Sondaggio Eurobarometro standard della primavera 2012: è ancora forte il sostegno dei cittadini alla strategia Europa 2020
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Data documento: 30-07-2012
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Spring 2012 Standard Eurobarometer: Public support for Europe 2020 Strategy remains strong
Sondaggio Eurobarometro standard della primavera 2012: è ancora forte il sostegno dei cittadini alla strategia Europa 2020
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Europeans broadly support the initiatives for growth, stability and jobs put forward by the EU, according to the Spring 2012 Eurobarometer, the bi-annual opinion poll organised by the European Commission.
I cittadini europei sono generalmente favorevoli alle iniziative per la crescita, la stabilità e l’occupazione messe a punto dall’UE, secondo l’Eurobarometro della primavera 2012, il sondaggio semestrale organizzato dalla Commissione europea.
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As we move into the second half of the year, where - after the "European Semester" - the onus is now on Member States to act, modernising labour markets to create jobs and helping the poor and socially excluded are seen as the most important priorities by public opinion in the EU.
In questa seconda metà dell’anno, in cui - dopo il "semestre europeo" - tocca agli Stati membri agire, l’opinione pubblica dell’UE considera priorità assolute la modernizzazione dei mercati del lavoro per creare occupazione e il sostegno ai poveri e alle persone socialmente emarginate.
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The latest poll also shows Europeans say the headline targets agreed by the EU - such as ensuring three quarters of working age people have jobs - are at the right level of ambition (see Annex).
Il recente sondaggio rivela inoltre che gli europei giudicano adeguato il livello di ambizione dei principali obiettivi stabiliti dall’UE, ad esempio assicurare che i tre quarti della popolazione in età lavorativa abbiano un lavoro (cfr.allegato).
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People’s views on the Europe 2020 strategy - which is the EU's growth strategy - are encouraging, particularly in relation to the importance of the initiatives and the level of ambition.
L’opinione dei cittadini nei confronti di Europa 2020, la strategia dell’UE per la crescita, appare incoraggiante, soprattutto per quanto riguarda l’importanza delle iniziative e il livello di ambizione.
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Overall, 40% of Europeans (+2 percentage points) take the view that the EU is heading in the right direction to emerge from the crisis and face new global challenges.
Nel complesso, il 40% degli europei (+2 punti percentuali) reputa che l’UE stia procedendo nella giusta direzione per uscire dalla crisi e far fronte alle nuove sfide a livello mondiale.
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Although there are significant variations between countries, there are signs that Europeans are becoming less pessimistic, with more people saying that the worst of the crisis is behind us.
Sebbene le variazioni tra i paesi siano significative, alcuni segnali indicano un minor pessimismo negli europei, con un numero maggiore di persone che affermano che il peggio della crisi è ormai alle spalle.
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30% of Europeans think that the crisis’ impact on the job market has already reached its peak (a rise of 7 points since the previous survey in autumn 2011).
Il 30% degli europei pensa che le ripercussioni della crisi sul mercato del lavoro abbiano già raggiunto il loro culmine (un incremento di 7 punti rispetto al precedente sondaggio dell’autunno 2011).
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More than 8 out of 10 Europeans think EU Member States should work more closely together as a result of the crisis and more than half believe the EU will emerge stronger in the long term.
Oltre 8 europei su 10 ritengono che, a seguito della crisi, gli Stati membri dell’UE dovrebbero cooperare più strettamente fra loro e oltre la metà dei cittadini ritiene che l’UE ne uscirà rafforzata nel lungo termine.
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As in previous surveys, responses about the situation of national economies differ widely between Member States.
Come nei precedenti sondaggi, le risposte relative alla situazione delle economie nazionali differiscono notevolmente da uno Stato membro all’altro:
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While over three quarters of people in Sweden, Luxembourg and Germany say the economic situation is good, less than 5% share this view in Ireland, Portugal, Spain and Greece.
mentre la situazione economica è giudicata buona da più di tre quarti della popolazione in Svezia, Lussemburgo e Germania, meno del 5% degli abitanti condivide questa opinione in Irlanda, Portogallo, Spagna e Grecia.
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Overall, in the last 6 months, the views on the current situation of the national economy have remained stable, with positive feedback (down by 1 to 27%) and negative feedback (unchanged at 71%).
Nel complesso, gli ultimi sei mesi hanno visto una certa stabilità nel numero sia di coloro che giudicano buona l’attuale situazione economica nazionale, che si attesta al 27% (-1), che di coloro che la considerano negativa, al 71% (invariato).
