Sondaggio Eurobarometro: il 71% degli europei
vuole più concorrenza nelle ferrovie nazionali e regionali
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Data documento: 24-09-2012
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71% of Europeans in favour of more competition in national and regional rail
Sondaggio Eurobarometro: il 71%
degli europei vuole più concorrenza nelle ferrovie nazionali e regionali
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71% of EU citizens support the opening of their national and
regional rail systems to competition.
Il 71% dei cittadini dell’UE si dichiara favorevole all’apertura
alla concorrenza dei loro sistemi ferroviari nazionali e regionali.
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The total support is above 60% in all but two Member States
(Netherlands and Luxembourg).
Il livello di sostegno complessivo supera il 60% in tutti gli
Stati membri, ad eccezione dei Paesi Bassi e del Lussemburgo.
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78% of EU citizens think that more competition will be good for
Il 78% dei cittadini dell’Unione ritiene che una maggiore
concorrenza avvantaggi i passeggeri.
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According to a special Eurobarometer survey, less than half of
Europeans are satisfied with their railway systems (46%) - although satisfaction
has improved since 1997 (41%).
Secondo una speciale indagine Eurobarometro, meno della metà
degli europei si dichiara soddisfatta dei rispettivi sistemi ferroviari
nazionali (46%), anche se si registra un aumento della soddisfazione rispetto al
1997 (41%).
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The level of satisfaction varies from 67% in Finland to 18% in
Il grado di soddisfazione varia dal 67% della Finlandia al 18%
della Bulgaria.
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Satisfaction is overall quite low in the Member States of central
and south-eastern Europe (Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia, Slovakia, Poland,
Romania, Bulgaria and Greece).
Il grado di soddisfazione è generalmente basso negli Stati membri
dell’Europa centrale e sudorientale (Repubblica ceca, Ungheria, Slovenia,
Slovacchia, Polonia, Romania, Bulgaria e Grecia).
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For most Europeans, the opening to competition will have a
positive influence on ticket prices (72%), quality of services to passengers on
the trains (71%), comfort and cleanliness of trains (70%), frequency of trains
(68%), punctuality of trains (66%), the way railway companies are managed (63%)
and the number of stations or routes which will be served (62%).
Per la maggior parte degli europei, l’apertura alla concorrenza
inciderà positivamente sui prezzi dei biglietti (72%), la qualità dei servizi ai
passeggeri a bordo (71%), la comodità e la pulizia delle carrozze (70%), la
frequenza dei convogli (68%), la puntualità dei treni (66%), le modalità di
gestione delle compagnie ferroviarie (63%) e il numero di stazioni o percorsi
serviti (62%).
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The absolute majorities of Europeans expect that more competition
in the rail market will be good for individual stakeholders, such us passengers
(78%), private rail operators (68%) and employees of rail transport operators
La maggioranza assoluta degli europei ritiene che una maggiore
concorrenza nel mercato ferroviario avvantaggerà le parti interessate, come i
passeggeri (78%), gli operatori privati del settore (68%) e il personale degli
operatori del trasporto ferroviario (55%).
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Finally, 70% of EU citizens wish that competition leads to
"no-frills" rail services like those of low-cost airlines and 43% wish the
development of premium services (meals, films, newspapers, etc.).
Infine, il 70% dei cittadini dell’UE auspica che la concorrenza
si traduca in servizi ferroviari “senza fronzoli”, analogamente a quanto è
avvenuto per le compagnie aeree a basso costo, mentre il 43% è favorevole allo
sviluppo di servizi aggiuntivi, quali ristorazione, film, stampa, ecc.
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Also, almost two-thirds (65%) of Europeans wish for more ways of
buying tickets (e.g.online, via smartphones, or on board).
Quasi due terzi (65%) degli europei desiderano inoltre disporre
di diverse modalità per l’acquisto dei biglietti, in linea, tramite smartphone o
a bordo.
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Next steps
Prossime tappe
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In the coming months the European Commission intends to adopt a
new package of measures, the so-called 4th railway package, to open domestic
passenger rail markets to competition, to reduce the time-to-market of the
rolling stock (through a strengthening of the role of European Railways Agency)
and to improve the governance of railway infrastructure (to reinforce efficiency
of railway operations and improve competition).
Nei prossimi mesi la Commissione europea intende adottare un
nuovo pacchetto di misure, il cosiddetto Quarto pacchetto ferroviario, per
aprire alla concorrenza i mercati del traffico ferroviario passeggeri, ridurre
il tempo di immissione sul mercato del materiale rotabile (per mezzo di un
rafforzamento dell’Agenzia ferroviaria europea) e migliorare la gestione delle
infrastrutture ferroviarie (al fine di rafforzare l’efficienza delle operazioni
del settore e migliorare la concorrenza).
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Over half of Europeans (55%) use national or regional trains: at
least weekly (6%), several times a month (4%), several times a year (19%), or at
most once a year (26%).
Oltre metà dei cittadini europei (55%) usa i treni nazionali o
regionali con cadenza almeno settimanale (6%), diverse volte al mese (4%),
diverse volte l’anno (19%) o almeno una volta l’anno (26%).
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Over four in ten Europeans have never done so (45%).
Oltre quattro cittadini dell’UE su dieci non hanno mai usato
questi treni(45%). |
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Slightly over four in ten European(41%) use suburban trains: at
least weekly (7%), several times a month (5%), several times a year (13%), or at
most once a year (15%).
