Consultazione sul futuro dell’Europa: ultimi dieci giorni
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Data documento: 31-08-2012
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Future of Europe Consultation:10 more Days to go!
Consultazione sul futuro dell’Europa: ultimi dieci giorni
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Over 8404 EU-citizens have already had their say on the future of Europe by participating in the broad web-based consultation on citizens' rights and the future of Europe launched by the European Commission - the latest figures released today show.
Dagli ultimi dati pubblicati oggi risulta che oltre 8404 cittadini dell’UE hanno già espresso il loro parere sul futuro dell’Europa partecipando all’ampia consultazione online della Commissione europea sui diritti dei cittadini e il futuro dell’Europa.
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On 9 May, Europe Day, the European Commission called on European citizens to help set the policy agenda for the years to come and shape the future of Europe (IP/12/461).
Il 9 maggio, Festa dell’Europa, la Commissione europea ha invitato tutti i cittadini a dare il proprio contributo per definire l’agenda politica dei prossimi anni e delineare il futuro dell’Europa (IP/12/461).
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Proposals about a 'Political Union', a 'European Federation' or a 'United States of Europe' are the talk of the town.
Le proposte di “Unione politica”, “Federazione europea” o di “Stati Uniti d’Europa” sono oggetto di un vivace dibattito.
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This important question about the future of the European Union should not only be debated by politicians but by citizens as well.
Questa importante questione sul futuro dell’Unione europea non dovrebbe essere discussa solo dai politici ma anche dai cittadini.
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There are ten more days for Europeans to share their views on questions such as:
Per altri dieci giorni i cittadini europei potranno esprimere la propria opinione rispondendo a domande quali:
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"How would you like the European Union to develop in the near future?
“Che evoluzione auspichereste per l’Unione europea nel prossimo futuro?
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In what kind of European Union would you like to live in 2020?".
In che tipo di Unione vorreste vivere nel 2020?”.
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The consultation will close on 9 September
La consultazione terminerà il 9 settembre.
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"At a time when the political debate in Europe is looking to the future and discussing various scenarios for a genuine political and economic and monetary Union, it is important to give citizens a stake in their own future.
“In un momento in cui il dibattito politico in Europa è rivolto al futuro e vengono discussi vari scenari per un’autentica unione politica ed economica e monetaria, è importante dare ai cittadini la possibilità di contribuire a delineare il loro futuro.
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This consultation is an opportunity for Europeans to help shape the EU's agenda, in terms of their concrete rights as EU citizens and more broadly where they would like to see the EU going in the future," said Vice-President Viviane Reding, the EU’s Commissioner for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship.
Con la presente consultazione gli europei hanno l’opportunità di contribuire alla definizione dell’agenda dell’UE per quanto riguarda i loro diritti concreti come cittadini dell’UE e, più in generale, gli obiettivi verso i quali vorrebbero che fosse indirizzata l’azione dell’Unione in futuro”, ha dichiarato Viviane Reding, Vicepresidente e Commissaria UE per la Giustizia, i diritti fondamentali e la cittadinanza.
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"We need more Europe, not less, to emerge from the crisis. And for this, we need our citizens on boards.
“Per uscire dalla crisi è necessaria più, e non meno, Europa e a tal fine occorre coinvolgere i cittadini.
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Europe is after all about their rights, their concerns and their future.
L’Europa, in ultima analisi, riguarda i loro diritti, le loro preoccupazioni e il loro futuro.
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It is therefore the citizens that should guide us on our journey to a stronger and more integrated Europe."
Sono pertanto i cittadini che dovrebbero guidarci verso un’Europa più forte e più integrata”.
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The Commission's consultation 'Your rights, your future' also asks the public about the very practical obstacles citizens face in their daily life, when exercising their rights as EU citizens or when wanting to rely on fundamental rights enshrined in EU law.
La consultazione della Commissione intitolata “I vostri diritti, il vostro futuro” interroga i cittadini sugli ostacoli pratici che incontrano nella vita quotidiana nell’esercizio dei loro diritti di cittadini dell’UE o dei diritti fondamentali sanciti dalla legislazione europea.
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The Commission wants to learn about any difficulties Europeans encounter, be it when travelling in Europe, when moving across borders, when voting or standing as a candidate in elections, or when shopping online.
La Commissione vuole conoscere le eventuali difficoltà incontrate dai cittadini europei quando viaggiano in Europa, quando attraversano le frontiere, quando votano o si candidano alle elezioni o ancora quando fanno acquisti online.
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The input received from the consultation will feed directly into the Commission's policy agenda for the coming years and will form the basis for the 2013 EU Citizenship Report, to be presented on 9 May 2013, next year's Europe Day.
