Una relazione evidenzia le ampie fluttuazioni nei costi dell’istruzione superiore e nel sostegno agli studenti
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Data documento: 10-09-2012
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Report reveals wide fluctuations in cost of higher education and support for students
Una relazione evidenzia le ampie fluttuazioni nei costi dell’istruzione superiore e nel sostegno agli studenti
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The cost of higher education for students varies dramatically in Europe, according to a new report issued by the European Commission today.
Secondo una nuova relazione pubblicata oggi dalla Commissione europea, i costi che gli studenti devono sostenere per l’istruzione superiore variano notevolmente in Europa.
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Tuition fees are highest in England, where students pay up to £9 000 (around €11 500) per academic year, while nine countries (Austria, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Malta, Norway, UK (Scotland) and Sweden) do not charge fees in most cases.
Si riscontrano le tasse d’iscrizione più elevate in Inghilterra dove gli studenti pagano fino a £ 9 000 (11 500 euro circa) per anno accademico; in altri 9 paesi nella maggior parte dei casi non si pagano tasse d’iscrizione. Si tratta di Austria, Cipro, Danimarca, Finlandia, Grecia, Malta, Norvegia, Regno Unito (Scozia) e Svezia.
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The Nordic countries tend to be the most generous, although Finland and Sweden recently joined Denmark in introducing fees for international students.
I paesi nordici tendono a essere più generosi, sebbene Finlandia e Svezia di recente si siano aggiunte alla Danimarca nell’introdurre tasse per gli studenti stranieri.
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All countries, except Iceland and Norway, now charge non-European students.
In tutti i paesi, eccetto Islanda e Norvegia, gli studenti extraeuropei devono ora pagare tasse d’iscrizione.
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Many of the non-charging countries, such as Austria, UK (Scotland) and the Nordic countries, also provide generous student support such as maintenance grants and loans (see Highlights of the report).
Molti paesi dove ciò non avviene, come Austria, Regno Unito (Scozia) e paesi nordici, sono anche generosi nel dare sostegni agli studenti, come sovvenzioni di sussistenza e prestiti (v. oltre, “Highlights of the report”).
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This information on tuition fees and support is now readily available online for students who want to compare the cost of their education in different European countries.
Queste informazioni sulle tasse d’iscrizione e sulle forme di sostegno sono disponibili on-line per studenti che desiderino comparare i costi dell’istruzione tra paesi europei diversi.
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"I hope the fact that it is now easier for students to compare the cost of education in different countries will lead to increased student mobility and allow students to choose the course that is best for them" said Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth.
“Spero che il fatto che ora sia più facile per gli studenti comparare i costi dell’istruzione tra i vari paesi porti a un aumento della loro mobilità e consenta di scegliere il corso per essi migliore” ha affermato Androulla Vassiliou, Commissario europeo per l’istruzione, la cultura, il multilinguismo e la gioventù.
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"This report is both timely and important:
“Questa relazione cade al momento opportuno ed è importante:
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it reminds us that modernised education and training is the bedrock of long-term prosperity for Europe and key for overcoming our economic difficulties."
essa ci ricorda che aggiornare l’istruzione e la formazione è fondamentale per la prosperità a lungo termine in Europa e indispensabile per superare le nostre difficoltà economiche.”
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The report highlights that major differences also exist with regard to student support, which is generous in Germany, the Nordic countries and the UK, while students in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia and Lithuania receive only limited financial support.
La relazione evidenzia anche le grandi differenze che esistono nel sostegno agli studenti: è generoso, in Germania, nei paesi nordici e nel Regno Unito; gli studenti in Bulgaria, Repubblica ceca, Estonia, Ungheria, Lettonia e Lituania ricevono invece un sostegno finanziario solo limitato.
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There are also significant differences as to who is entitled to support:
Esistono anche differenze di rilievo su chi ha diritto a un sostegno:
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subsidies can be distributed on a needs-only basis or be readily available to all.
le sovvenzioni possono così essere distribuite o solo in base a una necessità o essere facilmente accessibili a tutti.
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Family allowances and tax benefits to parents of students are a significant element of the overall package of student support in around half of the countries.
In circa la metà dei paesi, gli assegni familiari e le agevolazioni fiscali per i genitori degli studenti sono un importante elemento del sostegno generale agli studenti.
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Highlights of the report
Elementi salienti della relazione
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Highest Fees
Le tasse più elevate
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The highest fees are charged in the UK (England, Wales and Northern Ireland).
Le tasse d’iscrizione più elevate si riscontrano nel Regno Unito (Inghilterra, Galles e Irlanda del Nord).
