Pacchetto UE sui diritti delle vittime: dopo il voto al Parlamento europeo, il CESE invoca passi concreti
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Data documento: 24-09-2012
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EESC seeks practical progress with implementation of EU Package of Rights for Victims, following vote at European Parliament
Pacchetto UE sui diritti delle vittime:dopo il voto al Parlamento europeo, il CESE invoca passi concreti
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Once the provisions are finally adopted at EU level later this year, the European Commission needs to work with Member State governments on implementing the measures in their countries, says the EESC.
Una volta che il pacchetto UE sui diritti delle vittime sarà stato adottato, la Commissione europea dovrà lavorare insieme ai governi nazionali per attuarne le misure nei singoli Stati membri.
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Kathleen Walker Shaw, the EESC Member responsible for drafting the Committee's opinion on the package of measures, together with other EESC colleagues, met European Commission officials today to discuss what needs to be done to ensure that the positive new measures become a working reality.
Kathleen Walker Shaw, relatrice del parere del Comitato riguardante il pacchetto, accompagnata da altri membri del CESE ha incontrato oggi funzionari della Commissione europea per discutere delle azioni da adottare per garantire che le nuove misure positive si traducano in realtà operativa.
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Ms Shaw and other EESC colleagues have been providing ongoing support to one victim’s mother, Maggie Hughes, to ensure that her voice is heard at European level highlighting the plight currently faced by victims and their families.
La Walker Shaw e i suoi colleghi hanno offerto il loro costante sostegno a Maggie Hughes, madre di una di queste vittime, facendo sì che la sua voce fosse ascoltata a livello europeo e portando così alla ribalta i problemi delle vittime e delle loro famiglie.
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They were instrumental in introducing Maggie Hughes to Vice-President Viviane Reding before the launch of the proposals to ensure that the EU Commission had a clear insight into the challenges victims and their families face.
In particolare hanno presentato Maggie Hughes alla vicepresidente della Commissione Viviane Reding prima ancora della pubblicazione delle proposte, per assicurarsi che la Commissione europea avesse una visione chiara delle sfide che le vittime e le loro famiglie devono affrontare.
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Ms Reding was so inspired by Ms Hughes' courage, drive and energy to improve victims’ rights across the EU that she has referred to her several times at press conferences and in the plenary sessions of the European Parliament and other institutions where the proposals have been debated.
Il coraggio, la tenacia e l'energia mostrati dalla Hughes nel lottare per rafforzare i diritti delle vittime in tutta l'UE sono stati ispiratori per la Reding, che ne ha parlato a più riprese, in conferenze stampa così come in sedute plenarie del Parlamento europeo e in riunioni di altre istituzioni in cui le proposte sono state discusse.
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The President of the EESC Employment, Social Affairs and Citizenship Section, Leila Kurki, also commented that Ms Hughes' presentation to EESC Members had a major impact and that tangible measures must follow.
Leila Kurki, presidente della sezione responsabile del parere (Occupazione, affari sociali, cittadinanza), ha osservato da parte sua che la presentazione della Hughes ai membri del CESE ha avuto un notevole impatto e affermato che adesso occorre darvi seguito con misure concrete.
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Ms Hughes has campaigned to ensure that no other mothers or families have to go through what she and her victim son, Robbie (who was seriously injured in an unprovoked attack in Crete in 2008), went through.
L'obiettivo della battaglia condotta dalla Hughes è far sì che nessun'altra madre, nessun'altra famiglia, debbano patire ciò che lei e suo figlio Robbie (vittima a Creta nel 2008 di un'aggressione non provocata, che lo ha lasciato gravemente menomato) hanno dovuto patire.
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Ms Hughes, who has fought hard for these changes, said, “I am delighted about the vote in the European Parliament plenary and the progress we have made with the proposals on victims' rights in the EU.
La Hughes, che ha lottato duramente per cambiare le cose, si è detta "profondamente soddisfatta per il voto della seduta plenaria del Parlamento europeo e per il grande passo compiuto con l'adozione delle proposte sui diritti delle vittime nell'UE.
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Together with my union, the GMB, and the EESC, we have been on a major journey at EU level to gain vital rights for victims abroad.
Insieme alla GMB [il sindacato generale britannico cui essa appartiene, NdT] e al CESE, abbiamo compiuto un lungo cammino a livello UE per conquistare diritti di vitale importanza per le vittime all'estero".
