the initiatives aimed at bringing together the main regional players, in a coherent international approach.
Esprimo altresì il mio plauso per le iniziative intese a fare incontrare i principali attori regionali in un coerente approccio internazionale.
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Earlier this year, European leaders called upon all Members of the Security Council to work together in an effort to stop the violence.
All'inizio di quest'anno i leader europei hanno invitato tutti i membri del Consiglio di sicurezza a collaborare nell'intento di arrestare la violenza.
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Today this call is even more urgent.
Questo appello è oggi più che mai urgente.
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The country needs to advance quickly towards a Syrian-led political transition, meeting the democratic aspirations of the Syrian people, while fully respecting the civil and human rights of minorities.
E' necessario che la Siria avanzi rapidamente verso una transizione politica, guidata da questo stesso paese, che soddisfi le aspirazioni democratiche del popolo siriano, nel pieno rispetto dei diritti civili ed umani delle minoranze.
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It is the only way out.
E' questa l'unica via d'uscita.
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And those responsible for the repression have no place in the future of Syria and must – must – step aside.
E i responsabili della repressione non hanno un posto nel futuro della Siria e devono - devono - farsi da parte.
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The longer this conflict continues, the more radicalised people will become, the more blood will needlessly be shed, and the longer it will take for the wounds to heal.
Il protrarsi del conflitto porterà a una più diffusa radicalizzazione tra la popolazione e ad un maggiore spargimento di sangue non necessario, e richiederà un periodo più lungo per sanare le ferite.
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The security situation remains complex and fragile in many parts of the world.
La situazione della sicurezza resta complessa e fragile in molte parti del mondo.
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The events of the Arab Spring should not distract us from the urgent task of achieving peace in the Middle East -- quite the contrary.
I fatti della primavera araba non dovrebbero distrarci dall'urgente compito di raggiungere la pace in Medio Oriente - anzi, esattamente il contrario.
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And other issues are pressing, including:
E ci sono altre questioni pressanti, tra cui:
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addressing instability and the humanitarian situation in the Sahel region;
affrontare l'instabilità e la situazione umanitaria nella regione del Sahel
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bringing peace and stability to the region of the Great Lakes;
portare pace e stabilità nella regione dei Grandi Laghi,
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convincing the DPRK to abandon its nuclear weapons and missile programmes;
convincere la Repubblica popolare democratica di Corea ad abbandonare i suoi programmi in materia di armamenti nucleari e missilistici
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and finding a negotiated solution to the Iranian nuclear issue, a matter to which the European Union is directly committed.
e trovare una soluzione negoziata alla questione nucleare iraniana, un problema nel quale l'Unione europea è direttamente impegnata.
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We must address all these concerns, knowing that lasting solutions require political will from the countries involved.
Dobbiamo affrontare tutte queste emergenze, sapendo che per raggiungere soluzioni durevoli occorre la volontà politica dei paesi interessati.
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In the same spirit it is important that tensions in East and South-East Asian maritime areas subside and that disputes are settled peacefully in a spirit of cooperation and in respect of international law.
Nella stessa ottica è importante che le tensioni nelle zone marittime dell'Asia orientale e sud-orientale cessino e che le controversie siano risolte pacificamente in uno spirito di cooperazione e nel rispetto del diritto internazionale.
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There are many global challenges that we have to tackle together.
Sono molte le sfide mondiali che dobbiamo affrontare insieme.
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But from fighting climate change to reducing poverty around the world, without multilateral cooperation we will not succeed.
Ma, che si tratti della lotta contro i cambiamenti climatici o della riduzione della povertà in tutto il mondo, falliremo se non vi sarà una cooperazione multilaterale.
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This is why the European Union fully supports a stronger, more effective and more efficient United Nations.
Ecco perché l'Unione europea è totalmente favorevole ad un'Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite più efficace e più efficiente.
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Mr President, Ladies and Gentlemen, citizens in all our countries want jobs.
Signor Presidente, signore, signori, in tutti i nostri paesi i cittadini vogliono lavoro.
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Here also, global cooperation is indispensable and is the best way to ensure the world's economic recovery.
Anche in questo caso una cooperazione globale è indispensabile ed è il modo migliore per assicurare la ripresa economica mondiale.
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Our economies have become completely interdependent:
Le nostre economie sono diventate del tutto interdipendenti:
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no country can solve its own issues alone;
nessun paese può risolvere da solo i propri problemi;
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no country can afford to ignore the problems of others.
nessun paese può permettersi di ignorare le difficoltà degli altri.
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Do we know this?
Ne siamo consapevoli?
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Do we act upon this knowledge?
Agiamo in base a questa consapevolezza?
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Not enough.
Non abbastanza.
