Giornate europee del patrimonio: cinquanta paesi aprono l'accesso a siti che si visitano di rado
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Data documento: 03-09-2012
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European Heritage Days: 50 countries open rarely seen sites
Giornate europee del patrimonio: cinquanta paesi aprono l'accesso a siti che si visitano di rado
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Over the coming month, more than 20 million people are expected to take advantage of free access to thousands of rarely opened sites and special events as part of the European Heritage Days, which take place every September in 50 countries across Europe.
Nei prossimi mesi più di 20 milioni di persone godranno del libero accesso a migliaia di siti raramente visitabili e a eventi speciali nel contesto delle Giornate europee del patrimonio che si celebrano annualmente a settembre in cinquanta paesi d'Europa.
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"The European Heritage Days provide a wonderful opportunity for people to discover cultural treasures which are often right on their doorstep.
"Le Giornate europee del patrimonio offrono alle persone una meravigliosa opportunità per scoprire i tesori culturali che spesso si trovano vicinissimi a casa loro.
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Some they may not even be aware of, while others are seldom accessible to the public.
Alcuni sono poco conosciuti, mentre altri sono raramente accessibili al pubblico.
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By opening their doors, these sites open our eyes and minds to the shared and diverse cultural heritage that is the jewel in Europe's crown," said Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth.
Aprendo le loro porte, questi siti ci aprono gli occhi e la mente sul retaggio culturale comune e diversificato che è una delle caratteristiche preminenti dell'Europa," ha affermato Androulla Vassiliou, commissario europeo responsabile per l'istruzione, la cultura, il multilinguismo e la gioventù.
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Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni, Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe, said:
Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni, vicesegretario generale del Consiglio d'Europa, ha affermato:
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"This joint initiative is enormously praised by our fellow European citizens.
"Questa iniziativa comune è estremamente apprezzata dai nostri concittadini europei.
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Its success, over a 20-year history, comes from being driven at local level by municipal and regional communities.
Il suo palese successo, consolidatosi nell'arco di vent'anni, deriva dal fatto che si tratta di iniziative portate avanti a livello locale dalle collettività dei comuni e delle regioni.
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Every year, communities across Europe become part of a 'cultural family' celebrating our immensely rich cultural heritage."
Ogni anno le collettività di tutta Europa diventano parte di una 'famiglia culturale' che celebra il nostro patrimonio culturale tanto ricco."
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A stunning variety of sites and events will open to the public.They range from France's 'hidden heritage' - rarely seen or unexpected examples of heritage concealed in walls, underground or in the landscape, the Leeds-based archives of Marks & Spencer, the UK chain-store famed for its underwear and sandwiches, examples of Germany's enduring love affair with timber in all its forms since Neolithic times, and a celebration of the 'art of building' in Brussels, Belgium, highlighting engineering and technical advances that led to the evolution of architecture.
Verrà aperta al pubblico una grandissima varietà di siti e di eventi che vanno dal 'patrimonio nascosto' della Francia, vale a dire il patrimonio poco noto o inatteso che si nasconde in mura, sotto terra o incastonato nel paesaggio, agli archivi di Marks & Spencer con base a Leeds, i grandi magazzini del Regno Unito famosi per gli indumenti e i sandwich, a esempi del perdurante amore che la Germania nutre per il legno da costruzione in tutte le sue forme, sin dal neolitico, nonché una celebrazione della 'Arte di costruire' a Bruxelles, Belgio, che mette in rilievo i progressi ingegneristici e tecnici che hanno portato all'evoluzione dell'architettura.
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A number of countries are producing joint events to emphasise the European dimension of the initiative.
Diversi paesi producono inoltre eventi comuni per dare rilievo alla dimensione europea dell'iniziativa.
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Spain, Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia, for instance, have created a website which will link wine museums across Europe;
La Spagna, l'Ucraina, la Moldova e la Georgia, ad esempio, hanno creato un sito web che unità i musei del vino di tutta Europa;
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the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Slovenia, France and Belgium are cooperating on a youth exchange and heritage education event.
l'ex Repubblica jugoslava di Macedonia, la Slovenia, la Francia e il Belgio cooperano per portare avanti uno scambio di giovani e un evento legato all'educazione al patrimonio.
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In parallel, a photographic competition Wiki loves monuments, is taking place in 21 European countries with the aim of encouraging the public to discover the cultural, historical and scientific significance of their neighbourhood.
