Quali sono i 10 atti legislativi più gravosi per le PMI?
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Data documento: 01-10-2012
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Which are the TOP 10 most burdensome legislative acts for SMEs?
Quali sono i 10 atti legislativi più gravosi per le PMI?
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Complaints are often aired about the red tape created by European law.
Si sentono spesso lamentele sulla burocrazia prodotta dal diritto europeo.
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We want to cut red tape. We can cut red tape.
Noi vogliamo e possiamo tagliare la burocrazia.
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However, there is a definite lack of concrete proposals to reduce this burden.
Mancano però proposte concrete su come farlo.
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With this in mind, the European Commission is calling upon businesses:
In quest'ottica la Commissione europea rivolge un invito alle imprese:
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"Let us know what could be done better - we would like your ideas for reducing red tape!" — the leitmotif of a consultation launched today by the Commission.
"Fateci sapere ciò che ritenete che possa essere migliorato, comunicateci le vostre idee su come ridurre la burocrazia!" — questo il filo conduttore della consultazione avviata oggi dalla Commissione.
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This consultation process for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) and their representative organisations, will help to identify the top ten EU legislative acts considered most burdensome by micro-companies and SMEs.
Questo processo di consultazione delle piccole e medie imprese (PMI) e delle organizzazioni che le rappresentano contribuirà ad individuare i dieci atti legislativi dell'UE considerati più gravosi per le microimprese e le PMI.
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It will run until 21 December 2012, and once complete, the Commission will analyse the results and consider how situation for SMEs could be improved.
Al suo termine, il 21 dicembre 2012, la Commissione analizzerà i risultati e valuterà come migliorare la situazione per le PMI.
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European Commission Vice President Antonio Tajani, Commissioner for Industry and Entrepreneurship, said:
Antonio Tajani, Vicepresidente della Commissione europea e Commissario per le Imprese e l'industria, ha dichiarato:
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"Very often I am told that the European Commission is too far removed from the daily reality of small businesses.
"Sento spesso dire che la Commissione europea è troppo lontana dalla realtà quotidiana delle piccole imprese.
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We want to address this gap.
Vogliamo colmare questa lacuna.
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Today, we are giving businesses the opportunity to identify those areas and pieces of legislation where we can make a difference.
Oggi diamo alle imprese la possibilità di indicare i settori e gli atti legislativi su cui intervenire.
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I am confident that our enterprises will seize this opportunity, and I am appealing to them to make their views known.
Ho fiducia che le nostre imprese coglieranno questa opportunità e mi appello a loro affinché esprimano le loro opinioni.
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Please do not hesitate to let us know where we could eliminate excessive burden."
Vi preghiamo di comunicarci in quali ambiti, secondo voi, potremmo ridurre la burocrazia."
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If you are an SME or an organisation representing the interests of SMEs, you can help us identify trouble spots.
Se siete una PMI o un'organizzazione che rappresenta gli interessi delle PMI, potete aiutarci ad individuare i punti critici.
