I bambini in Europa sempre più precoci nell'apprendimento delle lingue straniere
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Data documento: 20-09-2012
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Children in Europe start learning foreign languages at an increasingly early age
I bambini in Europa sempre più precoci nell'apprendimento delle lingue straniere
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Children are starting to learn foreign languages at an increasingly early age in Europe, with most pupils beginning when they are 6-9 years old, according to a report published by the European Commission.
In Europa i bambini cominciano l'apprendimento delle lingue straniere sempre più precocemente, la maggior parte di essi ad un'età compresa fra i 6 e i 9 anni, secondo un rapporto pubblicato dalla Commissione europea.
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A majority of countries or regions have lowered the starting age for compulsory language learning in the past 15 years and some even offer it in pre-school.
Nel corso degli ultimi 15 anni, la maggior parte dei paesi e
delle regioni ha abbassato l'età di inizio dell'apprendimento obbligatorio delle
lingue, in alcuni casi impartendo lezioni di lingua già in età prescolare.
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The German speaking community in Belgium, for instance, provides foreign language learning for children as young as 3.
La comunità germanofona del Belgio, ad esempio, propone corsi di lingua straniera per i bambini già a partire dai 3 anni.
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The Key Data on Teaching Languages at School in Europe 2012 report confirms that English is by far the most taught foreign language in nearly all European countries, with French, Spanish, German and Russian following far behind.
Il rapporto "Cifre chiave dell'insegnamento delle lingue a scuola in Europa – 2012" conferma che l'inglese è di gran lunga la lingua straniera più insegnata in quasi tutti i paesi d'Europa, seguita a grande distanza dal francese, lo spagnolo, il tedesco e il russo.
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"Linguistic and cultural diversity is one of the European Union's major assets," says Androulla Vassiliou, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth.
"La diversità linguistica e culturale è una delle principali risorse dell'Unione europea", ha dichiarato Androulla Vassiliou, commissaria per l'istruzione, la cultura, il multilinguismo e la gioventù.
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"Language learning facilitates communication between peoples and countries, as well as encouraging cross-border mobility and the integration of migrants.
"L'apprendimento delle lingue facilita la comunicazione tra i popoli e i paesi ed incoraggia la mobilità transfrontaliera e l'integrazione dei migranti.
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I am happy to see that even our youngest citizens are being exposed to the joys of discovering foreign languages.
Sono lieta di constatare che anche i nostri più giovani cittadini possono provare il piacere di scoprire le lingue straniere.
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I also encourage people to look beyond the most widely-used languages so they can appreciate Europe's incredible linguistic diversity."
Invito anche a guardare al di là delle lingue più frequentemente usate, affinché si possa apprezzare l'incredibile diversità linguistica dell'Europa."
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The report highlights that an increasing number of pupils now learn two languages for at least one year during compulsory education.
Il rapporto mostra che oggi un numero crescente di studenti apprende due lingue per almeno un anno durante la scuola dell'obbligo.
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On average, in 2009/10, 60.8% of lower secondary education students were learning two or more foreign languages - an increase of 14.1% compared to 2004/05.
In media, nell'anno scolastico 2009/10 il 60,8% degli studenti delle scuole secondarie di primo grado studiava due o più lingue straniere, il che rappresenta un incremento del 14,1% rispetto al 2004/05.
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During the same period, the proportion of primary education pupils not learning a foreign language fell from 32.5% to 21.8%.
Durante lo stesso periodo, la percentuale di alunni della scuola primaria che non studiavano una lingua straniera è scesa dal 32,5% al 21,8%.
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English is the most taught foreign language in nearly all of the 32 countries covered in the survey (27 Member States, Croatia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Turkey).
L'inglese è la lingua straniera più insegnata in quasi tutti i 32 paesi oggetto dello studio (i 27 Stati membri più la Croazia, l'Islanda, il Liechtenstein, la Norvegia e la Turchia).
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A trend that has significantly increased since 2004/05.
La tendenza all'apprendimento di tale lingua è aumentata considerevolmente dal 2004/05.
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In lower secondary and general upper secondary education, the percentage of students learning English exceeds 90%.
Nella scuola secondaria di primo grado ed in quella di secondo grado di formazione generale, la percentuale di studenti che studiano l'inglese supera il 90%.
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Only a very small percentage of pupils (0-5 %, according to the country) learn languages other than English, French, Spanish, German and Russian.
Solo una piccola quota di studenti (0-5% a seconda del paese) apprende lingue diverse dall'inglese, il francese, lo spagnolo, il tedesco e il russo.
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The report also confirms a rather surprising finding - few countries require their trainee language teachers to spend an immersion period abroad.
