Ambiente: condivisione delle informazioni per combattere la minaccia delle specie estranee in Europa
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Data documento: 14-09-2012
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Environment: Pooling information to combat the threat of alien species in Europe
Ambiente: condivisione delle informazioni per combattere la minaccia delle specie estranee in Europa
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How many plants can be found in the Alps that are not native to that region?
Quante sono le piante presenti sulle Alpi ma estranee alla regione?
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Which animals were deliberately or accidently introduced to the Danube?
Quali animali sono stati introdotti deliberatamente o accidentalmente nel Danubio?
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How big a threat will they become to local wildlife?
In quale misura rappresenteranno una minaccia per le specie locali?
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EASIN, the European Alien Species Information Network, launched today by the European Commission's in-house science service, the Joint Research Centre (JRC), takes a first step towards answering these and other questions related to 16 000 alien species currently reported all over Europe.
EASIN, la rete europea per le informazioni sulle specie estranee inaugurata oggi dal Centro comune di ricerca (CCR), il servizio scientifico interno della Commissione europea, compie un primo passo per rispondere a questi e altri interrogativi in merito alle 16 000 specie estranee rilevate attualmente in Europa.
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This information network – the first of its kind in Europe – is an important step to deal with the threat of alien species that become invasive.
La rete informativa, la prima nel suo genere in Europa, rappresenta una tappa importante per affrontare i rischi derivanti dalle specie estranee divenute invasive.
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Invasive species present a serious threat to biodiversity and natural resources, with an economic impact estimated at around € 12 billion per year.
Tali specie rappresentano una grave minaccia per la biodiversità e per le risorse naturali, con un impatto economico stimato attorno ai 12 miliardi di euro l'anno.
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Environment Commissioner Janez Potocnik said:
Janez Potocnik, commissario per l'ambiente, ha dichiarato:
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"Invasive alien species are causing growing problems for our natural resources, people's health and the economy.
"Le specie estranee invasive causano sempre più problemi alle nostre risorse naturali, alla salute delle persone e all'economia.
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This threat arises from non-native species whose numbers are growing rapidly in an increasingly interconnected world.
Il rischio deriva dalle specie non autoctone, il cui numero tende ad aumentare costantemente in un mondo sempre più interconnesso.
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The EASIN network will help people in Europe get better information about where non-native species are, and how common they are – and that will support better policy making on this difficult issue."
La rete EASIN aiuterà i cittadini europei a ottenere maggiori informazioni in merito alla localizzazione delle specie non autoctone e al loro livello di diffusione, contribuendo così a migliorare il processo di elaborazione delle politiche su tale complessa questione."
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Alien species – non-native organisms that become established in a new environment – are on the increase worldwide.
Le specie estranee, ovvero gli organismi non autoctoni che si stabiliscono in nuove condizioni ambientali, sono in aumento in tutto il mondo.
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Most of them do not present significant risks for their new environment.
La maggior parte di esse non comporta rischi significativi per il nuovo ambiente.
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However, some of them adapt so successfully to the new environment that they become invasive – from being biological curiosities they become genuine threats to local ecosystems, crops and livestock, threatening our environmental and social wellbeing.
Tuttavia alcune si adattano talmente bene a esso da diventare invasive, passando da semplici curiosità biologiche a vere e proprie minacce per gli ecosistemi, per le colture e per il patrimonio zootecnico locali, compromettendo il benessere ambientale e sociale.
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Invasive alien species are the second leading cause of biodiversity loss, after habitat alteration.
Le specie estranee invasive rappresentano la seconda causa principale della perdita di biodiversità dopo l'alterazione dell'habitat.
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EASIN facilitates the mapping and classification of alien species by indexing reported data from over 40 online databases.
EASIN semplifica la mappatura e la classificazione di tali specie, indicizzando i dati contenuti in oltre 40 banche dati online.
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Through dynamically updated web features, users can view and map the distribution of alien species in Europe and select them using criteria ranging from the environment in which they are found (terrestrial, marine or fresh water) and their biological classification through to the pathways of their introduction.
Mediante funzionalità web aggiornate in modo dinamico, gli utenti possono visualizzare e localizzare la distribuzione delle specie estranee in Europa e selezionarle utilizzando criteri che spaziano dall'ambiente in cui esse sono individuate (terrestre, marino o d'acqua dolce), alla classificazione biologica e al loro percorso di introduzione.