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Let us know if you think the EU could help SMEs by removing excessive burdens, for example in the following areas:
Fateci sapere se ritenete che l'UE potrebbe aiutare le PMI eliminando la burocrazia eccessiva in determinati settori, ad esempio:
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- Services: provision of services across borders, recognition of professional qualifications;
- Servizi: fornitura di servizi a livello transfrontaliero, riconoscimento delle qualifiche professionali;
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- Customs:customs controls and formalities, classification of goods, custom tariffs;
- Dogane: controlli e formalità doganali, classificazione delle merci, tariffe doganali;
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- Employment and Social Affairs: co-ordination and transferability of social rights, health & safety at work, organisation of working time, social security schemes, free movement of workers, posting of workers;
- Occupazione e affari sociali: coordinamento e trasferibilità dei diritti sociali, salute e sicurezza sul luogo di lavoro, organizzazione dell'orario di lavoro, regimi di sicurezza sociale, libera circolazione dei lavoratori, distacco dei lavoratori;
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- Energy: energy supply, energy efficiency, renewable energy;
- Energia: approvvigionamento energetico, efficienza energetica, energia rinnovabile;
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- Product safety: use of standards, demonstrating conformity in the absence of a harmonised standard, conformity assessment procedures, conformity assessment involving a conformity assessment body, EU declaration of conformity, CE marking rules, information/labelling/traceability obligations, controls / Inspections;
- Sicurezza dei prodotti: impiego delle norme, dimostrazione della conformità in assenza di una norma armonizzata, procedure di valutazione della conformità, valutazione della conformità da parte di un organo ufficiale, dichiarazione di conformità UE, norme sul marchio CE, obblighi di informazione/etichettatura/tracciabilità, controlli/ispezioni;
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- Environment: tackling climate change, air quality/pollutants, biotechnology, nature and biodiversity, chemicals, industrial environmental audit, eco-labelling, noise, waste, water;
- Ambiente: lotta contro il cambiamento climatico, qualità dell'aria/inquinanti, biotecnologie, natura e biodiversità, sostanze chimiche, audit ambientale industriale, etichettatura ecologica, rumore, rifiuti, acqua;
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- Business environment: public procurement, company law, intellectual and industrial property, data protection;
- Contesto delle imprese: appalti pubblici, diritto societario, proprietà intellettuale e industriale, protezione dei dati;
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- Taxation: VAT, excise duties, other indirect taxes, Direct taxes;
- Fiscalità: IVA, accise, altre imposte indirette, imposte dirette;
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- Consumer protection: safe shopping, electronic commerce, legal redress and settlement of disputes, food safety, animal and plant health;
- Protezione dei consumatori: acquisti sicuri, commercio elettronico, mezzi giudiziari di ricorso e composizione delle controversie, sicurezza alimentare, salute animale e vegetale;
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- Transport: transport of goods/ passengers, road transport, maritime / inland waterway transport, combined/ other transport modes.
- Trasporti: trasporto di merci/passeggeri, trasporto su strada, trasporto marittimo/per vie navigabili interne, modalità di trasporto combinate/altre.
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Please contribute your views via the online survey:
- Date il vostro contributo partecipando al sondaggio online:
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"Which are the TOP10 EU most burdensome legislative acts for SMEs?" awebsite indicated below.
"Quali sono i 10 atti legislativi dell'UE più gravosi per le PMI?" all'indirizzo sotto indicato.
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As part of the review of the Small Business Act (2011), the Commission is further strengthening its impact assessment procedure to ensure that impacts on SMEs are thoroughly analysed and taken into account in all relevant legislative and policy proposals, with a clear indication of quantified effects on SMEs, whenever possible and proportionate.
Nell'ambito della revisione dello Small Business Act (2011), la Commissione sta rafforzando ulteriormente la procedura di valutazione d'impatto per assicurare che le ripercussioni sulle PMI siano attentamente analizzate e prese in considerazione in tutte le proposte legislative e politiche pertinenti, con una chiara indicazione degli effetti quantificati sulle PMI, ogni volta che ciò sia possibile e proporzionato.
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The implementation of the “Think Small First” principle remains the core principle of the EU's legislation for small businesses.
L'applicazione del principio “Innanzitutto pensare in piccolo” resta alla base della Normativa europea per le piccole imprese.
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It implies a simplification of the regulatory and administrative environment in which SMEs are operating, notably by designing rules according to this principle.
Ciò implica una semplificazione del contesto normativo e amministrativo in cui operano le PMI, in particolare per mezzo di norme ispirate a tale principio.
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In the report Minimizing regulatory burden for SMEs - Adapting EU regulation to the needs of micro-enterprises the Commission sets out a number of concrete proposals to anchor the “Think Small First” principle into law- and policy making and to involve SMEs and their representative organisations closely into this work.
Nel rapporto intitolato Ridurre al minimo indispensabile gli oneri normativi che gravano sulle PMI - Adeguare la normativa dell'UE alle esigenze delle microimprese la Commissione presenta una serie di proposte concrete per ancorare il principio “Innanzitutto pensare in piccolo” alla pratica normativa e politica e per coinvolgere da vicino le PMI e le organizzazioni che le rappresentano.
