La Notte dei Ricercatori: eventi in 350 città per ragazze e ragazzi cosmici
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Data documento: 27-09-2012
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Researchers' Night: events in 350 cities for cosmic girls and boys
La Notte dei Ricercatori: eventi in 350 città per ragazze e ragazzi cosmici
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You can wait 75 years for a glimpse of Halley's comet, but did you know you can make one yourself in just a few minutes?
Per intravvedere la cometa di Halley si deve aspettare anche 75 anni, allora forse è meglio farsela da sé, una cometa. Sapevate che è possibile fabbricarne una da soli in pochi minuti?
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All it takes is a mixture of day-old dry ice, water, mud and a few other components - and you have a comet of your very own.
Tutto quello che occorre è una miscela di ghiaccio secco, acqua, fango e pochi altri ingredienti.
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How cosmic is that?
Una roba davvero cosmica!
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Learning how to make a comet with space scientists in London, creating a cloud with meteorologists in Bolzano, Italy, and exploring the San Antonio volcano with geologists in the Canary Islands are just a few of the highlights of the 7th Researchers' Night, taking place at a host of venues throughout Europe tomorrow evening (28 September).
Imparare a fare una cometa con scienziati spaziali a Londra, fabbricare una nuvola con meteorologi a Bolzano, esplorare il vulcano San Antonio con geologi alle isole Canarie: sono solo alcuni degli eventi principali della 7a Notte dei ricercatori, che si svolgerà domani sera, 28 settembre, in vari luoghi d'Europa.
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Around 350 cities, from Akureyri (Iceland) to Nicosia (Cyprus), will take part in the event, with the aim of discovering science in a fun way and raising interest in research careers.
Saranno circa 350 le città coinvolte dalla manifestazione, da Akureyri (Islanda) fino a Nicosia (Cipro), con l'obiettivo di far scoprire la scienza in maniera ludica e di stimolare l'interesse per le professioni nel campo della ricerca.
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The public will be able to take part in experiments, join interactive science shows, visit usually restricted research laboratories and try out complex equipment.
Il pubblico potrà partecipare ad esperimenti, prendere parte a dimostrazioni scientifiche interattive, visitare laboratori di ricerca solitamente inaccessibili ai non addetti ai lavori e provare complesse attrezzature.
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"This is an opportunity for anybody to become a scientist for a night," said Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth.
"È un'occasione per tutti di trasformarsi in scienziati per una notte", ha dichiarato Androulla Vassiliou, commissaria europea per l'istruzione, la cultura, il multilinguismo e la gioventù.
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"As well as being educational and fun, the annual Researchers' Night is a great way of getting girls and boys interested in pursuing research as a career.
"Oltre ad essere educativa e divertente, la Notte dei Ricercatori è un ottimo modo per avvicinare ragazze e ragazzi alle professioni nel settore della ricerca."
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"A youngster who learns how to make invisible ink in the classroom today may well become a scientist addressing Europe's most acute societal and economic challenges tomorrow," added the Commissioner.
"Un giovane che impara oggi a fabbricare l'inchiostro invisibile in classe potrebbe diventare domani uno scienziato che affronta le sfide economiche e sociali più importanti d'Europa", ha aggiunto la commissaria.
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During Researchers' Night, scientists from all disciplines take over public spaces – shopping malls, squares, historic monuments, parks, and museums - to show people of all ages how their work impacts on daily life.
In occasione della Notte dei Ricercatori, scienziati di tutte le discipline daranno appuntamento in spazi pubblici, centri commerciali, piazze, monumenti storici, parchi e musei per mostrare ad un pubblico di tutte le età gli effetti del loro lavoro sulla vita quotidiana.
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Hundreds of events will take place in 32 EU and neighbouring countries (see list below).
Centinaia di eventi si svolgeranno in 32 paesi, sia appartenenti
all'UE che loro vicini (cfr.elenco in basso)
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Take a look at the city highlights in the appendix or find an event close to you.
Per i dettagli degli eventi città per città si veda l'appendice. Altrimenti, per cercare gli eventi più vicini, si veda qui.
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What is Researchers' Night?
Cos'è la Notte dei Ricercatori?
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Researchers' Night takes place every year across Europe on the fourth Friday of September.
La Notte dei ricercatori si svolge ogni anno in tutta Europa il quarto venerdì di settembre.
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There are events taking place in 24 EU Member States, as well as Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Faroe Islands, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Israel, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey.
