Nuova strategia della Commissione per stimolare crescita e occupazione nei settori della cultura e delle professioni creative
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Data documento: 26-09-2012
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Commission launches strategy to boost growth and jobs in cultural and creative sectors
Nuova strategia della Commissione per stimolare crescita e occupazione nei settori della cultura e delle professioni creative
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The European Commission today presented a strategy to unlock the full potential of the cultural and creative sectors in the EU to boost jobs and growth.
La Commissione europea ha presentato oggi una strategia finalizzata a esprimere pienamente il potenziale dei settori della cultura e delle professioni creative dell'UE per stimolare occupazione e crescita.
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These sectors, which include companies and other organisations active in architecture, artistic crafts, cultural heritage, design, festivals, film and television, music, performing and visual arts, archives and libraries, publishing and radio, already account for up to 4.5% of GDP and up to 8.5 million jobs in the European Union.
A questi settori, di cui fanno parte imprese ed altre organizzazioni operanti nei campi dell'architettura, dell'artigianato artistico, dei beni culturali, del design, dei festival, del cinema e della televisione, della musica, delle arti dello spettacolo e visive, degli archivi e delle biblioteche, dell'editoria e della radio, fa capo già oggi fino al 4,5% del PIL e il lavoro di 8,5 milioni di persone nell'Unione europea.
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But the creative and cultural sectors also face major challenges stemming from the digital shift and globalisation, as well as from a high fragmentation of markets along cultural and linguistic lines.
Anche il mondo della cultura e delle professioni creative si trova tuttavia a fronteggiare sfide importanti poste dal passaggio al digitale e dalla globalizzazione, oltre che dalla grande frammentazione culturale e linguistica dei mercati.
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Access to finance remains a major difficulty.
L'accesso ai finanziamenti resta inoltre una delle principale difficoltà.
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The Commission's new strategy aims to increase the competitiveness and export potential of these sectors, as well as to maximise their spill-over benefits for other areas such as innovation, ICT and urban regeneration.
La nuova strategia della Commissione mira ad accrescere concorrenzialità e potenziale di esportazione di questi settori e a massimizzarne le ricadute positive per altri settori quali innovazione, TIC e risanamento urbano.
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The Commission is calling for a range of actions to promote the right conditions for the cultural and creative sectors to flourish. They focus on skills development, access to finance, promotion of new business models, audience development, access to international markets and improved links to other sectors.
Per promuovere condizioni tali da consentire all'industria culturale e delle professioni creative di prosperare, la Commissione propone varie iniziative incentrate sullo sviluppo delle competenze, l'accesso ai finanziamenti, la promozione di nuovi modelli di business, lo sviluppo del pubblico, l'accesso ai mercati internazionali e il miglioramento dei collegamenti con altri settori.
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"Europe's cultural and creative sectors are not only essential for cultural diversity; they also contribute a great deal to social and economic development in our Member States and regions.
"Oltre ad essere essenziali per la diversità culturale, i settori della cultura e delle professioni creative contribuiscono in Europa in modo significativo allo sviluppo sociale ed economico degli Stati membri e delle regioni.
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At the local and regional level, strategic investments in these sectors have often delivered spectacular results, as exemplified by many European Capitals of Culture.
Gli investimenti strategici in questi settori a livello locale e regionale hanno spesso prodotto risultati spettacolari, come ben testimoniano gli esempi di numerose capitali europee della cultura.
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They also produce important spill-over effects, as well as enhancing a dynamic image of an attractive and creative Europe which is open to cultures and talents from across the globe," said Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth.
Essi determinano anche considerevoli ricadute positive su altri settori e valorizzano l'immagine di un'Europa dinamica, attraente, creativa e aperta a culture e talenti di tutto il mondo", ha dichiarato Androulla Vassiliou, commissaria europea per l'istruzione, la cultura, il multilinguismo e la gioventù.
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The strategy, outlined in a document entitled "Promoting cultural and creative sectors for growth and jobs in the EU", envisages a series of policy initiatives and the promotion of a modern regulatory environment.
La strategia, delineata in un documento intitolato "Promuovere la cultura e le professioni creative per la crescita e l'occupazione nell'UE", prevede una serie di iniziative politiche e di modernizzazione del quadro normativo.
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The Commission also wants to encourage stronger partnerships between different policies, in particular culture, education, industry, economic affairs, tourism, urban and regional development, and territorial planning.
