Esame trimestrale sull'occupazione: permangono disparità sociali e del mercato del lavoro fra Stati membri
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Data documento: 28-09-2012
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Employment: Quarterly Review shows persistent labour market and social divergence between Member States
Esame trimestrale sull'occupazione: permangono disparità sociali e del mercato del lavoro fra Stati membri
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Brussels, 28 September 2012:The employment and social situation in the EU remained very serious in the second quarter of 2012 with unemployment rising overall but also displaying significant differences between Member States, households' financial situation deteriorating and child poverty increasing.
Bruxelles, 28 settembre 2012 - La situazione sociale e occupazionale nell'UE si è mantenuta molto grave nel secondo trimestre del 2012, che ha fatto registrare un aumento della disoccupazione nel suo complesso ma con differenze significative tra gli Stati membri, un deterioramento della situazione finanziaria delle famiglie e un aumento della povertà infantile.
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The EU has been in recession or on the verge of it since late 2011 and the overall economic sentiment is at its lowest level in three years.
L'UE sta attraversando una fase di recessione, o vicina alla recessione, dalla fine del 2011 e il clima economico generale è ai minimi degli ultimi tre anni.
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In this context, job-finding prospects remain poor compared to pre-crisis years.
In questa situazione le possibilità di trovare lavoro sono basse, se confrontate con quelle degli anni precedenti la crisi.
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Greece and Austria recorded the highest number of hours worked by full-time employed persons in the first quarter of 2012, while Finland, Italy and Ireland recorded the lowest number.
Nel primo trimestre del 2012 il più alto numero di ore lavorative prestate dai lavoratori dipendenti a tempo pieno si è avuto in Grecia e in Austria, mentre il più basso è stato registrato in Finlandia, Irlanda e Italia.
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These are amongst the main findings of the latest Employment and Social Situation Quarterly Review.
Sono alcuni dei principali risultati dell'ultimo Employment and Social Situation Quarterly Review (esame trimestrale sull'occupazione e la situazione sociale).
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"Member States' employment and social situations are diverging more than ever.
"Le differenze delle situazioni occupazionali e sociali negli Stati membri sono più marcate che mai.
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This is why Member States should urgently implement the 2012 country-specific recommendations adopted last July and should put in place the measures outlined in the Commission's Employment Package", commented European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion László Andor.
Per questo è opportuno che gli Stati membri attuino le Raccomandazioni specifiche per paese per il 2012 adottate lo scorso luglio ed applichino i provvedimenti indicati nel Pacchetto occupazione della Commissione", ha commentato il Commissario europeo per l'Occupazione, gli affari sociali e l'inclusione, László Andor.
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"The steady decline in households' disposable income and growing child poverty reflect the existence of a 'real social emergency crisis' as referred to by President Barroso at the Jobs for Europe conference and underline the need for stepping up social investment across Europe.
"La costante diminuzione del reddito disponibile delle famiglie e la crescente povertà infantile indicano che siamo di fronte ad una vera emergenza sociale", ha dichiarato il presidente Barroso alla conferenza Jobs for Europe, dando rilievo alla necessità di intensificare in tutta Europa gli investimenti sociali.
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The Commission will address this in its forthcoming Social Investment Package."
"La Commissione affronterà questo tema nel suo prossimo pacchetto di investimenti sociali."
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Especially worrying is the fact that unemployment is still on the rise and has climbed to 25.3 million, a historically high level, up by 2.6 million (+11.6%) compared to March 2011.
Particolarmente preoccupante è il fatto che la disoccupazione è ancora in crescita ed ha raggiunto la quota record di 25,3 milioni, con un aumento di 2,6 milioni di unità (+11,6%) rispetto al marzo 2011.
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At 10.4% at EU level, the unemployment rate rose in 17 Member States and disparities have again widened between the better-performing EU countries on the one hand and the "peripheral" countries on the other hand.
Il tasso di disoccupazione, che a livello di UE è ora al 10,4%, è aumentato in 17 Stati membri e si sono nuovamente accentuate le disparità tra i paesi UE meno in difficoltà e i paesi "periferici".
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There is now an all-time record gap of 20.6 percentage points between the EU's lowest (Austria, with 4.5 %) and highest (Spain, with 25.1 %) unemployment rates.
Il divario fra il paese dell'UE con la percentuale di disoccupazione più bassa (Austria, 4,5%) e quello con la percentuale più alta (Spagna, 25,1%) è attualmente di 20,6 punti percentuali, un massimo storico.
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The number of long-term unemployed has increased in 15 Member States since last year and reached 10.7 million.
Il numero dei disoccupati di lunga durata è aumentato dall'anno scorso in 15 Stati membri, raggiungendo la quota di 10,7 milioni.
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The long-term unemployed now account for 4.5 % of the active population (+0.4 percentage points over the year).
I disoccupati di lunga durata costituiscono attualmente il 4,5% della popolazione attiva (+0,4 punti percentuali nell'ultimo anno).
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Gloomy outlook for the young
Cupe prospettive per i giovani
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Youth unemployment is at a dramatic level - 22.5% in the EU in July – though it did not increase further in the second quarter.