Quest'anno sono previsti eventi in 24 Stati membri dell'Unione europea ed in Bosnia-Erzegovina, alle isole Fær Øer, nell'ex Repubblica iugoslava di Macedonia, in Islanda, Israele, Montenegro, Serbia e Turchia.
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The three Member States which are not taking part this year are Austria, Denmark and Luxembourg.
I tre Stati membri che non partecipano all'edizione di quest'anno sono l'Austria, la Danimarca e il Lussemburgo.
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The event has grown from 92 participating cities in 2006 to over 350 cities this year.
L'evento è cresciuto, passando dalle 92 città coinvolte nel 2006 alle oltre 350 di quest'anno.
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Nearly 800 000 visitors attended it in 2011, and the number is expected to increase this year.
Nel 2011 ha richiamato circa 800 000 visitatori, cifra che dovrebbe essere superata in questa edizione.
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Why is the EU investing in the event?
Perché l'UE investe nell'evento?
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Researchers' Night is part of the EU-funded Marie Curie Actions, which promote international research careers in Europe.
La Notte dei Ricercatori rientra nelle Azioni Marie Curie, finanziate dall'UE per promuovere in Europa le professioni nel campo della ricerca internazionale.
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By bringing researchers directly into contact with the public, the event aims to show the important role research plays in society.
Mettendo gli scienziati direttamente a contatto con il pubblico, la manifestazione ha l'obiettivo di mostrare l'importante ruolo che la ricerca svolge nella società.
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Encouraging more people to choose a career in research is crucial for Europe's future growth, which is increasingly dependent on innovation in products, services and business models.
Incoraggiare un maggior numero di persone ad intraprendere una professione nel campo della ricerca è fondamentale per la crescita futura dell'Europa, la quale dipende in misura sempre maggiore dall'innovazione dei prodotti, dei servizi e dei modelli di business.
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The EU funds slightly more than half of the overall cost of Researchers' Night's: € 4 million out of nearly € 7.5 million this year.
Il finanziamento dell'UE, pari a 4 milioni di euro, copre poco più della metà dei costi complessivi (7,5 milioni di euro) di questa edizione della Notte dei Ricercatori.
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Event activities and organisers have been selected through a competitive process following a call for proposals.
Le attività e gli organizzatori sono stati selezionati mediante una procedura di gara seguita ad un invito a presentare proposte.
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In total, the Marie Curie Actions are supported by €4.7 billion in EU funds.
Complessivamente le azioni Marie Curie sono finanziate per 4,7 miliardi di euro dai fondi UE.
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They are almost entirely managed by the European Commission's Research Executive Agency, as part of the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7), the EU's main research funding package for 2007-2013 worth €50 billion.
Tali azioni sono gestite quasi interamente dall'Agenzia esecutiva per la ricerca della Commissione europea nell'ambito del 7° programma quadro per la ricerca e lo sviluppo tecnologico (FP7), il principale pacchetto dell'UE, del valore di 50 miliardi di euro, per il finanziamento della ricerca nel periodo 2007-2013.
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Marie Curie Actions are a part of Horizon 2020, the EU’s proposed new programme for research and innovation.
Le Azioni Marie Curie rientrano in Orizzonte 2020, il nuovo programma dell'UE per la ricerca e l'innovazione.
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Horizon 2020 will run from 2014 to 2020 and with an €80 billion proposed budget it is part of the drive to create new growth and jobs in Europe.
Orizzonte 2020, che riguarderà il periodo dal 2014 al 2020 e il cui budget proposto ammonta a 80 miliardi di euro, si inserisce nel quadro delle iniziative per stimolare la crescita e l'occupazione in Europa.
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City highlights
Manifestazioni cittadine
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London (United Kingdom)
Londra (Regno Unito)
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The Natural History Museum will host a comet-building workshop.
I locali del Natural History Museum ospiteranno un laboratorio per costruire comete.
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The formula at the origin of comets orbiting in the solar system will be applied to components found on Earth, such as water and mud.
La formula che si trova alla base delle comete in orbita nel sistema solare sarà applicata a sostanze disponibili sulla terra, come acqua e fango.
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The public will also have the chance to get their hands dirty using charcoal to recreate cave art with anthropologists.
Il pubblico avrà inoltre la possibilità di sporcarsi un po' le mani con il carboncino per riprodurre opere d'arte rupestre insieme agli antropologi.
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A giant sculpture made of thousands of baby teeth donated by the public will be erected on the Whitechapel campus of the University of London (Queen Mary).
