Gli Stati membri devono rimborsare alla Commissione 215 milioni di euro di spese della PAC
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Data documento: 07-09-2012
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Commission to recover €215 million of CAP expenditure from the Member States
Gli Stati membri devono rimborsare alla Commissione 215 milioni di euro di spese della PAC
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A total of €215 million of EU agricultural policy funds unduly spent by Member States is being claimed back by the European Commission today under the so-called clearance of accounts procedure.
Nell'ambito della cosiddetta procedura di liquidazione dei conti, la Commissione europea ha chiesto oggi la restituzione di fondi della politica agricola dell'UE indebitamente spesi dagli Stati membri per un totale di 215 milioni di euro.
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However, because some of these amounts have already been recovered from the Member States and the Commission is reimbursing Spain following a Court ruling on a previous disallowance decision, the net financial impact of today's decision will be some €94 million.
Tuttavia, dato che una parte di questi fondi è già stata recuperata presso gli Stati membri e che la Commissione sta rimborsando la Spagna in seguito a una sentenza della Corte su un precedente mancato riconoscimento, l'impatto finanziario netto della decisione odierna si colloca intorno ai 94 milioni di euro.
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This money returns to the EU budget because of non-compliance with EU rules or inadequate control procedures on agricultural expenditure.
I fondi riconfluiscono nel bilancio dell'Unione per inosservanza delle norme UE o inadempienze nelle procedure di controllo della spesa agricola.
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Member States are responsible for paying out and checking expenditure under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), and the Commission is required to ensure that Member States have made correct use of the funds.
Se infatti gli Stati membri sono responsabili del pagamento e della verifica delle spese della politica agricola comune (PAC), spetta alla Commissione controllare che essi abbiano fatto un uso corretto dei fondi stanziati.
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Main financial corrections
Principali rettifiche finanziarie
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Under this latest decision, funds will be recovered from Germany, Ireland, Greece, France, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, Hungary, Austria, Portugal, Romania, Sweden and the United Kingdom.
In virtù dell'ultima decisione della Commissione, saranno recuperati fondi dai seguenti Stati membri: Austria, Francia, Germania, Grecia, Irlanda, Italia, Lettonia, Lussemburgo, Portogallo, Regno Unito, Romania, Svezia e Ungheria.
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The most significant individual corrections are:
Le principali rettifiche per paese sono:
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€ 89.4 million (financial impact :
€88.9 million) charged to Portugal for weaknesses in the LPIS-GIS and for late on-the-spot controls; |
89,4 milioni di euro (impatto finanziario:88,9 milioni di euro) a carico del Portogallo per carenze nel sistema di identificazione delle parcelle agricole (SIPA) e nel sistema di informazione geografica (SIG) e nei controlli in loco;
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€ 34.5 million (financial impact :
€32.2 million) charged to the UK for weaknesses in the LPIS-GIS, deficiencies in the on-the-spot checks;
34,5 milioni di euro (impatto finanziario:
32,2 milioni di euro) a carico del Regno Unito per carenze nel SIPA-SIG e lacune nei controlli in loco;
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€ 28.0 million (financial impact :
€27.9 million) charged to Italy for deficiencies in calculation of entitlements and for deficiencies in integration of the olive oil sector into SPS;
28,0 milioni di euro (impatto finanziario:27,9 milioni di euro) a carico dell'Italia per lacune nel calcolo dei diritti all'aiuto e per carente integrazione del settore dell'olio di oliva nell'RPU;
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€ 20.4 million charged to Sweden for the deficiencies in the LPIS in respect of financial years 2009 for area-aids expenditure, including area-based Rural Development measures.
20,4 milioni di euro a carico della Svezia per carenze nel SIPA per l'esercizio 2009 sulle spese per gli aiuti per superficie, comprese le misure di sviluppo rurale connesse alle superfici.
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Following last year's European Court judgement (C-24/11P) against a previous Commission decision to recover olive oil funds, Spain will be reimbursed €110.7m.
