L'invecchiamento degli insegnanti costituisce una sfida per il settore dell'educazione nell'UE
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Data documento: 11-09-2012
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Ageing teachers a challenge for EU education sector
L'invecchiamento degli insegnanti costituisce una sfida per il settore dell'educazione nell'UE
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The European Commission today welcomed the launch of Education at a
Glance 2012, an annual report providing data from 34 countries including 21 EU Member States (list below) on performance in education.
La Commissione europea ha espresso oggi il suo plauso per la pubblicazione di
Education at a Glance 2012, una relazione annuale contenente dati relativi a 34 paesi tra cui 21 Stati membri dell'UE (si veda più oltre l'elenco) in merito ai risultati educativi.
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The report, compiled by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), identifies several areas in European education that are likely to create challenges in the near future.
La relazione, compilata a cura dell'Organizzazione per la cooperazione e lo sviluppo economici (OCSE), identifica diversi ambiti nel contesto dell'educazione in Europa suscettibili di presentare criticità nel prossimo futuro.
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An ageing teaching force is one of them:
Tra queste vi è l'invecchiamento del corpo insegnante:
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more than 40% of secondary school teachers in five EU countries (Austria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, the Netherlands, Sweden) are aged 50 or older – in Germany and Italy the share is even higher at more than 50%.
più di 40% degli insegnanti della scuola secondaria in cinque paesi dell'UE (Austria, Repubblica ceca, Estonia, Paesi Bassi, Svezia) ha cinquant'anni o più – in Germania e in Italia la percentuale è anche più elevata e supera il 50%.
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Gender inequality is also a problem:
Anche la disparità tra i generi è un problema:
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the report shows that nearly a third more women than men are enrolling in higher education in the EU.
la relazione segnala che quasi un terzo di donne in più rispetto agli uomini si iscrive all'istruzione superiore nell'UE.
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"This report is an invaluable tool for national and European policy makers.
"Questa relazione è uno strumento prezioso per i decisori nazionali ed europei.
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Member States recognise that investing in education is a requisite for Europe's future and long-term prosperity.
Gli Stati membri riconoscono che l'investimento nell'istruzione è essenziale per il futuro dell'Europa e per la sua prosperità nel lungo periodo.
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The data clearly shows that the cost of education is far-outweighed by the returns.
Dai dati emerge chiaramente che il costo dell'istruzione è di gran lunga controbilanciato dai vantaggi che se ne traggono.
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But we must not be complacent:
Non abbiamo però motivo di essere troppo soddisfatti di noi stessi:
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the report also shows that reforms are needed to modernise education and make it more attractive for both students and teachers", said Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth.
la relazione evoca anche la necessità di riforme per modernizzare l'istruzione e renderla più attraente sia agli occhi degli studenti che degli insegnanti", ha affermato Androulla Vassiliou, commissario europeo responsabile per l'istruzione, la cultura, il multilinguismo e la gioventù.
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Education at a Glance also reveals that:
Education at a Glance indica inoltre che:
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- Education spending in the 21 EU Member States covered is on average USD 9 122 annually per student from primary through to tertiary education.
- La spesa per l'istruzione nei ventuno Stati membri dell'UE trattati nella relazione è mediamente di USD 9 122 all'anno per studente dal livello primario fino a quello terziario.
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This is slightly below the OECD average of USD 9 252.
Ciò è leggermente inferiore alla media OCSE pari a USD 9 252.
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- 84% of young people in OECD countries are expected to complete
upper secondary education;
- L'84% dei giovani nei paesi aderenti all'OCSE dovrebbe completare
l'istruzione secondaria superiore;
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in the EU countries, some 86% will.
nei paesi UE la cifra dovrebbe essere dell'86%.
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In 1995-2010, the greatest increase in upper secondary graduation rates was in Portugal (annual growth rate of 4.7%).
Nel 1995-2010 il maggiore aumento nei tassi di completamento dell'istruzione secondaria superiore si è registrato in Portogallo (crescita annua di 4,7%).
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- The financial return on tertiary education continues to grow.
- I benefici in termini finanziari che derivano dall'istruzione terziaria
continuano ad aumentare.
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A European graduate can expect a net gain of USD 176 000 (OECD average: USD 162 000) over his working life and public long-term benefits from higher education through increased tax payments and other savings are almost three times the size of the public costs.
Un laureato europeo può attendersi un guadagno netto di USD 176 000 (media OCSE: USD 162 000) nell'arco della sua vita lavorativa e i vantaggi che derivano allo Stato nel lungo periodo da un adeguato tasso di completamento dell'istruzione superiore a seguito di un gettito fiscale accresciuto e di possibili risparmi superano di quasi tre volte l'entità dei costi per le finanze pubbliche.