All'interno del campus di Whitechapel dell'Università di Londra (Queen Mary) sarà eretta una scultura in formato gigante realizzata con migliaia di denti da latte donati dal pubblico.
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Bolzano (Italy)
Bolzano (Italia)
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Thrill-seekers will be able to test survival methods in the extreme conditions of a cold chamber and in a simulated snow storm at the European Academy of Bolzano.
Per chi è a caccia del brivido ci sarà l'occasione di sperimentare, presso l'Accademia europea di Bolzano, metodi di sopravvivenza in condizioni estreme in una cella frigorifera e nel mezzo di una tempesta di neve simulata.
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They will get feedback on their body’s reaction after the test.
Al termine della prova, i partecipanti potranno verificarne gli effetti sui propri corpi.
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Weather enthusiasts will have the opportunity to create clouds using water, air and pressure at the meteorological office.
All'ufficio meteorologico gli appassionati di meteorologia avranno invece la possibilità di fabbricare nuvole servendosi di acqua, aria e della pressione.
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Fuencaliente (Canary Islands, Spain)
Fuencaliente (isole Canarie, Spagna)
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Together with scientists and professional guides, adventurers will get the chance to explore the San Antonio volcano, which hosts unique flora, rock formations and coloured lava structures.
Chi ama l'avventura avrà l'opportunità di esplorare insieme a scienziati e guide professioniste il vulcano San Antonio, che ospita flora, formazioni rocciose e strutture di lava colorata uniche nel loro genere.
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Local producers and geologists will show how the volcano improves the quality of regional wines.
Produttori locali e geologi spiegheranno inoltre in quale modo il vulcano contribuisce a migliorare la qualità dei vini della regione.
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Krakow (Poland)
Cracovia (Polonia)
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Science shows at 17 venues will include a demonstration on how motion-capture technology used for video games can help diagnose and treat diseases.
Si terranno dimostrazioni scientifiche in 17 sedi, fra cui una incentrata su come la tecnologia di acquisizione delle immagini utilizzata per i videogiochi sia in grado di fornire un contributo alla diagnosi e alla terapia di alcune malattie.
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The Institute of Nuclear Physics will show particle accelerators used for eye cancer treatments or to detect the composition of unknown substances, which can help discoveries in art conservation, medicine and geology.
Presso l'Istituto di fisica nucleare si potranno vedere acceleratori di particelle utilizzati per la terapia del cancro agli occhi o per analizzare la composizione di sostanze sconosciute, applicazione quest'ultima che può favorire le scoperte nei campi della conservazione delle opere d'arte, della medicina e della geologia.
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Angers, Besançon, Toulouse (France)
Angers, Besançon, Tolosa (Francia)
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Fans of time travel in French cities will create a future society based on research and innovation.
Gli appassionati dei viaggi nel tempo daranno vita nelle città francesi ad una società del futuro basata sulla ricerca e sull'innovazione.
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The public and scientists will imagine Angers in 2025, Besançon in 2084 and Toulouse in the second half of the century, based on potential developments in education, transport, environment, energy and other aspects of society.
Il pubblico e gli scienziati dovranno immaginare Angers nel 2025, Besançon nel 2084 e Tolosa nella seconda metà del secolo facendo riferimento ai potenziali sviluppi nei settori dell'istruzione, dei trasporti, dell'ambiente, dell'energia e di altri aspetti della società.
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Nicosia (Cyprus)
Nicosia (Cipro)
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The game "Tell me, Dr Turing, can machines think?” will challenge participants to distinguish the human voice from computer sounds in a conversation.
Con il gioco chiamato "Mi dica, dottor Turing, le macchine sanno pensare?" i partecipanti saranno sfidati a distinguere la voce umana dai suoni emessi da un computer nel corso di una conversazione.
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It is based on a test formulated in the 1950s to assess a computer's ability to show intelligent behaviour and respond in the same way a person might. |
Questo gioco si basa su un test sviluppato negli anni Cinquanta per valutare le capacità del computer di mostrare comportamenti intelligenti e di rispondere allo stesso modo di un essere umano. |
Researchers' Night: events in 350 cities forcosmic girls
and boys
You can wait 75 years for a glimpse of Halley's comet, but did
you know you can make one yourself in just a few minutes?
All it takes is a mixture of day-old dry ice, water, mud and a
few other components - and you have a comet of your very own.
How cosmic is that?
Learning how to make a comet with space scientists in London,
creating a cloud with meteorologists in Bolzano, Italy, and exploring the San
Antonio volcano with geologists in the Canary Islands are just a few of the
highlights of the 7th Researchers' Night, taking place at a host of venues
throughout Europe tomorrow evening (28 September).