La disoccupazione giovanile è ad un livello drammatico (22,5% a luglio nell'UE), anche se non è cresciuta nel secondo trimestre.
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Twelve Member States recorded rates above the 25% mark, and only three remain under 10%:
Dodici Stati membri hanno registrato tassi superiori al 25% e solo tre restano sotto la soglia del 10%:
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Austria, Germany and The Netherlands.
Austria, Germania e Paesi Bassi.
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The gloomy outlook for the young reflects growing risks of long-term unemployment and lasting inactivity, as indicated by the rise in the number of young people neither in employment nor in education and training (NEET).
Le cupe prospettive per i giovani rispecchiano rischi crescenti di disoccupazione di lunga durata e di inattività duratura, che si manifestano nell'aumento del numero di giovani disoccupati e al di fuori di ogni ciclo di istruzione e formazione (NEET).
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The Commission is actively addressing youth unemployment and it will release later this year two initiatives:
La Commissione sta affrontando attivamente il problema della disoccupazione giovanile e lancerà alla fine dell'anno due iniziative:
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a Youth Guarantees proposal that young people get either a job or continue education or follow a training course within four months of leaving school,
una proposta per garantire che i giovani abbiano un posto di lavoro, continuino gli studi o frequentino un corso di formazione entro 4 mesi dal termine della scuola,
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and a proposal for a Quality Framework for Traineeships.
ed una proposta per inquadrare sotto il profilo qualitativo i tirocini.
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Newly available detailed figures for 2011 shed further light on the broader labour market picture.
Nuovi dati dettagliati relativi al 2011 fanno maggiore chiarezza sulla situazione del mercato del lavoro.
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Beside the unemployed, there were some 8.6 million underemployed part-time workers - predominantly women - and a further 10.9 million people were in a grey zone between inactivity and unemployment such as those who have given up searching for work.
Secondo tali dati oltre ai disoccupati si contano circa 8,6 milioni di lavoratori a tempo parziale sottoccupati, prevalentemente donne, ed altri 10,9 milioni di persone situate in una zona grigia tra l'inattività e la disoccupazione, in cui rientra anche chi abbia rinunciato alla ricerca di un lavoro.
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Declining household income
Diminuzione del reddito delle famiglie
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Gross household disposable income declined in two-thirds of EU countries between 2009 and 2011, with the largest drops recorded in Greece (15.7 %), Ireland (9 %) and Lithuania, Spain, Cyprus and Hungary (all more than 4 %).
Tra il 2009 e il 2011 il reddito disponibile lordo delle famiglie è diminuito in due terzi dei paesi dell'UE. I cali maggiori si sono registrati in Grecia (15,7%), Irlanda (9%) e Lituania, Spagna, Cipro ed Ungheria (tutti oltre il 4%).
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This evolution is in stark contrast with the situation observed in the Nordic countries, Germany, Belgium, Slovenia and France where welfare systems and more resilient labour markets have allowed overall incomes to continue increasing during the crisis.
Questa evoluzione è in netto contrasto con la situazione osservata nei paesi nordici ed in Germania, Belgio, Slovacchia e Francia, paesi in cui i sistemi di protezione sociale e una maggiore tenuta del mercato del lavoro hanno fatto sì che i redditi continuassero ad aumentare anche durante la crisi.
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Nevertheless, the crisis affected significant shares of the population and caused poverty to rise also in these countries.
Cionondimeno la crisi ha investito quote significative della popolazione ed ha causato un aumento della povertà anche in tali paesi.
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Unsurprisingly, the share of the EU population experiencing financial distress remains historically high.
Non sorprende che la percentuale della popolazione dell'UE che si trova in situazione di precarietà finanziaria resta eccezionalmente elevata.
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Citizens of the countries affected by the steepest income declines are also generally more likely to have negative perceptions of their social situation, as the 2012 Eurobarometer on the Social Climate shows.
I cittadini dei paesi più colpiti dalla flessione dei redditi tendono inoltre a percepire negativamente la loro situazione sociale, come dimostrano i dati dell'Eurobarometro 2012 sul clima sociale.
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Child poverty
Povertà infantile
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Child poverty is becoming an issue for a growing number of households because of insufficient earnings from parental work and inadequate support to households with children.
La povertà infantile interessa un numero sempre maggiore di famiglie a causa dei bassi redditi da lavoro dei genitori e del sostegno insufficiente alle famiglie con figli.
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The percentage of children at risk of poverty (after social transfers) range from around 10% in Denmark and Finland to over 20% in Spain, Greece, Bulgaria, Portugal, Italy, Romania, Latvia, Poland, Lithuania and Luxembourg.
La percentuale di bambini a rischio di povertà (dopo i trasferimenti sociali) va dal 10% approssimativo della Danimarca e della Finlandia al 20% ed oltre di Spagna, Grecia, Bulgaria, Portogallo, Italia, Romania, Lettonia, Polonia, Lituania e Lussemburgo.
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The size and effectiveness of child benefits varies considerably across the EU.
L'entità e l'efficacia delle prestazioni per i figli a carico variano notevolmente all'interno dell'UE.