La Commissione si avvarrà dei contributi ricevuti mediante la consultazione per definire l’agenda politica della Commissione per gli anni a venire e per elaborare la relazione 2013 sulla cittadinanza dell’Unione, che verrà presentata il 9 maggio 2013, giorno della Festa dell’Europa.
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Following a proposal from the Commission, 2013 is set to become the European Year of Citizens (IP/11/959).
Su proposta della Commissione, il 2013 sarà proclamato “Anno europeo dei cittadini” (IP/11/959):
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This will be an opportunity to debate directly with citizens in the Member States in so-called ‘Citizens Dialogues’ – the first of which is set to take place on 27 September in Cadiz.
sarà questa l’occasione per discutere direttamente con i cittadini negli Stati membri nel quadro dei cosiddetti “dialoghi con i cittadini”, il primo dei quali avrà luogo il 27 settembre a Cadice.
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The first EU Citizenship Report in 2010 outlined 25 concrete actions (see IP/10/1390 and MEMO/10/525) to remove obstacles confronted by EU citizens when exercising their rights in the EU.
La prima relazione sulla cittadinanza dell’Unione del 2010 (vedi IP/10/1390 e MEMO/10/525) ha individuato 25 azioni concrete per rimuovere gli ostacoli incontrati dai cittadini dell’UE quando esercitano i loro diritti nell’Unione.
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Since then the Commission has been working to deliver on its promises, for example by strengthening the rights of crime victims, slashing red tape for people registering a car in another EU country, banning extra credit card charges and pre-ticked boxes for online shoppers, and reinforcing fair trial rights for all citizens in the EU.
Da allora, la Commissione si è adoperata per realizzare tali azioni, ad esempio rafforzando i diritti delle vittime di reati, riducendo la burocrazia per le persone che immatricolano un’auto in un altro paese dell’UE, eliminando le spese extra per l’uso della carta di credito e le caselle preselezionate per gli acquisti online e tutelando meglio il diritto ad un processo equo per tutti i cittadini dell’UE.
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Just three months after the kick-off of the future of Europe consultation on 9 May, over 8404 people have participated and answered the online questionnaire.This includes citizens from all Member States (9.9 % of respondents are French, 9.2 % German, 8.9% Italian, 7.6 % Spanish and 8.5 % are Polish– see how your country is faring in the Annex).
In appena tre mesi dal lancio della consultazione sul futuro dell’Europa, lo scorso 9 maggio, il questionario online ha ricevuto oltre 8404 risposte provenienti dai cittadini di tutti gli Stati membri (il 9,9% degli intervistati è francese, il 9,2% tedesco, il 8,9% italiano, il 7,6% spagnolo e il 8,5% polacco – si veda nell’allegato la percentuale di risposte per paese).
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The short questionnaire can easily be completed online and only takes ten minutes of your time.
Il breve questionario può essere facilmente compilato online e richiede solo dieci minuti.
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The consultation will be open until 9 September at website indicated below.
La consultazione resterà aperta fino al 9 settembre all’indirizzo indicato sotto.
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Thanks to EU citizenship – which does not replace national citizenship but complements it – all nationals of the 27 EU Member States have a set of additional rights as EU citizens.
La cittadinanza europea – che integra e non sostituisce quella nazionale – conferisce a tutti i cittadini dei 27 Stati membri dell’Unione una serie di diritti supplementari.
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These include the right to vote and stand in local and European elections in the EU country they live in, the right to consular protection abroad under the same conditions as nationals and the right to petition the European Parliament, complain to the European Ombudsman, or to take part in a European Citizens' Initiative.
Il cittadino dell’Unione ha il diritto di votare e candidarsi alle elezioni amministrative e europee nello Stato membro UE in cui risiede, gode della tutela consolare delle autorità di un qualsiasi Stato membro se il suo Stato non è rappresentato all’estero, può presentare una petizione al Parlamento europeo, rivolgersi al Mediatore europeo o partecipare ad un’iniziativa dei cittadini europei.
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In addition, everybody who lives in Europe can rely on the fundamental rights set out in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights whenever EU law is applied by the EU institutions or implemented by national authorities.
Inoltre, tutti coloro che vivono in Europa possono invocare i diritti fondamentali sanciti dalla Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell’Unione europea, ogni qualvolta il diritto dell’UE venga applicato dalle istituzioni dell’UE o attuato dalle autorità nazionali.
