Robot aerei e di terra impiegati nel salvataggio delle chiese danneggiate dal terremoto in Italia
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Data documento: 09-08-2012
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Microcopters and ground robots used to save earthquake-hit Italian churches
Robot aerei e di terra impiegati nel salvataggio delle chiese danneggiate dal terremoto in Italia
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In late July the EU-funded project NIFTi successfully deployed a team of flying and ground-based robots in Mirandola, Emilia-Romagna, Italy, upon the official request by the Vigili del Fuoco, the Italian national rescue organization in charge of disaster response and recovery.
A seguito di una richiesta ufficiale presentata dai Vigili del Fuoco, organizzazione incaricata in Italia di intervenire in caso di catastrofe e di favorire la ripresa, il progetto NIFTi finanziato dall'UE ha utilizzato con successo a Mirandola (Emilia-Romagna) alcuni robot aerei e di terra.
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The NIFTi team was tasked to assess the damage to local churches only 20 kilometres away from the epicentre of the series of earthquakes that hit the region in May and June 2012.
Il gruppo di lavoro del NIFTi era incaricato di valutare i danni riportati dalle chiese della zona, che si trova a soli venti chilometri dall’epicentro della serie di eventi sismici che ha interessato la regione nei mesi di maggio e giugno 2012.
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When the NIFTi team started their mission, the inner city of Mirandola was still sealed off by the military and nobody could access the area without authorisation.
Quando il gruppo del NIFTi ha iniziato la propria missione, l’accesso al centro storico di Mirandola era ancora bloccato dall’esercito e vietato a chiunque non fosse in possesso di un’autorizzazione.
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The conditions were very dangerous, and two fire fighters had been killed there before by a collapsing roof.
La situazione era estremamente pericolosa e già due vigili del fuoco erano rimasti uccisi nel crollo di un tetto.
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The robots entered badly damaged buildings, scanned the area and produced 3D map reconstructions and high-resolution videos to report on structural damage to ceilings, arches and aisles in the largely destroyed churches, which date back to the 13th and 15th centuries, and on the state of cultural artefacts such as paintings, decorations, tombs and altars.
I robot sono entrati in edifici gravemente danneggiati, hanno scannerizzato la zona e prodotto ricostruzioni tridimensionali e video ad alta risoluzione al fine di rilevare i danni strutturali subiti da soffitti, volte e navate delle chiese (risalenti al XIII e XV secolo e in gran parte distrutte) nonché lo stato delle opere d’arte, come pitture, decorazioni, sepolcri e altari.
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The team of robots and people had to work in harsh conditions, with no electricity, using a power generator, and flying the aerial robots in the dust, with almost no visibility, in temperatures of 36-40 C. The ground robots were hindered by piles of rubble.
L’attività di persone e robot si è svolta in condizioni difficili: la mancanza di elettricità ha imposto il ricorso a un generatore, i robot aerei hanno volato nella polvere, in pratica senza visibilità, le temperature hanno raggiunto 36- 40° C e mucchi di detriti hanno ostacolato i robot di terra.
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NIFTi deployed a team of seven people, two tracked ground robots and two microcopters. The NIFTi team received essential support from members of the Vigili del Fuoco.
Il NIFTi ha inviato sette persone, due delle quali incaricate dei robot di terra e due dei robot aerei, che hanno potuto svolgere la loro attività grazie al contributo determinante dei Vigili del Fuoco.
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Five microcopter missions were flown at the Chiesa di San Francesco d’Assisi and four at the Duomo in Mirandola.
Sono state effettuate cinque ricognizioni con robot aerei nella chiesa di San Francesco d’Assisi e quattro nel Duomo di Mirandola.
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The ground robot entered the Chiesa di San Francesco d'Assisi twice, to provide video and a 3D reconstruction of the western gallery.
I robot di terra sono stati utilizzati in due occasioni nella chiesa di San Francesco d'Assisi, per avere un video e una ricostruzione tridimensionale della navata occidentale.
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It also ran several missions in the Duomo (two in the eastern aisle and one at the top of the western aisle).
Nel Duomo sono state svolte diverse ricognizioni, in particolare due nella navata orientale e una nella navata occidentale.
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The ground robot was operated by a five-person team from a remote command post, involving a pilot, mission specialists, and an in-field observer.
Le operazioni con i robot di terra sono state condotte da un gruppo di cinque persone, comprendente un addetto al pilotaggio, specialisti delle missioni e un osservatore sul posto.
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At the Duomo the microcopter's tasks included flying over the inaccessible main aisle.
Nel Duomo i robot aerei hanno sorvolato anche l’inaccessibile navata principale.
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All the robots used during the mission were developed by the NIFTi project.
Tutte le unità robotiche utilizzate nel corso della missione sono state sviluppate nell’ambito del progetto NIFTi.
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It is a concrete example of human-robot teamwork in complex deployments.
Si è trattato di un esempio concreto di operazioni condotte congiuntamente da uomini e robot in situazioni complesse.
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The assessment team was co-led by DFKI (Saarbrücken) and the University La Sapienza (Rome), with the support of the Italian Ministry of Culture.
