Ambiente: un nuovo medagliere per la gestione dei rifiuti
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Data documento: 07-08-2012
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Environment:a new medals table for waste management
Ambiente: un nuovo medagliere per la gestione dei rifiuti
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A new report on how Member States manage their municipal waste shows startling differences across the EU.
La nuova relazione sulla gestione dei rifiuti urbani negli Stati membri evidenzia l'esistenza di profonde differenze nell'UE.
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The report grades the 27 Member States against 18 criteria, using green, orange and red flags in areas such as total waste recycled, pricing of waste disposal, and infringements of European legislation.
La relazione classifica i 27 Stati membri in base a 18 criteri, attribuendo bandiere verdi, arancioni e rosse per voci quali totale dei rifiuti riciclati, tariffe dello smaltimento dei rifiuti, violazioni della normativa europea.
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The resulting scoreboard forms part of an on-going study that will help Member States improve their waste management performance.
La risultante tabella dei punteggi costituisce uno degli elementi di uno studio in corso finalizzato ad aiutare gli Stati membri a migliorare le prestazioni nella gestione dei rifiuti.
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Top of the table are Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, and Sweden, none of which have more than 2 red flags.
Guidano la classifica Austria, Belgio, Danimarca, Germania, Paesi Bassi e Svezia, nessuno dei quali ha più di due bandiere rosse.
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But the pattern is reversed at the other end of the scale, where green flags are scarce.
La situazione si capovolge tuttavia all'altro estremo della classifica, dove le bandiere verdi scarseggiano.
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Environment Commissioner Janez Potočnik said:
Janez Potočnik, Commissario per l'Ambiente, ha dichiarato:
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"The picture that emerges from this exercise confirms my strong concerns.
"Il quadro che emerge da quest'esercizio conferma i miei forti timori:
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Many Member States are still landfilling huge amounts of municipal waste - the worst waste management option - despite better alternatives, and despite structural funds being available to finance better options.
molti Stati membri conferiscono ancora quantità ingenti di rifiuti urbani in discarica - che costituisce l'opzione peggiore di gestione dei rifiuti - nonostante la disponibilità di alternative migliori e dei fondi strutturali per finanziarle.
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Valuable resources are being buried, potential economic benefits are being lost, jobs in the waste management sector are not being created, and human health and the environment suffer.
Si interrano risorse preziose, si perdono potenziali vantaggi economici, non si crea occupazione nel settore della gestione dei rifiuti e si espongono a rischi la salute umana e l'ambiente:
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This is hard to defend in our present economic circumstances."
una situazione difficile da difendere nelle circostanze economiche attuali."
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The Member States with the largest implementation gaps are Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Latvia, Malta, Poland, Romania and Slovakia.
Gli Stati membri che presentano i maggiori deficit di attuazione sono: Bulgaria, Cipro, Estonia, Grecia, Italia, Lettonia, Lituania, Malta, Polonia, Repubblica ceca, Romania e Slovacchia.
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Failings include poor or non-existent waste prevention policies, a lack of incentives to divert waste from landfills, and inadequate waste infrastructure.
Con carenze quali politiche deboli o inesistenti di prevenzione dei rifiuti, assenza di incentivi alle alternative al conferimento in discarica e inadeguatezza delle infrastrutture per il trattamento dei rifiuti.
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Heavy reliance on landfilling means that better waste management options such as re-use and recycling are consistently underexploited.
Il ricorso massiccio al conferimento in discarica implica il sottoutilizzo sistematico di opzioni migliori di gestione dei rifiuti, quali riutilizzo e riciclaggio:
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The outlook is accordingly poor.
il panorama è invero desolante.
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Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, and Sweden by contrast have comprehensive waste collection systems and landfill less than 5 % of their waste.
Per converso, Austria, Belgio, Danimarca, Germania, Paesi Bassi e Svezia dispongono di sistemi completi di raccolta dei rifiuti, meno del 5% dei quali finisce in discarica.
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They have well developed recycling systems, sufficient treatment capacity, and they perform well with biodegradable waste.
Vantano sistemi di riciclaggio ben sviluppati, una capacità di trattamento sufficiente e buone prestazioni riguardo ai rifiuti biodegradabili.
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Typically, they blend legal, administrative and economic instruments to good effect in their waste management policies.
Le politiche di gestione dei rifiuti di tali paesi sono caratterizzate da una combinazione adeguata di strumenti giuridici, amministrativi ed economici.
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A number of Member States have made rapid progress from reliance on landfilling to its virtual elimination.
Vari Stati membri hanno compiuto rapidamente progressi passando dal conferimento generalizzato in discarica alla sua quasi eliminazione.
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But even the best performers face a number of challenges such as stepping up waste prevention and addressing overcapacity in the incineration sector, which may hamper recycling and require imports of waste to feed incinerators.
Ma anche i paesi che vantano i risultati migliori si trovano di fronte a sfide come il rafforzamento della prevenzione dei rifiuti e la questione della sovraccapacità d'incenerimento, che potrebbe ostacolare il riciclaggio e indurre a importare rifiuti per alimentare gli inceneritori.
