Giornata europea delle lingue:la magia del multilinguismo, dalle conversazioni ai cocktail fino alle "immersioni linguistiche" in biblioteca
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Data documento: 25-09-2012
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European Day of Languages: multilingual magic, from speak-dating and cocktails to fun in the library 'bath'
Giornata europea delle lingue:la magia del multilinguismo, dalle conversazioni ai cocktail fino alle "immersioni linguistiche" in biblioteca
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No-one will be lost for words:
Le parole non mancheranno a nessuno:
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from a multilingual 'speak-dating' session in Prague, to a world café in Sofia, a rap challenge in Åarhus, European languages cocktail bar in Budapest, foreign language poetry evening in Cardiff and a 'linguistic bath' at 30 libraries in Berlin – these are just a few of the highlights of the European Day of Languages, taking place at venues throughout Europe tomorrow, 26 September (see list of events).
dalla sessione di conversazione multilingue a Praga al world café a Sofia, dalla sfida rap a Åarhus al bar delle lingue europee a Budapest, dalla serata di poesia in lingua straniera a Cardiff all'"immersione linguistica" presso 30 biblioteche di Berlino, sono svariati gli eventi previsti in tutta Europa per domani, 26 settembre, in occasione della Giornata europea delle lingue (cfr.elenco degli eventi).
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The European Commission will mark the occasion by hosting a special event in Limassol (Cyprus), where more than 400 delegates will look at ways to improve language learning and discuss the role of languages in a globalised world.
La Commissione europea organizzerà per la circostanza un proprio evento speciale a Limassol (Cipro), dove oltre 400 delegati si riuniranno per cercare modi per migliorare l'apprendimento delle lingue e per discutere del ruolo delle lingue in un mondo globalizzato.
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"People sometimes ask me if languages really matter in the era of globalisation.
"A volte mi chiedono se le lingue sono veramente importanti nell'era della globalizzazione.
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My response is simple:
La mia risposta è semplice:
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the day when Europe ceases to speak all of its many languages is the day that Europe – as an idea, as a project – ceases to exist.
il giorno in cui l'Europa cessasse di parlare tutte le sue numerose lingue sarebbe il giorno in cui l'Europa - come idea, come progetto – finirebbe di esistere.
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One of the EU's most fundamental objectives is to work together for a better society while fully respecting our differences.
Uno degli obiettivi principali dell'UE è di collaborare per costruire insieme una società migliore nel pieno rispetto delle differenze.
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Language is essential to this mission.
Per questa missione la lingua è essenziale.
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If we no longer take the trouble to learn our neighbours' languages, then we are less likely to understand their concerns.
Se smettessimo di darci la pena di imparare le lingue dei nostri vicini, probabilmente comprenderemmo di meno le loro preoccupazioni.
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That is why language teaching and learning is one of our top priorities in the new Erasmus for All programme," said Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth.
Perciò l'insegnamento e l'apprendimento delle lingue rappresentano una delle principali priorità del nuovo programma Erasmus per tutti", ha dichiarato Androulla Vassiliou, commissaria europea per l'istruzione, la cultura, il multilinguismo e la gioventù.
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The European Day of Languages, organised jointly by the European Commission and the Council of Europe, has been held every year since 2001.
La Giornata europea delle lingue, organizzata congiuntamente dalla Commissione europea e dal Consiglio d'Europa, si svolge ogni anno dal 2001.
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The Council of Europe is also helping to promote a wide range of awareness-raising initiatives in its 47 member countries as part of the "Talk to me!" campaign led by the European Centre for Modern Languages in Graz, Austria.
Il Consiglio d'Europa contribuisce anche a promuovere un ampio ventaglio di iniziative di sensibilizzazione nei suoi 47 paesi membri nell'ambito della campagna "Talk to me!" ("Parla con me!") del Centro europeo per le lingue moderne di Graz, in Austria.
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The events focus on encouraging people of all ages, in and out of school, to embrace language learning, and to celebrate cultural and linguistic diversity.
Gli eventi vogliono soprattutto incoraggiare le persone di tutte le età, nella scuola e al di fuori di essa, ad imparare le lingue e celebrare la diversità culturale e linguistica.
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Erasmus for All, the European Commission's proposed new education, training and youth programme for 2014-2020, will boost support for language teaching and learning.
Erasmus per tutti, il nuovo programma della Commissione europea per l'istruzione, la formazione e la gioventù che copre il periodo 2014-2020, rafforzerà il sostegno all'insegnamento e all'apprendimento delle lingue.
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The programme envisages a significant increase in funding which would enable up to 5 million people to receive EU grants to study, train or volunteer abroad – nearly twice as many as compared with today under the 2007-2013 programmes.