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These include:
Queste modifiche comprendono:
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a micro enterprise-dimension in the "SME test", a scoreboard of EU legislation updated on a yearly basis, conferences in the Member States and the current "Top 10" consultation on regulatory burdens. |
un "test PMI" a misura delle microimprese, un quadro di valutazione della legislazione dell'UE aggiornato su base annua, conferenze negli Stati membri e l'attuale consultazione sui dieci atti più gravosi per le PMI. |
http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/policies/sme/public-consultation-new/index_en.htm |
Which are the TOP 10 most burdensome legislative acts for SMEs?
Complaints are often aired about the red tape created by European law.
We want to cut red tape. We can cut red tape.
However, there is a definite lack of concrete proposals to reduce this
With this in mind, the European Commission is calling upon businesses:
"Let us know what could be done better - we would like your ideas for
reducing red tape!" — the leitmotif of a consultation launched today by the
This consultation process for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs)
and their representative organisations, will help to identify the top ten EU
legislative acts considered most burdensome by micro-companies and SMEs.
It will run until 21 December 2012, and once complete, the Commission
will analyse the results and consider how situation for SMEs could be improved.
European Commission Vice President Antonio Tajani, Commissioner for
Industry and Entrepreneurship, said:
"Very often I am told that the European Commission is too far removed
from the daily reality of small businesses.
We want to address this gap.
Today, we are giving businesses the opportunity to identify those areas
and pieces of legislation where we can make a difference.
I am confident that our enterprises will seize this opportunity, and I
am appealing to them to make their views known.
Please do not hesitate to let us know where we could eliminate
excessive burden."
If you are an SME or an organisation representing the interests of
SMEs, you can help us identify trouble spots.
Let us know if you think the EU could help SMEs by removing excessive
burdens, for example in the following areas:
- Services: provision of services across borders, recognition of
professional qualifications;
- Customs:customs controls and formalities, classification of goods,
custom tariffs;
- Employment and Social Affairs: co-ordination and transferability of
social rights, health & safety at work, organisation of working time, social
security schemes, free movement of workers, posting of workers;
- Energy: energy supply, energy efficiency, renewable energy;
- Product safety: use of standards, demonstrating conformity in the
absence of a harmonised standard, conformity assessment procedures, conformity
assessment involving a conformity assessment body, EU declaration of conformity,
CE marking rules, information/labelling/traceability obligations, controls /
- Environment: tackling climate change, air quality/pollutants,
biotechnology, nature and biodiversity, chemicals, industrial environmental
audit, eco-labelling, noise, waste, water;
- Business environment: public procurement, company law, intellectual
and industrial property, data protection;
- Taxation: VAT, excise duties, other indirect taxes, Direct taxes;
- Consumer protection: safe shopping, electronic commerce, legal
redress and settlement of disputes, food safety, animal and plant health;
- Transport: transport of goods/ passengers, road transport, maritime /
inland waterway transport, combined/ other transport modes.
Please contribute your views via the online survey:
"Which are the TOP10 EU most burdensome legislative acts for SMEs?"
awebsite indicated below.
As part of the review of the Small Business Act (2011), the Commission
is further strengthening its impact assessment procedure to ensure that impacts
on SMEs are thoroughly analysed and taken into account in all relevant
legislative and policy proposals, with a clear indication of quantified effects
on SMEs, whenever possible and proportionate.
The implementation of the “Think Small First” principle remains the
core principle of the EU's legislation for small businesses.
It implies a simplification of the regulatory and administrative
environment in which SMEs are operating, notably by designing rules according to
this principle.
In the report Minimizing regulatory burden for SMEs - Adapting EU
regulation to the needs of micro-enterprises the Commission sets out a number of
concrete proposals to anchor the “Think Small First” principle into law- and
policy making and to involve SMEs and their representative organisations closely
into this work.
These include:
a micro enterprise-dimension in the "SME test", a scoreboard of EU
legislation updated on a yearly basis, conferences in the Member States and the
current "Top 10" consultation on regulatory burdens. |