La Conferenza europea sullo sport: protagonisti del mondo dello sport e ministri vogliono intensificare la lotta alle partite truccate
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Data documento: 18-09-2012
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EU Sport Forum: Sport leaders and Ministers step up fight against match-fixing
La Conferenza europea sullo sport: protagonisti del mondo dello sport e ministri vogliono intensificare la lotta alle partite truccate
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Representatives of Europe's sport movement and Sport Ministers will pledge to step up their fight against match-fixing when they meet at the EU Sport Forum, organised by the European Commission in Nicosia, Cyprus, on 19-20 September.
Rappresentanti del movimento sportivo europeo e ministri dello sport si impegnano a intensificare la lotta contro le partite truccate in occasione della Conferenza europea sullo sport, organizzata dalla Commissione europea a Nicosia, Cipro, il 19-20 settembre.
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They are expected to endorse a 'Declaration on the fight against match-fixing'.
Essi sono chiamati ad approvare una “Dichiarazione sulla lotta contro le partite truccate”.
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The Forum, which coincides with an informal meeting of EU Sport Ministers, will also discuss issues such as the contribution of sport to the EU economy, future EU funding for grass-roots sport, and the promotion of physical activity and active ageing.
La Conferenza, che coincide con una seduta informale dei ministri europei dello sport, discuterà anche questioni come il contributo dello sport all’economia della UE, i futuri finanziamenti UE agli sport di base e la promozione dell’attività fisica e dell’invecchiamento attivo.
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"Sport is an important part of life for millions of people in Europe.
"Lo sport è una parte importante della vita di milioni di persone in Europa.
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I am committed to promoting sport and physical activity for all ages.
Mi impegno a promuovere lo sport e l’attività fisica per tutte le età.
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An active lifestyle is key to our health and well-being.
Uno stile di vita attivo è fondamentale per la nostra salute e il nostro benessere.
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Unfortunately, sport also faces many challenges today.
Purtroppo, anche lo sport deve oggi affrontare sfide multiformi.
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Funding at EU level can help to address issues with cross-border repercussions such as match-fixing, sport-related violence, intolerance and gender inequality,” said Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner responsible for sport.
Finanziamenti a livello UE possono aiutare ad affrontare questioni riguardanti lo sport con ripercussioni transfrontaliere, quali le partite truccate, la violenza, l’intolleranza e la disuguaglianza di genere” sostiene Androulla Vassiliou, commissario europeo responsabile per lo sport.
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The European Commission has proposed a sport chapter as part of Erasmus for All, the new EU programme for education, training, youth and sport.
La Commissione europea ha proposto di dedicare allo sport un capitolo in seno a Erasmus per tutti, il nuovo programma UE per l’istruzione, la formazione, la gioventù e lo sport.
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The proposed budget for sport is €34 million a year on average between 2014 and 2020.
Il bilancio proposto per lo sport è di 34 milioni di euro all’anno in media nel periodo 2014-2020.
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Support will be given to transnational projects aimed at boosting the exchange of know-how and good practices, non-commercial European sport events of major importance and work to strengthen the evidence base for policy-making in sport.
Saranno sostenuti progetti transnazionali tesi a incrementare lo scambio di know-how e di pratiche esemplari, eventi sportivi europei non commerciali di particolare rilevanza nonché attività destinate a rafforzare la base concreta delle politiche nel campo dello sport.
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The main beneficiaries will be public bodies and civil society organisations active in grass-roots sport.
Ne beneficieranno soprattutto gli enti pubblici e le organizzazioni della società civile, attive nel campo dello sport di base.
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The Sport Forum will also showcase EU-funded projects implemented during the past two years, aimed at supporting the fight against doping, access to sport for the disabled, gender equality, physical activity, volunteering in sport, the fight against violence and intolerance in sport, social inclusion of immigrants, and the promotion of good governance in sport.
Alla Conferenza saranno anche presentati esempi di progetti finanziati dalla UE, attuati nel corso degli ultimi 2 anni, per sostenere la lotta contro il doping, l’accesso dei disabili allo sport, la parità tra i sessi, l’attività fisica, il volontariato, la lotta alla violenza e all’intolleranza, l’integrazione sociale degli immigrati e la promozione della gestione corretta nel mondo dello sport.
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Since 2009 the Commission provided more than €12 million in support of such projects in these and other areas.
Dal 2009 la Commissione ha elargito più di 12 milioni di euro a sostegno di progetti siffatti in questi e in altri settori.
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Next steps
Prossime tappe
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The Council and the European Parliament are discussing the Commission's Erasmus for All proposal.
Il Consiglio e il Parlamento europeo stanno discutendo la proposta della Commissione “Erasmus per tutti”.
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The final budget is expected to be known after the completion of negotiations on the overall multiannual financial framework for all EU policy areas, possibly by the end of this year.
L’entità del budget definitivo sarà resa nota dopo che saranno terminati i negoziati sul quadro finanziario pluriennale complessivo per tutti i settori di intervento della UE, se possibile entro la fine dell’anno in corso.
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The Commission will make a proposal for an EU policy initiative to promote health-enhancing physical activity in 2013.