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In 2008, at the start of the global financial crisis, there was a brief moment of global awareness, a sense of urgency which led to new forums, joint pledges and coordinated action.
Nel 2008, all'inizio della crisi finanziaria mondiale, c'è stato un breve momento di consapevolezza a livello mondiale, un senso di urgenza che ha dato vita a nuovi consessi, a impegni comuni e ad azioni coordinate.
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And today, although the crisis is still with us, this post-Lehman resolve seems to have waned, and we must revive it.
Oggi, benché la crisi sia ancora tra noi, questa determinazione manifestatasi dopo il crack Lehman sembra essersi affievolita e dobbiamo ravvivarla.
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All major economies need to do their part in putting the world economy back on the path of growth.
Tutte le grandi economie devono fare la loro parte per riportare l'economia mondiale sul sentiero della crescita.
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Global growth depends on structural reforms in each of our countries and on reducing the macro-economic imbalances between them.
La crescita globale dipende da riforme strutturali in ciascuno dei nostri paesi e dalla riduzione degli squilibri macroeconomici tra di essi.
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Within Europe, we are doing our part of this work. No effort is spared to overcome the current difficulties in the Eurozone.
All'interno dell'Europa noi stiamo facendo la nostra parte di quest'opera, prodigando ogni sforzo per superare le attuali difficoltà della zona euro.
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We have been setting up stronger firewalls to guarantee the stability of our common currency;
Abbiamo creato protezioni più robuste a garanzia della stabilità della nostra moneta comune
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we are reforming our economies to become more competitive and create jobs for the future.
stiamo riformando le nostre economie in modo che divengano più competitive e creino posti di lavoro per il futuro.
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We have started building a banking union to better manage and contain financial sector risk;
Abbiamo avviato la costruzione di un'unione bancaria per meglio gestire e arginare i rischi del settore finanziario;
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and in the coming months we will be defining the perspective for where we are headed, where we want our economic and monetary Union to be in ten years' time.
e nei mesi venturi ci dedicheremo alla definizione delle prospettive verso cui fare rotta, dove vogliamo che la nostra Unione economica e monetaria si trovi nel giro di dieci anni.
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We have come a long way already, and today we are seeing the first results of this collective endeavour.
Abbiamo già percorso un lungo cammino ed oggi stiamo assistendo ai primi risultati di questa impresa collettiva.
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Although there is still some way to go, I am confident that these efforts will be met with success and that Europe will come out of this experience stronger, economically and politically.
Sebbene vi sia ancora cammino da fare, confido nel successo di questi sforzi e nel fatto che da questa esperienza uscirà un'Europa più forte dal punto di vista sia economico, sia politico.
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This is what I have come to tell you today, but I would like to add the following:
Ecco cosa sono venuto a dirvi ed ecco cosa aggiungo:
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for us Europeans, resolving the current financial crisis is not just about monetary operations or balancing budgets: it concerns the very future of our European project.
per noi, noi europei, nella gestione della presente crisi finanziaria, non si tratta soltanto di operazioni monetarie, di equilibrare bilanci: è in gioco l'avvenire stesso del nostro progetto europeo.
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The European project was conceived to put an end to the wars and dictatorships that had haunted our continent for so long.
Un progetto nato per superare le guerre e le dittature che per troppo tempo hanno funestato il nostro continente.
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Over the last sixty years our Union has enabled us to overcome nationalist hate between countries and to build a peaceful continent that is unified in its quest for social justice and prosperity.
Da sessanta anni la nostra Unione ci ha permesso di vincere l'odio nazionalista tra paesi e di costituirci in un continente unificato nella pace, nel perseguimento della giustizia sociale e della prosperità.
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We need to strive daily to preserve these values and strengthen their roots.
Ciò richiede sforzi quotidiani per salvaguardare questi valori e approfondirne il radicamento.
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Nothing can ever be taken for granted.
Non v'è mai nulla che sia definitivamente acquisito.
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At a global level, it is for this Assembly of the United Nations to strive unceasingly to pursue these same objectives, which concern us all, so as to pave the way for more harmony and progress in the world.
A livello mondiale, spetta a questa Assemblea, alle Nazioni Unite, operare costantemente nel perseguimento di questi stessi obiettivi che riguardano tutti noi, per spianare il cammino verso una maggiore armonia ed un maggiore progresso nel mondo.
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Thank you. |
Grazie. |
Herman Van Rompuy
President of the European Council
Address to the 67th General Assembly of the United Nations
Speaking today in New York, Herman Van Rompuy, President of the
European Council, addressed the 67th General Assembly of the United Nations on
behalf of the European Union.
Focusing his intervention on developments in the Arab world, President
Van Rompuy reiterated the EU's support to the democratic transitions following
the Arab Spring:
"It is each country's responsibility to chart its own course and to do
justice to the aspirations of its people.