In seguito alla sentenza pronunciata dalla Corte di giustizia europea l'anno scorso (C-24/11P) contro una precedente decisione della Commissione di recuperare i fondi per l'olio d'oliva, alla Spagna saranno restituiti 110,7 milioni di euro.
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Member States are responsible for managing most CAP payments, mainly via their paying agencies.
Gli Stati membri sono responsabili della gestione della maggior parte dei pagamenti della PAC, principalmente tramite i loro organismi pagatori.
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They are also in charge of controls, for example verifying the farmer's claims for direct payments.
Essi sono inoltre responsabili dei controlli, ad esempio della verifica delle domande di pagamenti diretti presentate dagli agricoltori.
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The Commission carries out over 100 audits every year, verifying that Member State controls and responses to shortcomings are sufficient, and has the power to claw back funds in arrears if the audits show that Member State responses are not good enough to guarantee that EU funds have been spent properly.
La Commissione svolge oltre 100 audit ogni anno, verificando che i controlli effettuati dagli Stati membri e le correzioni delle carenze siano sufficienti, ed è abilitata a recuperare i fondi arretrati se gli audit dimostrano che le correzioni apportate dagli Stati membri non sono abbastanza efficaci da garantire che i fondi dell’UE siano stati spesi correttamente.
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For details on how the clearance of annual accounts system works, see MEMO/12/109 and the factsheet "Managing the agriculture budget wisely", available on the internet at website indicated below.
Per ulteriori informazioni sul funzionamento del sistema di
liquidazione annuale dei conti, vedere MEMO/12/109 e l'opuscolo “Una gestione
saggia del bilancio agricolo”, disponibile all' indirizzo Internet sotto
Commission to recover €215 million of CAP expenditure from the Member
A total of €215 million of EU agricultural policy funds unduly spent by
Member States is being claimed back by the European Commission today under the
so-called clearance of accounts procedure.
However, because some of these amounts have already been recovered from the
Member States and the Commission is reimbursing Spain following a Court ruling
on a previous disallowance decision, the net financial impact of today's
decision will be some €94 million.
This money returns to the EU budget because of non-compliance with EU rules
or inadequate control procedures on agricultural expenditure.
Member States are responsible for paying out and checking expenditure under
the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), and the Commission is required to ensure
that Member States have made correct use of the funds.
Main financial corrections
Under this latest decision, funds will be recovered from Germany, Ireland,
Greece, France, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, Hungary, Austria, Portugal, Romania,
Sweden and the United Kingdom.
The most significant individual corrections are:
€ 89.4 million (financial impact :€88.9 million) charged to Portugal for
weaknesses in the LPIS-GIS and for late on-the-spot controls;
€ 34.5 million (financial impact1 :€32.2 million) charged to the UK for
weaknesses in the LPIS-GIS, deficiencies in the on-the-spot checks;
€ 28.0 million (financial impact1 :€27.9 million) charged to Italy for
deficiencies in calculation of entitlements and for deficiencies in integration
of the olive oil sector into SPS;
€ 20.4 million charged to Sweden for the deficiencies in the LPIS in respect
of financial years 2009 for area-aids expenditure, including area-based Rural
Development measures.
Following last year's European Court judgement (C-24/11P) against a previous
Commission decision to recover olive oil funds, Spain will be reimbursed
Member States are responsible for managing most CAP payments, mainly via
their paying agencies.
They are also in charge of controls, for example verifying the farmer's
claims for direct payments.
The Commission carries out over 100 audits every year, verifying that Member
State controls and responses to shortcomings are sufficient, and has the power
to claw back funds in arrears if the audits show that Member State responses are
not good enough to guarantee that EU funds have been spent properly.
For details on how the clearance of annual accounts system works, see
MEMO/12/109 and the factsheet "Managing the agriculture budget wisely",
available on the internet at website indicated below.