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Until 2012 they were set at £3 375 per year for bachelors' courses.
Fino al 2012 esse ammontavano a £ 3 375 all’anno per corsi di diploma universitario di “bachelor” (1° livello).
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As of September 2012, this level increased in England to a new basic tuition fee of £6 000 and a maximum of £9 000.
In Inghilterra. a partire da settembre 2012, sono aumentate fino a divenire una nuova tassa d’iscrizione di base, oscillante tra £ 6 000 e £ 9 000.
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Students in England receive a loan to pay the fees and do not have to re-pay this until they are in relatively well-paid employment.
In Inghilterra, gli studenti per pagare tali tasse ricevono un prestito che non devono restituire finché non trovino un’occupazione relativamente ben retribuita.
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In Wales, however, the additional cost of tuition fees for Welsh domiciled students will be met by the Welsh government, even if they study outside Wales.
Nel Galles, tuttavia, il costo aggiuntivo delle tasse d’iscrizione per studenti ivi domiciliati è coperto dal Galles stesso, anche se l’attività di studio avviene al di fuori di esso.
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Meanwhile in Northern Ireland, fees will rise only in line with inflation at £3 465 in 2012/13.
Nell’Irlanda del Nord tuttavia le rette aumenteranno, nel 2012/13, a £ 3 465, con un tasso allineato sull’inflazione.
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No Fees
Dove non si pagano tasse d’iscrizione
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At the other end of the scale, there are 9 countries where students (not including international students from outside the EU/EEA) are not charged fees.
D’altra parte, esistono 9 paesi in cui gli studenti (esclusi quelli internazionali, provenienti da paesi esterni alla UE o al SEE) non devono pagare alcuna tassa d’iscrizione.
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They are Austria, Cyprus (bachelors' level), Denmark (though part-time students are charged), Finland, Greece and Malta (bachelors' level), Norway, UK (Scotland) (bachelors' level) and Sweden.
Si tratta di:Austria, Cipro (1° livello), Danimarca (gli studenti a tempo parziale devono però pagarle), Finlandia, Grecia e Malta (1° livello), Norvegia, Regno Unito (Scozia) (1° livello) e Svezia.
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In Germany, for the new academic year 2012/13, two Länder (Bavaria, and Lower Saxony) charge fees, while the other 14 do not.
In Germania per il nuovo anno accademico 2012/13 due Länder (Baviera e Bassa Sassonia) riscuotono tasse d’iscrizione, mentre gli altri 14 non ne prevedono.
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Proportion of fee payers
Percentuale degli studenti che pagano tasse d’iscrizione
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The proportion of students who pay fees in each country ranges considerably.
In ciascun paese, la quota degli studenti che pagano tasse d’iscrizione varia notevolmente.
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In a number of countries all students pay fees, and this is the case in Belgium (Flemish Community), Bulgaria, Czech Republic, England, Iceland, Liechtenstein, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia and Turkey.
In molti paesi, le tasse d’iscrizione sono pagate da tutti gli studenti. Avviene così in Belgio (Comunità fiamminga), Bulgaria, Repubblica ceca, Inghilterra, Islanda, Liechtenstein, Paesi Bassi, Polonia, Portogallo, Slovacchia e Turchia.
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In seven countries (Belgium's French Community, Estonia, France, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Romania) a majority pay fees.
In 7 paesi, le tasse sono pagate dalla maggioranza degli studenti. Ciò avviene in Belgio (Comunità francese), Estonia, Francia, Ungheria, Italia, Lettonia e Romania.
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In four countries (Croatia, Germany, Lithuania, Slovenia), a minority pay fees,
In 4 paesi, le tasse sono pagate solo da una parte degli studenti (Croazia, Germania, Lituania, Slovenia);
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and finally there are the 9 countries mentioned above where, apart from the exceptions mentioned, students do not pay.
infine, nei 9 paesi di cui sopra, fatte salve le eccezioni menzionate, gli studenti non pagano tasse d'iscrizione.
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International student fees
Tasse d’iscrizione per studenti stranieri
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For students coming from outside the European Union, fee levels tend to be higher.
Per gli studenti provenienti da paesi esterni all’Unione europea, i livelli delle tasse d’iscrizione tendono a essere più elevati.
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They are generally set by higher education institutions themselves, although in some countries (Belgium, Bulgaria, Greece, Portugal, Romania) there are central-level regulations governing fee levels.
Questi sono fissati di solito dagli stessi istituti di istruzione superiore.Tuttavia, in alcuni paesi (Belgio, Bulgaria, Grecia, Portogallo e Romania), possono essere regolati da norme stabilite a livello centrale.
