La Commissione si compiace dell’annunciato miglioramento della situazione dei cittadini che hanno acquistato proprietà sulla costa spagnola
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Data documento: 03-08-2012
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Commission welcomes plans to improve situation for citizens who purchased property on the Spanish coast
La Commissione si compiace dell’annunciato miglioramento della situazione dei cittadini che hanno acquistato proprietà sulla costa spagnola
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Today, European Commission Vice-President Viviane Reding, the EU's Justice Commissioner, welcomed an announcement by Spain that that it intends to improve legal certainty for property owners along the Spanish coast which have been affected by the Coastal Law. The Coastal Law (Ley de Costas) aims to protect local habitats by designating an area along the entire coastline as a public domain.
Oggi la Vicepresidente della Commissione europea e Commissaria europea per la Giustizia Viviane Reding ha accolto con favore l’intenzione annunciata dalla Spagna di migliorare la certezza giuridica per i proprietari di beni immobili lungo la costa spagnola soggetti alla Ley de Costas (legge costiera), il cui scopo è tutelare gli habitat locali qualificando come demaniale un’area situata lungo l’intera fascia costiera.
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However, homeowners within the zone claim the law - and the way it has been applied - breaches their rights.
I proprietari di alloggi ubicati nella zona sostengono tuttavia che la legge, e il modo in cui viene applicata, viola i loro diritti.
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Many of those affected by the Coastal Law are European citizens who have exercised their right of free movement and invested their savings in Spanish property.
In molti casi si tratta di cittadini europei che hanno esercitato il proprio diritto alla libera circolazione e investito i loro risparmi in proprietà spagnole.
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The European Commission raised this issue with the Spanish authorities on several occasions after receiving a large number of complaints from both Spanish and other EU citizens.
La Commissione europea ha sollevato ripetutamente la questione con le autorità spagnole dopo aver ricevuto un gran numero di denunce da spagnoli e altri cittadini dell’Unione.
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The European Parliament's Petitions Committee organised a specific hearing on the matter and urged the Spanish authorities to revise the Ley de Costas.
La commissione per le petizioni del Parlamento europeo ha organizzato un’audizione specifica sulla questione e ha esortato le autorità spagnole a rivedere la Ley de Costas.
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Spain is now proposing to reform the law to ensure an effective protection of the coastal environment whilst bringing more legal certainty to homeowners and promoting economic and other activities such as leisure and tourism.
Ora la Spagna propone di riformare la legge per garantire un’effettiva tutela dell’ambiente costiero assicurando al tempo stesso maggiore certezza giuridica ai proprietari di alloggi e promuovendo le attività economiche e di altro genere, come quelle nei settori del tempo libero e del turismo.
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"The Spanish Government is right to protect Spain's beautiful coastline and I applaud the care it is now taking to do so in a way that improves legal certainty and due process for citizens who own property on the Spanish coast or who are thinking of doing so.
"Il governo spagnolo fa bene a proteggere la sua splendida costa e posso solo compiacermi dell’impegno con cui cerca di migliorare la certezza giuridica e di garantire il rispetto dei diritti dei cittadini che possiedono proprietà sulla costa spagnola o che pensano di procedere a un acquisto.
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The preliminary draft law will be available online over the coming weeks and I call on everyone with an interest in this issue - who owns or wants to buy property in Spain for example - to look at the draft law online to understand what these changes would mean and to make any necessary comments," said Vice-President Viviane Reding, the EU's Justice Commissioner.
Il disegno di legge preliminare sarà disponibile online nelle prossime settimane: invito tutte le persone interessate, ad esempio quelle che possiedono o intendono acquistare proprietà in Spagna, a consultarlo per capire esattamente le implicazioni di queste modifiche e formulare tutte le osservazioni necessarie", ha dichiarato la Vicepresidente Viviane Reding, Commissaria europea per la Giustizia.
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"The new Spanish law aims to improve legal certainty for European citizens and businesses and therefore also their confidence when investing in a foreign legal environment.
"La nuova legge spagnola intende migliorare la certezza giuridica per i cittadini e le imprese dell’UE, permettendo loro di investire con maggiore fiducia in un contesto giuridico straniero.
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This is good news for citizens, but also for the Spanish economy."
È una buona notizia non solo per i cittadini, ma anche per l’economia spagnola".
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The draft law would extend the period of the existing concession to enjoy possession of properties built in the protected zone (public domain) from 30 years to 75 years.
Il disegno di legge prolungherebbe il periodo dell’attuale concessione per il godimento dei beni situati nell’area protetta (area demaniale) da 30 a 75 anni.
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It would also introduce the possibility to sell this interest in the property - subject to prior authorisation -, and to renovate the buildings situated in this zone, as long as this would not imply a change in the volume, height or surface of the property.
Verrebbe inoltre introdotta la possibilità di cedere, previa autorizzazione, tale diritto su questi beni e di ristrutturare gli edifici ubicati in questa zona, sempre che ciò non comporti modifiche in termini di volume, altezza o superficie.
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In addition, the public administration will be obliged to register the definitive and provisional demarcation line in the property register, so that purchasers will be better informed about whether the property is situated in a protected area and the exact location and extension of this area.