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Affordable childcare is a very important factor in allowing parents, and especially mothers, to work.
La disponibilità di strutture per la custodia dei bambini a prezzi accessibili costituisce un fattore estremamente importante per consentire ai genitori, e in particolare alle madri, di lavorare.
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Growth disparities
Disparità della crescita
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Among the largest Member States, the economy continued to grow in Germany, France and Poland, whereas Italy and the UK saw further contraction.
Tra i principali Stati membri dell'UE l'economia ha continuato a crescere in Germania, Francia e Polonia, mentre in Italia e nel Regno Unito ha registrato un'ulteriore contrazione.
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In the second quarter of 2012, Spain and Portugal registered sharp losses in economic activity and employment. |
Spagna e Portogallo hanno subito nel secondo trimestre del 2012 una forte flessione dell'attività economica e dell'occupazione. |
Employment: Quarterly Review shows persistent labour market and social
divergence between Member States
Brussels, 28 September 2012:The employment and social situation in the
EU remained very serious in the second quarter of 2012 with unemployment rising
overall but also displaying significant differences between Member States,
households' financial situation deteriorating and child poverty increasing.
The EU has been in recession or on the verge of it since late 2011 and
the overall economic sentiment is at its lowest level in three years.
In this context, job-finding prospects remain poor compared to
pre-crisis years.
Greece and Austria recorded the highest number of hours worked by
full-time employed persons in the first quarter of 2012, while Finland, Italy
and Ireland recorded the lowest number.
These are amongst the main findings of the latest Employment and Social
Situation Quarterly Review.
"Member States' employment and social situations are diverging more than ever.
This is why Member States should urgently implement the 2012
country-specific recommendations adopted last July and should put in place the
measures outlined in the Commission's Employment Package", commented European
Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion László Andor.
"The steady decline in households' disposable income and growing child
poverty reflect the existence of a 'real social emergency crisis' as referred to
by President Barroso at the Jobs for Europe conference and underline the need
for stepping up social investment across Europe.
The Commission will address this in its forthcoming Social Investment
Especially worrying is the fact that unemployment is still on the rise
and has climbed to 25.3 million, a historically high level, up by 2.6 million
(+11.6%) compared to March 2011.
At 10.4% at EU level, the unemployment rate rose in 17 Member States
and disparities have again widened between the better-performing EU countries on
the one hand and the "peripheral" countries on the other hand.
There is now an all-time record gap of 20.6 percentage points between
the EU's lowest (Austria, with 4.5 %) and highest (Spain, with 25.1 %)
unemployment rates.
The number of long-term unemployed has increased in 15 Member States
since last year and reached 10.7 million.
The long-term unemployed now account for 4.5 % of the active population
(+0.4 percentage points over the year).
Gloomy outlook for the young
Youth unemployment is at a dramatic level - 22.5% in the EU in July –
though it did not increase further in the second quarter.
Twelve Member States recorded rates above the 25% mark, and only three
remain under 10%:
Austria, Germany and The Netherlands.
The gloomy outlook for the young reflects growing risks of long-term
unemployment and lasting inactivity, as indicated by the rise in the number of
young people neither in employment nor in education and training (NEET).
The Commission is actively addressing youth unemployment and it will
release later this year two initiatives:
a Youth Guarantees proposal that young people get either a job or
continue education or follow a training course within four months of leaving
and a proposal for a Quality Framework for Traineeships.
Newly available detailed figures for 2011 shed further light on the
broader labour market picture.
Beside the unemployed, there were some 8.6 million underemployed
part-time workers - predominantly women - and a further 10.9 million people were
in a grey zone between inactivity and unemployment such as those who have given
up searching for work.
Declining household income
Gross household disposable income declined in two-thirds of EU
countries between 2009 and 2011, with the largest drops recorded in Greece (15.7
%), Ireland (9 %) and Lithuania, Spain, Cyprus and Hungary (all more than 4 %).
This evolution is in stark contrast with the situation observed in the
Nordic countries, Germany, Belgium, Slovenia and France where welfare systems
and more resilient labour markets have allowed overall incomes to continue
increasing during the crisis.
Nevertheless, the crisis affected significant shares of the population
and caused poverty to rise also in these countries.
Unsurprisingly, the share of the EU population experiencing financial
distress remains historically high.
Citizens of the countries affected by the steepest income declines are
also generally more likely to have negative perceptions of their social
situation, as the 2012 Eurobarometer on the Social Climate shows.
Child poverty
Child poverty is becoming an issue for a growing number of households
because of insufficient earnings from parental work and inadequate support to
households with children.
The percentage of children at risk of poverty (after social transfers)
range from around 10% in Denmark and Finland to over 20% in Spain, Greece,
Bulgaria, Portugal, Italy, Romania, Latvia, Poland, Lithuania and Luxembourg.
The size and effectiveness of child benefits varies considerably across
the EU.
Affordable childcare is a very important factor in allowing parents,
and especially mothers, to work.
Growth disparities
Among the largest Member States, the economy continued to grow in
Germany, France and Poland, whereas Italy and the UK saw further contraction.
In the second quarter of 2012, Spain and Portugal registered sharp
losses in economic activity and employment. |