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In 6 countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein and Norway) students from outside the European Union are treated in the same way regarding fees as those from within the European Union.
In 6 paesi (Repubblica ceca, Ungheria, Islanda, Italia, Liechtenstein e Norvegia), studenti che provengano da paesi esterni all’Unione europea sono trattati, riguardo a queste tasse, come quelli provenienti dall’interno della UE.
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Differences in fees between cycles
Differenze tra le tasse d’iscrizione a seconda dei cicli
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Fees levels tend to be higher for Masters' level (second cycle) than for bachelors' level (first cycle), and fees are also charged to more students in the second cycle.
Le tasse tendono a essere più elevate per il diploma di “master” (2° ciclo o laurea di 2° livello) che per il diploma di 1° livello; inoltre, le tasse sono pagate, nel 2° ciclo, da un numero di studenti maggiore.
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In Greece, Cyprus, Malta and UK (Scotland), fees are charged in the second cycle but not in the first, while higher levels of fees are typically charged at Masters' level in Ireland, France, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Slovenia, and the United Kingdom (England, Wales and Northern Ireland).
In Grecia, Cipro, Malta e Regno Unito (Scozia), si devono pagare tasse d’iscrizione per il 2° ciclo, ma non per il 1°; di norma per un “master”, si devono pagare tasse più alte anche in Irlanda, Francia, Lettonia, Lituania, Ungheria, Slovenia e Regno Unito (Inghilterra, Galles e Irlanda del Nord).
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Student support takes different forms and aims to meet different needs from country to country.
Da una paese all’altro, i sostegni agli studenti assumono forme diverse, e mirano a soddisfare esigenze diverse.
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However, the most common forms of support are grants and loans, which sometimes operate in conjunction (where the student receives loans and grants) and sometimes separately (student receives either a loan or a grant).
Sovvenzioni e prestiti sono comunque le forme di sostegno più comuni; talvolta vengono erogate congiuntamente (in tal caso lo studente riceve prestiti e sovvenzioni) e talvolta separatamente (lo studente riceve un prestito o una sovvenzione).
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All countries, with the exception of Iceland and Turkey, provide some types of grant to at least some students.
Tutti i paesi, eccetto Islanda e Turchia, forniscono alcuni tipi di sovvenzioni almeno ad alcuni studenti.
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In Turkey there are fee reductions for some students, but no grants.
In Turchia esistono tasse ridotte per alcuni studenti, ma sono esistono sovvenzioni.
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There is a wide range of situations in other countries regarding the likelihood of receiving a grant.
Negli altri paesi esiste una vasta gamma di situazioni riguardo alla possibilità di ottenere una sovvenzione.
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In Denmark, Cyprus and Malta all students receive grants.
In Danimarca, Cipro e Malta, tutti gli studenti ricevono sovvenzioni.
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In Finland, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and the UK (England, Wales and Northern Ireland) the majority of students receive grants.
In Finlandia, Paesi Bassi, Norvegia, Svezia e Regno Unito (Inghilterra, Galles e Irlanda del Nord), riceve sovvenzioni la maggior parte degli studenti.
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In the vast majority of countries (Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania, UK (Scotland), Slovakia, Spain) only a minority of students receive grants.
Nella grande maggioranza dei paesi (Belgio, Bulgaria, Repubblica ceca, Croazia, Estonia, Germania, Grecia, Ungheria, Irlanda, Italia, Lettonia, Liechtenstein, Lituania, Polonia, Portogallo, Romania, Regno Unito (Scozia), Slovacchia, Spagna) riceve sovvenzioni solo una minoranza di studenti.
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The proportion varies from 1% of the student population in Greece to around 40% in Hungary.
La percentuale varia dall’1% della popolazione studentesca in Grecia al 40% circa in Ungheria.
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While it may be theoretically possible for students to take out loans in all countries, they are considered as a main feature of student support systems if more than 5% of the student population takes out such a loan.
Benché in tutti i paesi sia teoricamente possibile per gli studenti accendere prestiti, questi sono considerati una delle forme principali dei sistemi di sostegno agli studenti se più del 5% della popolazione studentesca contrae un prestito di questo tipo.
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This is the case in 16 countries: Bulgaria, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Finland, Sweden, the UK (all parts), Iceland, Norway and Turkey.
Ciò accade in 16 paesi: Bulgaria, Danimarca, Germania, Estonia, Grecia, Lettonia, Lituania, Ungheria, Polonia, Slovacchia, Finlandia, Svezia, l’intero Regno Unito, Islanda, Norvegia e Turchia.
