Occupazione: Il Fondo europeo per la globalizzazione ha aiutato più di 21000 lavoratori nel 2011
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Data documento: 04-09-2012
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Employment: EU Globalisation Fund supported over 21000 workers in 2011
Occupazione: Il Fondo europeo per la globalizzazione ha aiutato più di 21000 lavoratori nel 2011
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More than 21 000 workers dismissed due to the economic crisis and the effects of globalisation were helped to find new job opportunities by the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) in 2011, according to a report adopted today by the European Commission.
Più di 21 000 lavoratori licenziati a causa della crisi economica e degli effetti della globalizzazione hanno ricevuto nel 2011 un aiuto del Fondo europeo di adeguamento alla globalizzazione (FEG) per trovare un nuovo lavoro, come emerge da una relazione adottata oggi dalla Commissione europea.
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The EU's Globalisation Fund paid out a total of €128 million in 2011 to assist these workers in twelve Member States (Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, The Netherlands, Poland and Portugal).
Il Fondo europeo di adeguamento alla globalizzazione ha versato nel 2011 un totale di 128 milioni di euro per assistere questi lavoratori in dodici Stati membri (Austria, Belgio, Repubblica ceca, Danimarca, Francia, Germania, Grecia, Irlanda, Italia, Paesi Bassi, Polonia e Portogallo).
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László Andor, EU Commissioner responsible for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, said:
László Andor, commissario UE responsabile per l'occupazione, gli affari sociali e l'inclusione, ha affermato:
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"The European Globalisation Fund has proved to be an efficient and effective tool for people who have lost their job.
"Il Fondo europeo di adeguamento alla globalizzazione si è dimostrato uno strumento efficace ed efficiente all'indirizzo di coloro che hanno perso il lavoro.
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It is a concrete expression of European solidarity and a practical instrument helping people and regions recover from large-scale layoffs.
Questa è un'espressione concreta della solidarietà europea ed è uno strumento pratico che aiuta le persone e le regioni a riprendersi dai licenziamenti su ampia scala.
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In particular, the EGF allows Member States to support targeted measures adapted to the circumstances of the workers in question.
In particolare, il FEG consente agli Stati membri di sostenere misure mirate adattate alle circostanze dei lavoratori in questione.
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Since its launch in 2007, a total of some 91 000 redundant workers have already benefited from or are about to receive EGF assistance for training, job search and other forms of support.
Dal suo avvio nel 2007 il FEG ha aiutato o sta aiutando circa 91 000 lavoratori in esubero, fornendo loro assistenza per una formazione, la ricerca di un nuovo posto di lavoro o altre forme di sostegno.
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The EGF will continue to play a crucial role in fighting unemployment."
Il FEG continuerà a svolgere un ruolo cruciale nella lotta contro la disoccupazione."
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The fifth annual report on the activities and results of the EGF shows a 50% increase in 2011 of EGF contributions paid out to Member States compared to 2010.
La quinta relazione annuale sulle attività e sui risultati del FEG indica, per il 2011, un aumento del 50% dei contributi che il FEG ha versato agli Stati membri rispetto agli aiuti concessi nel 2010.
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The European Parliament and the Council of the European Union took 22 decisions in 2011 to deploy EGF funding.
Il Parlamento europeo e il Consiglio dell'Unione europea hanno adottato nel 2011 ben ventidue decisioni di attivazione dei finanziamenti del FEG.
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The Czech Republic and Greece received support from the EGF for the first time in 2011.
Nel 2011 la Repubblica ceca e la Grecia hanno ricevuto per la prima volta un finanziamento del FEG.
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The support was granted to co-finance active labour market policy measures proposed and organised for the workers by the twelve Member States, over a 24-month period following the date of application.
Il sostegno è stato concesso per cofinanziare misure di politica attiva del mercato del lavoro proposte e organizzate per i lavoratori dei dodici Stati membri in un arco di ventiquattro mesi a decorrere dalla data della domanda.
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The EGF co-financed 65% of the measures, with national sources providing the remaining 35%.
Il FEG ha cofinanziato il 65% delle misure, mentre fonti nazionali di finanziamento hanno assicurato il rimanente 35%.
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The concrete measures for the job-seekers included intensive, personalised job-search assistance, various types of vocational training, up-skilling and retraining measures, temporary incentives and allowances for the duration of the active measures, and other types of support such as business creation support and public employment schemes.
Le misure concrete per le persone in cerca di lavoro comprendevano un'assistenza intensiva e personalizzata nella ricerca di lavoro, diversi tipi di formazione professionale, l'aggiornamento delle qualifiche e misure di riqualificazione, incentivi temporanei e indennità versate nell'arco della durata delle misure attive, nonché altri tipi di sostegno quali aiuti alla creazione di imprese e programmi occupazionali pubblici.