Parallelamente, un concorso fotografico Wiki loves monuments, si svolgerà in ventun paesi europei al fine di incoraggiare il pubblico a riscoprire l'importanza culturale, storica e scientifica del loro vicinato.
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Next steps
I prossimi passi
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On 14-16 October, the 5th European Heritage Days Forum will be held in Nicosia, Cyprus, in the presence of Commissioner Androulla Vassiliou.
Il 14-16 ottobre si terrà a Nicosia, Cipro, alla presenza del commissario Androulla Vassiliou, il quinto Forum delle Giornate del patrimonio europeo.
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The forum will focus on the role of information and communication technologies in facilitating access to cultural heritage and in encouraging people to work for its preservation.
Il forum sarà imperniato sul ruolo delle tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione al fine di agevolare l'accesso al patrimonio culturale e di incoraggiare i cittadini ad adoperarsi per la sua conservazione.
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Background on the European Heritage Days
Il contesto delle Giornate europee del patrimonio
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Launched in 1985, the European Heritage Days have been organised since 1999 as a joint initiative of the European Commission and the Council of Europe.
Inaugurate nel 1985, le Giornate europee del patrimonio sono organizzate a partire dal 1999 quale iniziativa comune della Commissione europea e del Consiglio d'Europa.
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The 50 signatory countries to the European Cultural Convention take part in the European Heritage Days by putting new cultural treasures on view and opening up historic buildings which are normally closed to the public.
I cinquanta paesi firmatari della Convenzione culturale europea partecipano alle Giornate europee del patrimonio rendendo visibili nuovi tesori culturali e aprendo edifici storici che sono di norma chiusi al pubblico.
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The cultural events showcase local skills and traditions, architecture and art, as well as seeking to promote mutual understanding among European citizens. |
Gli eventi culturali danno rilievo all'artigianato e alle tradizioni locali, all'architettura e all'arte, oltre a promuovere la conoscenza reciproca tra i cittadini europei. |
European Heritage Days: 50 countries open rarely seen sites
Over the coming month, more than 20 million people are expected to take
advantage of free access to thousands of rarely opened sites and special events
as part of the European Heritage Days, which take place every September in 50
countries across Europe.
"The European Heritage Days provide a wonderful opportunity for people to
discover cultural treasures which are often right on their doorstep.
Some they may not even be aware of, while others are seldom accessible to the
By opening their doors, these sites open our eyes and minds to the shared and
diverse cultural heritage that is the jewel in Europe's crown," said Androulla
Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and
Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni, Deputy Secretary General of the Council of
Europe, said:
"This joint initiative is enormously praised by our fellow European citizens.
Its success, over a 20-year history, comes from being driven at local level
by municipal and regional communities.
Every year, communities across Europe become part of a 'cultural family'
celebrating our immensely rich cultural heritage."
A stunning variety of sites and events will open to the public.They range
from France's 'hidden heritage' - rarely seen or unexpected examples of heritage
concealed in walls, underground or in the landscape, the Leeds-based archives of
Marks & Spencer, the UK chain-store famed for its underwear and sandwiches,
examples of Germany's enduring love affair with timber in all its forms since
Neolithic times, and a celebration of the 'art of building' in Brussels,
Belgium, highlighting engineering and technical advances that led to the
evolution of architecture.
A number of countries are producing joint events to emphasise the European
dimension of the initiative.
Spain, Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia, for instance, have created a website
which will link wine museums across Europe;
the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Slovenia, France and Belgium are
cooperating on a youth exchange and heritage education event.
In parallel, a photographic competition Wiki loves monuments, is taking place
in 21 European countries with the aim of encouraging the public to discover the
cultural, historical and scientific significance of their neighbourhood.
Next steps
On 14-16 October, the 5th European Heritage Days Forum will be held in
Nicosia, Cyprus, in the presence of Commissioner Androulla Vassiliou.
The forum will focus on the role of information and communication
technologies in facilitating access to cultural heritage and in encouraging
people to work for its preservation.
Background on the European Heritage Days
Launched in 1985, the European Heritage Days have been organised since 1999
as a joint initiative of the European Commission and the Council of Europe.
The 50 signatory countries to the European Cultural Convention take part in
the European Heritage Days by putting new cultural treasures on view and opening
up historic buildings which are normally closed to the public.
The cultural events showcase local skills and traditions, architecture and
art, as well as seeking to promote mutual understanding among European citizens.