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Other support:
family allowances and tax benefits for parents of students |
Altri tipi di sostegno:
assegni familiari e agevolazioni fiscali per genitori di studenti
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family allowances and tax benefits for parents of students
assegni familiari e agevolazioni fiscali per genitori di studenti
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Student support systems may consider the student either as an individual or as a member of a family that may need support.
I sistemi di sostegno agli studenti possono considerare lo studente o come individuo singolo o come componente di una famiglia che potrebbero avere bisogno di sostegno.
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In the Nordic countries, in particular, the student is considered as an individual, and it is the individual who receives support.
Nei paesi nordici, in particolare, lo studente è considerato come un singolo individuo ed è la persona che riceve il sostegno.
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However, in many other countries, support may depend on overall family circumstances, and some forms of support may be channelled to other members of the family rather than the student.
In molti altri paesi invece, il sostegno può dipendere dalle condizioni generali in cui versa la famiglia e talune forme di sostegno sono quindi concesse ad altri membri della famiglia invece che allo studente.
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Family allowances and tax benefits play a significant role in student support in a number of countries:
Assegni familiari e agevolazioni fiscali hanno un ruolo di primo piano nel sostegno agli studenti in numerosi paesi:
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Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Estonia (tax benefits only), Greece, France, Ireland (tax benefits only), Italy (tax benefits only), Latvia (tax benefits only), Lithuania, Malta (tax benefits only), Austria, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia (tax benefits only), Slovakia and Liechtenstein (tax benefits only).
Belgio, Repubblica ceca, Germania, Estonia (solo agevolazioni fiscali), Grecia, Francia, Irlanda (solo agevolazioni fiscali), Italia (solo agevolazioni fiscali), Lettonia (solo agevolazioni fiscali), Lituania, Malta (solo agevolazioni fiscali), Austria, Polonia, Portogallo, Slovenia (solo agevolazioni fiscali), Slovacchia e Liechtenstein (solo agevolazioni fiscali).
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The report is produced for the Commission by the Eurydice network, which consists of 38 national units based in the 34 countries participating in the EU's Lifelong Learning Programme (EU Member States, Croatia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland and Turkey).
La relazione è stata elaborata per la Commissione dalla rete Eurydice, composta da 38 unità nazionali con sede nei 34 paesi che partecipano al programma di apprendimento permanente dell’UE (EU’s Lifelong Learning Programme) e cioè gli Stati membri della UE, cui si aggiungono Croazia, Islanda, Liechtenstein, Norvegia, Serbia, Svizzera e Turchia.
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It is co-ordinated and managed by the EU Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency.
La rete è coordinata e gestita dall’Agenzia esecutiva per l’istruzione, gli audiovisivi e la cultura (Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency - EACEA), dell’Unione.
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The review on student fees and support will be carried out annually from now on in order to take stock of changes.
La rassegna sulle tasse d’iscrizione e le misure di sostegno sarà d’ora in poi ripetuta ogni anno per fare il punto sulle modifiche intervenute.
Report reveals wide fluctuations in cost of higher education and support
for students
The cost of higher education for students varies dramatically in Europe,
according to a new report issued by the European Commission today.
Tuition fees are highest in England, where students pay up to £9 000 (around
€11 500) per academic year, while nine countries (Austria, Cyprus, Denmark,
Finland, Greece, Malta, Norway, UK (Scotland) and Sweden) do not charge fees in
most cases.
The Nordic countries tend to be the most generous, although Finland and
Sweden recently joined Denmark in introducing fees for international students.
All countries, except Iceland and Norway, now charge non-European students.
Many of the non-charging countries, such as Austria, UK (Scotland) and the
Nordic countries, also provide generous student support such as maintenance
grants and loans (see Highlights of the report).
This information on tuition fees and support is now readily available online
for students who want to compare the cost of their education in different
European countries.
"I hope the fact that it is now easier for students to compare the cost of
education in different countries will lead to increased student mobility and
allow students to choose the course that is best for them" said Androulla
Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and
"This report is both timely and important:
it reminds us that modernised education and training is the bedrock of
long-term prosperity for Europe and key for overcoming our economic
The report highlights that major differences also exist with regard to
student support, which is generous in Germany, the Nordic countries and the UK,
while students in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia and
Lithuania receive only limited financial support.
There are also significant differences as to who is entitled to support:
subsidies can be distributed on a needs-only basis or be readily available to
Family allowances and tax benefits to parents of students are a significant
element of the overall package of student support in around half of the
Highlights of the report
Highest Fees
The highest fees are charged in the UK (England, Wales and Northern Ireland).