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The report also describes the outcome of four EGF contributions granted in previous years to three Member States (Belgium, Sweden and Ireland) in terms of how EGF support helped the redundant workers find new jobs.
La relazione descrive inoltre gli esiti di quattro contributi del FEG concessi in anni precedenti a tre Stati membri (Belgio, Svezia e Irlanda) al fine di dimostrare come il sostegno del FEG abbia aiutato i lavoratori licenziati a trovare nuovi posti di lavoro.
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The results are encouraging as 2 352 workers (45% of the total 5 228 receiving support from the EGF) who had been laid off by employers in the car, textile and computer industries had found new jobs or had become self-employed by the end of the EGF support period (mid-2011).
I risultati sono incoraggianti poiché 2352 lavoratori (il 45% dei 5 228 che hanno ricevuto in totale un aiuto del FEG) messi in esubero nel settore automobilistico, tessile e informatico hanno trovato nuovi posti di lavoro o sono diventati lavoratori autonomi entro la fine del periodo in cui è stato erogato il sostegno del FEG (metà 2011).
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The good results in terms of re-integration into employment suggest that a longer support period and higher EU co-financing (as a result of the amendment of the EGF Regulation in 2009) is beneficial for both the workers and the local and regional labour markets.
I buoni risultati raggiunti in termini di reintegrazione nel mondo del lavoro suggeriscono che un periodo più lungo di aiuto e un maggiore cofinanziamento dell'UE (in seguito alla modifica del regolamento FEG nel 2009) va a vantaggio sia dei lavoratori che dei mercati del lavoro locali e regionali.
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The EGF, an initiative first proposed by President Barroso to provide help for people who lose their jobs due to the impact of globalisation, was established by the European Parliament and the Council at the end of 2006.
Il FEG, un'iniziativa proposta in primo luogo dal presidente Barroso al fine di aiutare le persone che perdono il loro posto di lavoro a causa dell'impatto della globalizzazione, è stato istituito dal Parlamento europeo e dal Consiglio alla fine del 2006.
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There have been 101 applications to the EGF since the start of its operations in 2007:
Dall'inizio delle sue attività nel 2007 il FEG ha ricevuto 101 domande:
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20 Member States requested some €440.5 million to help about 91 000 workers made redundant.
venti Stati membri hanno chiesto circa 440,5 milioni di euro per
aiutare circa 91 000 lavoratori messi in esubero.
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Since the amendment of the EGF Regulation in 2009, EGF applications have been presented by an increasing number of Member States and in an increasing number of sectors.
Successivamente alla modifica del regolamento FEG nel 2009, le domande presentate al FEG provengono da un numero crescente di Stati membri e interessano un numero crescente di settori.
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See also Annex of MEMO/12/639.
Cfr. anche l'allegato del MEMO/12/639.
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Regarding the 19 cases for which final results are now available and which have been fully analysed and wound up by the Commission, Member States have reported that the personal situation, self-confidence and employability of the workers concerned had clearly improved thanks to the EGF assistance and the services provided, even though they did not always find new work immediately.
Per quanto concerne i 19 casi per i quali si dispongono dei risultati finali e che sono stati analizzati a fondo e archiviati dalla Commissione, gli Stati membri hanno segnalato che la situazione personale, la fiducia in se stessi e l'occupabilità dei lavoratori interessati erano chiaramente migliorate grazie all'assistenza del FEG e ai servizi erogati, anche se essi non avevano sempre trovato immediatamente un nuovo posto di lavoro.
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In particular, the EGF gave Member States the opportunity to act more intensively in the regions affected by redundancies - in terms of the number of people assisted and the duration, type and quality of support - than would have been possible without EGF funding.
In particolare, il FEG ha offerto agli Stati membri l'opportunità di agire con maggiore forza nelle regioni colpite dai licenziamenti – in termini di numero delle persone assistite e di durata, tipo e qualità del sostegno – rispetto a quanto sarebbe stato possibile senza il finanziamento del FEG.
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The EU funds enabled countries to respond more flexibly to the current employment challenges, to devote more attention to lower skilled people and to harder-to-help job seekers, and to include innovative actions in the support provided.
Gli aiuti UE hanno consentito ai paesi di rispondere in modo più flessibile alle sfide che il mondo del lavoro si trova ora ad affrontare, a consacrare maggiore attenzione ai lavoratori meno qualificati e alle persone più difficilmente occupabili e a includere azioni innovative nelle misure di sostegno.
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As part of its proposal for the next Multiannual Financial Framework for 2014-2020, the Commission has proposed that the EU should continue to express solidarity with redundant workers and the affected regions through the EGF also in the future.