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- Europe continues to be the preferred destination for students studying outside their country, with EU countries hosting 41% of all international – EU and non-EU – students.
- L'Europa continua ad essere la destinazione preferita dagli studenti che studiano fuori dal loro paese: i paesi dell'UE ospitano il 41% di tutti gli studenti internazionali – cittadini UE e non UE.
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International students make up 10% or more of enrolments in tertiary education in Austria, Luxembourg and the UK.
Gli studenti internazionali sono il 10% o più degli iscritti nell'istruzione terziaria in Austria, Lussemburgo e Regno Unito.
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They account for more than 20% of enrolments in advanced research in Austria, Denmark, Ireland, Luxembourg, Sweden and the UK.
Sono ricercatori internazionali inoltre il 20% degli iscritti nella ricerca avanzata in Austria, Danimarca, Irlanda, Lussemburgo, Svezia e Regno Unito.
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Across the EU, 76% of foreign students come from another EU country.
Nell'UE il 76% degli studenti stranieri proviene da un altro paese UE.
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Education at a Glance is produced annually by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and draws on data compiled by Eurostat and the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
Education at a Glance è prodotto annualmente dall'Organizzazione per la cooperazione e lo sviluppo economici (OCSE) e attinge a dati compilati da Eurostat e dall'Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite per l'educazione, la scienza e la cultura (UNESCO).
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The report provides information on the state of play in education, including the financial and human resources invested in education, student-teacher ratios, teaching hours, graduate numbers and results, access, participation and progression in education as well as data on the learning environment and organisation of schools.
La relazione fornisce informazioni sulla situazione nel mondo dell'istruzione, comprese le risorse finanziarie e umane investite nell'istruzione, le percentuali studenti-insegnanti, le ore di insegnamento, il numero di laureati e i risultati conseguiti, l'accesso, la partecipazione e la progressione nell'istruzione nonché dati sul contesto apprenditivo e sull'organizzazione delle scuole.
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New indicators focus on the effect of the global economic crisis on education expenditure and the impact of education on macroeconomic outcomes such as GDP.
Nuovi indicatori riguardano gli effetti della crisi economica globale sulla spesa dell'istruzione e l'impatto che l'istruzione ha sopra fattori macroeconomici come, ad esempio, il PIL.
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The report also covers topics such as early childhood education systems, intergenerational mobility in higher education, factors that influence education spending, career expectations among 15-year-olds, the makeup of the teaching force and the impact of examinations on access to secondary and higher education.
La relazione esamina anche soggetti quali i sistemi di istruzione per la prima infanzia, la mobilità intergenerazionale nell'istruzione superiore, i fattori che influenzano la spesa per l'istruzione, le aspettative professionali tra i quindicenni, la composizione del corpo docente e l'impatto degli esami sull'accesso all'istruzione secondaria e superiore.
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The report features data on education from the 34 OECD member countries.
La relazione presenta dati sull'istruzione provenienti da 34 paesi aderenti all'OCSE.
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These include 21 EU Member States (Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom), 4 other European countries (Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey), and 9 non-European countries (Australia, Canada, Chile, Israel, Japan, Korea, Mexico, New Zealand, United States).
Tra essi vi sono ventuno Stati membri dell'UE (Austria, Belgio, Repubblica ceca, Danimarca, Estonia, Finlandia, Francia, Germania, Grecia, Ungheria, Irlanda, Italia, Lussemburgo, Paesi Bassi, Polonia, Portogallo, Repubblica slovacca, Slovenia, Spagna, Svezia e Regno Unito), quattro altri paesi europei (Islanda, Norvegia, Svizzera e Turchia) e nove paesi non europei (Australia, Canada, Cile, Israele, Giappone, Corea, Messico, Nuova Zelanda, Stati Uniti).
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Furthermore, data is presented for Brazil, the Russian Federation, and – in some cases – Argentina, China, India, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia and South Africa.
Vengono inoltre presentati dati in relazione al Brasile, alla Federazione russa e – in alcuni casi – all'Argentina, alla Cina, all'India, all'Indonesia, all'Arabia Saudita e al Sudafrica.
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The 6 EU Member States which are not OECD member countries and therefore not covered in the report are Bulgaria, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta and Romania.
I sei Stati membri dell'UE che non aderiscono all'OCSE e non sono pertanto trattati nella relazione sono Bulgaria, Cipro, Lettonia, Lituania, Malta e Romania.
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In line with the growing importance of education and skills issues in the Europe 2020 strategy for growth and jobs, the European Commission and the OECD also announced today their agreement to work more closely in the future.