Around 350 cities, from Akureyri (Iceland) to Nicosia
(Cyprus), will take part in the event, with the aim of discovering science in a
fun way and raising interest in research careers.
The public will be able to take part in experiments, join
interactive science shows, visit usually restricted research laboratories and
try out complex equipment.
"This is an opportunity for anybody to become a scientist for
a night," said Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education,
Culture, Multilingualism and Youth.
"As well as being educational and fun, the annual Researchers'
Night is a great way of getting girls and boys interested in pursuing research
as a career.
"A youngster who learns how to make invisible ink in the
classroom today may well become a scientist addressing Europe's most acute
societal and economic challenges tomorrow," added the Commissioner.
During Researchers' Night, scientists from all disciplines
take over public spaces – shopping malls, squares, historic monuments, parks,
and museums - to show people of all ages how their work impacts on daily life.
Hundreds of events will take place in 32 EU and neighbouring
countries (see list below).
Take a look at the city highlights in the appendix or find an
event close to you.
What is Researchers' Night?
Researchers' Night takes place every year across Europe on the
fourth Friday of September.
There are events taking place in 24 EU Member States, as well
as Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Faroe Islands, the former Yugoslav Republic of
Macedonia, Iceland, Israel, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey.
The three Member States which are not taking part this year
are Austria, Denmark and Luxembourg.
The event has grown from 92 participating cities in 2006 to
over 350 cities this year.
Nearly 800 000 visitors attended it in 2011, and the number is
expected to increase this year.
Why is the EU investing in the event?
Researchers' Night is part of the EU-funded Marie Curie
Actions, which promote international research careers in Europe.
By bringing researchers directly into contact with the public,
the event aims to show the important role research plays in society.
Encouraging more people to choose a career in research is
crucial for Europe's future growth, which is increasingly dependent on
innovation in products, services and business models.
The EU funds slightly more than half of the overall cost of
Researchers' Night's: € 4 million out of nearly € 7.5 million this year.
Event activities and organisers have been selected through a
competitive process following a call for proposals.
In total, the Marie Curie Actions are supported by €4.7
billion in EU funds.
They are almost entirely managed by the European Commission's
Research Executive Agency, as part of the 7th Framework Programme for Research
and Technological Development (FP7), the EU's main research funding package for
2007-2013 worth €50 billion.
Marie Curie Actions are a part of Horizon 2020, the EU’s
proposed new programme for research and innovation.
Horizon 2020 will run from
2014 to 2020 and with an €80 billion proposed budget it is
part of the drive to create new growth and jobs in Europe.
City highlights
London (United Kingdom)
The Natural History Museum will host a comet-building workshop.
The formula at the origin of comets orbiting in the solar system will be applied
to components found on Earth, such as water and mud.
The public will also have the chance to get their hands dirty using charcoal to
recreate cave art with anthropologists.
A giant sculpture made of thousands of baby teeth donated by the public will be
erected on the Whitechapel campus of the University of London (Queen Mary).
Bolzano (Italy)
Thrill-seekers will be able to test survival methods in the extreme conditions
of a cold chamber and in a simulated snow storm at the European Academy of
They will get feedback on their body’s reaction after the test.
Weather enthusiasts will have the opportunity to create clouds using water, air
and pressure at the meteorological office.
Fuencaliente (Canary Islands, Spain)
Together with scientists and professional guides, adventurers will get the
chance to explore the San Antonio volcano, which hosts unique flora, rock
formations and coloured lava structures.
Local producers and geologists will show how the volcano improves the quality of
regional wines.
Krakow (Poland)
Science shows at 17 venues will include a demonstration on how motion-capture
technology used for video games can help diagnose and treat diseases.
The Institute of Nuclear Physics will show particle accelerators used for eye
cancer treatments or to detect the composition of unknown substances, which can
help discoveries in art conservation, medicine and geology.
Angers, Besançon, Toulouse (France)
Fans of time travel in French cities will create a future society based on
research and innovation.
The public and scientists will imagine Angers in 2025, Besançon in 2084 and
Toulouse in the second half of the century, based on potential developments in
education, transport, environment, energy and other aspects of society.
Nicosia (Cyprus)
The game "Tell me, Dr Turing, can machines think?” will challenge participants
to distinguish the human voice from computer sounds in a conversation.
It is based on a test formulated in the 1950s to assess a computer's ability to
show intelligent behaviour and respond in the same way a person might.