Un messaggio chiaro per il Vertice di ottobre: mobilitarsi per l'Europa
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Data documento: 25-09-2012
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A clear message for the October summit:Step up for Europe
Un messaggio chiaro per il Vertice di ottobre: mobilitarsi per l'Europa
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The European Economic and Social Committee President, Staffan Nilsson, gave a clear message today to the next European Council: step up for Europe!
Il Presidente del Comitato economico e sociale europeo Staffan Nilsson ha inviato oggi un messaggio chiaro al prossimo Consiglio europeo: mobilitarsi per l'Europa!
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Step up to restore trust in the economy and its financial structures.
Attivarsi per ristabilire la fiducia nell'economia e nelle sue strutture finanziarie,
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Step up to promote confidence in a comprehensive and dynamic European growth model.
per promuovere la fiducia in un modello europeo di crescita completo e dinamico,
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Step up to ensure legitimacy in the EU decision-making process.
per garantire la legittimazione democratica nel processo decisionale dell'UE,
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Step up to reach out to citizens and offer hope in the European project.
per avvicinarsi ai cittadini e offrire speranza nel progetto europeo.
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These were the EESC President's summary conclusions at the end of a packed and high-level EESC conference today on Europe 2020 and how the strategy must step up and meet the needs of today and tomorrow's Europe.
Questa la sintesi delle conclusioni del Presidente Nilsson al termine dell'affollato convegno di alto livello del CESE svoltosi oggi a Bruxelles, in cui si è esaminato come accelerare l'attuazione della strategia Europa 2020 e soddisfare i bisogni dell'Europa di oggi e di domani.
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"More Europe makes economic sense.
"Più Europa giova all'economia.
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More Europe and Europe 2020 go together, they are mutually reinforcing" stressed Staffan Nilsson, and together with civil society representatives from throughout Europe called for decisive steps towards an Economic, Social and Political Union.
Più Europa e strategia Europa 2020 vanno di pari passo, si rafforzano a vicenda" ha sottolineato il Presidente, invocando, insieme a rappresentanti della società civile provenienti da tutta Europa, passi decisivi verso un'Unione economica, sociale e politica.
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This is meant to effectively pool resources, mutualise risks and leverage up job-intensive growth and the alleviation of poverty.
L'obiettivo è l'effettiva condivisione delle risorse, la mutualizzazione dei rischi e il rilancio di una crescita che produca occupazione e allevi la povertà.
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Smart and inclusive growth must be restored.
È necessario ripristinare una crescita intelligente e inclusiva;
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Industrial, social and organisational innovation is needed to support new and sustainable green growth.
e, per sostenere una nuova crescita sostenibile e rispettosa dell'ambiente, è necessario innovare in campo industriale, sociale e organizzativo.
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A fully functional Single Market needs to be underpinned by legislative design, access to finance for SMEs, new educational and training skills for new jobs, social rights, social and civil dialogue and collective redress.
Per funzionare a pieno regime, un mercato unico deve essere sorretto da un'appropriata architettura normativa, dalla possibilità per le PMI di accedere ai finanziamenti, da un'offerta innovativa di istruzione e formazione per nuove occupazioni, da diritti sociali, dal dialogo sociale e civile, dal diritto a proporre azioni collettive.
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Special measures must also be flagged-up in the talked-of "Youth Guarantee" to ensure quality jobs and training for young people.
Sono state invocate misure specifiche nel quadro della campagna "Youth Guarantee" (Garanzia per i giovani) volte ad assicurare loro sbocchi occupazionali di qualità e azioni di formazione;
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A European minimum income initiative was urged as part of the upcoming Social Impact Package.
ed è stata sollecitata l'introduzione di un salario minimo europeo nell'ambito dell'imminente Pacchetto per l'impatto sociale.
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These are all key components of a comprehensive approach for sustainable growth.
In tutti questi casi si tratta di componenti essenziali di un approccio globale per la crescita sostenibile.