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I pay tribute to EU Commission Vice-President Viviane Reding for her commitment to pushing through this package of rights and support for victims and her support for Robbie's case and our campaign, and to friends in the European Parliament and European Economic and Social Committee who have supported our campaign.
"Sono molto grata", ha dichiarato, "alla vicepresidente della Commissione Viviane Reding per il suo impegno nel portare avanti questo pacchetto di misure in materia di diritti delle vittime, e per l'aiuto da lei prestato alla battaglia di mio figlio e alla nostra campagna. Un caloroso ringraziamento va anche agli amici che, nel Parlamento europeo e nel CESE, hanno sostenuto la nostra campagna".
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But, as we all know, the proof of the pudding is in the eating, and once the provisions are finally adopted at EU level later this year, Member State governments need to work hard to implement the measures in their countries.
"Sappiamo bene, tuttavia", ha poi proseguito, "che alla fine sono i risultati che contano: una volta che, entro la fine dell'anno, le misure saranno state definitivamente adottate a livello europeo, i governi degli Stati membri dovranno lavorare intensamente per attuarle nei rispettivi paesi.
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This will turn the progress in support and rights for victims the proposals promise into a practical reality on the ground so that no other family will have to go through the agony, frustration and pain that we did to get support and justice for our son Robbie, who was a victim himself when viciously assaulted in Crete.”
Ciò consentirà di tradurre i passi avanti che queste proposte promettono di far compiere in materia di sostegno alle vittime in realtà pratica, concreta, affinché nessun'altra famiglia debba più soffrire l'agonia, la frustrazione e il dolore che noi abbiamo sofferto per ottenere aiuto e giustizia per nostro figlio Robbie, egli stesso vittima di una brutale aggressione a Creta".
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The EESC meeting with the European Commission today now takes up the next phase of this process, ensuring that the changes Maggie Hughes has fought for become reality. |
Con la riunione di oggi tra membri del CESE e funzionari della Commissione europea si apre la fase successiva di questo processo. Obiettivo: fare in modo che i cambiamenti per cui la Hughes si è lungamente battuta diventino realtà. |
EESC seeks practical progress with implementation of EU Package of Rights
for Victims, following vote at European Parliament
Once the provisions are finally adopted at EU level later this year,
the European Commission needs to work with Member State governments on
implementing the measures in their countries, says the EESC.
Kathleen Walker Shaw, the EESC Member responsible for drafting the
Committee's opinion on the package of measures, together with other EESC
colleagues, met European Commission officials today to discuss what needs to be
done to ensure that the positive new measures become a working reality.
Ms Shaw and other EESC colleagues have been providing ongoing support
to one victim’s mother, Maggie Hughes, to ensure that her voice is heard at
European level highlighting the plight currently faced by victims and their
They were instrumental in introducing Maggie Hughes to Vice-President
Viviane Reding before the launch of the proposals to ensure that the EU
Commission had a clear insight into the challenges victims and their families
Ms Reding was so inspired by Ms Hughes' courage, drive and energy to
improve victims’ rights across the EU that she has referred to her several times
at press conferences and in the plenary sessions of the European Parliament and
other institutions where the proposals have been debated.
The President of the EESC Employment, Social Affairs and Citizenship
Section, Leila Kurki, also commented that Ms Hughes' presentation to EESC
Members had a major impact and that tangible measures must follow.
Ms Hughes has campaigned to ensure that no other mothers or families
have to go through what she and her victim son, Robbie (who was seriously
injured in an unprovoked attack in Crete in 2008), went through.
Ms Hughes, who has fought hard for these changes, said, “I am delighted
about the vote in the European Parliament plenary and the progress we have made
with the proposals on victims' rights in the EU.
Together with my union, the GMB, and the EESC, we have been on a major
journey at EU level to gain vital rights for victims abroad.
I pay tribute to EU Commission Vice-President Viviane Reding for her
commitment to pushing through this package of rights and support for victims and
her support for Robbie's case and our campaign, and to friends in the European
Parliament and European Economic and Social Committee who have supported our
But, as we all know, the proof of the pudding is in the eating, and
once the provisions are finally adopted at EU level later this year, Member
State governments need to work hard to implement the measures in their
This will turn the progress in support and rights for victims the
proposals promise into a practical reality on the ground so that no other family
will have to go through the agony, frustration and pain that we did to get
support and justice for our son Robbie, who was a victim himself when viciously
assaulted in Crete.”
The EESC meeting with the European Commission today now takes up the
next phase of this process, ensuring that the changes Maggie Hughes has fought
for become reality. |