Nel 2013, la Commissione presenterà la proposta di un’iniziativa politica della UE tesa a promuovere l’attività fisica a vantaggio della salute.
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The EU Sport Forum, which is held annually, is an opportunity for the Commission to inform the sport movement about its current proposals and to listen to their views.
La Conferenza europea dello sport, che si riunisce annualmente, dà la possibilità alla Commissione di informare sulle sue più recenti proposte il movimento sportivo e di ascoltarne le opinioni.
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It brings together 250 delegates, including leading figures from the international and European Olympic Committees, European federations, sport for all organisations, and organisations of leagues, clubs and athletes.
Essa riunisce 250 delegati e comprende personalità di spicco del Comitato olimpico internazionale e di quello europeo, di federazioni europee, di organizzazioni dello sport per tutti, nonché leghe, club e atleti.
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The EU Sport Forum will also discuss good governance in sport through the European social dialogue with employers and athletes.
Alla Conferenza europea sullo sport saranno anche discussi temi legati alla corretta gestione del settore attraverso il dialogo sociale europeo con dirigenti e atleti.
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Commissioner Vassiliou will also take part in the informal meeting of EU Sport Ministers (20-21 September).
Il commissario Vassiliou parteciperà inoltre alla riunione informale dei ministri europei dello sport (20-21 settembre).
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Among other things, Ministers will discuss the impact of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
Tra l’altro, essi discuteranno l’impatto dei Giochi olimpici e paralimpici di Londra 2012.
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Two joint high-level panels will focus on the contribution of sport and health-enhancing physical activity to Europe's economy and the fight against match-fixing.
Due gruppi misti ad alto livello guarderanno al contributo che lo sport e l’attività fisica a vantaggio della salute danno all’economia europea e alla lotta contro le partite truccate.
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The Ministers will also discuss ways to better promote sport and health in the context of Europe's ageing society and exchange views on the EU's representation in the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) in order to seek consensus on the designation of a governmental expert for the WADA Board. |
I ministri discuteranno inoltre i modi migliori per promuovere lo sport e la salute nel contesto dell’invecchiamento della società e scambieranno opinioni sulla rappresentanza dell’UE all’Agenzia mondiale antidoping (World Anti-Doping Agency - WADA) al fine di ottenere un consenso sulla designazione di un esperto governativo al CdA della WADA. |
EU Sport Forum: Sport leaders and Ministers step up fight
against match-fixing
Representatives of Europe's sport movement and Sport Ministers
will pledge to step up their fight against match-fixing when they meet at the EU
Sport Forum, organised by the European Commission in Nicosia, Cyprus, on 19-20
They are expected to endorse a 'Declaration on the fight
against match-fixing'.
The Forum, which coincides with an informal meeting of EU
Sport Ministers, will also discuss issues such as the contribution of sport to
the EU economy, future EU funding for grass-roots sport, and the promotion of
physical activity and active ageing.
"Sport is an important part of life for millions of people in
I am committed to promoting sport and physical activity for
all ages.
An active lifestyle is key to our health and well-being.
Unfortunately, sport also faces many challenges today.
Funding at EU level can help to address issues with
cross-border repercussions such as match-fixing, sport-related violence,
intolerance and gender inequality,” said Androulla Vassiliou, European
Commissioner responsible for sport.
The European Commission has proposed a sport chapter as part
of Erasmus for All, the new EU programme for education, training, youth and
The proposed budget for sport is €34 million a year on average
between 2014 and 2020.
Support will be given to transnational projects aimed at
boosting the exchange of know-how and good practices, non-commercial European
sport events of major importance and work to strengthen the evidence base for
policy-making in sport.
The main beneficiaries will be public bodies and civil society
organisations active in grass-roots sport.
The Sport Forum will also showcase EU-funded projects implemented during the
past two years, aimed at supporting the fight against doping, access to sport
for the disabled, gender equality, physical activity, volunteering in sport, the
fight against violence and intolerance in sport, social inclusion of immigrants,
and the promotion of good governance in sport.
Since 2009 the Commission provided more than €12 million in
support of such projects in these and other areas.
Next steps
The Council and the European Parliament are discussing the
Commission's Erasmus for All proposal.
The final budget is expected to be known after the completion
of negotiations on the overall multiannual financial framework for all EU policy
areas, possibly by the end of this year.
The Commission will make a proposal for an EU policy
initiative to promote health-enhancing physical activity in 2013.
The EU Sport Forum, which is held annually, is an opportunity
for the Commission to inform the sport movement about its current proposals and
to listen to their views.
It brings together 250 delegates, including leading figures
from the international and European Olympic Committees, European federations,
sport for all organisations, and organisations of leagues, clubs and athletes.
The EU Sport Forum will also discuss good governance in sport
through the European social dialogue with employers and athletes.
Commissioner Vassiliou will also take part in the informal
meeting of EU Sport Ministers (20-21 September).
Among other things, Ministers will discuss the impact of the
London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
Two joint high-level panels will focus on the contribution of
sport and health-enhancing physical activity to Europe's economy and the fight
against match-fixing.
The Ministers will also discuss ways to better promote sport
and health in the context of Europe's ageing society and exchange views on the
EU's representation in the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) in order to seek
consensus on the designation of a governmental expert for the WADA Board.