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At the heart of EASIN is a catalogue that currently contains over 16 000 species.
Il fulcro di EASIN è un catalogo che contiene attualmente oltre 16 000 specie.
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This inventory of all reported alien species in Europe was produced by compiling, checking and standardising the information available online and in scientific literature.
L'inventario di tutte le specie estranee rilevate in Europa è stato costituito mediante la compilazione, la verifica e la standardizzazione delle informazioni disponibili online e nella letteratura scientifica.
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Users of EASIN can explore and map geo-referenced information on alien species from the following online databases:
Gli utenti di EASIN possono esplorare e localizzare le informazioni georeferenziate relative alle specie estranee provenienti dalle seguenti banche date online:
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the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), the Global Invasive Species Information Network (GISIN) and the Regional Euro-Asian Biological Invasions Centre (REABIC).
Global Biodiversity Information Facility – GBIF (Centro mondiale per l'informazione sulla biodiversità), Global Invasive Species Information Network – GISIN (Rete globale di informazione sulle specie estranee) e Regional Euro-Asian Biological Invasions Centre REABIC (Centro regionale euroasiatico sulle invasioni biologiche).
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Further data providers will be included over the coming years.
Nel corso dei prossimi anni saranno inserite ulteriori fonti.
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The EASIN web tools and services follow internationally recognised standards and protocols.
Gli strumenti e i servizi web di EASIN rispettano le norme e i protocolli riconosciuti a livello internazionale.
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They are free for use, while the data ownership remains with the source, which is properly cited and linked to in EASIN.
Il loro utilizzo è gratuito, mentre i dati continuano a essere di proprietà della fonte, la quale è opportunamente citata e collegata mediante un link all'interno della rete EASIN.
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Next Steps
Prossime tappe
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Combating invasive alien species is one of the six key objectives of the EU 2020 Biodiversity Strategy, and the Commission is preparing specific proposals for strengthening legislation in this area.
La lotta alle specie estranee invasive è uno dei sei obiettivi fondamentali della strategia UE 2020 per la biodiversità e la Commissione sta elaborando proposte specifiche per migliorare la legislazione del settore.
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Alien species are present in almost every ecosystem type on Earth.
Le specie estranee sono presenti in quasi tutti gli ecosistemi della terra.
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In some cases they have become invasive, affecting native biota.
In alcuni casi esse sono divenute invasive, influendo negativamente sulla flora e la fauna naturali.
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They belong to all major taxonomic groups, including viruses, fungi, algae, mosses, ferns, higher plants, invertebrates, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.
Tali specie appartengono a tutti i principali gruppi tassonomici, quali virus, funghi, alghe, muschi, felci, piante superiori, invertebrati, pesci, anfibi, rettili, uccelli e mammiferi.
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Invasive alien species can transform the structure and species composition of ecosystems by repressing or excluding native species, either directly by predation or competing with them for resources or indirectly by modifying habitats or changing the way nutrients are cycled through the system.
Le specie estranee invasive possono trasformare la struttura e la composizione di specie degli ecosistemi, limitando o escludendo le specie autoctone direttamente mediante comportamenti predatori o contendendo loro le risorse oppure indirettamente modificando gli habitat o le modalità con cui le sostanze nutritive sono elaborate nel sistema.
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The cost to human health includes the spread of disease as well as allergens;
Tra i danni per la salute umana vi è la diffusione di patologie quali le allergie;
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to the economy damage to agriculture and infrastructure;
tra le ripercussioni economiche si annoverano i danni all'agricoltura e alle infrastrutture;
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and to the environment the irretrievable loss of native species, damaging ecosystems and the biodiversity that underpins them.
mentre a livello ambientale vi è una perdita irreversibile di specie indigene, a danno degli ecosistemi e della biodiversità su cui esse si basano.
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It is estimated that 10-15 % of the alien species identified in the European environment have spread and cause environmental, economic and/or social damage.
Si stima che il 10-15% delle specie estranee individuate nell'ambiente europeo si sia evoluto e abbia avuto ripercussioni ambientali, economiche e/o sociali.
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Species like Giant hogweed, signal crayfish, Zebra mussels and muskrats now impact human health, cause substantial damage to forestry, crops and fisheries, and congestion in waterways.