Until 2012 they were set at £3 375 per year for bachelors' courses.
As of September 2012, this level increased in England to a new basic tuition
fee of £6 000 and a maximum of £9 000.
Students in England receive a loan to pay the fees and do not have to re-pay
this until they are in relatively well-paid employment.
In Wales, however, the additional cost of tuition fees for Welsh domiciled
students will be met by the Welsh government, even if they study outside Wales.
Meanwhile in Northern Ireland, fees will rise only in line with inflation at
£3 465 in 2012/13.
No Fees
At the other end of the scale, there are 9 countries where students (not
including international students from outside the EU/EEA) are not charged fees.
They are Austria, Cyprus (bachelors' level), Denmark (though part-time
students are charged), Finland, Greece and Malta (bachelors' level), Norway, UK
(Scotland) (bachelors' level) and Sweden.
In Germany, for the new academic year 2012/13, two Länder (Bavaria, and Lower
Saxony) charge fees, while the other 14 do not.
Proportion of fee payers
The proportion of students who pay fees in each country ranges considerably.
In a number of countries all students pay fees, and this is the case in
Belgium (Flemish Community), Bulgaria, Czech Republic, England, Iceland,
Liechtenstein, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia and Turkey.
In seven countries (Belgium's French Community, Estonia, France, Hungary,
Italy, Latvia, Romania) a majority pay fees.
In four countries (Croatia, Germany, Lithuania, Slovenia), a minority pay
and finally there are the 9 countries mentioned above where, apart from the
exceptions mentioned, students do not pay.
International student fees
For students coming from outside the European Union, fee levels tend to be
They are generally set by higher education institutions themselves, although
in some countries (Belgium, Bulgaria, Greece, Portugal, Romania) there are
central-level regulations governing fee levels.
In 6 countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein and
Norway) students from outside the European Union are treated in the same way
regarding fees as those from within the European Union.
Differences in fees between cycles
Fees levels tend to be higher for Masters' level (second cycle) than for
bachelors' level (first cycle), and fees are also charged to more students in
the second cycle.
In Greece, Cyprus, Malta and UK (Scotland), fees are charged in the second
cycle but not in the first, while higher levels of fees are typically charged at
Masters' level in Ireland, France, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Slovenia, and the
United Kingdom (England, Wales and Northern Ireland).
Student support takes different forms and aims to meet different needs from
country to country.
However, the most common forms of support are grants and loans, which
sometimes operate in conjunction (where the student receives loans and grants)
and sometimes separately (student receives either a loan or a grant).
All countries, with the exception of Iceland and Turkey, provide some types
of grant to at least some students.
In Turkey there are fee reductions for some students, but no grants.
There is a wide range of situations in other countries regarding the
likelihood of receiving a grant.
In Denmark, Cyprus and Malta all students receive grants.
In Finland, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and the UK (England, Wales and
Northern Ireland) the majority of students receive grants.
In the vast majority of countries (Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic,
Croatia, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia,
Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania, UK (Scotland), Slovakia,
Spain) only a minority of students receive grants.
The proportion varies from 1% of the student population in Greece to around
40% in Hungary.
While it may be theoretically possible for students to take out loans in all
countries, they are considered as a main feature of student support systems if
more than 5% of the student population takes out such a loan.
This is the case in 16 countries: Bulgaria, Denmark, Germany, Estonia,
Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Finland, Sweden, the UK
(all parts), Iceland, Norway and Turkey.
Other support: family allowances and tax benefits for parents of students
Student support systems may consider the student either as an individual or
as a member of a family that may need support.
In the Nordic countries, in particular, the student is considered as an
individual, and it is the individual who receives support.
However, in many other countries, support may depend on overall family
circumstances, and some forms of support may be channelled to other members of
the family rather than the student.
Family allowances and tax benefits play a significant role in student support
in a number of countries:
Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Estonia (tax benefits only), Greece,
France, Ireland (tax benefits only), Italy (tax benefits only), Latvia (tax
benefits only), Lithuania, Malta (tax benefits only), Austria, Poland, Portugal,
Slovenia (tax benefits only), Slovakia and Liechtenstein (tax benefits only).
The report is produced for the Commission by the Eurydice network, which
consists of 38 national units based in the 34 countries participating in the
EU's Lifelong Learning Programme (EU Member States, Croatia, Iceland,
Liechtenstein, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland and Turkey).
It is co-ordinated and managed by the EU Education, Audiovisual and Culture
Executive Agency.
The review on student fees and support will be carried out annually from now
on in order to take stock of changes.