Dichiarazione dell'alto rappresentante a nome dell'Unione europea sulla conclusione della transizione in Somalia
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Data documento: 10-09-2012
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Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the European Union on the end of the transition in Somalia
Dichiarazione dell'alto rappresentante a nome dell'Unione europea sulla conclusione della transizione in Somalia
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The European Union congratulates Hassan Sheikh Mohamoud on his election as the new President of Somalia.
L'Unione europea porge le sue congratulazioni ad Hassan Sheikh Mohamoud per la sua elezione a nuovo presidente della Somalia.
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Today is a significant day in the history of Somalia.
Oggi è un giorno significativo nella storia della Somalia.
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Eight years on from the establishment of Transitional Federal Institutions, the transition has ended with the election of the President by the new Federal Parliament.
Otto anni dopo l'instaurazione di istituzioni federali di transizione, l'elezione del presidente da parte del nuovo parlamento federale ha posto fine alla transizione.
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The EU welcomes the prospects this occasion brings to Somalia for lasting peace, prosperity and stability to the millions of people who have suffered from a protracted conflict over the years.
L'UE si rallegra per le prospettive che questa occasione offre alla Somalia di pace duratura, prosperità e stabilità per milioni di persone che hanno sofferto a causa di un conflitto protrattosi per anni.
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The adoption of a new Provisional Constitution in particular marks the beginning of a new, democratic era in Somalia.
L'adozione di una nuova costituzione provvisoria segna in particolare l'inizio di una nuova era democratica in Somalia.
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There is now much work to be done.
Vi è ora un ingente lavoro da svolgere.
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The new Federal Institutions must finalise key pending elements of the Provisional Constitution and embark on stabilisation efforts in all accessible areas in the country, both crucial for the future of a viable federal Somalia.
Le nuove istituzioni federali devono mettere a punto elementi essenziali non ancora definiti della costituzione provvisoria e impegnarsi in sforzi di stabilizzazione in tutte le aree accessibili del paese, aspetti entrambi essenziali per il futuro di una Somalia federale sostenibile.
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The people of Somalia must be assured of good governance, transparency and accountability, justice and respect of their rights and fundamental freedoms, including freedom of worship.
Occorre garantire alla popolazione somala una buona governance, trasparenza e responsabilità, giustizia e rispetto dei diritti e libertà fondamentali, compresa la libertà di culto.
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Above all, the new Federal Institutions must reach out to Somalis of all walks of life, urgently seeking to achieve reconciliation and development after more than twenty years of conflict.
Soprattutto, le nuove istituzioni federali devono raggiungere i somali di ogni estrazione sociale, cercando urgentemente di realizzare la riconciliazione e lo sviluppo dopo un conflitto durato oltre vent'anni.
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The EU urges the Somali leadership to embark on this process, acting with integrity and in the interests of the Somali people.
L'UE esorta i dirigenti somali a impegnarsi in questo processo, agendo con integrità e nell'interesse della popolazione somala.
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The EU looks forward to the new Government's work plan, and highlights the urgent need for a mechanism to guarantee the sound use of financial resources.
L'UE attende con interesse il programma di lavoro del nuovo governo, ed evidenzia l'urgente necessità di un meccanismo volto a garantire l'uso corretto delle risorse finanziarie.
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The EU takes this opportunity to assure the Somali people of its continued support.
L'UE coglie questa opportunità per assicurare alla popolazione somala il proprio costante sostegno.
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In this framework, the EU supports AMISOM in its mission to create the necessary conditions for the development of Somali security forces and contributes to their building up through CSDP engagement (EUTM and EUCAP Nestor).
In tale contesto l'UE sostiene l'AMISOM nella sua missione intesa a creare le condizioni necessarie per lo sviluppo delle forze di sicurezza somale e contribuisce al loro rafforzamento tramite l'impegno PSDC (EUTM e EUCAP Nestor).
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The Acceding Country Croatia, the Candidate Countries the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Iceland and Serbia, the Countries of the Stabilisation and Association Process and potential candidates Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the EFTA country Liechtenstein, member of the European Economic Area, as well as Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova and Georgia, align themselves with this declaration.
Il paese aderente Croazia, i paesi candidati ex Repubblica jugoslava di Macedonia, Montenegro, Islanda e Serbia, i paesi del processo di stabilizzazione e associazione e potenziali candidati Albania e Bosnia–Erzegovina e il paese dell'EFTA Liechtenstein membro dello Spazio economico europeo, nonché l'Ucraina, la Repubblica moldova e la Georgia aderiscono alla presente dichiarazione.
Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the European Union on
the end of the transition in Somalia
The European Union congratulates Hassan Sheikh Mohamoud on his election as
the new President of Somalia.
Today is a significant day in the history of Somalia.
Eight years on from the establishment of Transitional Federal Institutions,
the transition has ended with the election of the President by the new Federal
The EU welcomes the prospects this occasion brings to Somalia for lasting
peace, prosperity and stability to the millions of people who have suffered from
a protracted conflict over the years.
The adoption of a new Provisional Constitution in particular marks the
beginning of a new, democratic era in Somalia.
There is now much work to be done.
The new Federal Institutions must finalise key pending elements of the
Provisional Constitution and embark on stabilisation efforts in all accessible
areas in the country, both crucial for the future of a viable federal Somalia.
The people of Somalia must be assured of good governance, transparency and
accountability, justice and respect of their rights and fundamental freedoms,
including freedom of worship.
Above all, the new Federal Institutions must reach out to Somalis of all
walks of life, urgently seeking to achieve reconciliation and development after
more than twenty years of conflict.
The EU urges the Somali leadership to embark on this process, acting with
integrity and in the interests of the Somali people.
The EU looks forward to the new Government's work plan, and highlights the
urgent need for a mechanism to guarantee the sound use of financial resources.
The EU takes this opportunity to assure the Somali people of its continued
In this framework, the EU supports AMISOM in its mission to create the
necessary conditions for the development of Somali security forces and
contributes to their building up through CSDP engagement (EUTM and EUCAP
The Acceding Country Croatia, the Candidate Countries the former Yugoslav
Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Iceland and Serbia, the Countries of the
Stabilisation and Association Process and potential candidates Albania and
Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the EFTA country Liechtenstein, member of the
European Economic Area, as well as Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova and Georgia,
align themselves with this declaration.