Ambiente: 268,4 milioni di EUR per 202 nuovi progetti ambientali
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Data documento: 20-07-2012
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Environment: €268.4 million for 202 new environment projects
Ambiente: 268,4 milioni di EUR per 202 nuovi progetti ambientali
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The European Commission has approved funding for 202 new projects under the LIFE+ programme, the European Union's environment fund.
La Commissione europea ha approvato il finanziamento di 202 nuovi progetti nel quadro del programma LIFE+, il fondo per l'ambiente dell’Unione europea.
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The projects cover actions in the fields of nature conservation, environmental policy, climate change and information and communication on environmental issues.
I progetti presentati riguardano interventi nei settori della tutela della natura, della politica ambientale e dell’informazione e comunicazione in tema di questioni ambientali.
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They represent a total investment of some €516.5 million, of which the EU will provide €268.4 million.
L’investimento complessivo è pari a 516,5 milioni di EUR, di cui 268,4 milioni saranno coperti dal contributo unionale.
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Environment Commissioner Janez
Potočnik said:
Janez Potočnik, Commissario per l'Ambiente, ha dichiarato:
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"In this 20th anniversary year of the LIFE programme and the Habitats Directive, I’m delighted to announce the continuing support for high quality environmental projects across the EU.
"In occasione del ventennale del programma LIFE e della direttiva "Habitat", ho il piacere di annunciare la prosecuzione del finanziamento di progetti ambientali di qualità elevata in tutta l'UE.
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These latest LIFE+ projects continue a trend, started two decades ago, for innovative and best-practice actions furthering nature conservation, improving the environment and tackling climate change."
Questi nuovi progetti LIFE+ si inseriscono in una tendenza instauratasi due decenni fa, a favore di azioni innovative e di migliori pratiche per rafforzare la tutela della natura, migliorare l'ambiente e affrontare i cambiamenti climatici".
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The Commission received 1 078 applications from the 27 EU Member States in response to its latest call for proposals, which closed in July 2011.
Nel quadro dell’ultimo invito a presentare proposte, conclusosi in luglio 2012, dai 27 Stati membri dell'UE sono pervenute 1 078 richieste;
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Of these, 202 were selected for co-funding through the programme’s three components:
di cui 202 sono state selezionate per un cofinanziamento nell’ambito delle tre componenti del programma:
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LIFE+ Nature and Biodiversity, LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance and LIFE+ Information and Communication.
ossia LIFE+ Natura e biodiversità, LIFE+ Politica e governance ambientali e LIFE+ Informazione e comunicazione.
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The selected projects are highlighted in the annex to this press release (see MEMO/12/585).
I progetti selezionati sono illustrati nell’elenco dei progetti allegato al presente comunicato stampa (cfr. MEMO/12/585).
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LIFE+ Nature & Biodiversity projects improve the conservation status of endangered species and habitats.
I progetti LIFE+ Natura e biodiversità migliorano lo stato di conservazione di specie e habitat in pericolo.
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Of the 268 proposals received, the Commission selected 76 projects for funding from partnerships of conservation bodies, government authorities and other parties.
Tra le 268 proposte ricevute, la Commissione ha scelto 76 progetti da finanziare nell’ambito di partenariati conclusi da organismi di conservazione, enti governativi e altre parti interessate.
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Situated in 22 Member States, they represent a total investment of €241.8 million, of which the EU will provide €136 million.
Situati in 22 Stati membri, tali progetti rappresentano un investimento complessivo di 241,8 milioni di EUR, a fronte dei quali il contributo comunitario sarà di circa 136 milioni di EUR.
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71 are Nature projects, contributing to the implementation of the Birds and/or Habitats Directives and Natura 2000.
La maggior parte dei progetti (71) riguardano la natura e contribuiscono all'attuazione delle direttive "Uccelli" e/o "Habitat" e alla realizzazione della rete Natura 2000.
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The other five tackle wider biodiversity issues.
Gli altri cinque sono progetti che affrontano temi più ampi connessi alla biodiversità.
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LIFE+ Environment Policy & Governance projects are pilot projects that contribute to the development of innovative policy ideas, technologies, methods and instruments.
I progetti LIFE+ Politica e governance ambientali sono progetti pilota che contribuiscono allo sviluppo di strategie, tecnologie, metodi e strumenti innovativi.
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Of the 607 proposals received, the Commission selected 113 projects for funding from a wide range of public and private sector organisations.
Tra le 607 proposte ricevute, la Commissione ha scelto 113 progetti che saranno finanziati da una vasta gamma di organizzazioni del settore pubblico e privato.
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The winning projects represent a total investment of €258.4 million, of which the EU will provide some €124.4 million.
I progetti selezionati rappresentano un investimento complessivo pari a 258,4 milioni di EUR, di cui 124,4 milioni saranno coperti dal contributo dell’UE.