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Several EU Commissioners, several ministers from the Member States, employers and trade unions, national economic and social councils and many more economic and social players of Europe participated in the debates.
Nel corso del convegno hanno discusso di questi temi diversi commissari europei e ministri di Stati membri, datori di lavoro e sindacalisti, rappresentanti di consigli economici e sociali e molti altri attori economici e sociali europei.
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The EESC wants to be part of the big debate, the new deal for Europe, by bringing practical proposals from civil society to the next EU Council in order to make the pact for growth and jobs work on the ground.
Il CESE, da parte sua, intende contribuire al grande dibattito sul "nuovo corso" (New Deal) per l'Europa presentando al prossimo Consiglio dell'UE le proposte concrete della società civile per far funzionare sul campo il patto per la crescita e l'occupazione.
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In the view of most participants, the most appropriate framework for implementing economic and social reform is still the Europe 2020 strategy.
Secondo la maggior parte dei partecipanti al convegno, il quadro più appropriato per l'attuazione della riforma economica e sociale rimane la strategia Europa 2020.
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Mr Nilsson and EESC vice-president, Anna Maria Darmanin, closed the conference with a clear statement:
Il Presidente Staffan Nilsson e la vicepresidente Anna Maria Darmanin hanno concluso il convegno con un'affermazione chiara:
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In order to be competitive and sustainable, the European economy needs to combine innovation, investment and social cohesion policies and this is only possible through more Europe.
perché l'economia europea sia competitiva e sostenibile, occorre coniugare tra loro politiche forti in materia di innovazione, investimenti e coesione sociale, e ciò è possibile soltanto con più Europa.
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Read the provisional conclusions of the EESC President on our website. |
Il testo provvisorio delle conclusioni del Presidente Nilsson è disponibile sul sito Internet del CESE. |
A clear message for the October summit:Step up for Europe
The European Economic and Social Committee President, Staffan
Nilsson, gave a clear message today to the next European Council: step up for
Step up to restore trust in the economy and its financial
Step up to promote confidence in a comprehensive and dynamic
European growth model.
Step up to ensure legitimacy in the EU decision-making
Step up to reach out to citizens and offer hope in the
European project.
These were the EESC President's summary conclusions at the end
of a packed and high-level EESC conference today on Europe 2020 and how the
strategy must step up and meet the needs of today and tomorrow's Europe.
"More Europe makes economic sense.
More Europe and Europe 2020 go together, they are mutually
reinforcing" stressed Staffan Nilsson, and together with civil society
representatives from throughout Europe called for decisive steps towards an
Economic, Social and Political Union.
This is meant to effectively pool resources, mutualise risks
and leverage up job-intensive growth and the alleviation of poverty.
Smart and inclusive growth must be restored.
Industrial, social and organisational innovation is needed to
support new and sustainable green growth.
A fully functional Single Market needs to be underpinned by
legislative design, access to finance for SMEs, new educational and training
skills for new jobs, social rights, social and civil dialogue and collective
Special measures must also be flagged-up in the talked-of
"Youth Guarantee" to ensure quality jobs and training for young people.
A European minimum income initiative was urged as part of the
upcoming Social Impact Package.
These are all key components of a comprehensive approach for
sustainable growth.
Several EU Commissioners, several ministers from the Member
States, employers and trade unions, national economic and social councils and
many more economic and social players of Europe participated in the debates.
The EESC wants to be part of the big debate, the new deal for
Europe, by bringing practical proposals from civil society to the next EU
Council in order to make the pact for growth and jobs work on the ground.
In the view of most participants, the most appropriate
framework for implementing economic and social reform is still the Europe 2020
Mr Nilsson and EESC vice-president, Anna Maria Darmanin,
closed the conference with a clear statement:
In order to be competitive and sustainable, the European
economy needs to combine innovation, investment and social cohesion policies and
this is only possible through more Europe.
Read the provisional conclusions of the EESC President on our