The European Union is committed to staying by their side every step
along the way. We are in it for the long run.
I want to reaffirm: we still believe in the message of the Arab
Speaking to world leaders on the issue of recent violent protests,
Herman Van Rompuy stated:
"Each and every one of us in this room has a responsibility in
defending and promoting tolerance and respect."
On the civil war raging in Syria, the President of the European Council
called for a Syrian-led political transition, and declared:
"Those responsible for the repression have no place in the
future of Syria and must step aside."
Ending his intervention on the situation of the world economy,
President Van Rompuy called for coordinated efforts towards global economic
"Although the crisis is still with us, the post-Lehman resolve
seems to have waned, and we must revive it.
All major economies need to do their part in putting the world economy
back on the path of growth."
* * *
Mr President of the General Assembly, Mr Secretary-General, Excellencies, Ladies
and Gentlemen,
The advance of democracy, which has moved forward in successive waves
since the creation of the United Nations, has received renewed impetus in recent
times, and this is something to be welcomed by all.
Without in any way underestimating the difficulties and problems
elsewhere in the world, I am thinking in particular of the positive developments
in Myanmar, Somalia and in young democracies throughout the world such as
I am thinking above all of the transformations taking place in the Arab
When these historic changes swept through the Arab world, they stirred
a mixture of deep emotions from those watching, both within the region and
There was fear: of bloodshed and regional instability, of a rise of
extremism, and uncertainty about what was yet to come.
But overwhelmingly the world looked on with solidarity, understanding
and hope.
We in Europe, geographically so close, and with our societies so deeply
involved with those in the countries experiencing these upheavals, we were also
acutely aware that the changes – and the risks and opportunities that lay ahead
– would directly affect us, as neighbours.
Of course expectations ran high.
It was tempting to read the events in Tunis or Cairo as the opening
pages of a fairytale… But this is the book of history.
It contains dark pages too – some of them tragically being written at
this very moment.
And we are bound by a simple truth: achieving lasting change takes
New democratic institutions don't run smoothly by magic.
Turning economies around or creating jobs for millions of young men and
women doesn't happen at the wave of a wand.
Deep tensions don't suddenly dissolve once a dictator has gone.
The long path of transition lies ahead. There will undoubtedly be
disappointments along the way;
there will be wrong turns, hurdles and setbacks.
But I firmly believe that despite the difficulties, this journey is heading in
the right direction.
And there is no going back.
Whatever the future brings, the Arab Spring will remain a turning
The movement is irreversible.
Once the voices of the people have been set free – an unforgettable
experience for all those who were never heard before – these voices cannot be
It is each country's responsibility to chart its own course and to do
justice to the aspirations of its people.
The European Union is committed to staying by their side every step
along the way.
We are in it for the long run.
I want to reaffirm: we still believe in the message of the Arab Spring.
Europeans are well-placed to recognise that political change is not
painless and does not happen overnight.
We know about long transitions.
When European integration first started, within my lifetime, a majority
of the countries that are now its members were not yet democracies.
For us, a transition of such magnitude should not be judged by its speed but by
its direction, and by progress achieved through countless steps forward.
The starting point is free and fair elections, and we therefore salute
the achievements of Tunisia, Libya, Egypt and of other countries in successfully
organising democratic elections, in which many citizens voted freely for the
very first time in their lives – elections for which we were happy to lend
expertise to national and local authorities.
In order to ultimately bring jobs, social justice and freedom of
expression to all, this gigantic democratic process will have to overcome, every
single day, the obstacles of corruption, of red tape, of economic privileges,
and maintain the political determination to ensure inclusiveness.
An important effort, to which many contribute.
For our part, across the region, we offer advice to entrepreneurs and
officials, we help train judges and policemen, we support journalists and civil
society groups.
In our experience societies are stronger when women are fully able to
take part in the political and economic lives of their countries, when their
voices are heard, their choices respected.
There may be temptations, once power is gained, to refuse to grant to
some the rights that until recently were withheld from all.
But a democracy can only flourish when it gives all its people --
whatever their gender, religion, language or ethnic identity -- an equal say and
equal rights, guaranteed in law and in practice.
Finally, neighbours can achieve more when they work together -- and
that is why we share experience from our own European Union on issues like
connecting energy networks or removing regional obstacles to trade.
Bringing together and reconciling former enemies in a common desire for
peace, democracy and prosperity has been one of the European Union's great
Respect, tolerance and non-violence are the core values without which
living together harmoniously is not possible.
These are fragile values: sustaining them requires constant attention,
especially in a global, digital world, in which messages of all kinds can spread
faster than ever and can easily be exploited.