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Under this component, the Commission will contribute more than €31.4 million to 23 projects directly tackling climate change, with a total budget of €67.8 million.
Nell'ambito di questo componente la Commissione sosterrà con oltre 31,4 milioni di EUR 23 progetti sui cambiamenti climatici per un investimento totale di 67,8 milioni di EUR.
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In addition, many other projects focussing on other issues will also have an indirect impact on greenhouse emissions.
Inoltre, molti altri progetti che trattano temi diversi eserciteranno anche un impatto indiretto sulle emissioni di gas a effetto serra.
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Waste and water are two other important areas of focus with respectively, 29 projects and 19 projects selected.
Altri due importanti settori di interesse con rispettivamente 29 e 19 progetti sono i rifiuti e l'acqua.
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LIFE+ Information and Communication projects disseminate information and raise the profile of environmental issues and provide training and awareness-raising for the prevention of forest fires.
I progetti LIFE+ Informazione e comunicazione divulgano informazioni e mettono in rilievo le questioni ambientali, oltre a promuovere la formazione e la sensibilizzazione sulla prevenzione degli incendi boschivi.
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Of the 203 proposals received, the Commission selected for funding 13 projects from a range of public and private sector nature and/or environment organisations.
Tra le 203 proposte ricevute, la Commissione ha scelto 13 progetti presentati da una serie di organizzazioni del settore pubblico e privato che si occupano di natura e/o dell’ambiente.
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The projects are based in nine Member States and represent a total investment of €16.2 million, of which the EU will provide some €7.2 million.
I progetti in questione, coordinati in nove diversi Stati membri, rappresentano un investimento globale di 16,2 milioni di EUR, al quale l’UE contribuirà con circa 7,2 milioni di EUR.
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LIFE+ is the European financial instrument for the environment and has a total budget of €2.143 billion for the period 2007-2013.
LIFE+ è lo strumento finanziario europeo dedicato all’ambiente con una dotazione pari a 2,143 miliardi di EUR per il periodo 2007-2013.
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The Commission launches one call for LIFE+ project proposals per year.
La Commissione pubblica ogni anno un invito a presentare proposte di progetti LIFE+.
Environment: €268.4 million for 202 new environment projects
The European Commission has approved funding for 202 new projects under the
LIFE+ programme, the European Union's environment fund.
The projects cover actions in the fields of nature conservation,
environmental policy, climate change and information and communication on
environmental issues.
They represent a total investment of some €516.5 million, of which the EU
will provide €268.4 million.
Environment Commissioner Janez Potočnik said:
"In this 20th anniversary year of the LIFE programme and the Habitats
Directive, I’m delighted to announce the continuing support for high quality
environmental projects across the EU.
These latest LIFE+ projects continue a trend, started two decades ago, for
innovative and best-practice actions furthering nature conservation, improving
the environment and tackling climate change."
The Commission received 1 078 applications from the 27 EU Member States in
response to its latest call for proposals, which closed in July 2011.
Of these, 202 were selected for co-funding through the programme’s three
LIFE+ Nature and Biodiversity, LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance
and LIFE+ Information and Communication.
The selected projects are highlighted in the annex to this press release (see
LIFE+ Nature & Biodiversity projects improve the conservation status of
endangered species and habitats.
Of the 268 proposals received, the Commission selected 76 projects for
funding from partnerships of conservation bodies, government authorities and
other parties.
Situated in 22 Member States, they represent a total investment of €241.8
million, of which the EU will provide €136 million.
71 are Nature projects, contributing to the implementation of the Birds
and/or Habitats Directives and Natura 2000.
The other five tackle wider biodiversity issues.
LIFE+ Environment Policy & Governance projects are pilot projects that
contribute to the development of innovative policy ideas, technologies, methods
and instruments.
Of the 607 proposals received, the Commission selected 113 projects for
funding from a wide range of public and private sector organisations.
The winning projects represent a total investment of €258.4 million, of which
the EU will provide some €124.4 million.
Under this component, the Commission will contribute more than €31.4 million
to 23 projects directly tackling climate change, with a total budget of €67.8
In addition, many other projects focussing on other issues will also have an
indirect impact on greenhouse emissions.
Waste and water are two other important areas of focus with respectively, 29
projects and 19 projects selected.
LIFE+ Information and Communication projects disseminate information
and raise the profile of environmental issues and provide training and
awareness-raising for the prevention of forest fires.
Of the 203 proposals received, the Commission selected for funding 13
projects from a range of public and private sector nature and/or environment
The projects are based in nine Member States and represent a total investment
of €16.2 million, of which the EU will provide some €7.2 million.
LIFE+ is the European financial instrument for the environment and has a
total budget of €2.143 billion for the period 2007-2013.
The Commission launches one call for LIFE+ project proposals per year.