Il rapporto conferma anche un fatto piuttosto sorprendente: solo in pochi paesi si esige dai futuri insegnanti di lingue di trascorrere un periodo di studio all'estero.
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Indeed, only 53.8 % of foreign language teachers who took part in the recently published European Survey on Language Competences (IP/12/679) stated they have spent more than a month studying in a country where the language they teach is spoken.
Infatti solo il 53,8% degli insegnanti di lingue straniere che hanno partecipato alla recente indagine europea sulle competenze linguistiche (IP/12/679) ha dichiarato di aver trascorso più di un mese di studio in un paese in cui si parla la lingua che insegnano.
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But this average masks a wide variation of approaches:
Ma dietro a questa media si celano situazioni molto varie:
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79.7% of Spanish teachers have spent more than one month studying their chosen language in a country where it is spoken, while this applies to only 11% of Estonian teachers .
mentre ben il 79,7% degli insegnanti spagnoli ha trascorso più di un mese a studiare la lingua che insegna in un paese in cui tale lingua è parlata, ciò può dirsi solamente per l'11% degli insegnanti estoni.
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These findings raise the question of whether exposing future teachers to on-the-ground experience of using the language should be considered as a quality criterion in teacher training.
Questi risultati sollevano la questione dell'opportunità di considerare come criterio di qualità per la formazione degli insegnanti un periodo di apprendimento "sul campo" della lingua straniera.
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The importance of language learning will be a focus of the 'Multilingualism in Europe' conference, which the Commission is organising in Limassol, Cyprus, on 26-28 September.
L'importanza dell'apprendimento delle lingue sarà uno dei temi centrali della conferenza "Il multilinguismo in Europa" organizzata dalla Commissione a Limassol (Cipro) dal 26 al 28 settembre.
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Commissioner Vassiliou will deliver the keynote speech.
La commissaria Vassiliou aprirà i lavori con un suo discorso.
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Multilingualism in the EU
Il multilinguismo nell'Unione europea
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The European Commission fosters multilingualism and language learning in order to:
La Commissione europea promuove il multilinguismo e l'apprendimento delle lingue al fine di:
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1) promote intercultural dialogue and a more inclusive society;
1) promuovere il dialogo interculturale e una società più inclusiva;
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2) help the public to develop a sense of EU citizenship;
2) aiutare la popolazione a sviluppare un sentimento di cittadinanza europea;
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3) open up opportunities for young people to study and work abroa
3) creare per i giovani opportunità di studio e lavoro all'estero;
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and 4) open up new markets for EU businesses competing at the global level.
4) aprire nuovi mercati alle imprese dell'UE che competono a livello mondiale.
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The goal is a Europe where everyone is taught at least two languages in addition to their own mother tongue from a very early age.
L'obiettivo è quello di un'Europa in cui a ciascuno vengano insegnate almeno due lingue oltre a quella materna sin dalla prima infanzia.
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The 'mother-tongue +2' objective was set by EU heads of state and government at the Barcelona Summit in March 2002.
Tale obiettivo "lingua materna + 2" è stato fissato dai capi di stato e di governo dell'UE in occasione del vertice di Barcellona del marzo 2002.
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To encourage progress towards this goal, the Commission's new 'Rethinking Skills' strategy, due to be adopted in November, will propose a benchmark on language learning.
Per favorire il conseguimento di questo obiettivo, la nuova strategia “ Ripensare le competenze" della Commissione, la cui adozione è prevista per novembre, proporrà dei parametri di riferimento in tema di apprendimento delle lingue.
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'Key Data on Teaching Languages at School in Europe 2012'
"Cifre chiave dell'insegnamento delle lingue a scuola in Europa - 2012"
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The report shows that most countries have lowered the starting age for compulsory language learning in the past 15 years.
Dal rapporto si constata che negli ultimi 15 anni la maggior parte dei paesi ha abbassato l'età in cui ha inizio l'apprendimento obbligatorio delle lingue;
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With the exception of Belgium (French-speaking community), Latvia, Luxembourg, Hungary, Malta, Netherlands, Finland, Sweden and the UK.
fanno eccezione il Belgio (limitatamente alla comunità francofona), la Lettonia, il Lussemburgo, l'Ungheria, Malta, i Paesi Bassi, la Finlandia, la Svezia e il Regno Unito.
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While the age of students starting to learn a foreign language has decreased in general, the amount of teaching time they receive has not significantly increased.
Mentre l'età degli studenti che cominciano l'apprendimento di una lingua straniera è generalmente diminuita, la quantità delle ore di insegnamento erogate non è aumentata in misura significativa.