Tolerance is the ability to withstand criticism, to offer dialogue, to
refrain from violence;
as such it shows self-confidence.
And at the same time respect for the faith and beliefs of others is a
key value for living together.
Tolerance and respect acquire their full meaning in an open society
that protects freedom of expression.
Each and every one of us in this room has a responsibility in defending
and promoting tolerance, in and between our countries, as well as respect.
Violence, killings such as that of U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens,
can never be justified, regardless of their motivations.
Mr President, today I join the voice of Europe to those who have spoken
to deplore the civil war raging in Syria.
Confronted with the massacre of tens of thousands of people, the world
has united in horror and condemnation, but -- we must be frank -- so far we have
not been able to stop the brutal violence.
Of course, Europe and others provide humanitarian support to refugees,
of course we support the individuals who risk their lives collecting evidence of
the massacres, of course our diplomats in Damascus do their utmost to support
the UN's efforts for a peaceful solution, but we will remain powerless unless
the international community unites in a common determination to end this
senseless violence, which threatens to wreak havoc in the whole region.
Mr. President, I should like to commend the excellent work and strong
commitment of the Secretary-General, as well as that of Special Envoy Mr.
Brahimi, to find a solution to overcome this tragedy.
I also welcome the initiatives aimed at bringing together the main
regional players, in a coherent international approach.
Earlier this year, European leaders called upon all Members of the
Security Council to work together in an effort to stop the violence.
Today this call is even more urgent.
The country needs to advance quickly towards a Syrian-led political
transition, meeting the democratic aspirations of the Syrian people, while fully
respecting the civil and human rights of minorities.
It is the only way out.
And those responsible for the repression have no place in the future of Syria
and must – must – step aside.
The longer this conflict continues, the more radicalised people will
become, the more blood will needlessly be shed, and the longer it will take for
the wounds to heal.
The security situation remains complex and fragile in many parts of the
The events of the Arab Spring should not distract us from the urgent
task of achieving peace in the Middle East -- quite the contrary.
And other issues are pressing, including:
addressing instability and the humanitarian situation in the Sahel region;
bringing peace and stability to the region of the Great Lakes;
convincing the DPRK to abandon its nuclear weapons and missile programmes;
and finding a negotiated solution to the Iranian nuclear issue, a matter to
which the European Union is directly committed.
We must address all these concerns, knowing that lasting solutions require
political will from the countries involved.
In the same spirit it is important that tensions in East and South-East Asian
maritime areas subside and that disputes are settled peacefully in a spirit of
cooperation and in respect of international law.
There are many global challenges that we have to tackle together.
But from fighting climate change to reducing poverty around the world, without
multilateral cooperation we will not succeed.
This is why the European Union fully supports a stronger, more effective and
more efficient United Nations.
Mr President, Ladies and Gentlemen, citizens in all our countries want
Here also, global cooperation is indispensable and is the best way to ensure the
world's economic recovery.
Our economies have become completely interdependent:
no country can solve its own issues alone;
no country can afford to ignore the problems of others.
Do we know this?
Do we act upon this knowledge?
Not enough.
In 2008, at the start of the global financial crisis, there was a brief moment
of global awareness, a sense of urgency which led to new forums, joint pledges
and coordinated action.
And today, although the crisis is still with us, this post-Lehman resolve seems
to have waned, and we must revive it.
All major economies need to do their part in putting the world economy back on
the path of growth.
Global growth depends on structural reforms in each of our countries and on
reducing the macro-economic imbalances between them.
Within Europe, we are doing our part of this work. No effort is spared to
overcome the current difficulties in the Eurozone.
We have been setting up stronger firewalls to guarantee the stability of our
common currency;
we are reforming our economies to become more competitive and create jobs for
the future.
We have started building a banking union to better manage and contain financial
sector risk;
and in the coming months we will be defining the perspective for where we are
headed, where we want our economic and monetary Union to be in ten years' time.
We have come a long way already, and today we are seeing the first results of
this collective endeavour.
Although there is still some way to go, I am confident that these efforts will
be met with success and that Europe will come out of this experience stronger,
economically and politically.
This is what I have come to tell you today, but I would like to add the
for us Europeans, resolving the current financial crisis is not just about
monetary operations or balancing budgets: it concerns the very future of our
European project.
The European project was conceived to put an end to the wars and dictatorships
that had haunted our continent for so long.
Over the last sixty years our Union has enabled us to overcome nationalist hate
between countries and to build a peaceful continent that is unified in its quest
for social justice and prosperity.
We need to strive daily to preserve these values and strengthen their roots.
Nothing can ever be taken for granted.
At a global level, it is for this Assembly of the United Nations to strive
unceasingly to pursue these same objectives, which concern us all, so as to pave
the way for more harmony and progress in the world.
Thank you. |