Inoltre, la pubblica amministrazione sarà tenuta a registrare la linea di demarcazione definitiva e provvisoria nel registro delle proprietà, affinché gli acquirenti sappiano esattamente se l’immobile si trova in un’area protetta e abbiano informazioni precise sull’ubicazione e sull’estensione dell’area stessa.
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The demarcation lines will also be published on the website of the Spanish Ministry for Environment.
Le linee di demarcazione saranno pubblicate anche sul sito Internet del ministero dell’Ambiente spagnolo.
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Citizens affected by the Spanish Coastal Law include both Spanish nationals and other EU citizens who own properties on the Spanish coast.
La Ley de Costas colpisce sia i cittadini spagnoli che gli altri cittadini dell’Unione proprietari di beni situati lungo la costa spagnola.
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Spain is home to around 2.3 million citizens from other EU countries, or 5% of the population.
La Spagna accoglie circa 2,3 milioni di cittadini di altri paesi dell’UE, pari al 5% della popolazione, così suddivisi:
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This includes around 367,000 British, 238,000 Germans, 225,000 French, 99,000 Italians, 52,000 Dutch and 17,000 Irish.
circa 367 000 britannici, 238 000 tedeschi, 225 000 francesi, 99 000 italiani, 52 000 olandesi e 17 000 irlandesi.
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Since 2010, Vice-President Viviane Reding has raised the issue repeatedly in a series of letters and technical-level meetings with the Spanish authorities, in order to draw their attention to the situation of affected EU citizens.
Dal 2010 la Vicepresidente Viviane Reding ha sollevato più volte la questione in diverse lettere e riunioni tecniche con le autorità spagnole, per richiamare la loro attenzione sulla situazione dei cittadini dell’Unione interessati.
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On 13 July 2012, the Spanish government adopted a preliminary draft law to amend the Coastal Law of 1988.
Il 13 luglio 2012 il governo spagnolo ha adottato un disegno di legge preliminare per modificare la Ley de Costas del 1988.
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An English summary of the proposal is now available on the website of the Spanish Ministry for Environment: see below.
Una sintesi della proposta in inglese è attualmente disponibile sul sito Internet del ministero dell’Ambiente spagnolo: vedi sotto.
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Citizens can comment on the draft by emailing to:
I cittadini possono formulare osservazioni sul disegno di legge inviando un’e-mail al seguente indirizzo:
Commission welcomes plans to improve situation for citizens who purchased
property on the Spanish coast
Today, European Commission Vice-President Viviane Reding, the EU's Justice
Commissioner, welcomed an announcement by Spain that that it intends to improve
legal certainty for property owners along the Spanish coast which have been
affected by the Coastal Law. The Coastal Law (Ley de Costas) aims to protect
local habitats by designating an area along the entire coastline as a public
However, homeowners within the zone claim the law - and the way it has been
applied - breaches their rights.
Many of those affected by the Coastal Law are European citizens who have
exercised their right of free movement and invested their savings in Spanish
The European Commission raised this issue with the Spanish authorities on
several occasions after receiving a large number of complaints from both Spanish
and other EU citizens.
The European Parliament's Petitions Committee organised a specific hearing on
the matter and urged the Spanish authorities to revise the Ley de Costas.
Spain is now proposing to reform the law to ensure an effective protection of
the coastal environment whilst bringing more legal certainty to homeowners and
promoting economic and other activities such as leisure and tourism.
"The Spanish Government is right to protect Spain's beautiful coastline and I
applaud the care it is now taking to do so in a way that improves legal
certainty and due process for citizens who own property on the Spanish coast or
who are thinking of doing so.
The preliminary draft law will be available online over the coming weeks and
I call on everyone with an interest in this issue - who owns or wants to buy
property in Spain for example - to look at the draft law online to understand
what these changes would mean and to make any necessary comments," said
Vice-President Viviane Reding, the EU's Justice Commissioner.
"The new Spanish law aims to improve legal certainty for European citizens
and businesses and therefore also their confidence when investing in a foreign
legal environment.
This is good news for citizens, but also for the Spanish economy."
The draft law would extend the period of the existing concession to enjoy
possession of properties built in the protected zone (public domain) from 30
years to 75 years.
It would also introduce the possibility to sell this interest in the property
- subject to prior authorisation -, and to renovate the buildings situated in
this zone, as long as this would not imply a change in the volume, height or
surface of the property.
In addition, the public administration will be obliged to register the
definitive and provisional demarcation line in the property register, so that
purchasers will be better informed about whether the property is situated in a
protected area and the exact location and extension of this area.
The demarcation lines will also be published on the website of the Spanish
Ministry for Environment.
Citizens affected by the Spanish Coastal Law include both Spanish nationals
and other EU citizens who own properties on the Spanish coast.
Spain is home to around 2.3 million citizens from other EU countries, or 5%
of the population.
This includes around 367,000 British, 238,000 Germans, 225,000 French, 99,000
Italians, 52,000 Dutch and 17,000 Irish.
Since 2010, Vice-President Viviane Reding has raised the issue repeatedly in
a series of letters and technical-level meetings with the Spanish authorities,
in order to draw their attention to the situation of affected EU citizens.
On 13 July 2012, the Spanish government adopted a preliminary draft law to
amend the Coastal Law of 1988.
An English summary of the proposal is now available on the website of the
Spanish Ministry for Environment: see below.
Citizens can comment on the draft by emailing to informacionmma@magrama.es