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Next Steps
Fasi successive
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The Commission is using this report to prepare Roadmaps for the ten worst performing Member States.These will be discussed with national authorities at bilateral seminars this autumn, starting in Prague on 19 September.
La Commissione si basa su questa relazione per stilare tabelle di marcia rivolte ai dieci Stati membri che hanno registrato i risultati peggiori, delle quali discuterà quest'autunno con le autorità nazionali in seminari bilaterali: il primo appuntamento è fissato per il 19 settembre a Praga.
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The Roadmaps will help spread best practices and will contain tailor-made recommendations on how to improve waste management using economic, legal and administrative tools, and EU structural funds.
Le tabelle di marcia contribuiranno a diffondere le migliori pratiche e conterranno raccomandazioni personalizzate sul modo in cui migliorare la gestione dei rifiuti con strumenti economici, giuridici e amministrativi e grazie ai fondi strutturali dell'UE.
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The Commission is looking to use EU structural funds with a greater focus on the objectives of EU waste policy.
La Commissione prospetta un impiego dei fondi strutturali dell'UE maggiormente mirato agli obiettivi della politica dell'UE in materia di rifiuti.
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The proposed Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) 2014-2020 will ensure that EU money is only invested in waste management projects if certain conditions are met beforehand, including the development of Waste Management Plans in accordance with the Waste Framework Directive and with the waste hierarchy, favouring prevention, reuse and recycling over incineration with energy recovery, with landfilling or incineration without energy recovery as a last resort.
Il quadro finanziario pluriennale 2014-2020 proposto farà in modo che i fondi dell'UE siano investiti in progetti di gestione dei rifiuti soltanto se sono preliminarmente soddisfatte talune condizioni, fra cui la predisposizione di piani di gestione dei rifiuti a norma della direttiva quadro sui rifiuti e nel rispetto della gerarchia dei rifiuti, privilegiando la prevenzione, il riutilizzo e il riciclaggio rispetto all'incenerimento con recupero di energia e ricorrendo in ultima istanza al conferimento in discarica o all'incenerimento senza recupero di energia.
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A recent study prepared for the Commission estimates that full implementation of EU waste legislation would save €72 billion a year management.
Secondo uno studio recente della Commissione, una piena attuazione della legislazione unionale sui rifiuti consentirebbe di risparmiare 72 miliardi di euro l'anno.
Environment:a new medals table for waste management
A new report on how Member States manage their municipal waste shows
startling differences across the EU.
The report grades the 27 Member States against 18 criteria, using green,
orange and red flags in areas such as total waste recycled, pricing of waste
disposal, and infringements of European legislation.
The resulting scoreboard forms part of an on-going study that will help
Member States improve their waste management performance.
Top of the table are Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, and
Sweden, none of which have more than 2 red flags.
But the pattern is reversed at the other end of the scale, where green flags
are scarce.
Environment Commissioner Janez Potočnik said:
"The picture that emerges from this exercise confirms my strong concerns.
Many Member States are still landfilling huge amounts of municipal waste -
the worst waste management option - despite better alternatives, and despite
structural funds being available to finance better options.
Valuable resources are being buried, potential economic benefits are being
lost, jobs in the waste management sector are not being created, and human
health and the environment suffer.
This is hard to defend in our present economic circumstances."
The Member States with the largest implementation gaps are Bulgaria, Cyprus,
the Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Latvia, Malta, Poland,
Romania and Slovakia.
Failings include poor or non-existent waste prevention policies, a lack of
incentives to divert waste from landfills, and inadequate waste infrastructure.
Heavy reliance on landfilling means that better waste management options such
as re-use and recycling are consistently underexploited.
The outlook is accordingly poor.
Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, and Sweden by contrast
have comprehensive waste collection systems and landfill less than 5 % of their
They have well developed recycling systems, sufficient treatment capacity,
and they perform well with biodegradable waste.
Typically, they blend legal, administrative and economic instruments to good
effect in their waste management policies.
A number of Member States have made rapid progress from reliance on
landfilling to its virtual elimination.
But even the best performers face a number of challenges such as stepping up
waste prevention and addressing overcapacity in the incineration sector, which
may hamper recycling and require imports of waste to feed incinerators.
Next Steps
The Commission is using this report to prepare Roadmaps for the ten worst
performing Member States.These will be discussed with national authorities at
bilateral seminars this autumn, starting in Prague on 19 September.
The Roadmaps will help spread best practices and will contain tailor-made
recommendations on how to improve waste management using economic, legal and
administrative tools, and EU structural funds.
The Commission is looking to use EU structural funds with a greater focus on
the objectives of EU waste policy.
The proposed Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) 2014-2020 will ensure that
EU money is only invested in waste management projects if certain conditions are
met beforehand, including the development of Waste Management Plans in
accordance with the Waste Framework Directive and with the waste hierarchy,
favouring prevention, reuse and recycling over incineration with energy
recovery, with landfilling or incineration without energy recovery as a last
A recent study prepared for the Commission estimates that full implementation
of EU waste legislation would save €72 billion a year management.