Dichiarazione dell'alto rappresentante Catherine Ashton, a nome dell'Unione europea, sui prigionieri politici in Eritrea
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Data documento: 18-09-2012
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Declaration by the High Representative Catherine Ashton on behalf of the European Union on political prisoners in Eritrea
Dichiarazione dell'alto rappresentante Catherine Ashton, a nome dell'Unione europea, sui prigionieri politici in Eritrea
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The European Union remains deeply concerned that the Government of the State of Eritrea continues to violate its human rights obligations, under both domestic and international law.
L'Unione europea resta profondamente preoccupata per la persistente violazione da parte del governo dello Stato di Eritrea dei suoi obblighi in materia di diritti umani, nell'ambito sia del diritto nazionale sia di quello internazionale.
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The EU refers in particular to the continued detention without trial – since 18 September 2001 – of a group of eleven prominent members of Parliament and of the People’s Front for Democracy and Justice, and also – since 23 September 2001 – of ten independent journalists, including the Eritrean-Swedish citizen Dawit Isaak.
L'UE si riferisce in particolare al mantenimento in detenzione senza processo, dal 18 settembre 2001, di un gruppo di undici membri di spicco del Parlamento e del Fronte popolare per la democrazia e la giustizia e anche, dal 23 settembre 2001, di dieci giornalisti indipendenti, tra cui il cittadino eritreo-svedese Dawit Isaak.
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Despite repeated appeals by the international community, including by the UN Human Rights Council and the European Union, these people have been detained for the last eleven years without any contact with the outside world, and with all rights suspended.
Nonostante i ripetuti appelli della comunità internazionale, compresi il Consiglio dei diritti dell'uomo dell'ONU e l'Unione europea, queste persone sono detenute da undici anni senza contatti con l'esterno e senza beneficiare di alcun diritto.
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There have been reports that other journalists have been arrested and detained without a trial.
Sono stati riportati casi di arresti e detenzioni senza processo di altri giornalisti.
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The European Union is particularly concerned about the reported deaths of some of the political prisoners and the deterioration of the medical situation of others.
L'Unione europea è particolarmente preoccupata per le segnalazioni riguardanti il decesso di alcuni prigionieri politici e il deterioramento della situazione clinica di altri.
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The continued lack of information on the whereabouts and the access to health care of the detainees is in clear violation of several human rights obligations, such as the prohibition of arbitrary detention and the right of anyone deprived of his or her liberty to be treated with human dignity.
La persistente mancanza di informazioni sul luogo di detenzione e sull'accesso all'assistenza sanitaria da parte dei detenuti costituisce una palese violazione di vari obblighi in materia di diritti umani, come il divieto di detenzione arbitraria e il diritto di qualsiasi persona privata della libertà di essere trattata con dignità.
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These are enshrined in the UN Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), which has been ratified by Eritrea.
Tali obblighi sono sanciti dal Patto internazionale relativo ai diritti civili e politici delle Nazioni Unite (ICCPR), che è stato ratificato dall'Eritrea.
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The European Union urges the Government of the State of Eritrea to release these prisoners unconditionally, along with other persons detained for their political views.
L'Unione europea esorta il governo dello Stato di Eritrea a liberare senza condizioni i detenuti in questione e le altre persone che si trovano in carcere per motivi politici.
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The European Union requests the Government of the State of Eritrea to make public all information on the whereabouts of these prisoners and to allow them access to their families and lawyers not least on humanitarian grounds. |
Chiede al governo dello Stato di Eritrea di divulgare ogni informazione sul luogo di detenzione di queste persone e di autorizzarle a incontrare le loro famiglie e i propri avvocati, non da ultimo per motivi umanitari. |
Declaration by the High Representative Catherine Ashton on behalf of the
European Union on political prisoners in Eritrea
The European Union remains deeply concerned that the Government of the
State of Eritrea continues to violate its human rights obligations, under both
domestic and international law.
The EU refers in particular to the continued detention without trial –
since 18 September 2001 – of a group of eleven prominent members of Parliament
and of the People’s Front for Democracy and Justice, and also – since 23
September 2001 – of ten independent journalists, including the Eritrean-Swedish
citizen Dawit Isaak.
Despite repeated appeals by the international community, including by
the UN Human Rights Council and the European Union, these people have been
detained for the last eleven years without any contact with the outside world,
and with all rights
There have been reports that other journalists have been arrested and
detained without a trial.
The European Union is particularly concerned about the reported deaths
of some of the political prisoners and the deterioration of the medical
situation of others.
The continued lack of information on the whereabouts and the access to
health care of the detainees is in clear violation of several human rights
obligations, such as the prohibition of arbitrary detention and the right of
anyone deprived of his or her liberty to be treated with human dignity.
These are enshrined in the UN Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
(ICCPR), which has been ratified by Eritrea.
The European Union urges the Government of the State of Eritrea to
release these prisoners unconditionally, along with other persons detained for
their political views.
The European Union requests the Government of the State of Eritrea to
make public all information on the whereabouts of these prisoners and to allow
them access to their families and lawyers not least on humanitarian grounds. |