In linea con la crescente importanza dell'istruzione e delle abilità nel contesto della strategia Europa 2020 per la crescita e l'occupazione, la Commissione europea e l'OCSE hanno anche annunciato oggi il loro accordo di operare a più stretto contatto in futuro.
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This will strengthen the impact and value of their work in the field of education and training for their member countries.
Ciò servirà a rafforzare l'impatto e il valore del loro operato nel campo dell'istruzione e della formazione per i loro paesi aderenti.
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Country analysis, skills strategies as well as cooperation on surveys such as PISA and the future survey on adult skills (PIAAC) will be a priority in the context of this new framework for collaboration.
Nel contesto di questo nuovo quadro di collaborazione rivestiranno priorità un'analisi per paese, le strategie in tema di competenze nonché la cooperazione su indagini quali PISA e la futura indagine sulle competenze degli adulti (PIAAC).
Ageing teachers a challenge for EU education sector
The European Commission today welcomed the launch of Education at a Glance
2012, an annual report providing data from 34 countries including 21 EU
Member States (list below) on performance in education.
The report, compiled by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD), identifies several areas in European education that are
likely to create challenges in the near future.
An ageing teaching force is one of them:
more than 40% of secondary school teachers in five EU countries (Austria, the
Czech Republic, Estonia, the Netherlands, Sweden) are aged 50 or older – in
Germany and Italy the share is even higher at more than 50%.
Gender inequality is also a problem:
the report shows that nearly a third more women than men are enrolling in
higher education in the EU.
"This report is an invaluable tool for national and European policy makers.
Member States recognise that investing in education is a requisite for
Europe's future and long-term prosperity.
The data clearly shows that the cost of education is far-outweighed by the
But we must not be complacent:
the report also shows that reforms are needed to modernise education and make
it more attractive for both students and teachers", said Androulla Vassiliou,
European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth.
Education at a Glance also reveals that:
- Education spending in the 21 EU Member States covered is on average
USD 9 122 annually per student from primary through to tertiary education.
This is slightly below the OECD average of USD 9 252.
- 84% of young people in OECD countries are expected to complete upper
secondary education;
in the EU countries, some 86% will.
In 1995-2010, the greatest increase in upper secondary graduation rates was
in Portugal (annual growth rate of 4.7%).
- The financial return on tertiary education continues to grow.
A European graduate can expect a net gain of USD 176 000 (OECD average: USD
162 000) over his working life and public long-term benefits from higher
education through increased tax payments and other savings are almost three
times the size of the public costs.
- Europe continues to be the preferred destination for students
studying outside their country, with EU countries hosting 41% of all
international – EU and non-EU – students.
International students make up 10% or more of enrolments in tertiary
education in Austria, Luxembourg and the UK.
They account for more than 20% of enrolments in advanced research in Austria,
Denmark, Ireland, Luxembourg, Sweden and the UK.
Across the EU, 76% of foreign students come from another EU country.
Education at a Glance is produced annually by the Organisation for Economic
Cooperation and Development (OECD) and draws on data compiled by Eurostat and
the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
The report provides information on the state of play in education, including
the financial and human resources invested in education, student-teacher ratios,
teaching hours, graduate numbers and results, access, participation and
progression in education as well as data on the learning environment and
organisation of schools.
New indicators focus on the effect of the global economic crisis on education
expenditure and the impact of education on macroeconomic outcomes such as GDP.
The report also covers topics such as early childhood education systems,
intergenerational mobility in higher education, factors that influence education
spending, career expectations among 15-year-olds, the makeup of the teaching
force and the impact of examinations on access to secondary and higher
The report features data on education from the 34 OECD member countries.
These include 21 EU Member States (Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic,
Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia,
Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom), 4 other European countries (Iceland,
Norway, Switzerland and Turkey), and 9 non-European countries (Australia,
Canada, Chile, Israel, Japan, Korea, Mexico, New Zealand, United States).
Furthermore, data is presented for Brazil, the Russian Federation, and – in
some cases – Argentina, China, India, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia and South Africa.
The 6 EU Member States which are not OECD member countries and therefore not
covered in the report are Bulgaria, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta and
In line with the growing importance of education and skills issues in the
Europe 2020 strategy for growth and jobs, the European Commission and the OECD
also announced today their agreement to work more closely in the future.
This will strengthen the impact and value of their work in the field of
education and training for their member countries.
Country analysis, skills strategies as well as cooperation on surveys such as
PISA and the future survey on adult skills (PIAAC) will be a priority in the
context of this new framework for collaboration.