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The EU Citizenship Report 2010 outlined 25 concrete actions to
remove the remaining obstacles to EU citizens exercising their right to free
movement in the EU. One of these is to strengthen people's awareness of their EU
citizenship status, their rights and what these rights mean in their daily
La relazione 2010 sulla cittadinanza dell’Unione individua 25
interventi concreti per eliminare gli ostacoli che ancora intralciano la libera
circolazione dei cittadini europei all’interno dell’Unione, ad esempio campagne
di sensibilizzazione sullo status di cittadino europeo, sui relativi diritti e
sulle implicazioni nella vita di tutti i giorni.
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The Commission therefore proposed to designate 2013 as the
European Year of Citizens and to organise targeted events on EU citizenship and
citizen-related policies throughout the Year.
La Commissione propone infatti di proclamare il 2013 “Anno
europeo dei cittadini” e di organizzare eventi mirati sulla cittadinanza
dell’Unione e sulle politiche per i cittadini.
Future of Europe Consultation:10 more Days to go!
Over 8404 EU-citizens have already had their say on the future of Europe by
participating in the broad web-based consultation on citizens' rights and the
future of Europe launched by the European Commission - the latest figures
released today show.
On 9 May, Europe Day, the European Commission called on European citizens to
help set the policy agenda for the years to come and shape the future of Europe
Proposals about a 'Political Union', a 'European Federation' or a 'United
States of Europe' are the talk of the town.
This important question about the future of the European Union should not
only be debated by politicians but by citizens as well.
There are ten more days for Europeans to share their views on questions such
"How would you like the European Union to develop in the near future?
In what kind of European Union would you like to live in 2020?".
The consultation will close on 9 September
"At a time when the political debate in Europe is looking to the future and
discussing various scenarios for a genuine political and economic and monetary
Union, it is important to give citizens a stake in their own future.
This consultation is an opportunity for Europeans to help shape the EU's
agenda, in terms of their concrete rights as EU citizens and more broadly where
they would like to see the EU going in the future," said Vice-President Viviane
Reding, the EU’s Commissioner for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship.
"We need more Europe, not less, to emerge from the crisis. And for this, we
need our citizens on boards.
Europe is after all about their rights, their concerns and their future.
It is therefore the citizens that should guide us on our journey to a
stronger and more integrated Europe."
The Commission's consultation 'Your rights, your future' also asks the public
about the very practical obstacles citizens face in their daily life, when
exercising their rights as EU citizens or when wanting to rely on fundamental
rights enshrined in EU law.
The Commission wants to learn about any difficulties Europeans encounter, be
it when travelling in Europe, when moving across borders, when voting or
standing as a candidate in elections, or when shopping online.
The input received from the consultation will feed directly into the
Commission's policy agenda for the coming years and will form the basis for the
2013 EU Citizenship Report, to be presented on 9 May 2013, next year's Europe
Following a proposal from the Commission, 2013 is set to become the European
Year of Citizens (IP/11/959).
This will be an opportunity to debate directly with citizens in the Member
States in so-called ‘Citizens Dialogues’ – the first of which is set to take
place on 27 September in Cadiz.
The first EU Citizenship Report in 2010 outlined 25 concrete actions (see
IP/10/1390 and MEMO/10/525) to remove obstacles confronted by EU citizens when
exercising their rights in the EU.
Since then the Commission has been working to deliver on its promises, for
example by strengthening the rights of crime victims, slashing red tape for
people registering a car in another EU country, banning extra credit card
charges and pre-ticked boxes for online shoppers, and reinforcing fair trial
rights for all citizens in the EU.
Just three months after the kick-off of the future of Europe consultation on
9 May, over 8404 people have participated and answered the online
questionnaire.This includes citizens from all Member States (9.9 % of
respondents are French, 9.2 % German, 8.9% Italian, 7.6 % Spanish and 8.5 % are
Polish– see how your country is faring in the Annex).
The short questionnaire can easily be completed online and only takes ten
minutes of your time.
The consultation will be open until 9 September at website indicated below.
Thanks to EU citizenship – which does not replace national citizenship but
complements it – all nationals of the 27 EU Member States have a set of
additional rights as EU citizens.
These include the right to vote and stand in local and European elections in
the EU country they live in, the right to consular protection abroad under the
same conditions as nationals and the right to petition the European Parliament,
complain to the European Ombudsman, or to take part in a European Citizens'
In addition, everybody who lives in Europe can rely on the fundamental rights
set out in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights whenever EU law is applied by
the EU institutions or implemented by national authorities.
The EU Citizenship Report 2010 outlined 25 concrete actions to remove the
remaining obstacles to EU citizens exercising their right to free movement in
the EU. One of these is to strengthen people's awareness of their EU citizenship
status, their rights and what these rights mean in their daily lives.
The Commission therefore proposed to designate 2013 as the European Year of
Citizens and to organise targeted events on EU citizenship and citizen-related
policies throughout the Year.