Il gruppo incaricato della valutazione era formato da rappresentanti del DFKI di Saarbrücken e dell’Università La Sapienza di Roma, con il sostegno del Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali.
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NIFTi is funded by the European Union through its Cognitive Systems & Advanced Robotics unit.
Il progetto NIFTi è finanziato dall'Unione europea attraverso l’unità per i sistemi cognitivi e la robotica avanzata.
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The project is coordinated by DFKI (Saarbrücken, Germany).
Il progetto è coordinato dal DFKI di Saarbrücken, in Germania.
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The consortium consists of DFKI, TNO (NL), Czech Technical University (CZ), Fraunhofer IAIS (D), BlueBotics (CH), ETH Zürich (CH), Roma La Sapienza (I), the Fire Department of Dortmund (D), and Vigili del Fuoco (I).
Il consorzio è formato da DFKI, TNO (NL), Czech Technical University (CZ), Fraunhofer IAIS (D), BlueBotics (CH), ETH Zürich (CH), l’università di Roma La Sapienza (I), il Fire Department of Dortmund (D), e i Vigili del Fuoco (I).
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The European Commission funds more than 100 robotics research projects supported by around €600 million in the last five years.
I finanziamenti della Commissione europea a favore di oltre 100 progetti di ricerca nella robotica sono ammontati a circa 600 milioni di EUR nell’ultimo quinquennio.
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They address topics such as scene and situation understanding, perceiving the world through artificial senses (computer vision, haptics etc) and physical behaviour such as grasping objects or locomotion in everyday spaces.
Le tematiche includono la comprensione di luoghi e situazioni, la percezione del mondo mediante sensori artificiali (informazioni visive e tattili computerizzate, ecc.) e azioni come la raccolta di oggetti o il moto in spazi quotidiani.
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Europe's robotics industry is highly successful, accounting for about a quarter of the global production in industrial robotics and 50% market share in professional service robotics.
L’industria della robotica in Europa ottiene risultati estremamente positivi, raggiungendo circa un quarto della produzione complessiva nella robotica industriale e una quota di mercato del 50% nella robotica dei servizi professionali.
Microcopters and ground robots used to save earthquake-hit Italian
In late July the EU-funded project NIFTi successfully deployed a team of
flying and ground-based robots in Mirandola, Emilia-Romagna, Italy, upon the
official request by the Vigili del Fuoco, the Italian national rescue
organization in charge of disaster response and recovery.
The NIFTi team was tasked to assess the damage to local churches only 20
kilometres away from the epicentre of the series of earthquakes that hit the
region in May and June 2012.
When the NIFTi team started their mission, the inner city of Mirandola was
still sealed off by the military and nobody could access the area without
The conditions were very dangerous, and two fire fighters had been killed
there before by a collapsing roof.
The robots entered badly damaged buildings, scanned the area and produced 3D
map reconstructions and high-resolution videos to report on structural damage to
ceilings, arches and aisles in the largely destroyed churches, which date back
to the 13th and 15th centuries, and on the state of cultural artefacts such as
paintings, decorations, tombs and altars.
The team of robots and people had to work in harsh conditions, with no
electricity, using a power generator, and flying the aerial robots in the dust,
with almost no visibility, in temperatures of 36-40 C. The ground robots were
hindered by piles of rubble.
NIFTi deployed a team of seven people, two tracked ground robots and two
microcopters. The NIFTi team received essential support from members of the
Vigili del Fuoco.
Five microcopter missions were flown at the Chiesa di San Francesco d’Assisi
and four at the Duomo in Mirandola.
The ground robot entered the Chiesa di San Francesco d'Assisi twice, to
provide video and a 3D reconstruction of the western gallery.
It also ran several missions in the Duomo (two in the eastern aisle and one
at the top of the western aisle).
The ground robot was operated by a five-person team from a remote command
post, involving a pilot, mission specialists, and an in-field observer.
At the Duomo the microcopter's tasks included flying over the inaccessible
main aisle.
All the robots used during the mission were developed by the NIFTi project.
It is a concrete example of human-robot teamwork in complex deployments.
The assessment team was co-led by DFKI (Saarbrücken) and the University La
Sapienza (Rome), with the support of the Italian Ministry of Culture.
NIFTi is funded by the European Union through its Cognitive Systems &
Advanced Robotics unit.
The project is coordinated by DFKI (Saarbrücken, Germany).
The consortium consists of DFKI, TNO (NL), Czech Technical University (CZ),
Fraunhofer IAIS (D), BlueBotics (CH), ETH Zürich (CH), Roma La Sapienza (I), the
Fire Department of Dortmund (D), and Vigili del Fuoco (I).
The European Commission funds more than 100 robotics research projects
supported by around €600 million in the last five years.
They address topics such as scene and situation understanding, perceiving the
world through artificial senses (computer vision, haptics etc) and physical
behaviour such as grasping objects or locomotion in everyday spaces.
Europe's robotics industry is highly successful, accounting for about a
quarter of the global production in industrial robotics and 50% market share in
professional service robotics.