Appena più di quattro su dieci (41%) usano i treni suburbani con
cadenza almeno settimanale (7%), diverse volte al mese (5%), diverse volte
l’anno(13%) o almeno una volta l’anno (15%).
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Almost six in ten Europeans have never done so (59%).
Quasi sei cittadini dell’UE su dieci non hanno mai usato treni
suburbani (59%).
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Rail passengers’ main reason for travelling by national or
regional train is to go on leisure trips (70%);
Il principale motivo alla base del ricorso a treni nazionali o
regionali risiede nei viaggi di piacere (70%);
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just a few rail passengers mention going to work or class (10%)
or business trips (10%).
mentre pochi passeggeri delle ferrovie se ne avvolgono per andare
al lavoro o a scuola (10%) o in viaggio d’affari (10%).
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When Europeans who travel by train never or at most once a year
are asked what improvements would encourage them to do so, more than four in ten
mention lower prices (43%).
Dei cittadini europei che non viaggiano mai in treno o che lo
usano solo una volta l’anno, alla domanda relativa ai miglioramenti
incentivanti, più di quattro rispondono che un abbassamento dei prezzi dei
biglietti li invoglierebbe a prendere il treno.
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Other improvements are cited far less often:
Altri miglioramenti citati con minor frequenza:
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better network with more routes or stations (20%), faster
journeys (17%), more reliable services (16%), more comfortable and cleaner
trains (16%), and more frequent services (14%).
una rete migliore con più tratte o stazioni (20%), viaggi più
rapidi (17%), servizi più affidabili (16%), treni più confortevoli e puliti
(16%) e corse più frequenti (14%).
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Nearly three respondents who never or rarely travel by train
spontaneously mentioned that nothing could encourage them to do so (28%).
Quasi tre interrogati su dieci fra quelli che non viaggiano mai
in treno o che lo fanno di rado hanno indicato spontaneamente che nulla li può
convincere a prendere il treno (28%).
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Almost half of Europeans (46%) are satisfied with the current
national and regional rail system in their country.
Quasi la metà dei cittadini dell’UE (46%) si dichiara soddisfatta
dell’attuale sistema ferroviario nazionale e regionale del loro paese.
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A significant proportion nevertheless answers that they are not
satisfied (36%).
Tuttavia, una proporzione significativa (36%) risponde di non
essere soddisfatta.
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The majority of Europeans (71%) support opening the national and
regional rail system to competition provided that all operators must meet the
same safety standards. |
La maggioranza degli europei (71%) è favorevole ad aprire alla
concorrenza i sistemi ferroviari nazionali e regionali, a condizione che tutti
gli operatori rispettino le stesse norme di sicurezza. |
Eurobarometer: 71% of Europeans in favour of more competition in national
and regional rail
71% of EU citizens support the opening of their national and regional
rail systems to competition.
The total support is above 60% in all but two Member States
(Netherlands and Luxembourg).
78% of EU citizens think that more competition will be good for
According to a special Eurobarometer survey, less than half of
Europeans are satisfied with their railway systems (46%) - although satisfaction
has improved since 1997 (41%).
The level of satisfaction varies from 67% in Finland to 18% in
Satisfaction is overall quite low in the Member States of central and
south-eastern Europe (Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia, Slovakia, Poland,
Romania, Bulgaria and Greece).
For most Europeans, the opening to competition will have a positive
influence on ticket prices (72%), quality of services to passengers on the
trains (71%), comfort and cleanliness of trains (70%), frequency of trains
(68%), punctuality of trains (66%), the way railway companies are managed (63%)
and the number of stations or routes which will be served (62%).
The absolute majorities of Europeans expect that more competition in
the rail market will be good for individual stakeholders, such us passengers
(78%), private rail operators (68%) and employees of rail transport operators
Finally, 70% of EU citizens wish that competition leads to "no-frills"
rail services like those of low-cost airlines and 43% wish the development of
premium services (meals, films, newspapers, etc.).
Also, almost two-thirds (65%) of Europeans wish for more ways of buying
tickets (e.g.online, via smartphones, or on board).
Next steps
European Commission intends to adopt a new package of measures, the
so-called 4th railway package, to open domestic passenger rail markets to
competition, to reduce the time-to-market of the rolling stock (through a
strengthening of the role of European Railways Agency) and to improve the
governance of railway infrastructure (to reinforce efficiency of railway
operations and improve competition).
Over half of Europeans (55%) use national or regional trains: at least
weekly (6%), several times a month (4%), several times a year (19%), or at most
once a year (26%).
Over four in ten Europeans have never done so (45%).
Slightly over four in ten Europeans (41%) use suburban trains: at least
weekly (7%), several times a month (5%), several times a year (13%), or at most
once a year (15%).
Almost six in ten Europeans have never done so (59%).
Rail passengers’ main reason for travelling by national or regional
train is to go on leisure trips (70%);
just a few rail passengers mention going to work or class (10%) or
business trips (10%).
When Europeans who travel by train never or at most once a year are
asked what improvements would encourage them to do so, more than four in ten
mention lower prices (43%).
Other improvements are cited far less often:
better network with more routes or stations (20%), faster journeys
(17%), more reliable services (16%), more comfortable and cleaner trains (16%),
and more frequent services (14%).
Nearly three respondents who never or rarely travel by train
spontaneously mentioned that nothing could encourage them to do so (28%).
Almost half of Europeans (46%) are satisfied with the current national
and regional rail system in their country.
A significant proportion nevertheless answers that they are not
satisfied (36%).
The majority of Europeans (71%) support opening the national and
regional rail system to competition provided that all operators must meet the
same safety standards. |