Nell'ambito della sua proposta relativa al prossimo quadro finanziario pluriennale per il 2014-2020 la Commissione ha proposto che l'UE continui anche in futuro ad esprimere solidarietà, per il tramite del FEG, ai lavoratori licenziati e alle regioni colpite.
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It has also proposed to broaden its scope to additional categories such as self-employed and temporary workers.
Essa ha anche proposto di estendere il suo campo di intervento anche ad altre categorie, come i lavoratori autonomi e i lavoratori temporanei.
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The Commission proposal would allow the EGF to also react to large-scale redundancies caused by unforeseen crises as well as to negative effects of trade agreements on the agricultural sector through transitory support to farmers to facilitate their adaptation.
La proposta della Commissione consentirebbe al FEG di reagire anche ai licenziamenti su grande scala causati da crisi impreviste nonché dagli effetti negativi degli accordi commerciali nel settore agricolo fornendo un aiuto transitorio agli agricoltori per agevolarne l'adattamento.
Employment: EU Globalisation Fund supported over 21000 workers in 2011
More than 21 000 workers dismissed due to the economic crisis and the effects
of globalisation were helped to find new job opportunities by the European
Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) in 2011, according to a report adopted today
by the European Commission.
The EU's Globalisation Fund paid out a total of €128 million in 2011 to
assist these workers in twelve Member States (Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic,
Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, The Netherlands, Poland and
László Andor, EU Commissioner responsible for Employment, Social Affairs and
Inclusion, said:
"The European Globalisation Fund has proved to be an efficient and effective
tool for people who have lost their job.
It is a concrete expression of European solidarity and a practical instrument
helping people and regions recover from large-scale layoffs.
In particular, the EGF allows Member States to support targeted measures
adapted to the circumstances of the workers in question.
Since its launch in 2007, a total of some 91 000 redundant workers have
already benefited from or are about to receive EGF assistance for training, job
search and other forms of support.
The EGF will continue to play a crucial role in fighting unemployment."
The fifth annual report on the activities and results of the EGF shows a 50%
increase in 2011 of EGF contributions paid out to Member States compared to
The European Parliament and the Council of the European Union took 22
decisions in 2011 to deploy EGF funding.
The Czech Republic and Greece received support from the EGF for the first
time in 2011.
The support was granted to co-finance active labour market policy measures
proposed and organised for the workers by the twelve Member States, over a
24-month period following the date of application.
The EGF co-financed 65% of the measures, with national sources providing the
remaining 35%.
The concrete measures for the job-seekers included intensive, personalised
job-search assistance, various types of vocational training, up-skilling and
retraining measures, temporary incentives and allowances for the duration of the
active measures, and other types of support such as business creation support
and public employment schemes.
The report also describes the outcome of four EGF contributions granted in
previous years to three Member States (Belgium, Sweden and Ireland) in terms of
how EGF support helped the redundant workers find new jobs.
The results are encouraging as 2 352 workers (45% of the total 5 228
receiving support from the EGF) who had been laid off by employers in the car,
textile and computer industries had found new jobs or had become self-employed
by the end of the EGF support period (mid-2011).
The good results in terms of re-integration into employment suggest that a
longer support period and higher EU co-financing (as a result of the amendment
of the EGF Regulation in 2009) is beneficial for both the workers and the local
and regional labour markets.
The EGF, an initiative first proposed by President Barroso to provide help
for people who lose their jobs due to the impact of globalisation, was
established by the European Parliament and the Council at the end of 2006.
There have been 101 applications to the EGF since the start of its operations
in 2007:
20 Member States requested some €440.5 million to help about 91 000 workers
made redundant.
Since the amendment of the EGF Regulation in 2009, EGF applications have been
presented by an increasing number of Member States and in an increasing number
of sectors.
See also Annex of MEMO/12/639.
Regarding the 19 cases for which final results are now available and which
have been fully analysed and wound up by the Commission, Member States have
reported that the personal situation, self-confidence and employability of the
workers concerned had clearly improved thanks to the EGF assistance and the
services provided, even though they did not always find new work immediately.
In particular, the EGF gave Member States the opportunity to act more
intensively in the regions affected by redundancies - in terms of the number of
people assisted and the duration, type and quality of support - than would have
been possible without EGF funding.
The EU funds enabled countries to respond more flexibly to the current
employment challenges, to devote more attention to lower skilled people and to
harder-to-help job seekers, and to include innovative actions in the support
As part of its proposal for the next Multiannual Financial Framework for
2014-2020, the Commission has proposed that the EU should continue to express
solidarity with redundant workers and the affected regions through the EGF also
in the future.
It has also proposed to broaden its scope to additional categories such as
self-employed and temporary workers.
The Commission proposal would allow the EGF to also react to large-scale
redundancies caused by unforeseen crises as well as to negative effects of trade
agreements on the agricultural sector through transitory support to farmers to
facilitate their adaptation.