Il programma prevede un notevole aumento dei fondi, grazie al quale potrebbero fruire di borse dell'UE per lo studio, la formazione e il volontariato all'estero fino a 5 milioni di persone, circa il doppio rispetto ai programmi del periodo 2007-2013.
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One of the prime objectives of these 'mobility' learning experiences is to help individuals to improve their language skills and enhance intercultural understanding.
Uno degli obiettivi primari di tali esperienze di "apprendimento della mobilità" è quello di aiutare le persone a migliorare le proprie competenze linguistiche e la comprensione interculturale.
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Next steps
Prossime tappe
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The Erasmus for All proposal is currently under discussion by the Council and the European Parliament and is expected to be adopted in the first half of 2013.
Il programma Erasmus per tutti è attualmente all'esame del Consiglio e del Parlamento europeo.Si prevede che sarà adottato nel corso del primo semestre del 2013.
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On 27 September, Commissioner Androulla Vassiliou will present awards to five projects which have shown outstanding performance in promoting the teaching and learning of languages at the "Multilingualism in Europe" conference in Limassol.
Il 27 settembre la commissaria Androulla Vassiliou premierà, nell'ambito della conferenza "Multilinguismo in Europa" di Limassol (Cipro), cinque progetti che hanno contribuito in modo particolare a promuovere l'insegnamento e l'apprendimento delle lingue.
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A multitude of languages is spoken in the European Union:
Nell'Unione europea si parla una moltitudine di lingue:
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there are 23 official languages (the accession of Croatia to the EU will make it 24 next year), as well as around 60 regional and minority languages, and more than 175 migrant languages.
le lingue ufficiali sono 23 (diventeranno 24 il prossimo anno con l'ingresso della Croazia), cui si aggiungono circa 60 lingue regionali o minoritarie e più di 175 lingue dei migranti.
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The EU invests currently around €1 billion a year on boosting language skills and other competences through initiatives such as Erasmus, which enables higher education students to spend part of their studies or training through a work placement in another country.
L'UE investe attualmente circa 1 miliardo di euro l'anno per promuovere le competenze linguistiche mediante iniziative quali il programma Erasmus, che consente agli studenti universitari di trascorrere parte del loro periodo di studi o di tirocinio in un altro paese.
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More than 400 000 predominantly young people benefit from EU grants each year through Erasmus (higher education), Leonardo da Vinci (vocational training) and Youth in Action (volunteering/youth work) to work, study or volunteer abroad.
Sono più di 400 000, prevalentemente giovani, i beneficiari delle borse finanziate ogni anno dall'UE attraverso i programmi Erasmus (istruzione superiore), Leonardo da Vinci (formazione professionale) e Gioventù in azione (volontariato/lavoro giovanile), che hanno così l'opportunità di lavorare, studiare o svolgere attività di volontariato all'estero.
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In addition, the EU invests around €50 million a year to support language-based activities and projects.
L'UE investe inoltre 50 milioni di euro l'anno a sostegno di attività e progetti di tipo linguistico.
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The 'Multilingualism in Europe' conference in Limassol marks the 10th anniversary of the 2002 Barcelona European Council, where heads of state and government called for the teaching of two foreign languages from a very early age and for the development of a linguistic competence indicator to measure progress in language learning.
La conferenza "Multilinguismo in Europa" di Limassol si svolge nel 10° anniversario del Consiglio europeo di Barcellona del 2002, in cui i capi di Stato e di governo si erano pronunciati a favore dell'insegnamento di due lingue straniere sin dalla prima infanzia e per la messa a punto di un indicatore delle competenze linguistiche destinato a misurare i progressi compiuti nell'apprendimento delle lingue.
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At the conference, an exhibition will display outstanding European language learning projects and provide information on the European Union's language services and media specialised in European affairs.
Nell'ambito della conferenza saranno illustrati alcuni progetti europei di apprendimento linguistico distintisi in modo particolare e saranno fornite informazioni sui servizi linguistici dell'Unione europea e sui media specializzati in temi europei.
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The European Language Label was established more than ten years ago to recognise innovative language learning and teaching projects.
Da oltre dieci anni viene conferito il Label europeo per le lingue, un riconoscimento per i progetti innovativi nel campo dell'apprendimento e dell'insegnamento delle lingue.
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The first European Language Label of the Labels awards will be presented by Commissioner Vassiliou at the Limassol event.
Alla conferenza di Limassol la commissaria Vassiliou conferirà il primo Label dei Label europei per le lingue.
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Coordinators in the participating countries each nominated one national language project with exceptional European added value.
Ciascun coordinatore dei paesi partecipanti ha designato un progetto linguistico nazionale di eccezionale valore aggiunto dal punto di vista europeo.
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The projects were evaluated by a European jury, which selected the five overall winners.
I progetti sono stati vagliati poi da una giuria europea, che ha selezionato i cinque vincitori.