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Citizens continue to see the EU as the most effective actor - alongside national governments - in tackling the effects of the economic crisis.
I cittadini continuano a vedere nell’UE il soggetto più efficace, insieme ai governi nazionali, nell’affrontare gli effetti della crisi economica.
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As usual, Eurobarometer shows the similarities and differences between public opinion in the EU Member States in relation to peoples’ main concerns (unemployment, inflation and the economic situation).
Come di consueto, l’Eurobarometro mostra similitudini e differenze nell’opinione pubblica degli Stati membri dell’UE in relazione alle principali preoccupazioni dei cittadini (disoccupazione, inflazione e situazione economica).
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The Spring 2012 Standard Eurobarometer was conducted through face-to-face interviews between 12 and 27 May 2012.
Il sondaggio Eurobarometro della primavera 2012 è stato realizzato mediante colloqui individuali tra il 12 e il 27 maggio 2012.
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A total of 32,728 people were interviewed across the 27 EU Member States and in the candidate countries.
In totale sono state intervistate 32 728 persone nei 27 Stati membri dell’UE e nei paesi candidati.
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Further information
Ulteriori informazioni
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The first results report is published today outlining Europeans’ perceptions of the current economic situation and preoccupations for the future as well as their opinions on the crisis and the Europe 2020 strategy.
Viene pubblicata oggi la relazione sui primi risultati del sondaggio, che mette in luce la percezione dell’attuale situazione economica da parte dei cittadini europei, le loro preoccupazioni per il futuro e il loro parere sulla crisi e sulla strategia Europa 2020.
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Trend results on the EU Institutions and data on questions about citizenship issues are also published.
Sono inoltre pubblicate le tendenze che riguardano le istituzioni dell’UE e i dati relativi a questioni legate alla cittadinanza.
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The first results report is available at website indicated below.
La relazione con i primi risultati è disponibile all' indirizzo sotto indicato.
Spring 2012 Standard Eurobarometer: Public support for Europe 2020
Strategy remains strong
Europeans broadly support the initiatives for growth, stability and jobs put
forward by the EU, according to the Spring 2012 Eurobarometer, the bi-annual
opinion poll organised by the European Commission.
As we move into the second half of the year, where - after the "European
Semester" - the onus is now on Member States to act, modernising labour markets
to create jobs and helping the poor and socially excluded are seen as the most
important priorities by public opinion in the EU.
The latest poll also shows Europeans say the headline targets agreed by the
EU - such as ensuring three quarters of working age people have jobs - are at
the right level of ambition (see Annex).
People’s views on the Europe 2020 strategy - which is the EU's growth
strategy - are encouraging, particularly in relation to the importance of the
initiatives and the level of ambition.
Overall, 40% of Europeans (+2 percentage points) take the view that the EU is
heading in the right direction to emerge from the crisis and face new global
Although there are significant variations between countries, there are signs
that Europeans are becoming less pessimistic, with more people saying that the
worst of the crisis is behind us.
30% of Europeans think that the crisis’ impact on the job market has already
reached its peak (a rise of 7 points since the previous survey in autumn 2011).
More than 8 out of 10 Europeans think EU Member States should work more
closely together as a result of the crisis and more than half believe the EU
will emerge stronger in the long term.
As in previous surveys, responses about the situation of national economies
differ widely between Member States.
While over three quarters of people in Sweden, Luxembourg and Germany say the
economic situation is good, less than 5% share this view in Ireland, Portugal,
Spain and Greece.
Overall, in the last 6 months, the views on the current situation of the
national economy have remained stable, with positive feedback (down by 1 to 27%)
and negative feedback (unchanged at 71%).
Citizens continue to see the EU as the most effective actor - alongside
national governments - in tackling the effects of the economic crisis.
As usual, Eurobarometer shows the similarities and differences between public
opinion in the EU Member States in relation to peoples’ main concerns
(unemployment, inflation and the economic situation).
The Spring 2012 Standard Eurobarometer was conducted through face-to-face
interviews between 12 and 27 May 2012.
A total of 32,728 people were interviewed across the 27 EU Member States and
in the candidate countries.
Further information
The first results report is published today outlining Europeans’ perceptions
of the current economic situation and preoccupations for the future as well as
their opinions on the crisis and the Europe 2020 strategy.
Trend results on the EU Institutions and data on questions about citizenship
issues are also published.
The first results report is available at website indicated below.