Alcune specie quali la panace di Mantegazza, il gambero americano, il mitilo zebrato e il topo muschiato ad oggi hanno un impatto sulla salute umana, causano danni sostanziali alle foreste, alle colture, alla pesca e la congestione delle vie d'acqua.
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Japanese knotweed for example inhibits the growth of other plants, outcompetes native plants, and seriously damages infrastructure, with huge economic implications.
Il poligono del Giappone, ad esempio, inibisce la crescita di altre piante, causa la scomparsa di piante autoctone e arreca gravi danni alle infrastrutture, con enormi implicazioni economiche.
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Studies have shown that in England, Scotland and Wales, this one plant alone causes € 205 million of damage each year.
Alcuni studi hanno dimostrato che in Inghilterra, in Scozia e nel Galles solo questa pianta causa 205 milioni di euro l'anno di danni.
Environment: Pooling information to combat the threat of alien species in
How many plants can be found in the Alps that are not native to that region?
Which animals were deliberately or accidently introduced to the Danube?
How big a threat will they become to local wildlife?
EASIN, the European Alien Species Information Network, launched today by the
European Commission's in-house science service, the Joint Research Centre (JRC),
takes a first step towards answering these and other questions related to 16 000
alien species currently reported all over Europe.
This information network – the first of its kind in Europe – is an important
step to deal with the threat of alien species that become invasive.
Invasive species present a serious threat to biodiversity and natural
resources, with an economic impact estimated at around € 12 billion per year.
Environment Commissioner Janez Potocnik said:
"Invasive alien species are causing growing problems for our natural
resources, people's health and the economy.
This threat arises from non-native species whose numbers are growing rapidly
in an increasingly interconnected world.
The EASIN network will help people in Europe get better information about
where non-native species are, and how common they are – and that will support
better policy making on this difficult issue."
Alien species – non-native organisms that become established in a new
environment – are on the increase worldwide.
Most of them do not present significant risks for their new environment.
However, some of them adapt so successfully to the new environment that they
become invasive – from being biological curiosities they become genuine threats
to local ecosystems, crops and livestock, threatening our environmental and
social wellbeing.
Invasive alien species are the second leading cause of biodiversity loss,
after habitat alteration.
EASIN facilitates the mapping and classification of alien species by indexing
reported data from over 40 online databases.
Through dynamically updated web features, users can view and map the
distribution of alien species in Europe and select them using criteria ranging
from the environment in which they are found (terrestrial, marine or fresh
water) and their biological classification through to the pathways of their
At the heart of EASIN is a catalogue that currently contains over 16 000
This inventory of all reported alien species in Europe was produced by
compiling, checking and standardising the information available online and in
scientific literature.
Users of EASIN can explore and map geo-referenced information on alien
species from the following online databases:
the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)the Global Invasive
Species Information Network (GISIN) and the Regional Euro-Asian Biological
Invasions Centre (REABIC).
Further data providers will be included over the coming years.
The EASIN web tools and services follow internationally recognised standards
and protocols.
They are free for use, while the data ownership remains with the source,
which is properly cited and linked to in EASIN.
Next Steps
Combating invasive alien species is one of the six key objectives of the EU
2020 Biodiversity Strategy, and the Commission is preparing specific proposals
for strengthening legislation in this area.
Alien species are present in almost every ecosystem type on Earth.
In some cases they have become invasive, affecting native biota.
They belong to all major taxonomic groups, including viruses, fungi, algae,
mosses, ferns, higher plants, invertebrates, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds
and mammals.
Invasive alien species can transform the structure and species composition of
ecosystems by repressing or excluding native species, either directly by
predation or competing with them for resources or indirectly by modifying
habitats or changing the way nutrients are cycled through the system.
The cost to human health includes the spread of disease as well as allergens;
to the economy damage to agriculture and infrastructure;
and to the environment the irretrievable loss of native species, damaging
ecosystems and the biodiversity that underpins them.
It is estimated that 10-15 % of the alien species identified in the European
environment have spread and cause environmental, economic and/or social damage.
Species like Giant hogweed, signal crayfish, Zebra mussels and muskrats now
impact human health, cause substantial damage to forestry, crops and fisheries,
and congestion in waterways.
Japanese knotweed for example inhibits the growth of other plants,
outcompetes native plants, and seriously damages infrastructure, with huge
economic implications.
Studies have shown that in England, Scotland and Wales, this one plant alone
causes € 205 million of damage each year.