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Indeed, teaching time dedicated to foreign languages is rather low compared to other subjects.
In effetti, le ore di insegnamento dedicate alle lingue straniere sono piuttosto poche rispetto a quelle dedicate ad altre materie.
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Key Data on Teaching Languages at School in Europe 2012 provides comprehensive evidence to support policy-making and to improve the quality and efficiency of language learning.
Il rapporto "Cifre chiave dell'insegnamento delle lingue a scuola in Europa – 2012" fornisce informazioni importanti per aiutare a definire le politiche in materia e a migliorare la qualità e l'efficacia dell'apprendimento linguistico.
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Promotion of language learning is one of the main objectives of the Commission's Education and Training (ET 2020) strategy, and also crucial for encouraging the cross-border mobility of EU citizens, which is one of the aims of the Europe 2020 strategy for jobs and growth.
La promozione dell'apprendimento linguistico è uno dei principali obiettivi della strategia per l'istruzione e la formazione (ET 2020) della Commissione ed è anche essenziale per incoraggiare la mobilità transfrontaliera dei cittadini dell'UE, che è uno degli obiettivi della strategia Europa 2020 per la crescita e l'occupazione.
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Produced every 3-4 years, the report brings together a variety of data sources and provides a complete picture of language teaching in the 32 participating countries
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Pubblicato ogni 3-4 anni, il rapporto riunisce varie fonti di dati e fornisce un quadro completo dell'insegnamento delle lingue nei 32 paesi partecipanti.
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It measures 61 indicators in five categories:
Tiene conto di 61 indicatori suddivisi in cinque categorie:
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context, organisation, participation, teachers and teaching processes.
contesto, organizzazione, partecipazione, insegnanti e didattica.
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The data is mainly drawn from four sources:
I dati sono tratti essenzialmente da quattro fonti:
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Eurydice, Eurostat, the European Survey on Language Competences, and the OECD's PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) international survey.
Eurydice, Eurostat, l'indagine europea sulle competenze linguistiche e l'indagine internazionale PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) dell'OCSE.
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It combines this statistical data with a description of the context and organisation of foreign language teaching, student participation levels as well as details of the initial and continuing education of foreign language teachers.
Ai dati statistici il rapporto affianca una descrizione del contesto e dell'organizzazione dell'insegnamento delle lingue straniere e dei livelli di partecipazione degli studenti, oltre ai dettagli relativi alla formazione iniziale e continua degli insegnanti di lingue straniere.
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In addition, the report also presents trends in language teaching over the years and analyses the present situation in comparison with the past.
Esso illustra inoltre le tendenze nell'insegnamento delle lingue nel corso degli anni e analizza la situazione attuale confrontandola con il passato.
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Key Data on Teaching Languages at School in Europe 2012 is a joint Eurydice/Eurostat publication, produced in close cooperation with the European Commission.
Il rapporto "Cifre chiave dell'insegnamento delle lingue a scuola in Europa – 2012" è una pubblicazione Eurydice/Eurostat, realizzata in stretta collaborazione con la Commissione europea.
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The Eurydice network provides analyses and information on European education systems and policies.
La rete Eurydice fornisce analisi ed informazioni in merito alle politiche e ai sistemi di istruzione in Europa.
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It consists of 38 national units based in the 34 countries which participate in the EU's Lifelong Learning Programme (EU Member States, Croatia, Serbia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey).
È costituita da 38 unità nazionali con sede nei 34 paesi che partecipano al programma dell'UE per l'apprendimento permanente (Stati membri dell'UE, Croazia, Serbia, Islanda, Liechtenstein, Norvegia, Svizzera e Turchia).
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Serbia and Switzerland did not take part in the Key Data on Teaching Languages at School in Europe 2012 report.
La Serbia e la Svizzera non hanno preso parte al rapporto "Cifre chiave dell'insegnamento delle lingue a scuola in Europa – 2012".
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Eurydice is co-ordinated and managed by the EU Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency. |
La rete Eurydice è coordinata e gestita dall'Agenzia esecutiva per l'istruzione, gli audiovisivi e la cultura dell'Unione europea. |
Children in Europe start learning foreign languages at an increasingly
early age
Children are starting to learn foreign languages at an increasingly
early age in Europe, with most pupils beginning when they are 6-9 years old,
according to a report published by the European Commission.
A majority of countries or regions have lowered the starting age for
compulsory language learning in the past 15 years and some even offer it in
The German speaking community in Belgium, for instance, provides
foreign language learning for children as young as 3.