La Commissione intende inoltre favorire la collaborazione reciproca a livello strategico, in particolare nei campi della cultura, dell'istruzione, dell'industria, dell'economia, del turismo, dello sviluppo urbano e regionale e della pianificazione territoriale.
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It also plans to mobilise EU funding to increase support for the sectors, notably through the proposed €1.8 billion 'Creative Europe' programme for 2014-2020 and through Cohesion Policy funds.
Ha altresì in programma di mobilitare finanziamenti UE per aumentare il sostegno a tali settori, in particolare mediante il programma da 1,8 miliardi di euro "Creative Europe", che copre il periodo 2014-2020, ed i fondi della politica di coesione.
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According to the 2010 European Competitiveness Report and other sources, the cultural and creative sectors account for between 3.3% and 4.5% of GDP and employ between 7 and 8.5 million people.
In base al rapporto 2010 sulla competitività europea e ad altre fonti i settori della cultura e delle professioni creative incidono sul PIL per una quota compresa fra il 3,3% e il 4,5% e occupano tra 7 e 8,5 milioni di persone.
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Evidence collected at European, national, regional and local levels confirms the economic importance of the sectors, which have shown a relative resilience in the current economic downturn.
I riscontri a livello europeo, nazionale, regionale e locale confermano l'importanza economica di tali settori, che hanno dimostrato di saper resistere abbastanza bene all'attuale crisi economica.
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Independent research has shown that firms spending twice the average amount on creative inputs are 25% more likely to introduce product innovations.
Secondo studi indipendenti, le imprese i cui investimenti in progetti creativi raggiungono il doppio del valore medio hanno il 25% di probabilità in più di realizzare innovazioni a livello di prodotti.
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Other spin-offs include a positive impact on tourism, fashion and high-end industries as well as traditional manufacturing industries. |
Altre ricadute positive si hanno sul turismo, sulla moda, sull'industria dei beni di lusso e sull'industria manifatturiera tradizionale. |
Commission launches strategy to boost growth and jobs in cultural and
creative sectors
The European Commission today presented a strategy to unlock the full
potential of the cultural and creative sectors in the EU to boost jobs and
These sectors, which include companies and other organisations active
in architecture, artistic crafts, cultural heritage, design, festivals, film and
television, music, performing and visual arts, archives and libraries,
publishing and radio, already account for up to 4.5% of GDP and up to 8.5
million jobs in the European Union.
But the creative and cultural sectors also face major challenges
stemming from the digital shift and globalisation, as well as from a high
fragmentation of markets along cultural and linguistic lines.
Access to finance remains a major difficulty.
The Commission's new strategy aims to increase the competitiveness and
export potential of these sectors, as well as to maximise their spill-over
benefits for other areas such as innovation, ICT and urban regeneration.
The Commission is calling for a range of actions to promote the right
conditions for the cultural and creative sectors to flourish. They focus on
skills development, access to finance, promotion of new business models,
audience development, access to international markets and improved links to
other sectors.
"Europe's cultural and creative sectors are not only essential for
cultural diversity; they also contribute a great deal to social and economic
development in our Member States and regions.
At the local and regional level, strategic investments in these sectors
have often delivered spectacular results, as exemplified by many European
Capitals of Culture.
They also produce important spill-over effects, as well as enhancing a
dynamic image of an attractive and creative Europe which is open to cultures and
talents from across the globe," said Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner
for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth.
The strategy, outlined in a document entitled "Promoting cultural and
creative sectors for growth and jobs in the EU", envisages a series of policy
initiatives and the promotion of a modern regulatory environment.
The Commission also wants to encourage stronger partnerships between
different policies, in particular culture, education, industry, economic
affairs, tourism, urban and regional development, and territorial planning.
It also plans to mobilise EU funding to increase support for the
sectors, notably through the proposed €1.8 billion 'Creative Europe' programme
for 2014-2020 and through Cohesion Policy funds.
According to the 2010 European Competitiveness Report and other sources, the
cultural and creative sectors account for between 3.3% and 4.5% of GDP and
employ between 7 and 8.5 million people.
Evidence collected at European, national, regional and local levels
confirms the economic importance of the sectors, which have shown a relative
resilience in the current economic downturn.
Independent research has shown that firms spending twice the average
amount on creative inputs are 25% more likely to introduce product innovations.
Other spin-offs include a positive impact on tourism, fashion and
high-end industries as well as traditional manufacturing industries. |