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The European Commission and the Council of Europe intend to sign a formal partnership agreement in 2013 which would strengthen their cooperation on multilingualism and language learning in areas such as assessment, recognition of qualifications, exchange of experience and data, ICT-based tools, education in the language of the host country for adult migrants, and education in the main language of instruction for children of migrant origin. |
La Commissione europea e il Consiglio d'Europa intendono sottoscrivere nel 2013 un accordo ufficiale di partenariato che rafforzi la loro cooperazione nel campo del multilinguismo e dell'apprendimento delle lingue in ambiti come la valutazione, il riconoscimento delle qualifiche, lo scambio di esperienze e di dati, gli strumenti basati sulle TIC, l'istruzione nella lingua del paese ospitante per migranti adulti e nella lingua principale di istruzione per i minori di famiglie migranti. |
European Day of Languages :multilingual magic, from
speak-dating and cocktails to fun in the library 'bath'
No-one will be lost for words:
from a multilingual 'speak-dating' session in Prague, to a
world café in Sofia, a rap challenge in Åarhus, European languages cocktail bar
in Budapest, foreign language poetry evening in Cardiff and a 'linguistic bath'
at 30 libraries in Berlin – these are just a few of the highlights of the
European Day of Languages, taking place at venues throughout Europe tomorrow, 26
September (see list of events).
The European Commission will mark the occasion by hosting a
special event in Limassol (Cyprus), where more than 400 delegates will look at
ways to improve language learning and discuss the role of languages in a
globalised world.
People sometimes ask me if languages really matter in the era
of globalisation.
My response is simple:
the day when Europe ceases to speak all of its many languages
is the day that Europe – as an idea, as a project – ceases to exist.
One of the EU's most fundamental objectives is to work
together for a better society while fully respecting our differences.
Language is essential to this mission.
If we no longer take the trouble to learn our neighbours'
languages, then we are less likely to understand their concerns.
That is why language teaching and learning is one of our top
priorities in the new Erasmus for All programme," said Androulla Vassiliou,
European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth.
The European Day of Languages, organised jointly by the
European Commission and the Council of Europe, has been held every year since
The Council of Europe is also helping to promote a wide range
of awareness-raising initiatives in its 47 member countries as part of the "Talk
to me!" campaign led by the European Centre for Modern Languages in Graz,
The events focus on encouraging people of all ages, in and out
of school, to embrace language learning, and to celebrate cultural and
linguistic diversity.
Erasmus for All, the European Commission's proposed new
education, training and youth programme for 2014-2020, will boost support for
language teaching and learning.
The programme envisages a significant increase in funding
which would enable up to 5 million people to receive EU grants to study, train
or volunteer abroad – nearly twice as many as compared with today under the
2007-2013 programmes.
One of the prime objectives of these 'mobility' learning
experiences is to help individuals to improve their language skills and enhance
intercultural understanding.
Next steps
The Erasmus for All proposal is currently under discussion by
the Council and the European Parliament and is expected to be adopted in the
first half of 2013.
On 27 September, Commissioner Androulla Vassiliou will present
awards to five projects which have shown outstanding performance in promoting
the teaching and learning of languages at the "Multilingualism in Europe"
conference in Limassol.
A multitude of languages is spoken in the European Union:
languages (the accession of Croatia to the EU will make it 24
next year), as well as around 60 regional and minority languages, and more than
175 migrant languages.
The EU invests currently around €1 billion a year on boosting
language skills and other competences through initiatives such as Erasmus, which
enables higher education students to spend part of their studies or training
through a work placement in another country.
More than 400 000 predominantly young people benefit from EU
grants each year through Erasmus (higher education), Leonardo da Vinci
(vocational training) and Youth in Action (volunteering/youth work) to work,
study or volunteer abroad.
In addition, the EU invests around €50 million a year to
support language-based activities and projects.
The 'Multilingualism in Europe' conference in Limassol marks
the 10th anniversary of the 2002 Barcelona European Council, where heads of
state and government called for the teaching of two foreign languages from a
very early age and for the development of a linguistic competence indicator to
measure progress in language learning.
At the Conference an exhibition will display outstanding
European language learning projects and provide information on the European
Union's language services and media specialised in European affairs.
The European Language Label was
established more than ten years ago to recognise innovative language learning
and teaching projects.
The first European Language Label of the Labels awards will be
presented by Commissioner Vassiliou at the Limassol event.
Coordinators in the participating countries each nominated one
national language project with exceptional European added value.
The projects were evaluated by a European jury, which selected
the five overall winners.
The European Commission and the Council of Europe intend to
sign a formal partnership agreement in 2013 which would strengthen their
cooperation on multilingualism and language learning in areas such as
assessment, recognition of qualifications, exchange of experience and data,
ICT-based tools, education in the language of the host country for adult
migrants, and education in the main language of instruction for children of
migrant origin.