The Key Data on Teaching Languages at School in Europe 2012 report
confirms that English is by far the most taught foreign language in nearly all
European countries, with French, Spanish, German and Russian following far
"Linguistic and cultural diversity is one of the European Union's major
assets," says Androulla Vassiliou, Commissioner for Education, Culture,
Multilingualism and Youth.
"Language learning facilitates communication between peoples and
countries, as well as encouraging cross-border mobility and the integration of
I am happy to see that even our youngest citizens are being exposed to
the joys of discovering foreign languages.
I also encourage people to look beyond the most widely-used languages
so they can appreciate Europe's incredible linguistic diversity."
The report highlights that an increasing number of pupils now learn two
languages for at least one year during compulsory education.
On average, in 2009/10, 60.8% of lower secondary education students
were learning two or more foreign languages - an increase of 14.1% compared to
During the same period, the proportion of primary education pupils not
learning a foreign language fell from 32.5% to 21.8%.
English is the most taught foreign language in nearly all of the 32
countries covered in the survey (27 Member States, Croatia, Iceland,
Liechtenstein, Norway and Turkey).
A trend that has significantly increased since 2004/05.
In lower secondary and general upper secondary education, the
percentage of students learning English exceeds 90%
Only a very small percentage of pupils (0-5 %, according to the
country) learn languages other than English, French, Spanish, German and
The report also confirms a rather surprising finding - few countries
require their trainee language teachers to spend an immersion period abroad.
Indeed, only 53.8 % of foreign language teachers who took part in the
recently published European Survey on Language Competences (IP/12/679) stated
they have spent more than a month studying in a country where the language they
teach is spoken.
But this average masks a wide variation of approaches:
79.7% of Spanish teachers have spent more than one month studying their
chosen language in a country where it is spoken, while this applies to only 11%
of Estonian teachers .
These findings raise the question of whether exposing future teachers
to on-the-ground experience of using the language should be considered as a
quality criterion in teacher training.
The importance of language learning will be a focus of the
'Multilingualism in Europe' conference, which the Commission is organising in
Limassol, Cyprus, on 26-28 September.
Commissioner Vassiliou will deliver the keynote speech.
Multilingualism in the EU
The European Commission fosters multilingualism and language learning in order
1) promote intercultural dialogue and a more inclusive society;
2) help the public to develop a sense of EU citizenship;
3) open up opportunities for young people to study and work abroa
and 4) open up new markets for EU businesses competing at the global level.
The goal is a Europe where everyone is taught at least two languages in
addition to their own mother tongue from a very early age.
The 'mother-tongue +2' objective was set by EU heads of state and
government at the Barcelona Summit in March 2002.
To encourage progress towards this goal, the Commission's new
'Rethinking Skills' strategy, due to be adopted in November, will propose a
benchmark on language learning.
'Key Data on Teaching Languages at School in Europe 2012'
The report shows that most countries have lowered the starting age for
compulsory language learning in the past 15 years.
With the exception of Belgium (French-speaking community), Latvia,
Luxembourg, Hungary, Malta, Netherlands, Finland, Sweden and the UK.
While the age of students starting to learn a foreign language has
decreased in general, the amount of teaching time they receive has not
significantly increased.
ndeed, teaching time dedicated to foreign languages is rather low
compared to other subjects.
Key Data on Teaching Languages at School in Europe 2012 provides
comprehensive evidence to support policy-making and to improve the quality and
efficiency of language learning.
Promotion of language learning is one of the main objectives of the
Commission's Education and Training (ET 2020) strategy, and also crucial for
encouraging the cross-border mobility of EU citizens, which is one of the aims
of the Europe 2020 strategy for jobs and growth.
Produced every 3-4 years, the report brings together a variety of data
sources and provides a complete picture of language teaching in the 32
participating countries
It measures 61 indicators in five categories:
context, organisation, participation, teachers and teaching processes.
The data is mainly drawn from four sources:
Eurydice, Eurostat, the European Survey on Language Competences, and
the OECD's PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) international
It combines this statistical data with a description of the context and
organisation of foreign language teaching, student participation levels as well
as details of the initial and continuing education of foreign language teachers.
In addition, the report also presents trends in language teaching over
the years and analyses the present situation in comparison with the past.
Key Data on Teaching Languages at School in Europe 2012 is a joint
Eurydice/Eurostat publication, produced in close cooperation with the European
The Eurydice network provides analyses and information on European education
systems and policies.
It consists of 38 national units based in the 34 countries which
participate in the EU's Lifelong Learning Programme (EU Member States, Croatia,
Serbia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey).
Serbia and Switzerland did not take part in the Key Data on Teaching
Languages at School in Europe 2012 report.
Eurydice is co-ordinated and managed by the EU Education, Audiovisual
and Culture Executive Agency. |